#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L #include <limits.h> #include <wlr/types/wlr_cursor.h> #include <wlr/util/edges.h> #include "sway/desktop.h" #include "sway/input/cursor.h" #include "sway/input/seat.h" #include "sway/ipc-server.h" #include "sway/output.h" #include "sway/tree/arrange.h" #include "sway/tree/node.h" #include "sway/tree/view.h" #include "sway/tree/workspace.h" // Thickness of the dropzone when dragging to the edge of a layout container #define DROP_LAYOUT_BORDER 30 struct seatop_move_tiling_event { struct sway_container *con; struct sway_node *target_node; enum wlr_edges target_edge; struct wlr_box drop_box; double ref_lx, ref_ly; // cursor's x/y at start of op bool threshold_reached; }; static void handle_render(struct sway_seat *seat, struct sway_output *output, pixman_region32_t *damage) { struct seatop_move_tiling_event *e = seat->seatop_data; if (!e->threshold_reached) { return; } if (e->target_node && node_get_output(e->target_node) == output) { float color[4]; memcpy(&color, config->border_colors.focused.indicator, sizeof(float) * 4); premultiply_alpha(color, 0.5); struct wlr_box box; memcpy(&box, &e->drop_box, sizeof(struct wlr_box)); scale_box(&box, output->wlr_output->scale); render_rect(output, damage, &box, color); } } static void handle_motion_prethreshold(struct sway_seat *seat) { struct seatop_move_tiling_event *e = seat->seatop_data; double cx = seat->cursor->cursor->x; double cy = seat->cursor->cursor->y; double sx = e->ref_lx; double sy = e->ref_ly; // Get the scaled threshold for the output. Even if the operation goes // across multiple outputs of varying scales, just use the scale for the // output that the cursor is currently on for simplicity. struct wlr_output *wlr_output = wlr_output_layout_output_at( root->output_layout, cx, cy); double output_scale = wlr_output ? wlr_output->scale : 1; double threshold = config->tiling_drag_threshold * output_scale; threshold *= threshold; // If the threshold has been exceeded, start the actual drag if ((cx - sx) * (cx - sx) + (cy - sy) * (cy - sy) > threshold) { e->threshold_reached = true; cursor_set_image(seat->cursor, "grab", NULL); } } static void resize_box(struct wlr_box *box, enum wlr_edges edge, int thickness) { switch (edge) { case WLR_EDGE_TOP: box->height = thickness; break; case WLR_EDGE_LEFT: box->width = thickness; break; case WLR_EDGE_RIGHT: box->x = box->x + box->width - thickness; box->width = thickness; break; case WLR_EDGE_BOTTOM: box->y = box->y + box->height - thickness; box->height = thickness; break; case WLR_EDGE_NONE: box->x += thickness; box->y += thickness; box->width -= thickness * 2; box->height -= thickness * 2; break; } } static void handle_motion_postthreshold(struct sway_seat *seat) { struct seatop_move_tiling_event *e = seat->seatop_data; struct wlr_surface *surface = NULL; double sx, sy; struct sway_cursor *cursor = seat->cursor; struct sway_node *node = node_at_coords(seat, cursor->cursor->x, cursor->cursor->y, &surface, &sx, &sy); // Damage the old location desktop_damage_box(&e->drop_box); if (!node) { // Eg. hovered over a layer surface such as swaybar e->target_node = NULL; e->target_edge = WLR_EDGE_NONE; return; } if (node->type == N_WORKSPACE) { // Empty workspace e->target_node = node; e->target_edge = WLR_EDGE_NONE; workspace_get_box(node->sway_workspace, &e->drop_box); desktop_damage_box(&e->drop_box); return; } // Deny moving within own workspace if this is the only child struct sway_container *con = node->sway_container; if (workspace_num_tiling_views(e->con->workspace) == 1 && con->workspace == e->con->workspace) { e->target_node = NULL; e->target_edge = WLR_EDGE_NONE; return; } // Traverse the ancestors, trying to find a layout container perpendicular // to the edge. Eg. close to the top or bottom of a horiz layout. while (con) { enum wlr_edges edge = WLR_EDGE_NONE; enum sway_container_layout layout = container_parent_layout(con); struct wlr_box parent; con->parent ? container_get_box(con->parent, &parent) : workspace_get_box(con->workspace, &parent); if (layout == L_HORIZ || layout == L_TABBED) { if (cursor->cursor->y < parent.y + DROP_LAYOUT_BORDER) { edge = WLR_EDGE_TOP; } else if (cursor->cursor->y > parent.y + parent.height - DROP_LAYOUT_BORDER) { edge = WLR_EDGE_BOTTOM; } } else if (layout == L_VERT || layout == L_STACKED) { if (cursor->cursor->x < parent.x + DROP_LAYOUT_BORDER) { edge = WLR_EDGE_LEFT; } else if (cursor->cursor->x > parent.x + parent.width - DROP_LAYOUT_BORDER) { edge = WLR_EDGE_RIGHT; } } if (edge) { e->target_node = node_get_parent(&con->node); if (e->target_node == &e->con->node) { e->target_node = node_get_parent(e->target_node); } e->target_edge = edge; node_get_box(e->target_node, &e->drop_box); resize_box(&e->drop_box, edge, DROP_LAYOUT_BORDER); desktop_damage_box(&e->drop_box); return; } con = con->parent; } // Use the hovered view - but we must be over the actual surface con = node->sway_container; if (!con->view || !con->view->surface || node == &e->con->node || node_has_ancestor(node, &e->con->node)) { e->target_node = NULL; e->target_edge = WLR_EDGE_NONE; return; } // Find the closest edge size_t thickness = fmin(con->content_width, con->content_height) * 0.3; size_t closest_dist = INT_MAX; size_t dist; e->target_edge = WLR_EDGE_NONE; if ((dist = cursor->cursor->y - con->y) < closest_dist) { closest_dist = dist; e->target_edge = WLR_EDGE_TOP; } if ((dist = cursor->cursor->x - con->x) < closest_dist) { closest_dist = dist; e->target_edge = WLR_EDGE_LEFT; } if ((dist = con->x + con->width - cursor->cursor->x) < closest_dist) { closest_dist = dist; e->target_edge = WLR_EDGE_RIGHT; } if ((dist = con->y + con->height - cursor->cursor->y) < closest_dist) { closest_dist = dist; e->target_edge = WLR_EDGE_BOTTOM; } if (closest_dist > thickness) { e->target_edge = WLR_EDGE_NONE; } e->target_node = node; e->drop_box.x = con->content_x; e->drop_box.y = con->content_y; e->drop_box.width = con->content_width; e->drop_box.height = con->content_height; resize_box(&e->drop_box, e->target_edge, thickness); desktop_damage_box(&e->drop_box); } static void handle_pointer_motion(struct sway_seat *seat, uint32_t time_msec) { struct seatop_move_tiling_event *e = seat->seatop_data; if (e->threshold_reached) { handle_motion_postthreshold(seat); } else { handle_motion_prethreshold(seat); } } static bool is_parallel(enum sway_container_layout layout, enum wlr_edges edge) { bool layout_is_horiz = layout == L_HORIZ || layout == L_TABBED; bool edge_is_horiz = edge == WLR_EDGE_LEFT || edge == WLR_EDGE_RIGHT; return layout_is_horiz == edge_is_horiz; } static void finalize_move(struct sway_seat *seat) { struct seatop_move_tiling_event *e = seat->seatop_data; if (!e->target_node) { seatop_begin_default(seat); return; } struct sway_container *con = e->con; struct sway_container *old_parent = con->parent; struct sway_workspace *old_ws = con->workspace; struct sway_node *target_node = e->target_node; struct sway_workspace *new_ws = target_node->type == N_WORKSPACE ? target_node->sway_workspace : target_node->sway_container->workspace; enum