#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 700 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __linux__ #include #elif __FreeBSD__ #include #endif #include #include "sway/input/input-manager.h" #include "sway/input/seat.h" #include "sway/commands.h" #include "sway/config.h" #include "sway/tree/layout.h" #include "readline.h" #include "stringop.h" #include "list.h" #include "log.h" struct sway_config *config = NULL; static void free_mode(struct sway_mode *mode) { int i; if (!mode) { return; } free(mode->name); if (mode->keysym_bindings) { for (i = 0; i < mode->keysym_bindings->length; i++) { free_sway_binding(mode->keysym_bindings->items[i]); } list_free(mode->keysym_bindings); } if (mode->keycode_bindings) { for (i = 0; i < mode->keycode_bindings->length; i++) { free_sway_binding(mode->keycode_bindings->items[i]); } list_free(mode->keycode_bindings); } free(mode); } void free_config(struct sway_config *config) { config_clear_handler_context(config); if (!config) { return; } // TODO: handle all currently unhandled lists as we add implementations if (config->symbols) { for (int i = 0; i < config->symbols->length; ++i) { free_sway_variable(config->symbols->items[i]); } list_free(config->symbols); } if (config->modes) { for (int i = 0; i < config->modes->length; ++i) { free_mode(config->modes->items[i]); } list_free(config->modes); } if (config->bars) { for (int i = 0; i < config->bars->length; ++i) { free_bar_config(config->bars->items[i]); } list_free(config->bars); } list_free(config->cmd_queue); list_free(config->workspace_outputs); list_free(config->pid_workspaces); list_free(config->output_configs); if (config->input_configs) { for (int i = 0; i < config->input_configs->length; i++) { free_input_config(config->input_configs->items[i]); } list_free(config->input_configs); } if (config->seat_configs) { for (int i = 0; i < config->seat_configs->length; i++) { free_seat_config(config->seat_configs->items[i]); } list_free(config->seat_configs); } list_free(config->criteria); list_free(config->no_focus); list_free(config->active_bar_modifiers); list_free(config->config_chain); list_free(config->command_policies); list_free(config->feature_policies); list_free(config->ipc_policies); free(config->current_bar); free(config->floating_scroll_up_cmd); free(config->floating_scroll_down_cmd); free(config->floating_scroll_left_cmd); free(config->floating_scroll_right_cmd); free(config->font); free((char *)config->current_config); free(config); } static void destroy_removed_seats(struct sway_config *old_config, struct sway_config *new_config) { struct seat_config *seat_config; struct sway_seat *seat; int i; for (i = 0; i < old_config->seat_configs->length; i++) { seat_config = old_config->seat_configs->items[i]; /* Also destroy seats that aren't present in new config */ if (new_config && list_seq_find(new_config->seat_configs, seat_name_cmp, seat_config->name) < 0) { seat = input_manager_get_seat(input_manager, seat_config->name); seat_destroy(seat); } } } static void set_color(float dest[static 4], uint32_t color) { dest[0] = ((color >> 16) & 0xff) / 255.0; dest[1] = ((color >> 8) & 0xff) / 255.0; dest[2] = (color & 0xff) / 255.0; dest[3] = 1.0; } static void config_defaults(struct sway_config *config) { if (!(config->symbols = create_list())) goto cleanup; if (!(config->modes = create_list())) goto cleanup; if (!(config->bars = create_list())) goto cleanup; if (!(config->workspace_outputs = create_list())) goto cleanup; if (!(config->pid_workspaces = create_list())) goto cleanup; if (!(config->criteria = create_list())) goto cleanup; if (!(config->no_focus = create_list())) goto cleanup; if (!(config->input_configs = create_list())) goto cleanup; if (!(config->seat_configs = create_list())) goto cleanup; if (!(config->output_configs = create_list())) goto cleanup; if (!(config->cmd_queue = create_list())) goto cleanup; if (!(config->current_mode = malloc(sizeof(struct sway_mode)))) goto cleanup; if (!(config->current_mode->name = malloc(sizeof("default")))) goto cleanup; strcpy(config->current_mode->name, "default"); if (!(config->current_mode->keysym_bindings = create_list())) goto cleanup; if (!(config->current_mode->keycode_bindings = create_list())) goto cleanup; list_add(config->modes, config->current_mode); config->floating_mod = 0; config->dragging_key = BTN_LEFT; config->resizing_key = BTN_RIGHT; if (!(config->floating_scroll_up_cmd = strdup(""))) goto cleanup; if (!