#ifndef _SWAY_CONFIG_H #define _SWAY_CONFIG_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../include/config.h" #include "list.h" #include "swaynag.h" #include "tree/container.h" #include "sway/tree/root.h" #include "wlr-layer-shell-unstable-v1-protocol.h" // TODO: Refactor this shit /** * Describes a variable created via the `set` command. */ struct sway_variable { char *name; char *value; }; enum binding_input_type { BINDING_KEYCODE, BINDING_KEYSYM, BINDING_MOUSECODE, BINDING_MOUSESYM, BINDING_SWITCH }; enum binding_flags { BINDING_RELEASE=1, BINDING_LOCKED=2, // keyboard only BINDING_BORDER=4, // mouse only; trigger on container border BINDING_CONTENTS=8, // mouse only; trigger on container contents BINDING_TITLEBAR=16, // mouse only; trigger on container titlebar BINDING_CODE=32, // keyboard only; convert keysyms into keycodes BINDING_RELOAD=62, // switch only; (re)trigger binding on reload }; /** * A key binding and an associated command. */ struct sway_binding { enum binding_input_type type; int order; char *input; uint32_t flags; list_t *keys; // sorted in ascending order list_t *syms; // sorted in ascending order; NULL if BINDING_CODE is not set uint32_t modifiers; xkb_layout_index_t group; char *command; }; /** * A mouse binding and an associated command. */ struct sway_mouse_binding { uint32_t button; char *command; }; /** * A laptop switch binding and an associated command. */ struct sway_switch_binding { enum wlr_switch_type type; enum wlr_switch_state state; uint32_t flags; char *command; }; /** * Focus on window activation. */ enum sway_fowa { FOWA_SMART, FOWA_URGENT, FOWA_FOCUS, FOWA_NONE, }; /** * A "mode" of keybindings created via the `mode` command. */ struct sway_mode { char *name; list_t *keysym_bindings; list_t *keycode_bindings; list_t *mouse_bindings; list_t *switch_bindings; bool pango; }; struct input_config_mapped_from_region { double x1, y1; double x2, y2; bool mm; }; struct calibration_matrix { bool configured; float matrix[6]; }; enum input_config_mapped_to { MAPPED_TO_DEFAULT, MAPPED_TO_OUTPUT, MAPPED_TO_REGION }; /** * options for input devices */ struct input_config { char *identifier; const char *input_type; int accel_profile; struct calibration_matrix calibration_matrix; int click_method; int drag; int drag_lock; int dwt; int left_handed; int middle_emulation; int natural_scroll; float pointer_accel; float scroll_factor; int repeat_delay; int repeat_rate; int scroll_button; int scroll_method; int send_events; int tap; int tap_button_map; char *xkb_layout; char *xkb_model; char *xkb_options; char *xkb_rules; char *xkb_variant; char *xkb_file; bool xkb_file_is_set; int xkb_numlock; int xkb_capslock; struct input_config_mapped_from_region *mapped_from_region; enum input_config_mapped_to mapped_to; char *mapped_to_output; struct wlr_box *mapped_to_region; bool capturable; struct wlr_box region; }; /** * Options for misc device configurations that happen in the seat block */ struct seat_attachment_config { char *identifier; // TODO other things are configured here for some reason }; enum seat_config_allow_constrain { CONSTRAIN_DEFAULT, // the default is currently enabled CONSTRAIN_ENABLE, CONSTRAIN_DISABLE }; enum seat_keyboard_grouping { KEYBOARD_GROUP_DEFAULT, // the default is currently smart KEYBOARD_GROUP_NONE, KEYBOARD_GROUP_SMART // keymap and repeat info }; enum sway_input_idle_source { IDLE_SOURCE_KEYBOARD = 1 << 0, IDLE_SOURCE_POINTER = 1 << 1, IDLE_SOURCE_TOUCH = 1 << 2, IDLE_SOURCE_TABLET_PAD = 1 << 3, IDLE_SOURCE_TABLET_TOOL = 1 << 4, IDLE_SOURCE_SWITCH = 1 << 5, }; /** * Options for multiseat and other misc device configurations */ struct seat_config { char *name; int fallback; // -1 means not set list_t *attachments; // list of seat_attachment configs int hide_cursor_timeout; enum seat_config_allow_constrain allow_constrain; enum seat_keyboard_grouping keyboard_grouping; uint32_t idle_inhibit_sources, idle_wake_sources; struct { char *name; int size; } xcursor_theme; }; enum config_dpms { DPMS_IGNORE, DPMS_ON, DPMS_OFF }; enum scale_filter_mode { SCALE_FILTER_DEFAULT, // the default is currently smart SCALE_FILTER_LINEAR, SCALE_FILTER_NEAREST, SCALE_FILTER_SMART }; /** * Size and position configuration for a particular output. * * This is set via the `output` command. */ struct output_config { char *name; int enabled; int width, height; float refresh_rate; int custom_mode; int x, y; float scale; enum scale_filter_mode scale_filter; int32_t transform; enum wl_output_subpixel subpixel; int max_render_time; // In milliseconds int adaptive_sync; char *background; char *background_option; char *background_fallback; enum config_dpms dpms_state; }; /** * Stores size of gaps for each side */ struct side_gaps { int top; int right; int bottom; int left; }; /** * Stores configuration for a workspace, regardless of whether the workspace * exists. */ struct workspace_config { char *workspace; list_t *outputs; int gaps_inner; struct side_gaps gaps_outer; }; struct bar_config { char *swaybar_command; struct wl_client *client; struct wl_listener client_destroy; /** * One of "dock", "hide", "invisible" * * Always visible in dock mode. Visible only when modifier key is held in hide mode. * Never visible in invisible mode. */ char *mode; /** * One of "show" or "hide". * * In "show" mode, it will always be shown on top of the active workspace. */ char *hidden_state; bool visible_by_modifier; // only relevant in "hide" mode /** * Id name used to identify the bar through IPC. * * Defaults to bar-x, where x corresponds to the position of the * embedding bar block in the config file (bar-0, bar-1, ...). */ char *id; uint32_t modifier; list_t *outputs; char *position; list_t *bindings; char *status_command; bool pango_markup; char *font; int height; // -1 not defined bool workspace_buttons; bool wrap_scroll; char *separator_symbol; bool strip_workspace_numbers; bool strip_workspace_name; bool binding_mode_indicator; bool verbose; struct side_gaps gaps; int status_padding; int status_edge_padding; struct { char *background; char *statusline; char *separator; char *focused_background; char *focused_statusline; char *focused_separator; char *focused_workspace_border; char *focused_workspace_bg; char *focused_workspace_text; char *active_workspace_border; char *active_workspace_bg; char *active_workspace_text; char *inactive_workspace_border; char *inactive_workspace_bg; char *inactive_workspace_text; char *urgent_workspace_border; char *urgent_workspace_bg; char *urgent_workspace_text; char *binding_mode_border; char *binding_mode_bg; char *binding_mode_text; } colors; #if HAVE_TRAY char *icon_theme; struct wl_list tray_bindings; // struct tray_binding::link list_t *tray_outputs; // char * int tray_padding; #endif }; struct bar_binding { uint32_t button; bool release; char *command; }; #if HAVE_TRAY struct tray_binding { uint32_t button; const char *command; struct wl_list link; // struct tray_binding::link }; #endif struct border_colors { float border[4]; float background[4]; float text[4]; float indicator[4]; float child_border[4]; }; enum edge_border_types { E_NONE, /**< Don't hide edge borders */ E_VERTICAL, /**< hide vertical edge borders */ E_HORIZONTAL, /**< hide horizontal edge borders */ E_BOTH, /**< hide vertical and horizontal edge borders */ }; enum edge_border_smart_types { ESMART_OFF, ESMART_ON, /**< hide edges if precisely one window is present in workspace */ ESMART_NO_GAPS, /**< hide edges if one window and gaps to edge is zero */ }; enum sway_popup_during_fullscreen { POPUP_SMART, POPUP_IGNORE, POPUP_LEAVE, }; enum command_context { CONTEXT_CONFIG = 1, CONTEXT_BINDING = 2, CONTEXT_IPC = 4, CONTEXT_CRITERIA = 8, CONTEXT_ALL = 0xFFFFFFFF, }; struct command_policy { char *command; uint32_t context; }; enum secure_feature { FEATURE_LOCK = 1, FEATURE_PANEL = 2, FEATURE_BACKGROUND = 4, FEATURE_SCREENSHOT = 8, FEATURE_FULLSCREEN = 16, FEATURE_KEYBOARD = 32, FEATURE_MOUSE = 64, }; struct feature_policy { char *program; uint32_t features; }; enum ipc_feature { IPC_FEATURE_COMMAND = 