wlr_edges edge = e->target_edge; int after = edge != WLR_EDGE_TOP && edge != WLR_EDGE_LEFT; bool swap = edge == WLR_EDGE_NONE && target_node->type == N_CONTAINER; if (!swap) { container_detach(con); } // Moving container into empty workspace if (target_node->type == N_WORKSPACE && edge == WLR_EDGE_NONE) { con = workspace_add_tiling(new_ws, con); } else if (target_node->type == N_CONTAINER) { // Moving container before/after another struct sway_container *target = target_node->sway_container; if (swap) { container_swap(target_node->sway_container, con); } else { enum sway_container_layout layout = container_parent_layout(target); if (edge && !is_parallel(layout, edge)) { enum sway_container_layout new_layout = edge == WLR_EDGE_TOP || edge == WLR_EDGE_BOTTOM ? L_VERT : L_HORIZ; container_split(target, new_layout); } container_add_sibling(target, con, after); ipc_event_window(con, "move"); } } else { // Target is a workspace which requires splitting enum sway_container_layout new_layout = edge == WLR_EDGE_TOP || edge == WLR_EDGE_BOTTOM ? L_VERT : L_HORIZ; workspace_split(new_ws, new_layout); workspace_insert_tiling(new_ws, con, after); } if (old_parent) { container_reap_empty(old_parent); } // This is a bit dirty, but we'll set the dimensions to that of a sibling. // I don't think there's any other way to make it consistent without // changing how we auto-size containers. list_t *siblings = container_get_siblings(con); if (siblings->length > 1) { int index = list_find(siblings, con); struct sway_container *sibling = index == 0 ? siblings->items[1] : siblings->items[index - 1]; con->width = sibling->width; con->height = sibling->height; con->width_fraction = sibling->width_fraction; con->height_fraction = sibling->height_fraction; } arrange_workspace(old_ws); if (new_ws != old_ws) { arrange_workspace(new_ws); } seatop_begin_default(seat); } static void handle_button(struct sway_seat *seat, uint32_t time_msec, struct wlr_input_device *device, uint32_t button, enum wlr_button_state state) { if (seat->cursor->pressed_button_count == 0) { finalize_move(seat); } } static void handle_tablet_tool_tip(struct sway_seat *seat, struct sway_tablet_tool *tool, uint32_t time_msec, enum wlr_tablet_tool_tip_state state) { if (state == WLR_TABLET_TOOL_TIP_UP) { finalize_move(seat); } } static void handle_unref(struct sway_seat *seat, struct sway_container *con) { struct seatop_move_tiling_event *e = seat->seatop_data; if (e->target_node == &con->node) { // Drop target e->target_node = NULL; } if (e->con == con) { // The container being moved seatop_begin_default(seat); } } static const struct sway_seatop_impl seatop_impl = { .button = handle_button, .pointer_motion = handle_pointer_motion, .tablet_tool_tip = handle_tablet_tool_tip, .unref = handle_unref, .render = handle_render, }; void seatop_begin_move_tiling_threshold(struct sway_seat *seat, struct sway_container *con) { seatop_end(seat); struct seatop_move_tiling_event *e = calloc(1, sizeof(struct seatop_move_tiling_event)); if (!e) { return; } e->con = con; e->ref_lx = seat->cursor->cursor->x; e->ref_ly = seat->cursor->cursor->y; seat->seatop_impl = &seatop_impl; seat->seatop_data = e; container_raise_floating(con); wlr_seat_pointer_notify_clear_focus(seat->wlr_seat); } void seatop_begin_move_tiling(struct sway_seat *seat, struct sway_container *con) { seatop_begin_move_tiling_threshold(seat, con); struct seatop_move_tiling_event *e = seat->seatop_data; if (e) { e->threshold_reached = true; cursor_set_image(seat->cursor, "grab", NULL); } }