#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "sway/extensions.h" #include "sway/layout.h" #include "sway/config.h" #include "sway/handlers.h" #include "sway/input.h" #include "sway/ipc-server.h" #include "ipc-client.h" #include "readline.h" #include "stringop.h" #include "sway.h" #include "log.h" static bool terminate_request = false; static int exit_value = 0; void sway_terminate(int exit_code) { terminate_request = true; exit_value = exit_code; wlc_terminate(); } void sig_handler(int signal) { close_views(&root_container); sway_terminate(EXIT_SUCCESS); } static void wlc_log_handler(enum wlc_log_type type, const char *str) { if (type == WLC_LOG_ERROR) { sway_log(L_ERROR, "[wlc] %s", str); } else if (type == WLC_LOG_WARN) { sway_log(L_INFO, "[wlc] %s", str); } else { sway_log(L_DEBUG, "[wlc] %s", str); } } void detect_proprietary() { FILE *f = fopen("/proc/modules", "r"); if (!f) { return; } while (!feof(f)) { char *line = read_line(f); if (strstr(line, "nvidia")) { fprintf(stderr, "\x1B[1;31mWarning: Proprietary nvidia drivers do NOT support Wayland. Use nouveau.\x1B[0m\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\x1B[1;31mYes, they STILL don't work with the newly announced wayland \"support\".\x1B[0m\n"); free(line); break; } if (strstr(line, "fglrx")) { fprintf(stderr, "\x1B[1;31mWarning: Proprietary AMD drivers do NOT support Wayland. Use radeon.\x1B[0m\n"); free(line); break; } free(line); } fclose(f); } void run_as_ipc_client(char *command, char *socket_path) { int socketfd = ipc_open_socket(socket_path); uint32_t len = strlen(command); char *resp = ipc_single_command(socketfd, IPC_COMMAND, command, &len); printf("%s\n", resp); close(socketfd); } static void log_env() { const char *log_vars[] = { "PATH", "LD_LOAD_PATH", "LD_PRELOAD_PATH", "LD_LIBRARY_PATH", "SWAY_CURSOR_THEME", "SWAY_CURSOR_SIZE", "SWAYSOCK", "WLC_DRM_DEVICE", "WLC_SHM", "WLC_OUTPUTS", "WLC_XWAYLAND", "WLC_LIBINPUT", "WLC_REPEAT_DELAY", "WLC_REPEAT_RATE", "XKB_DEFAULT_RULES", "XKB_DEFAULT_MODEL", "XKB_DEFAULT_LAYOUT", "XKB_DEFAULT_VARIANT", "XKB_DEFAULT_OPTIONS", }; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(log_vars) / sizeof(char *); ++i) { sway_log(L_INFO, "%s=%s", log_vars[i], getenv(log_vars[i])); } } static void log_distro() { const char *paths[] = { "/etc/lsb-release", "/etc/os-release", "/etc/debian_version", "/etc/redhat-release", "/etc/gentoo-release", }; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(paths) / sizeof(char *); ++i) { FILE *f = fopen(paths[i], "r"); if (f) { sway_log(L_INFO, "Contents of %s:", paths[i]); while (!feof(f)) { char *line = read_line(f); if (*line) { sway_log(L_INFO, "%s", line); } free(line); } fclose(f); } } } static void log_kernel() { FILE *f = popen("uname -a", "r"); if (!f) { sway_log(L_INFO, "Unable to determine kernel version"); return; } while (!feof(f)) { char *line = read_line(f); if (*line) { sway_log(L_INFO, "%s", line); } free(line); } fclose(f); } static void security_sanity_check() { // TODO: Notify users visually if this has issues struct stat s = {0}; if (stat("/proc", &s)) { sway_log(L_ERROR, "!! DANGER !! /proc is not available - sway CANNOT enforce security rules!"); } if (!stat(SYSCONFDIR "/sway", &s)) { if (s.st_uid != 0 || s.st_gid != 0 || s.st_mode != 00755) { sway_log(L_ERROR, "!! DANGER !! " SYSCONFDIR "/sway is not secure! It should be owned by root and set to 0755"); } } // TODO: check that these command policies are set // reload bindsym // restart bindsym // permit config // reject config // ipc config } int main(int argc, char **argv) { static int verbose = 0, debug = 0, validate = 0; static struct option long_options[] = { {"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'}, {"config", required_argument, NULL, 'c'}, {"validate", no_argument, NULL, 'C'}, {"debug", no_argument, NULL, 'd'}, {"version", no_argument, NULL, 'v'}, {"verbose", no_argument, NULL, 'V'}, {"get-socketpath", no_argument, NULL, 'p'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; char *config_path = NULL; const char* usage = "Usage: sway [options] [command]\n" "\n" " -h, --help Show help message and quit.