#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <strings.h> #include <pcre.h> #include "config.h" #include "container.h" #include "workspace.h" #include "focus.h" #include "layout.h" #include "log.h" #define ASSERT_NONNULL(PTR) \ sway_assert (PTR, #PTR "must be non-null") static swayc_t *new_swayc(enum swayc_types type) { swayc_t *c = calloc(1, sizeof(swayc_t)); c->handle = -1; c->gaps = -1; c->layout = L_NONE; c->type = type; if (type != C_VIEW) { c->children = create_list(); } return c; } static void free_swayc(swayc_t *cont) { if (!ASSERT_NONNULL(cont)) { return; } if (cont->children) { // remove children until there are no more, free_swayc calls // remove_child, which removes child from this container while (cont->children->length) { free_swayc(cont->children->items[0]); } list_free(cont->children); } if (cont->floating) { while (cont->floating->length) { free_swayc(cont->floating->items[0]); } list_free(cont->floating); } if (cont->parent) { remove_child(cont); } if (cont->name) { free(cont->name); } free(cont); } // New containers swayc_t *new_output(wlc_handle handle) { const char *name = wlc_output_get_name(handle); int i, len; // Find current outputs to see if this already exists if (name) { len = root_container.children->length; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { swayc_t *op = root_container.children->items[i]; if (strcmp(op->name, name) == 0) { sway_log(L_DEBUG, "restoring output %lu:%s", handle, op->name); return op; } } } else { sway_log(L_ERROR, "Output has no given name"); return NULL; } sway_log(L_DEBUG, "Adding output %lu:%s", handle, name); // Find output config struct output_config *oc = NULL; len = config->output_configs->length; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { oc = config->output_configs->items[i]; if (strcasecmp(name, oc->name) == 0) { sway_log(L_DEBUG, "Matched output config for %s", name); break; } oc = NULL; } if (oc && !oc->enabled) { return NULL; } swayc_t *output = new_swayc(C_OUTPUT); output->handle = handle; output->name = name ? strdup(name) : NULL; if (oc) { // Set output width/height if (oc->width > 0 && oc->height > 0) { output->width = oc->width; output->height = oc->height; struct wlc_size geo = { .w = oc->width, .h = oc->height}; wlc_output_set_resolution(handle, &geo); } else { struct wlc_size geo = *wlc_output_get_resolution(handle); output->width = geo.w; output->height = geo.h; } // find position in config or find where it should go // TODO more intelligent method if (oc->x > 0 && oc->y > 0) { output->x = oc->x; output->y = oc->y; } else { unsigned int x = 0; len = root_container.children->length; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { swayc_t *c = root_container.children->items[i]; if (c->type == C_OUTPUT) { unsigned int cx = c->width + c->x; if (cx > x) { x = cx; } } } output->x = x; } } // Add as child to root add_child(&root_container, output); // create and initilize default workspace swayc_t *ws = new_workspace(output, NULL); ws->is_focused = true; return output; } swayc_t *new_workspace(swayc_t *output, const char *name) { swayc_t *ws = NULL; struct workspace_output *wsop; if (name) { // Find existing workspace with same name. // or workspace found by special name if ((ws = workspace_by_name(name))) { return ws; } // Find matching output from config if (!output) { if ((wsop = wsop_find_workspace(name))) { int i, len = root_container.children->length; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { swayc_t *op = root_container.children->items[i]; if (strcasecmp(op->name, wsop->output) == 0) { output = op; goto find_wsop_end; } } } // Set output to active_output if there is no output. output = swayc_active_output(); find_wsop_end:; } } else { // No name or output, use active_output if (!output) { output = swayc_active_output(); } // search for available output name if (!