1, IPC_FEATURE_GET_WORKSPACES = 2, IPC_FEATURE_GET_OUTPUTS = 4, IPC_FEATURE_GET_TREE = 8, IPC_FEATURE_GET_MARKS = 16, IPC_FEATURE_GET_BAR_CONFIG = 32, IPC_FEATURE_GET_VERSION = 64, IPC_FEATURE_GET_INPUTS = 128, IPC_FEATURE_EVENT_WORKSPACE = 256, IPC_FEATURE_EVENT_OUTPUT = 512, IPC_FEATURE_EVENT_MODE = 1024, IPC_FEATURE_EVENT_WINDOW = 2048, IPC_FEATURE_EVENT_BINDING = 4096, IPC_FEATURE_EVENT_INPUT = 8192, IPC_FEATURE_GET_SEATS = 16384, IPC_FEATURE_ALL_COMMANDS = 1 | 2 | 4 | 8 | 16 | 32 | 64 | 128 | 16384, IPC_FEATURE_ALL_EVENTS = 256 | 512 | 1024 | 2048 | 4096 | 8192, IPC_FEATURE_ALL = IPC_FEATURE_ALL_COMMANDS | IPC_FEATURE_ALL_EVENTS, }; struct ipc_policy { char *program; uint32_t features; }; enum focus_follows_mouse_mode { FOLLOWS_NO, FOLLOWS_YES, FOLLOWS_ALWAYS }; enum focus_wrapping_mode { WRAP_NO, WRAP_YES, WRAP_FORCE, WRAP_WORKSPACE }; enum mouse_warping_mode { WARP_NO, WARP_OUTPUT, WARP_CONTAINER }; enum alignment { ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_CENTER, ALIGN_RIGHT }; enum xwayland_mode { XWAYLAND_MODE_DISABLED, XWAYLAND_MODE_LAZY, XWAYLAND_MODE_IMMEDIATE }; /** * The configuration struct. The result of loading a config file. */ struct sway_config { char *swaynag_command; struct swaynag_instance swaynag_config_errors; list_t *symbols; list_t *modes; list_t *bars; list_t *cmd_queue; list_t *workspace_configs; list_t *output_configs; list_t *input_configs; list_t *input_type_configs; list_t *seat_configs; list_t *criteria; list_t *no_focus; list_t *active_bar_modifiers; struct sway_mode *current_mode; struct bar_config *current_bar; uint32_t floating_mod; bool floating_mod_inverse; uint32_t dragging_key; uint32_t resizing_key; char *floating_scroll_up_cmd; char *floating_scroll_down_cmd; char *floating_scroll_left_cmd; char *floating_scroll_right_cmd; enum sway_container_layout default_orientation; enum sway_container_layout default_layout; char *font; size_t font_height; size_t font_baseline; bool pango_markup; int titlebar_border_thickness; int titlebar_h_padding; int titlebar_v_padding; size_t urgent_timeout; enum sway_fowa focus_on_window_activation; enum sway_popup_during_fullscreen popup_during_fullscreen; enum xwayland_mode xwayland; // swaybg char *swaybg_command; struct wl_client *swaybg_client; struct wl_listener swaybg_client_destroy; // Flags enum focus_follows_mouse_mode focus_follows_mouse; enum mouse_warping_mode mouse_warping; enum focus_wrapping_mode focus_wrapping; bool active; bool failed; bool reloading; bool reading; bool validating; bool auto_back_and_forth; bool show_marks; enum alignment title_align; bool tiling_drag; int tiling_drag_threshold; bool smart_gaps; int gaps_inner; struct side_gaps gaps_outer; list_t *config_chain; const char *current_config_path; const char *current_config; int current_config_line_number; char *current_config_line; enum sway_container_border border; enum sway_container_border floating_border; int border_thickness; int floating_border_thickness; enum edge_border_types hide_edge_borders; enum edge_border_smart_types hide_edge_borders_smart; bool hide_lone_tab; // border colors struct { struct border_colors focused; struct border_colors focused_inactive; struct border_colors unfocused; struct border_colors urgent; struct border_colors placeholder; float background[4]; } border_colors; // floating view int32_t floating_maximum_width; int32_t floating_maximum_height; int32_t floating_minimum_width; int32_t floating_minimum_height; // Security list_t *command_policies; list_t *feature_policies; list_t *ipc_policies; // The keysym to keycode translation struct xkb_state *keysym_translation_state; // Context for command handlers struct { struct input_config *input_config; struct output_config *output_config; struct seat_config *seat_config; struct sway_seat *seat; struct sway_node *node; struct sway_container *container; struct sway_workspace *workspace; bool using_criteria; struct { int argc; char **argv; } leftovers; } handler_context; }; /** * Loads the main config from the given