\n" " -c, --config Specify a config file.\n" " -C, --validate Check the validity of the config file, then exit.\n" " -d, --debug Enables full logging, including debug information.\n" " -v, --version Show the version number and quit.\n" " -V, --verbose Enables more verbose logging.\n" " --get-socketpath Gets the IPC socket path and prints it, then exits.\n" "\n"; int c; while (1) { int option_index = 0; c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hCdvVc:", long_options, &option_index); if (c == -1) { break; } switch (c) { case 'h': // help fprintf(stdout, "%s", usage); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); break; case 'c': // config config_path = strdup(optarg); break; case 'C': // validate validate = 1; break; case 'd': // debug debug = 1; break; case 'v': // version #if defined SWAY_GIT_VERSION && defined SWAY_GIT_BRANCH && defined SWAY_VERSION_DATE fprintf(stdout, "sway version %s (%s, branch \"%s\")\n", SWAY_GIT_VERSION, SWAY_VERSION_DATE, SWAY_GIT_BRANCH); #else fprintf(stdout, "version not detected\n"); #endif exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); break; case 'V': // verbose verbose = 1; break; case 'p': ; // --get-socketpath if (getenv("SWAYSOCK")) { fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", getenv("SWAYSOCK")); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } else { fprintf(stderr, "sway socket not detected.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } break; default: fprintf(stderr, "%s", usage); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (optind < argc) { // Behave as IPC client if(optind != 1) { sway_log(L_ERROR, "Don't use options with the IPC client"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (getuid() != geteuid() || getgid() != getegid()) { if (setgid(getgid()) != 0) { sway_log(L_ERROR, "Unable to drop root"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (setuid(getuid()) != 0) { sway_log(L_ERROR, "Unable to drop root"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (setuid(0) != -1) { sway_log(L_ERROR, "Root privileges can be restored."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } char *socket_path = getenv("SWAYSOCK"); if (!socket_path) { sway_log(L_ERROR, "Unable to retrieve socket path"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } char *command = join_args(argv + optind, argc - optind); run_as_ipc_client(command, socket_path); return 0; } // we need to setup logging before wlc_init in case it fails. if (debug) { init_log(L_DEBUG); } else if (verbose || validate) { init_log(L_INFO); } else { init_log(L_ERROR); } wlc_log_set_handler(wlc_log_handler); detect_proprietary(); security_sanity_check(); input_devices = create_list(); /* Changing code earlier than this point requires detailed review */ /* (That code runs as root on systems without logind, and wlc_init drops to * another user.) */ register_wlc_handlers(); if (!wlc_init()) { return 1; } register_extensions(); // handle SIGTERM signals signal(SIGTERM, sig_handler); // prevent ipc from crashing sway signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); #if defined SWAY_GIT_VERSION && defined SWAY_GIT_BRANCH && defined SWAY_VERSION_DATE sway_log(L_INFO, "Starting sway version %s (%s, branch \"%s\")\n", SWAY_GIT_VERSION, SWAY_VERSION_DATE, SWAY_GIT_BRANCH); #endif log_kernel(); log_distro(); log_env(); init_layout(); ipc_init(); if (validate) { bool valid = load_main_config(config_path, false); return valid ? 0 : 1; } if (!load_main_config(config_path, false)) { sway_terminate(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (config_path) { free(config_path); } if (!terminate_request) { wlc_run(); } list_free(input_devices); ipc_terminate(); if (config) { free_config(config); } return exit_value; }