#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "sway/border.h" #include "sway/container.h" #include "sway/config.h" #include "client/pango.h" void cairo_set_source_u32(cairo_t *cairo, uint32_t color) { color = htonl(color); cairo_set_source_rgba(cairo, (color >> (2*8) & 0xFF) / 255.0, (color >> (1*8) & 0xFF) / 255.0, (color >> (0*8) & 0xFF) / 255.0, (color >> (3*8) & 0xFF) / 255.0); } void border_clear(struct border *border) { if (border && border->buffer) { free(border->buffer); border->buffer = NULL; } } static cairo_t *create_border_buffer(swayc_t *view, struct wlc_geometry g, cairo_surface_t **surface) { if (view->border == NULL) { view->border = malloc(sizeof(struct border)); } cairo_t *cr; int stride = cairo_format_stride_for_width(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, g.size.w); view->border->buffer = calloc(stride * g.size.h, sizeof(unsigned char)); view->border->geometry = g; if (!view->border->buffer) { sway_log(L_DEBUG, "Unable to allocate buffer"); return NULL; } *surface = cairo_image_surface_create_for_data(view->border->buffer, CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, g.size.w, g.size.h, stride); if (cairo_surface_status(*surface) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) { border_clear(view->border); sway_log(L_DEBUG, "Unable to allocate surface"); return NULL; } cr = cairo_create(*surface); if (cairo_status(cr) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) { cairo_surface_destroy(*surface); border_clear(view->border); sway_log(L_DEBUG, "Unable to create cairo context"); return NULL; } return cr; } // TODO: move to client/cairo.h when local set_source_u32 is fixed. /** * Renders a sharp line of any width and height. * * The line is drawn from (x,y) to (x+width,y+height) where width/height is 0 * if the line has a width/height of one pixel, respectively. */ static void render_sharp_line(cairo_t *cairo, uint32_t color, double x, double y, double width, double height) { cairo_set_source_u32(cairo, color); if (width > 1 && height > 1) { cairo_rectangle(cairo, x, y, width, height); cairo_fill(cairo); } else { if (width == 1) { x += 0.5; height += y; width = x; } if (height == 1) { y += 0.5; width += x; height = y; } cairo_move_to(cairo, x, y); cairo_set_line_width(cairo, 1.0); cairo_line_to(cairo, width, height); cairo_stroke(cairo); } } int get_font_text_height(const char *font) { cairo_surface_t *surface = cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, 200, 200); cairo_t *cr = cairo_create(surface); int width, height; get_text_size(cr, font, &width, &height, false, "Gg"); cairo_surface_destroy(surface); cairo_destroy(cr); return height; } static void render_borders(swayc_t *view, cairo_t *cr, struct border_colors *colors, bool top) { struct wlc_geometry *g = &view->border->geometry; struct wlc_geometry *b = &view->border_geometry; struct wlc_geometry *v = &view->actual_geometry; enum swayc_layouts layout = view->parent->layout; uint32_t color; int x = b->origin.x - g->origin.x; int y = b->origin.y - g->origin.y; // left border int left_border = v->origin.x - b->origin.x; if (left_border > 0) { render_sharp_line(cr, colors->child_border, x, y, left_border, b->size.h); } // right border int right_border = b->size.w - v->size.w - left_border; if (right_border > 0) { if (layout == L_HORIZ) { color = colors->indicator; } else { color = colors->child_border; } render_sharp_line(cr, color, x + b->size.w - right_border, y, right_border, b->size.h); } // top border int top_border = v->origin.y - b->origin.y; if (top && top_border > 0) { render_sharp_line(cr, colors->child_border, x, y, b->size.w, top_border); } // bottom border int bottom_border = b->size.h - (top_border + v->size.h); if (bottom_border > 0) { if (layout == L_VERT) { color = colors->indicator; } else { color = colors->child_border; } render_sharp_line(cr, color, x, y + b->size.h - bottom_border, b->size.w, bottom_border); } } static void render_title_bar(swayc_t *view, cairo_t *cr, struct wlc_geometry *b, struct border_colors *colors) { struct wlc_geometry *tb = &view->title_bar_geometry; int x = MIN(tb->origin.x, tb->origin.x - b->origin.x); int y = MIN(tb->origin.y, tb->origin.y - b->origin.y); // title bar background cairo_set_source_u32(cr, colors->background); cairo_rectangle(cr, x, y, tb->size.w, tb->size.h); cairo_fill(cr); // header top line render_sharp_line(cr, colors->border, x, y, tb->size.w, 1); // text if (view->name) { int width, height; get_text_size(cr, config->font, &width, &height, false, "%s", view->name); cairo_move_to(cr, x + 2, y + 2); cairo_set_source_u32(cr, colors->text); pango_printf(cr, config->font, false, "%s", view->name); } // titlebars has a border all around for tabbed layouts if (view->parent->layout == L_TABBED) { // header bottom line render_sharp_line(cr, colors->border, x, y + tb->size.h - 1, tb->size.w, 1); // left border render_sharp_line(cr, colors->border, x, y, 1, tb->size.h); // right border render_sharp_line(cr, colors->border, x + tb->size.w - 1, y, 1, tb->size.h); return; } if ((uint32_t)(view->actual_geometry.origin.y - tb->origin.y) == tb->size.h) { // header bottom line render_sharp_line(cr, colors->border, x + view->actual_geometry.origin.x - tb->origin.x, y + tb->size.h - 1, view->actual_geometry.size.w, 1); } else { // header bottom line render_sharp_line(cr, colors->border, x, y + tb->size.h - 1, tb->size.w, 1); } } /** * Generate nested container title for tabbed/stacked layouts */ static char *generate_container_title(swayc_t *container) { char layout = 'H'; char *name, *prev_name = NULL; switch (container->layout) { case L_TABBED: layout = 'T'; break; case L_STACKED: layout = 'S'; break; case L_VERT: layout = 'V'; break; default: layout = 'H'; } int len = 9; name = malloc(len * sizeof(char)); snprintf(name, len, "sway: %c[", layout); int i; for (i = 0; i < container->children->length; ++i) { prev_name = name; swayc_t* child = container->children->items[i]; const char *title = NULL; if (child->type == C_VIEW) { title = child->app_id ? child->app_id : (child->class ? child->class : "(null)"); } else { //child->type == C_CONTAINER title = generate_container_title(child); } len = strlen(name) + strlen(title) + 1; if (i < container->children->length-1) { len++; } name = malloc(len * sizeof(char)); if (i < container->children->length-1) { snprintf(name, len, "%s%s ", prev_name, title); } else { snprintf(name, len, "%s%s", prev_name, title); } free(prev_name); } prev_name = name; len = strlen(name) + 2; name = malloc(len * sizeof(char)); snprintf(name, len, "%s]", prev_name); free(prev_name); free(container->name); container->name = name; return container->name + 6; // don't include "sway: " } void update_tabbed_stacked_titlebars(swayc_t *c, cairo_t *cr, struct wlc_geometry *g, swayc_t *focused, swayc_t *focused_inactive) { if (c->type == C_CONTAINER) { if (c->parent->focused == c) { render_title_bar(c, cr, g, &config->border_colors.focused_inactive); } else { render_title_bar(c, cr, g, &config->border_colors.unfocused); } if (!c->visible) { return; } int i; for (i = 0; i < c->children->length; ++i) { swayc_t *child = c->children->items[i]; update_tabbed_stacked_titlebars(child, cr, g, focused, focused_inactive); } } else { bool is_child_of_focused = swayc_is_child_of(c, get_focused_container(&root_container)); if (focused == c || is_child_of_focused) { render_title_bar(c, cr, g, &config->border_colors.focused); } else if (focused_inactive == c) { render_title_bar(c, cr, g, &config->border_colors.focused_inactive); } else { render_title_bar(c, cr, g, &config->border_colors.unfocused); } } } static void update_view_border(swayc_t *view) { if (!view->visible) { return; } cairo_t *cr = NULL; cairo_surface_t *surface = NULL; // clear previous border buffer. border_clear(view->border); // get focused and focused_inactive views swayc_t *focused = get_focused_view(&root_container); swayc_t *container = swayc_parent_by_type(view, C_CONTAINER); swayc_t *focused_inactive = NULL; bool is_child_of_focused = swayc_is_parent_of(get_focused_container(&root_container), view); if (container) { focused_inactive = swayc_focus_by_type(container, C_VIEW); } else { container = swayc_parent_by_type(view, C_WORKSPACE); if (container) { focused_inactive = swayc_focus_by_type(container, C_VIEW); } } // for tabbed/stacked layouts the focused view has to draw all the // titlebars of the hidden views. swayc_t *p = NULL; if (view->parent->focused == view && (p = swayc_tabbed_stacked_ancestor(view))) { struct wlc_geometry g = { .origin = { .x = p->x, .y = p->y }, .size = { .w = p->width, .h = p->height } }; cr = create_border_buffer(view, g, &surface); bool render_top = !should_hide_top_border(view, view->y); if (view == focused || is_child_of_focused) { render_borders(view, cr, &config->border_colors.focused, render_top); } else { render_borders(view, cr, &config->border_colors.focused_inactive, render_top); } // generate container titles int i; for (i = 0; i < p->children->length; ++i) { swayc_t *child = p->children->items[i]; if (child->type == C_CONTAINER) { generate_container_title(child); } } update_tabbed_stacked_titlebars(p, cr, &g, focused, focused_inactive); } else { switch (view->border_type) { case B_NONE: break; case B_PIXEL: cr = create_border_buffer(view, view->border_geometry, &surface); if (!cr) { break; } if (focused == view || is_child_of_focused) { render_borders(view, cr, &config->border_colors.focused, true); } else if (focused_inactive == view) { render_borders(view, cr, &config->border_colors.focused_inactive, true); } else { render_borders(view, cr, &config->border_colors.unfocused, true); } break; case B_NORMAL: cr = create_border_buffer(view, view->border_geometry, &surface); if (!cr) { break; } if (focused == view || is_child_of_focused) { render_borders(view, cr, &config->border_colors.focused, false); render_title_bar(view, cr, &view->border_geometry, &config->border_colors.focused); } else if (focused_inactive == view) { render_borders(view, cr, &config->border_colors.focused_inactive, false); render_title_bar(view, cr, &view->border_geometry, &config->border_colors.focused_inactive); } else { render_borders(view, cr, &config->border_colors.unfocused, false); render_title_bar(view, cr, &view->border_geometry, &config->border_colors.unfocused); } break; } } if (surface) { cairo_surface_flush(surface); cairo_surface_destroy(surface); } if (cr) { cairo_destroy(cr); } } void update_container_border(swayc_t *container) { if (container->type == C_VIEW) { update_view_border(container); return; } else { for (int i = 0; i < container->children->length; ++i) { update_container_border(container->children->items[i]); } } } void render_view_borders(wlc_handle view) { swayc_t *c = swayc_by_handle(view); // emulate i3 behavior for drawing borders for tabbed and stacked layouts: // if we are not the only child in the container, always draw borders, // regardless of the border setting on the individual view if (!c || (c->border_type == B_NONE && !((c->parent->layout == L_TABBED || c->parent->layout == L_STACKED) && c->parent->children->length > 1))) { return; } if (c->border && c->border->buffer) { wlc_pixels_write(WLC_RGBA8888, &c->border->geometry, c->border->buffer); } } bool should_hide_top_border(swayc_t *con, double y) { // returns true if container is child of tabbed/stacked layout and is // sharing top border with tabbed titlebar swayc_t *par = con->parent; while (par->type != C_WORKSPACE) { if (par->layout == L_TABBED || par->layout == L_STACKED) { return con->y == y; } con = par; par = par->parent; } return false; }