(config->floating_scroll_down_cmd = strdup(""))) goto cleanup; if (!(config->floating_scroll_left_cmd = strdup(""))) goto cleanup; if (!(config->floating_scroll_right_cmd = strdup(""))) goto cleanup; config->default_layout = L_NONE; config->default_orientation = L_NONE; if (!(config->font = strdup("monospace 10"))) goto cleanup; //config->font_height = get_font_text_height(config->font); // floating view config->floating_maximum_width = 0; config->floating_maximum_height = 0; config->floating_minimum_width = 75; config->floating_minimum_height = 50; // Flags config->focus_follows_mouse = true; config->mouse_warping = true; config->reloading = false; config->active = false; config->failed = false; config->auto_back_and_forth = false; config->reading = false; config->show_marks = true; config->edge_gaps = true; config->smart_gaps = false; config->gaps_inner = 0; config->gaps_outer = 0; if (!(config->active_bar_modifiers = create_list())) goto cleanup; if (!(config->config_chain = create_list())) goto cleanup; config->current_config = NULL; // borders config->border = B_NORMAL; config->floating_border = B_NORMAL; config->border_thickness = 2; config->floating_border_thickness = 2; config->hide_edge_borders = E_NONE; // border colors set_color(config->border_colors.focused.border, 0x4C7899); set_color(config->border_colors.focused.border, 0x4C7899); set_color(config->border_colors.focused.background, 0x285577); set_color(config->border_colors.focused.text, 0xFFFFFF); set_color(config->border_colors.focused.indicator, 0x2E9EF4); set_color(config->border_colors.focused.child_border, 0x285577); set_color(config->border_colors.focused_inactive.border, 0x333333); set_color(config->border_colors.focused_inactive.background, 0x5F676A); set_color(config->border_colors.focused_inactive.text, 0xFFFFFF); set_color(config->border_colors.focused_inactive.indicator, 0x484E50); set_color(config->border_colors.focused_inactive.child_border, 0x5F676A); set_color(config->border_colors.unfocused.border, 0x333333); set_color(config->border_colors.unfocused.background, 0x222222); set_color(config->border_colors.unfocused.text, 0x888888); set_color(config->border_colors.unfocused.indicator, 0x292D2E); set_color(config->border_colors.unfocused.child_border, 0x222222); set_color(config->border_colors.urgent.border, 0x2F343A); set_color(config->border_colors.urgent.background, 0x900000); set_color(config->border_colors.urgent.text, 0xFFFFFF); set_color(config->border_colors.urgent.indicator, 0x900000); set_color(config->border_colors.urgent.child_border, 0x900000); set_color(config->border_colors.placeholder.border, 0x000000); set_color(config->border_colors.placeholder.background, 0x0C0C0C); set_color(config->border_colors.placeholder.text, 0xFFFFFF); set_color(config->border_colors.placeholder.indicator, 0x000000); set_color(config->border_colors.placeholder.child_border, 0x0C0C0C); set_color(config->border_colors.background, 0xFFFFFF); // Security if (!(config->command_policies = create_list())) goto cleanup; if (!(config->feature_policies = create_list())) goto cleanup; if (!(config->ipc_policies = create_list())) goto cleanup; return; cleanup: sway_abort("Unable to allocate config structures"); } static bool file_exists(const char *path) { return path && access(path, R_OK) != -1; } static char *get_config_path(void) { static const char *config_paths[] = { "$HOME/.sway/config", "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/sway/config", "$HOME/.i3/config", "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/i3/config", SYSCONFDIR "/sway/config", SYSCONFDIR "/i3/config", }; if (!getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME")) { char *home = getenv("HOME"); char *config_home = malloc(strlen(home) + strlen("/.config") + 1); if (!config_home) { wlr_log(L_ERROR, "Unable to allocate $HOME/.config"); } else { strcpy(config_home, home); strcat(config_home, "/.config"); setenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", config_home, 1); wlr_log(L_DEBUG, "Set XDG_CONFIG_HOME to %s", config_home); free(config_home); } } wordexp_t p; char *path; int i; for (i = 0; i < (int)(sizeof(config_paths) / sizeof(char *)); ++i) { if (wordexp(config_paths[i], &p, 0) == 0) { path = strdup(p.we_wordv[0]); wordfree(&p); if (file_exists(path)) { return path; } free(path); } } return NULL; // Not reached } const char *current_config_path; static bool load_config(const char *path, struct sway_config *config) { wlr_log(L_INFO, "Loading