(name = workspace_output_open_name(output))) { // otherwise just use simple next name name = workspace_next_name(); } } swayc_t *workspace = new_swayc(C_WORKSPACE); if (config->default_layout != L_NONE) { workspace->layout = config->default_layout; } else if (config->default_orientation != L_NONE) { workspace->layout = config->default_orientation; } else if (output->width >= output->height) { workspace->layout = L_HORIZ; } else { workspace->layout = L_VERT; } workspace->x = output->x; workspace->y = output->y; workspace->width = output->width; workspace->height = output->height; workspace->name = strdup(name); workspace->visible = false; workspace->floating = create_list(); add_child(output, workspace); return workspace; } swayc_t *new_container(swayc_t *child, enum swayc_layouts layout) { if (!ASSERT_NONNULL(child) && !sway_assert(!child->is_floating, "cannot create container around floating window")) { return NULL; } swayc_t *cont = new_swayc(C_CONTAINER); sway_log(L_DEBUG, "creating container %p around %p", cont, child); cont->layout = layout; cont->width = child->width; cont->height = child->height; cont->x = child->x; cont->y = child->y; cont->visible = child->visible; /* Container inherits all of workspaces children, layout and whatnot */ if (child->type == C_WORKSPACE) { swayc_t *workspace = child; // reorder focus cont->focused = workspace->focused; workspace->focused = cont; // set all children focu to container int i; for (i = 0; i < workspace->children->length; ++i) { ((swayc_t *)workspace->children->items[i])->parent = cont; } // Swap children list_t *tmp_list = workspace->children; workspace->children = cont->children; cont->children = tmp_list; // add container to workspace chidren add_child(workspace, cont); // give them proper layouts cont->layout = workspace->layout; workspace->layout = layout; set_focused_container_for(workspace, get_focused_view(workspace)); } else { // Or is built around container swayc_t *parent = replace_child(child, cont); if (parent) { add_child(cont, child); } } return cont; } swayc_t *new_view(swayc_t *sibling, wlc_handle handle) { if (!ASSERT_NONNULL(sibling)) { return NULL; } const char *title = wlc_view_get_title(handle); swayc_t *view = new_swayc(C_VIEW); sway_log(L_DEBUG, "Adding new view %lu:%s to container %p %d", handle, title, sibling, sibling ? sibling->type : 0); // Setup values view->handle = handle; view->name = title ? strdup(title) : NULL; view->visible = true; view->is_focused = true; // Setup geometry const struct wlc_geometry* geometry = wlc_view_get_geometry(handle); view->width = 0; view->height = 0; view->desired_width = geometry->size.w; view->desired_height = geometry->size.h; view->is_floating = false; if (sibling->type == C_WORKSPACE) { // Case of focused workspace, just create as child of it add_child(sibling, view); } else { // Regular case, create as sibling of current container add_sibling(sibling, view); } return view; } swayc_t *new_floating_view(wlc_handle handle) { if (swayc_active_workspace() == NULL) { return NULL; } const char *title = wlc_view_get_title(handle); swayc_t *view = new_swayc(C_VIEW); sway_log(L_DEBUG, "Adding new view %lu:%x:%s as a floating view", handle, wlc_view_get_type(handle), title); // Setup values view->handle = handle; view->name = title ? strdup(title) : NULL; view->visible = true; // Set the geometry of the floating view const struct wlc_geometry* geometry = wlc_view_get_geometry(handle); // give it requested geometry, but place in center view->x = (swayc_active_workspace()->width - geometry->size.w) / 2; view->y = (swayc_active_workspace()->height- geometry->size.h) / 2; view->width = geometry->size.w; view->height = geometry->size.h; view->desired_width = view->width; view->desired_height = view->height; view->is_floating = true; // Case of focused workspace, just create as child of it list_add(swayc_active_workspace()->floating, view); view->parent = swayc_active_workspace(); if (swayc_active_workspace()->focused == NULL) { set_focused_container_for(swayc_active_workspace(), view); } return view; } // Destroy container swayc_t *destroy_output(swayc_t *output) { if (!ASSERT_NONNULL(output)) { return NULL; } if (output->children->length > 0) { // TODO save workspaces when there are no outputs. // TODO also check if there will ever be no outputs except for exiting // program if (root_container.children->length > 1) { int p = root_container.children->items[0] == output; // Move workspace from this output to another output while (output->children->length) { swayc_t *child = output->children->items[0]; remove_child(child); add_child(root_container.children->items[p], child); } update_visibility(root_container.children->items[p]); arrange_windows(root_container.children->items[p], -1, -1); } } sway_log(L_DEBUG, "OUTPUT: Destroying output '%lu'", output->handle); free_swayc(output); return &root_container; } swayc_t *destroy_workspace(swayc_t *workspace) { if (!ASSERT_NONNULL(workspace)) { return NULL; } // NOTE: This is called from elsewhere without checking children length // TODO move containers