#include #include #include #include "log.h" #include "sway/commands.h" #include "sway/input/input-manager.h" #include "sway/input/cursor.h" #include "sway/input/seat.h" #include "sway/output.h" #include "sway/tree/arrange.h" #include "sway/tree/root.h" #include "sway/tree/view.h" #include "sway/tree/workspace.h" #include "stringop.h" #include "util.h" static bool parse_direction(const char *name, enum wlr_direction *out) { if (strcasecmp(name, "left") == 0) { *out = WLR_DIRECTION_LEFT; } else if (strcasecmp(name, "right") == 0) { *out = WLR_DIRECTION_RIGHT; } else if (strcasecmp(name, "up") == 0) { *out = WLR_DIRECTION_UP; } else if (strcasecmp(name, "down") == 0) { *out = WLR_DIRECTION_DOWN; } else { return false; } return true; } /** * Get node in the direction of newly entered output. */ static struct sway_node *get_node_in_output_direction( struct sway_output *output, enum wlr_direction dir) { struct sway_seat *seat = config->handler_context.seat; struct sway_workspace *ws = output_get_active_workspace(output); if (!sway_assert(ws, "Expected output to have a workspace")) { return NULL; } if (ws->fullscreen) { return seat_get_focus_inactive(seat, &ws->fullscreen->node); } struct sway_container *container = NULL; if (ws->tiling->length > 0) { switch (dir) { case WLR_DIRECTION_LEFT: if (ws->layout == L_HORIZ || ws->layout == L_TABBED) { // get most right child of new output container = ws->tiling->items[ws->tiling->length-1]; } else { container = seat_get_focus_inactive_tiling(seat, ws); } break; case WLR_DIRECTION_RIGHT: if (ws->layout == L_HORIZ || ws->layout == L_TABBED) { // get most left child of new output container = ws->tiling->items[0]; } else { container = seat_get_focus_inactive_tiling(seat, ws); } break; case WLR_DIRECTION_UP: if (ws->layout == L_VERT || ws->layout == L_STACKED) { // get most bottom child of new output container = ws->tiling->items[ws->tiling->length-1]; } else { container = seat_get_focus_inactive_tiling(seat, ws); } break; case WLR_DIRECTION_DOWN: if (ws->layout == L_VERT || ws->layout == L_STACKED) { // get most top child of new output container = ws->tiling->items[0]; } else { container = seat_get_focus_inactive_tiling(seat, ws); } break; } } if (container) { container = seat_get_focus_inactive_view(seat, &container->node); return &container->node; } return &ws->node; } static struct sway_node *node_get_in_direction_tiling( struct sway_container *container, struct sway_seat *seat, enum wlr_direction dir) { struct sway_container *wrap_candidate = NULL; struct sway_container *current = container; while (current) { if (current->fullscreen_mode == FULLSCREEN_WORKSPACE) { // Fullscreen container with a direction - go straight to outputs struct sway_output *output = current->workspace->output; struct sway_output *new_output = output_get_in_direction(output, dir); if (!new_output) { return NULL; } return get_node_in_output_direction(new_output, dir); } if (current->fullscreen_mode == FULLSCREEN_GLOBAL) { return NULL; } bool can_move = false; int desired; int idx = container_sibling_index(current); enum sway_container_layout parent_layout = container_parent_layout(current); list_t *siblings = container_get_siblings(current); if (dir == WLR_DIRECTION_LEFT || dir == WLR_DIRECTION_RIGHT) { if (parent_layout == L_HORIZ || parent_layout == L_TABBED) { can_move = true; desired = idx + (dir == WLR_DIRECTION_LEFT ? -1 : 1); } } else { if (parent_layout == L_VERT || parent_layout == L_STACKED) { can_move = true; desired = idx + (dir == WLR_DIRECTION_UP ? -1 : 1); } } if (can_move) { if (desired < 0 || desired >= siblings->length) { int len = siblings->length; if (config->focus_wrapping != WRAP_NO && !wrap_candidate && len > 1) { if (desired < 0) { wrap_candidate = siblings->items[len-1]; } else { wrap_candidate = siblings->items[0]; } if (config->focus_wrapping == WRAP_FORCE) { struct sway_container *c = seat_get_focus_inactive_view( seat, &wrap_candidate->node); return &c->node; } } } else { struct sway_container *desired_con = siblings->items[desired]; struct sway_container *c = seat_get_focus_inactive_view( seat, &desired_con->node); return &c->node; } } current = current->parent; } // Check a different output struct sway_output *output = container->workspace->output; struct sway_output *new_output = output_get_in_direction(output, dir); if (new_output) { return get_node_in_output_direction(new_output, dir); } // If there is a wrap candidate, return its focus inactive view if (wrap_candidate) { struct sway_container *wrap_inactive = seat_get_focus_inactive_view( seat, &wrap_candidate->node); return &wrap_inactive->node; } return NULL; } static struct sway_node *node_get_in_direction_floating( struct sway_container *con, struct sway_seat *seat, enum wlr_direction dir) { double ref_lx = con->x + con->width / 2; double ref_ly = con->y + con->height / 2; double closest_distance = DBL_MAX; struct sway_container *closest_con = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < con->workspace->floating->length; i++) { struct sway_container *floater = con->workspace->floating->items[i]; if (floater == con) { continue; } float distance = dir == WLR_DIRECTION_LEFT || dir == WLR_DIRECTION_RIGHT ? (floater->x + floater->width / 2) - ref_lx : (floater->y + floater->height / 2) - ref_ly; if (dir == WLR_DIRECTION_LEFT || dir == WLR_DIRECTION_UP) { distance = -distance; } if (distance < 0) { continue; } if (distance < closest_distance) { closest_distance = distance; closest_con = floater; } } return closest_con ? &closest_con->node : NULL; } static struct cmd_results *focus_mode(struct sway_workspace *ws, struct sway_seat *seat, bool floating) { struct sway_container *new_focus = NULL; if (floating) { new_focus = seat_get_focus_inactive_floating(seat, ws); } else { new_focus = seat_get_focus_inactive_tiling(seat, ws); } if (new_focus) { seat_set_focus_container(seat, new_focus); seat_consider_warp_to_focus(seat); } else { return cmd_results_new(CMD_FAILURE, "Failed to find a %s container in workspace", floating ? "floating" : "tiling"); } return cmd_results_new(CMD_SUCCESS, NULL); } static struct cmd_results *focus_output(struct sway_seat *seat, int argc, char **argv) { if (!argc) { return cmd_results_new(CMD_INVALID, "Expected 'focus output '"); } char *identifier = join_args(argv, argc); struct sway_output *output = output_by_name_or_id(identifier); if (!output) { enum wlr_direction direction; if (!parse_direction(identifier, &direction)) { free(identifier); return cmd_results_new(CMD_INVALID, "There is no output with that name"); } struct sway_workspace *ws = seat_get_focused_workspace(seat); if (!ws) { free(identifier); return cmd_results_new(CMD_FAILURE, "No focused workspace to base directions off of"); } output = output_get_in_direction(ws->output, direction); if (!output) { int center_lx = ws->output->lx + ws->output->width / 2; int center_ly = ws->output->ly + ws->output->height / 2; struct wlr_output *target = wlr_output_layout_farthest_output( root->output_layout, opposite_direction(direction), ws->output->wlr_output, center_lx, center_ly); if (target) { output = output_from_wlr_output(target); } } } free(identifier); if (output) { seat_set_focus(seat, seat_get_focus_inactive(seat, &output->node)); seat_consider_warp_to_focus(seat); } return cmd_results_new(CMD_SUCCESS, NULL); } static struct cmd_results *focus_parent(void) { struct sway_seat *seat = config->handler_context.seat; struct sway_container *con = config->handler_context.container; if (!con || con->fullscreen_mode) { return cmd_results_new(CMD_SUCCESS, NULL); } struct sway_node *parent = node_get_parent(&con->node); if (parent) { seat_set_focus(seat, parent); seat_consider_warp_to_focus(seat); } return cmd_results_new(CMD_SUCCESS, NULL); } static struct cmd_results *focus_child(void) { struct sway_seat *seat = config->handler_context.seat; struct sway_node *node = config->handler_context.node; struct sway_node *focus = seat_get_active_tiling_child(seat, node); if (focus) { seat_set_focus(seat, focus); seat_consider_warp_to_focus(seat); } return cmd_results_new(CMD_SUCCESS, NULL); } struct cmd_results *cmd_focus(int argc, char **argv) { if (config->reading || !config->active) { return cmd_results_new(CMD_DEFER, NULL); } if (!root->outputs->length) { return cmd_results_new(CMD_INVALID, "Can't run this command while there's no outputs connected."); } struct sway_node *node = config->handler_context.node; struct sway_container *container = config->handler_context.container; struct sway_workspace *workspace = config->handler_context.workspace; struct sway_seat *seat = config->handler_context.seat; if (node->type < N_WORKSPACE) { return cmd_results_new(CMD_FAILURE, "Command 'focus' cannot be used above the workspace level"); } if (argc == 0 && container) { if (container_is_scratchpad_hidden(container)) { root_scratchpad_show(container); } seat_set_focus_container(seat, container); seat_consider_warp_to_focus(seat); container_raise_floating(container); return cmd_results_new(CMD_SUCCESS, NULL); } if (strcmp(argv[0], "floating") == 0) { return focus_mode(workspace, seat, true); } else if (strcmp(argv[0], "tiling") == 0) { return focus_mode(workspace, seat, false); } else if (strcmp(argv[0], "mode_toggle") == 0) { bool floating = container && container_is_floating_or_child(container); return focus_mode(workspace, seat, !floating); } if (strcmp(argv[0], "output") == 0) { argc--; argv++; return focus_output(seat, argc, argv); } if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "parent") == 0) { return focus_parent(); } if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "child") == 0) { return focus_child(); } enum wlr_direction direction = 0; if (!parse_direction(argv[0], &direction)) { return cmd_results_new(CMD_INVALID, "Expected 'focus ' " "or 'focus output '"); } if (node->type == N_WORKSPACE) { // Jump to the next output struct sway_output *new_output = output_get_in_direction(workspace->output, direction); if (!new_output) { return cmd_results_new(CMD_SUCCESS, NULL); } struct sway_node *node = get_node_in_output_direction(new_output, direction); seat_set_focus(seat, node); seat_consider_warp_to_focus(seat); return cmd_results_new(CMD_SUCCESS, NULL); } struct sway_node *next_focus = NULL; if (container_is_floating(container)) { next_focus = node_get_in_direction_floating(container, seat, direction); } else { next_focus = node_get_in_direction_tiling(container, seat, direction); } if (next_focus) { seat_set_focus(seat, next_focus); seat_consider_warp_to_focus(seat); if (next_focus->type == N_CONTAINER) { container_raise_floating(next_focus->sway_container); } } return cmd_results_new(CMD_SUCCESS, NULL); }