config from %s", path); current_config_path = path; struct stat sb; if (stat(path, &sb) == 0 && S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)) { return false; } if (path == NULL) { wlr_log(L_ERROR, "Unable to find a config file!"); return false; } FILE *f = fopen(path, "r"); if (!f) { wlr_log(L_ERROR, "Unable to open %s for reading", path); return false; } bool config_load_success = read_config(f, config); fclose(f); if (!config_load_success) { wlr_log(L_ERROR, "Error(s) loading config!"); } current_config_path = NULL; return true; } bool load_main_config(const char *file, bool is_active) { char *path; if (file != NULL) { path = strdup(file); } else { path = get_config_path(); } struct sway_config *old_config = config; config = calloc(1, sizeof(struct sway_config)); if (!config) { sway_abort("Unable to allocate config"); } config_defaults(config); if (is_active) { wlr_log(L_DEBUG, "Performing configuration file reload"); config->reloading = true; config->active = true; } config->current_config = path; list_add(config->config_chain, path); config->reading = true; // Read security configs // TODO: Security bool success = true; /* DIR *dir = opendir(SYSCONFDIR "/sway/security.d"); if (!dir) { wlr_log(L_ERROR, "%s does not exist, sway will have no security configuration" " and will probably be broken", SYSCONFDIR "/sway/security.d"); } else { list_t *secconfigs = create_list(); char *base = SYSCONFDIR "/sway/security.d/"; struct dirent *ent = readdir(dir); struct stat s; while (ent != NULL) { char *_path = malloc(strlen(ent->d_name) + strlen(base) + 1); strcpy(_path, base); strcat(_path, ent->d_name); lstat(_path, &s); if (S_ISREG(s.st_mode) && ent->d_name[0] != '.') { list_add(secconfigs, _path); } else { free(_path); } ent = readdir(dir); } closedir(dir); list_qsort(secconfigs, qstrcmp); for (int i = 0; i < secconfigs->length; ++i) { char *_path = secconfigs->items[i]; if (stat(_path, &s) || s.st_uid != 0 || s.st_gid != 0 || (((s.st_mode & 0777) != 0644) && (s.st_mode & 0777) != 0444)) { wlr_log(L_ERROR, "Refusing to load %s - it must be owned by root " "and mode 644 or 444", _path); success = false; } else { success = success && load_config(_path, config); } } free_flat_list(secconfigs); } */ success = success && load_config(path, config); if (is_active) { config->reloading = false; } if (old_config) { destroy_removed_seats(old_config, config); free_config(old_config); } config->reading = false; return success; } static bool load_include_config(const char *path, const char *parent_dir, struct sway_config *config) { // save parent config const char *parent_config = config->current_config; char *full_path = strdup(path); int len = strlen(path); if (len >= 1 && path[0] != '/') { len = len + strlen(parent_dir) + 2; full_path = malloc(len * sizeof(char)); if (!full_path) { wlr_log(L_ERROR, "Unable to allocate full path to included config"); return false; } snprintf(full_path, len, "%s/%s", parent_dir, path); } char *real_path = realpath(full_path, NULL); free(full_path); if (real_path == NULL) { wlr_log(L_DEBUG, "%s not found.", path); return false; } // check if config has already been included int j; for (j = 0; j < config->config_chain->length; ++j) { char *old_path = config->config_chain->items[j]; if (strcmp(real_path, old_path) == 0) { wlr_log(L_DEBUG, "%s already included once, won't be included again.", real_path); free(real_path); return false; } } config->current_config = real_path; list_add(config->config_chain, real_path); int index = config->config_chain->length - 1; if (!load_config(real_path, config)) { free(real_path); config->current_config = parent_config; list_del(config->config_chain, index); return false; } // restore current_config config->current_config = parent_config; return true; } bool load_include_configs(const char *path, struct sway_config *config) { char *wd = getcwd(NULL, 0); char *parent_path = strdup(config->current_config); const char *parent_dir = dirname(parent_path); if (chdir(parent_dir) < 0) { free(parent_path); free(wd); return false; } wordexp_t p; if (wordexp(path, &p, 0) < 0) { free(parent_path); free(wd); return false; } char **w = p.we_wordv; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < p.we_wordc; ++i) { load_include_config(w[i], parent_dir, config); } free(parent_path); wordfree(&p); // restore wd if (chdir(wd) < 0) { free(wd); wlr_log(L_ERROR, "failed to restore working directory"); return false; } free(wd); return true; } void