#ifndef _SWAY_OPENGL_H #define _SWAY_OPENGL_H #include #include #include #include #include "sway/desktop/fx_renderer/fx_framebuffer.h" #include "sway/desktop/fx_renderer/fx_texture.h" enum corner_location { TOP_LEFT, TOP_RIGHT, BOTTOM_RIGHT, BOTTOM_LEFT, ALL, NONE }; enum fx_tex_shader_source { SHADER_SOURCE_TEXTURE_RGBA = 1, SHADER_SOURCE_TEXTURE_RGBX = 2, SHADER_SOURCE_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL = 3, }; enum fx_rounded_quad_shader_source { SHADER_SOURCE_QUAD_ROUND = 1, SHADER_SOURCE_QUAD_ROUND_TOP_LEFT = 2, SHADER_SOURCE_QUAD_ROUND_TOP_RIGHT = 3, SHADER_SOURCE_QUAD_ROUND_BOTTOM_RIGHT = 4, SHADER_SOURCE_QUAD_ROUND_BOTTOM_LEFT = 5, }; struct decoration_data { float alpha; float saturation; int corner_radius; float dim; float *dim_color; bool has_titlebar; bool blur; bool shadow; }; struct blur_shader { GLuint program; GLint proj; GLint tex; GLint pos_attrib; GLint tex_attrib; GLint radius; GLint halfpixel; }; struct box_shadow_shader { GLuint program; GLint proj; GLint color; GLint pos_attrib; GLint position; GLint size; GLint blur_sigma; GLint corner_radius; }; struct corner_shader { GLuint program; GLint proj; GLint color; GLint pos_attrib; GLint is_top_left; GLint is_top_right; GLint is_bottom_left; GLint is_bottom_right; GLint position; GLint radius; GLint half_size; GLint half_thickness; }; struct quad_shader { GLuint program; GLint proj; GLint color; GLint pos_attrib; }; struct rounded_quad_shader { GLuint program; GLint proj; GLint color; GLint pos_attrib; GLint size; GLint position; GLint radius; }; struct stencil_mask_shader { GLuint program; GLint proj; GLint color; GLint pos_attrib; GLint half_size; GLint position; GLint radius; }; struct tex_shader { GLuint program; GLint proj; GLint tex; GLint alpha; GLint pos_attrib; GLint tex_attrib; GLint size; GLint position; GLint radius; GLint saturation; GLint dim; GLint dim_color; GLint has_titlebar; }; struct fx_renderer { float projection[9]; int viewport_width, viewport_height; struct wlr_output *wlr_output; // The framebuffer used by wlroots struct fx_framebuffer wlr_buffer; // Contains the blurred background for tiled windows struct fx_framebuffer blur_buffer; // Contains the original pixels to draw over the areas where artifact are visible struct fx_framebuffer blur_saved_pixels_buffer; // Blur swaps between the two effects buffers everytime it scales the image // Buffer used for effects struct fx_framebuffer effects_buffer; // Swap buffer used for effects struct fx_framebuffer effects_buffer_swapped; // The region where there's blur pixman_region32_t blur_padding_region; bool blur_buffer_dirty; struct { bool OES_egl_image_external; } exts; struct { PFNGLEGLIMAGETARGETTEXTURE2DOESPROC glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES; } procs; struct { struct box_shadow_shader box_shadow; struct blur_shader blur1; struct blur_shader blur2; struct corner_shader corner; struct quad_shader quad; struct rounded_quad_shader rounded_quad; struct rounded_quad_shader rounded_tl_quad; struct rounded_quad_shader rounded_tr_quad; struct rounded_quad_shader rounded_bl_quad; struct rounded_quad_shader rounded_br_quad; struct stencil_mask_shader stencil_mask; struct tex_shader tex_rgba; struct tex_shader tex_rgbx; struct tex_shader tex_ext; } shaders; }; struct fx_renderer *fx_renderer_create(struct wlr_egl *egl, struct wlr_output *output); void fx_renderer_fini(struct fx_renderer *renderer); void fx_renderer_begin(struct fx_renderer *renderer, int width, int height); void fx_renderer_end(struct fx_renderer *renderer); void fx_renderer_clear(const float color[static 4]); void fx_renderer_scissor(struct wlr_box *box); bool fx_render_subtexture_with_matrix(struct fx_renderer *renderer, struct fx_texture *fx_texture, const struct wlr_fbox *src_box, const struct wlr_box *dst_box, const float matrix[static 9], struct decoration_data deco_data); bool fx_render_texture_with_matrix(struct fx_renderer *renderer, struct fx_texture *fx_texture, const struct wlr_box *dst_box, const float matrix[static 9], struct decoration_data deco_data); void fx_render_rect(struct fx_renderer *renderer, const struct wlr_box *box, const float color[static 4], const float projection[static 9]); void fx_render_rounded_rect(struct fx_renderer *renderer, const struct wlr_box *box, const float color[static 4], const float matrix[static 9], int radius, enum corner_location corner_location); void fx_render_border_corner(struct fx_renderer *renderer, const struct wlr_box *box, const float color[static 4], const float matrix[static 9], enum corner_location corner_location, int radius, int border_thickness); void fx_render_box_shadow(struct fx_renderer *renderer, const struct wlr_box *box, const float color[static 4], const float matrix[static 9], int radius, float blur_sigma); void fx_render_blur(struct fx_renderer *renderer, const float matrix[static 9], struct fx_framebuffer **buffer, struct blur_shader *shader, const struct wlr_box *box, int blur_radius); #endif