#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "cairo.h" #include "pango.h" #include "sway/config.h" #include "sway/input/input-manager.h" #include "sway/input/seat.h" #include "sway/ipc-server.h" #include "sway/output.h" #include "sway/server.h" #include "sway/tree/arrange.h" #include "sway/tree/layout.h" #include "sway/tree/view.h" #include "sway/tree/workspace.h" #include "log.h" static list_t *bfs_queue; static list_t *get_bfs_queue() { if (!bfs_queue) { bfs_queue = create_list(); if (!bfs_queue) { wlr_log(L_ERROR, "could not allocate list for bfs queue"); return NULL; } } bfs_queue->length = 0; return bfs_queue; } const char *container_type_to_str(enum sway_container_type type) { switch (type) { case C_ROOT: return "C_ROOT"; case C_OUTPUT: return "C_OUTPUT"; case C_WORKSPACE: return "C_WORKSPACE"; case C_CONTAINER: return "C_CONTAINER"; case C_VIEW: return "C_VIEW"; default: return "C_UNKNOWN"; } } void container_create_notify(struct sway_container *container) { // TODO send ipc event type based on the container type wl_signal_emit(&root_container.sway_root->events.new_container, container); if (container->type == C_VIEW || container->type == C_CONTAINER) { ipc_event_window(container, "new"); } } static void container_close_notify(struct sway_container *container) { if (container == NULL) { return; } // TODO send ipc event type based on the container type if (container->type == C_VIEW || container->type == C_WORKSPACE) { ipc_event_window(container, "close"); } } struct sway_container *container_create(enum sway_container_type type) { // next id starts at 1 because 0 is assigned to root_container in layout.c static size_t next_id = 1; struct sway_container *c = calloc(1, sizeof(struct sway_container)); if (!c) { return NULL; } c->id = next_id++; c->layout = L_NONE; c->type = type; c->alpha = 1.0f; if (type != C_VIEW) { c->children = create_list(); } wl_signal_init(&c->events.destroy); wl_signal_init(&c->events.reparent); return c; } static void _container_destroy(struct sway_container *cont) { if (cont == NULL) { return; } wl_signal_emit(&cont->events.destroy, cont); container_close_notify(cont); struct sway_container *parent = cont->parent; if (cont->children != NULL && cont->children->length) { // remove children until there are no more, container_destroy calls // container_remove_child, which removes child from this container while (cont->children != NULL && cont->children->length > 0) { struct sway_container *child = cont->children->items[0]; container_remove_child(child); _container_destroy(child); } } if (cont->marks) { list_foreach(cont->marks, free); list_free(cont->marks); } if (parent) { parent = container_remove_child(cont); } if (cont->name) { free(cont->name); } if (cont->title_focused) { // If one is set then all of these are set wlr_texture_destroy(cont->title_focused); wlr_texture_destroy(cont->title_focused_inactive); wlr_texture_destroy(cont->title_unfocused); wlr_texture_destroy(cont->title_urgent); } list_free(cont->children); cont->children = NULL; free(cont); } static struct sway_container *container_output_destroy( struct sway_container *output) { if (!sway_assert(output, "cannot destroy null output")) { return NULL; } if (output->children->length > 0) { // TODO save workspaces when there are no outputs. // TODO also check if there will ever be no outputs except for exiting // program if (root_container.children->length > 1) { int p = root_container.children->items[0] == output; // Move workspace from this output to another output while (output->children->length) { struct sway_container *child = output->children->items[0]; container_remove_child(child); container_add_child(root_container.children->items[p], child); } container_sort_workspaces(root_container.children->items[p]); arrange_output(root_container.children->items[p]); } } wl_list_remove(&output->sway_output->destroy.link); wl_list_remove(&output->sway_output->mode.link); wl_list_remove(&output->sway_output->transform.link); wl_list_remove(&output->sway_output->scale.link); wl_list_remove(&output->sway_output->damage_destroy.link); wl_list_remove(&output->sway_output->damage_frame.link); // clear the wlr_output reference to this container output->sway_output->wlr_output->data = NULL; wlr_log(L_DEBUG, "OUTPUT: Destroying output '%s'", output->name); _container_destroy(output); return &root_container; } static struct