path. is_active should be true when * reloading the config. */ bool load_main_config(const char *path, bool is_active, bool validating); /** * Loads an included config. Can only be used after load_main_config. */ void load_include_configs(const char *path, struct sway_config *config, struct swaynag_instance *swaynag); /** * Reads the config from the given FILE. */ bool read_config(FILE *file, struct sway_config *config, struct swaynag_instance *swaynag); /** * Run the commands that were deferred when reading the config file. */ void run_deferred_commands(void); /** * Run the binding commands that were deferred when initializing the inputs */ void run_deferred_bindings(void); /** * Adds a warning entry to the swaynag instance used for errors. */ void config_add_swaynag_warning(char *fmt, ...); /** * Free config struct */ void free_config(struct sway_config *config); void free_sway_variable(struct sway_variable *var); /** * Does variable replacement for a string based on the config's currently loaded variables. */ char *do_var_replacement(char *str); int input_identifier_cmp(const void *item, const void *data); struct input_config *new_input_config(const char* identifier); void merge_input_config(struct input_config *dst, struct input_config *src); struct input_config *store_input_config(struct input_config *ic, char **error); void input_config_fill_rule_names(struct input_config *ic, struct xkb_rule_names *rules); void free_input_config(struct input_config *ic); int seat_name_cmp(const void *item, const void *data); struct seat_config *new_seat_config(const char* name); void merge_seat_config(struct seat_config *dst, struct seat_config *src); struct seat_config *copy_seat_config(struct seat_config *seat); void free_seat_config(struct seat_config *ic); struct seat_attachment_config *seat_attachment_config_new(void); struct seat_attachment_config *seat_config_get_attachment( struct seat_config *seat_config, char *identifier); struct seat_config *store_seat_config(struct seat_config *seat); int output_name_cmp(const void *item, const void *data); void output_get_identifier(char *identifier, size_t len, struct sway_output *output); const char *sway_output_scale_filter_to_string(enum scale_filter_mode scale_filter); struct output_config *new_output_config(const char *name); void merge_output_config(struct output_config *dst, struct output_config *src); bool apply_output_config(struct output_config *oc, struct sway_output *output); struct output_config *store_output_config(struct output_config *oc); struct output_config *find_output_config(struct sway_output *output); void apply_output_config_to_outputs(struct output_config *oc); void reset_outputs(void); void free_output_config(struct output_config *oc); bool spawn_swaybg(void); int workspace_output_cmp_workspace(const void *a, const void *b); void free_sway_binding(struct sway_binding *sb); void free_switch_binding(struct sway_switch_binding *binding); void seat_execute_command(struct sway_seat *seat, struct sway_binding *binding); void load_swaybar(struct bar_config *bar); void load_swaybars(void); struct bar_config *default_bar_config(void); void free_bar_config(struct bar_config *bar); void free_bar_binding(struct bar_binding *binding); void free_workspace_config(struct workspace_config *wsc); /** * Updates the value of config->font_height based on the max title height * reported by each container. If recalculate is true, the containers will * recalculate their heights before reporting. * * If the height has changed, all containers will be rearranged to take on the * new size. */ void config_update_font_height(bool recalculate); /** * Convert bindsym into bindcode using the first configured layout. * Return false in case the conversion is unsuccessful. */ bool translate_binding(struct sway_binding *binding); void translate_keysyms(struct input_config *input_config); void binding_add_translated(struct sway_binding *binding, list_t *bindings); /* Global config singleton. */ extern struct sway_config *config; #endif