config_clear_handler_context(struct sway_config *config) { free_input_config(config->handler_context.input_config); free_seat_config(config->handler_context.seat_config); memset(&config->handler_context, 0, sizeof(config->handler_context)); } bool read_config(FILE *file, struct sway_config *config) { bool success = true; enum cmd_status block = CMD_BLOCK_END; int line_number = 0; char *line; while (!feof(file)) { line = read_line(file); if (!line) { continue; } line_number++; line = strip_whitespace(line); if (line[0] == '#') { free(line); continue; } struct cmd_results *res; if (block == CMD_BLOCK_COMMANDS) { // Special case res = config_commands_command(line); } else { res = config_command(line, block); } switch(res->status) { case CMD_FAILURE: case CMD_INVALID: wlr_log(L_ERROR, "Error on line %i '%s': %s (%s)", line_number, line, res->error, config->current_config); success = false; break; case CMD_DEFER: wlr_log(L_DEBUG, "Deferring command `%s'", line); list_add(config->cmd_queue, strdup(line)); break; case CMD_BLOCK_MODE: if (block == CMD_BLOCK_END) { block = CMD_BLOCK_MODE; } else { wlr_log(L_ERROR, "Invalid block '%s'", line); } break; case CMD_BLOCK_INPUT: if (block == CMD_BLOCK_END) { block = CMD_BLOCK_INPUT; } else { wlr_log(L_ERROR, "Invalid block '%s'", line); } break; case CMD_BLOCK_SEAT: if (block == CMD_BLOCK_END) { block = CMD_BLOCK_SEAT; } else { wlr_log(L_ERROR, "Invalid block '%s'", line); } break; case CMD_BLOCK_BAR: if (block == CMD_BLOCK_END) { block = CMD_BLOCK_BAR; } else { wlr_log(L_ERROR, "Invalid block '%s'", line); } break; case CMD_BLOCK_BAR_COLORS: if (block == CMD_BLOCK_BAR) { block = CMD_BLOCK_BAR_COLORS; } else { wlr_log(L_ERROR, "Invalid block '%s'", line); } break; case CMD_BLOCK_COMMANDS: if (block == CMD_BLOCK_END) { block = CMD_BLOCK_COMMANDS; } else { wlr_log(L_ERROR, "Invalid block '%s'", line); } break; case CMD_BLOCK_IPC: if (block == CMD_BLOCK_END) { block = CMD_BLOCK_IPC; } else { wlr_log(L_ERROR, "Invalid block '%s'", line); } break; case CMD_BLOCK_IPC_EVENTS: if (block == CMD_BLOCK_IPC) { block = CMD_BLOCK_IPC_EVENTS; } else { wlr_log(L_ERROR, "Invalid block '%s'", line); } break; case CMD_BLOCK_END: switch(block) { case CMD_BLOCK_MODE: wlr_log(L_DEBUG, "End of mode block"); config->current_mode = config->modes->items[0]; block = CMD_BLOCK_END; break; case CMD_BLOCK_INPUT: wlr_log(L_DEBUG, "End of input block"); block = CMD_BLOCK_END; break; case CMD_BLOCK_SEAT: wlr_log(L_DEBUG, "End of seat block"); block = CMD_BLOCK_END; break; case CMD_BLOCK_BAR: wlr_log(L_DEBUG, "End of bar block"); config->current_bar = NULL; block = CMD_BLOCK_END; break; case CMD_BLOCK_BAR_COLORS: wlr_log(L_DEBUG, "End of bar colors block"); block = CMD_BLOCK_BAR; break; case CMD_BLOCK_COMMANDS: wlr_log(L_DEBUG, "End of commands block"); block = CMD_BLOCK_END; break; case CMD_BLOCK_IPC: wlr_log(L_DEBUG, "End of IPC block"); block = CMD_BLOCK_END; break; case CMD_BLOCK_IPC_EVENTS: wlr_log(L_DEBUG, "End of IPC events block"); block = CMD_BLOCK_IPC; break; case CMD_BLOCK_END: wlr_log(L_ERROR, "Unmatched }"); break; default:; } config_clear_handler_context(config); default:; } free(line); free_cmd_results(res); } return success; } char *do_var_replacement(char *str) { int i; char *find = str; while ((find = strchr(find, '$'))) { // Skip if escaped. if (find > str && find[-1] == '\\') { if (find == str + 1 || !(find > str + 1 && find[-2] == '\\')) { ++find; continue; } } // Find matching variable for (i = 0; i < config->symbols->length; ++i) { struct sway_variable *var = config->symbols->items[i]; int vnlen = strlen(var->name); if (strncmp(find, var->name, vnlen) == 0) { int vvlen = strlen(var->value); char *newstr = malloc(strlen(str) - vnlen + vvlen + 1); if (!newstr) { wlr_log(L_ERROR, "Unable to allocate replacement " "during variable expansion"); break; } char *newptr = newstr; int offset = find - str; strncpy(newptr, str, offset); newptr += offset; strncpy(newptr, var->value, vvlen); newptr += vvlen; strcpy(newptr, find + vnlen); free(str); str = newstr; find = str + offset + vvlen; break; } } if (i == config->symbols->length) { ++find; } } return str; } // the naming is intentional (albeit long): a workspace_output_cmp function // would compare two structs in full, while this method only compares the // workspace. int workspace_output_cmp_workspace(const void *a, const void *b) { const struct workspace_output *wsa = a, *wsb = b; return lenient_strcmp(wsa->workspace, wsb->workspace); }