sway_container *container_workspace_destroy( struct sway_container *workspace) { if (!sway_assert(workspace, "cannot destroy null workspace")) { return NULL; } // Do not destroy this if it's the last workspace on this output struct sway_container *output = container_parent(workspace, C_OUTPUT); if (output && output->children->length == 1) { return NULL; } struct sway_container *parent = workspace->parent; if (workspace->children->length == 0) { // destroy the WS if there are no children (TODO check for floating) wlr_log(L_DEBUG, "destroying workspace '%s'", workspace->name); ipc_event_workspace(workspace, NULL, "empty"); } else { // Move children to a different workspace on this output struct sway_container *new_workspace = NULL; // TODO move floating for (int i = 0; i < output->children->length; i++) { if (output->children->items[i] != workspace) { new_workspace = output->children->items[i]; break; } } wlr_log(L_DEBUG, "moving children to different workspace '%s' -> '%s'", workspace->name, new_workspace->name); for (int i = 0; i < workspace->children->length; i++) { container_move_to(workspace->children->items[i], new_workspace); } } free(workspace->sway_workspace); _container_destroy(workspace); output_damage_whole(output->sway_output); return parent; } static void container_root_finish(struct sway_container *con) { wlr_log(L_ERROR, "TODO: destroy the root container"); } bool container_reap_empty(struct sway_container *con) { switch (con->type) { case C_ROOT: case C_OUTPUT: // dont reap these break; case C_WORKSPACE: if (!workspace_is_visible(con) && con->children->length == 0) { wlr_log(L_DEBUG, "Destroying workspace via reaper"); container_workspace_destroy(con); return true; } break; case C_CONTAINER: if (con->children->length == 0) { _container_destroy(con); return true; } case C_VIEW: break; case C_TYPES: sway_assert(false, "container_reap_empty called on an invalid " "container"); break; } return false; } struct sway_container *container_reap_empty_recursive( struct sway_container *con) { while (con) { struct sway_container *next = con->parent; if (!container_reap_empty(con)) { break; } con = next; } return con; } struct sway_container *container_flatten(struct sway_container *container) { while (container->type == C_CONTAINER && container->children->length == 1) { struct sway_container *child = container->children->items[0]; struct sway_container *parent = container->parent; container_replace_child(container, child); container_destroy(container); container = parent; } return container; } struct sway_container *container_destroy(struct sway_container *con) { if (con == NULL) { return NULL; } struct sway_container *parent = con->parent; switch (con->type) { case C_ROOT: container_root_finish(con); break; case C_OUTPUT: // dont try to reap the root after this container_output_destroy(con); break; case C_WORKSPACE: // dont try to reap the output after this container_workspace_destroy(con); break; case C_CONTAINER: if (con->children->length) { for (int i = 0; i < con->children->length; ++i) { struct sway_container *child = con->children->items[0]; container_remove_child(child); container_add_child(parent, child); } } _container_destroy(con); break; case C_VIEW: _container_destroy(con); break; case C_TYPES: wlr_log(L_ERROR, "container_destroy called on an invalid " "container"); break; } return container_reap_empty_recursive(parent); } static void container_close_func(struct sway_container *container, void *data) { if (container->type == C_VIEW) { view_close(container->sway_view); } } struct sway_container *container_close(struct sway_container *con) { if (!sway_assert(con != NULL, "container_close called with a NULL container")) { return NULL; } struct sway_container *parent = con->parent; if (con->type == C_VIEW) { view_close(con->sway_view); } else { container_for_each_descendant_dfs(con, container_close_func, NULL); } return parent; } struct sway_container *container_view_create(struct sway_container *sibling, struct sway_view *sway_view) { if (!sway_assert(sibling, "container_view_create called with NULL sibling/parent")) { return NULL; } const char *title = view_get_title(sway_view); struct sway_container *swayc = container_create(C_VIEW); wlr_log(L_DEBUG, "Adding new view %p:%s to container %p %d %s", swayc, title, sibling, sibling ? sibling->type : 0, sibling->name); // Setup values swayc->sway_view = sway_view; container_update_title(swayc, title); swayc->width = 0; swayc->height = 0; if (sibling->type == C_WORKSPACE) { // Case of focused workspace, just create as child of it container_add_child(sibling, swayc); } else { // Regular case, create as sibling of current container container_add_sibling(sibling, swayc); } container_create_notify(swayc); return swayc; } void container_descendants(struct sway_container *root, enum sway_container_type type, void (*func)(struct sway_container *item, void *data), void *data) { if (!root->children || !root->children->length) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < root->children->length; ++i) { struct sway_container *item = root->children->items[i]; if (item->type == type) { func(item, data); } container_descendants(item, type, func, data); } } struct sway_container *container_find(struct sway_container *container, bool (*test)(struct sway_container *view, void *data), void *data) { if (!container->children) { return NULL; } // TODO: floating windows for (int i = 0; i < container->children->length; ++i) { struct sway_container *child = container->children->items[i]; if (test(child, data)) { return child; } else { struct sway_container *res = container_find(child, test, data); if (res) { return res; } } } return NULL; } struct sway_container *container_parent(struct sway_container *container, enum sway_container_type type) { if (!sway_assert(container, "container is NULL")) { return NULL; } if (!sway_assert(type < C_TYPES && type >= C_ROOT, "invalid type")) { return NULL; } do { container = container->parent; } while (container && container->type != type); return container; } struct sway_container *container_at(struct sway_container *parent, double lx, double ly, struct wlr_surface **surface, double *sx, double *sy) { list_t *queue = get_bfs_queue(); if (!queue) { return NULL; } list_add(queue, parent); struct sway_container *swayc = NULL; while (queue->length) { swayc = queue->items[0]; list_del(queue, 0); if (swayc->type == C_VIEW) { struct sway_view *sview = swayc->sway_view; struct sway_container *soutput = container_parent(swayc, C_OUTPUT); struct wlr_box *output_box = wlr_output_layout_get_box( root_container.sway_root->output_layout, soutput->sway_output->wlr_output); double ox = lx - output_box->x; double oy = ly - output_box->y; double view_sx = ox - sview->x; double view_sy = oy - sview->y; double _sx, _sy; struct wlr_surface *_surface; switch (sview->type) { case SWAY_VIEW_XWAYLAND: _surface = wlr_surface_surface_at(sview->surface, view_sx, view_sy, &_sx, &_sy); break; case SWAY_VIEW_WL_SHELL: _surface = wlr_wl_shell_surface_surface_at( sview->wlr_wl_shell_surface, view_sx, view_sy, &_sx, &_sy); break; case SWAY_VIEW_XDG_SHELL_V6: // the top left corner of the sway container is the // coordinate of the top left corner of the window geometry view_sx += sview->wlr_xdg_surface_v6->geometry.x; view_sy += sview->wlr_xdg_surface_v6->geometry.y; _surface = wlr_xdg_surface_v6_surface_at( sview->wlr_xdg_surface_v6, view_sx, view_sy, &_sx, &_sy); break; } if (_surface) { *sx = _sx; *sy = _sy; *surface = _surface; return swayc; } // Check the view's decorations struct wlr_box swayc_box = { .x = swayc->x, .y = swayc->y, .width = swayc->width, .height = swayc->height, }; if (wlr_box_contains_point(&swayc_box, ox, oy)) { return swayc; } } else { list_cat(queue, swayc->children); } } return NULL; } void container_for_each_descendant_dfs(struct sway_container *container, void (*f)(struct sway_container *container, void *data), void *data) { if (container) { if (container->children) { for (int i = 0; i < container->children->length; ++i) { struct sway_container *child = container->children->items[i]; container_for_each_descendant_dfs(child, f, data); } } f(container, data); } } void container_for_each_descendant_bfs(struct sway_container *con, void (*f)(struct sway_container *con, void *data), void *data) { list_t *queue = get_bfs_queue(); if (!queue) { return; } if (queue == NULL) { wlr_log(L_ERROR, "could not allocate list"); return; } list_add(queue, con); struct sway_container *current = NULL; while (queue->length) { current = queue->items[0]; list_del(queue, 0); f(current, data); // TODO floating containers list_cat(queue, current->children); } } bool container_has_anscestor(struct sway_container *descendant, struct sway_container *anscestor) { while (descendant->type != C_ROOT) { descendant = descendant->parent; if (descendant == anscestor) { return true; } } return false; } static bool find_child_func(struct sway_container *con, void *data) { struct sway_container *child = data; return con == child; } bool container_has_child(struct sway_container *con, struct sway_container *child) { if (con == NULL || con->type == C_VIEW || con->children->length == 0) { return false; } return container_find(con, find_child_func, child); } void container_damage_whole(struct sway_container *con) { struct sway_container *output = con; if (output->type != C_OUTPUT) { output = container_parent(output, C_OUTPUT); } output_damage_whole_container(output->sway_output, con); } static void update_title_texture(struct sway_container *con, struct wlr_texture **texture, struct border_colors *class) { if (!sway_assert(con->type == C_CONTAINER || con->type == C_VIEW, "Unexpected type %s", container_type_to_str(con->type))) { return; } if (!con->width) { return; } struct sway_container *output = container_parent(con, C_OUTPUT); if (!output) { return; } if (*texture) { wlr_texture_destroy(*texture); } if (!con->name) { return; } double scale = output->sway_output->wlr_output->scale; int width = 0; int height = config->font_height * scale; cairo_t *c = cairo_create(NULL); get_text_size(c, config->font, &width, NULL, scale, false, "%s", con->name); cairo_destroy(c); cairo_surface_t *surface = cairo_image_surface_create( CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, width, height); cairo_t *cairo = cairo_create(surface); cairo_set_source_rgba(cairo, class->background[0], class->background[1], class->background[2], class->background[3]); cairo_paint(cairo); PangoContext *pango = pango_cairo_create_context(cairo); cairo_set_antialias(cairo, CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_BEST); cairo_set_source_rgba(cairo, class->text[0], class->text[1], class->text[2], class->text[3]); cairo_move_to(cairo, 0, 0); pango_printf(cairo, config->font, scale, false, "%s", con->name); cairo_surface_flush(surface); unsigned char *data = cairo_image_surface_get_data(surface); int stride = cairo_format_stride_for_width(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, width); struct wlr_renderer *renderer = wlr_backend_get_renderer( output->sway_output->wlr_output->backend); *texture = wlr_texture_from_pixels( renderer, WL_SHM_FORMAT_ARGB8888, stride, width, height, data); cairo_surface_destroy(surface); g_object_unref(pango); cairo_destroy(cairo); } void container_update_title_textures(struct sway_container *container) { update_title_texture(container, &container->title_focused, &config->border_colors.focused); update_title_texture(container, &container->title_focused_inactive, &config->border_colors.focused_inactive); update_title_texture(container, &container->title_unfocused, &config->border_colors.unfocused); update_title_texture(container, &container->title_urgent, &config->border_colors.urgent); } void container_calculate_title_height(struct sway_container *container) { if (!container->name) { container->title_height = 0; return; } cairo_t *cairo = cairo_create(NULL); int height; get_text_size(cairo, config->font, NULL, &height, 1, false, "%s", container->name); cairo_destroy(cairo); container->title_height = height; } static void container_notify_child_title_changed( struct sway_container *container) { if (!container || container->type != C_CONTAINER) { return; } if (container->layout != L_TABBED && container->layout != L_STACKED) { return; } if (container->name) { free(container->name); } // TODO: iterate children and concatenate their titles container->name = strdup(""); container_calculate_title_height(container); container_update_title_textures(container); container_notify_child_title_changed(container->parent); } void container_update_title(struct sway_container *container, const char *new_title) { if (!new_title) { new_title = ""; } if (container->name && strcmp(container->name, new_title) == 0) { return; } if (container->name) { free(container->name); } container->name = strdup(new_title); container_calculate_title_height(container); container_update_title_textures(container); container_notify_child_title_changed(container->parent); size_t prev_max_height = config->font_height; config_find_font_height(false); if (config->font_height != prev_max_height) { arrange_root(); } }