to other workspaces? // for now just dont delete // Do not destroy this if it's the last workspace on this output swayc_t *output = swayc_parent_by_type(workspace, C_OUTPUT); if (output && output->children->length == 1) { return NULL; } // Do not destroy if there are children if (workspace->children->length == 0 && workspace->floating->length == 0) { sway_log(L_DEBUG, "destroying workspace '%s'", workspace->name); swayc_t *parent = workspace->parent; free_swayc(workspace); return parent; } return NULL; } swayc_t *destroy_container(swayc_t *container) { if (!ASSERT_NONNULL(container)) { return NULL; } while (container->children->length == 0 && container->type == C_CONTAINER) { sway_log(L_DEBUG, "Container: Destroying container '%p'", container); swayc_t *parent = container->parent; free_swayc(container); container = parent; } return container; } swayc_t *destroy_view(swayc_t *view) { if (!ASSERT_NONNULL(view)) { return NULL; } sway_log(L_DEBUG, "Destroying view '%p'", view); swayc_t *parent = view->parent; free_swayc(view); // Destroy empty containers if (parent->type == C_CONTAINER) { return destroy_container(parent); } return parent; } // Container lookup swayc_t *swayc_by_test_r(swayc_t *container, swayc_test_func test, void *data) { if (!container->children) { return NULL; } // Special case for checking floating stuff int i; if (container->type == C_WORKSPACE) { for (i = 0; i < container->floating->length; ++i) { swayc_t *child = container->floating->items[i]; if (test(child, data)) { return child; } } } for (i = 0; i < container->children->length; ++i) { swayc_t *child = container->children->items[i]; if (test(child, data)) { return child; } else { swayc_t *res = swayc_by_test_r(child, test, data); if (res) { return res; } } } return NULL; } swayc_t *swayc_by_test(swayc_test_func test, void *data) { return swayc_by_test_r(&root_container, test, data); } void swayc_map_r(swayc_t *container, swayc_map_func f, void *data) { if (container) { f(container, data); int i; if (container->children) { for (i = 0; i < container->children->length; ++i) { swayc_t *child = container->children->items[i]; swayc_map_r(child, f, data); } } if (container->floating) { for (i = 0; i < container->floating->length; ++i) { swayc_t *child = container->floating->items[i]; swayc_map_r(child, f, data); } } } } void swayc_map(swayc_map_func f, void *data) { swayc_map_r(&root_container, f, data); } void swayc_map_by_test_r(swayc_t *container, swayc_map_func func, swayc_test_func test, void *funcdata, void *testdata) { if (container) { if (test(container, testdata)) { func(container, funcdata); } int i; if (container->children) { for (i = 0; i < container->children->length; ++i) { swayc_t *child = container->children->items[i]; swayc_map_by_test_r(child, func, test, funcdata, testdata); } } if (container->floating) { for (i = 0; i < container->floating->length; ++i) { swayc_t *child = container->floating->items[i]; swayc_map_by_test_r(child, func, test, funcdata, testdata); } } } } void swayc_map_by_test( swayc_map_func func, swayc_test_func test, void *funcdata, void *testdata) { swayc_map_by_test_r(&root_container, func, test, funcdata, testdata); } // Map functions void set_gaps(swayc_t *view, void *_data) { int *data = _data; if (view->type == C_WORKSPACE || view->type == C_VIEW) { view->gaps = *data; } } void add_gaps(swayc_t *view, void *_data) { int *data = _data; if (view->type == C_WORKSPACE || view->type == C_VIEW) { if ((view->gaps += *data) < 0) { view->gaps = 0; } } } // Test functions bool test_name(swayc_t *view, void *data) { return view->name && strcmp(view->name, data) == 0; } // test_name_regex struct test_name_regex { pcre *reg; pcre_extra *regext; }; void *compile_regex(const char *pattern) { struct test_name_regex *regex = malloc(sizeof *regex); const char *error; int erroffset; if (!(regex->reg = pcre_compile(pattern, 0, &error, &erroffset, NULL))) { sway_log(L_ERROR, "Regex compilation failed:%s:%s", pattern, error); free(regex); return NULL; } regex->regext = pcre_study(regex->reg, 0, &error); if (error) { sway_log(L_DEBUG, "Regex study failed:%s:%s", pattern, error); } return regex; } void free_regex(void *_regex) { struct test_name_regex *regex = _regex; pcre_free(regex->reg); pcre_free_study(regex->regext); free(regex); } static bool exec_regex(const char *pattern, struct test_name_regex *regex) { int ovector[300]; return 0 < pcre_exec(regex->reg, regex->regext, pattern, strlen(pattern), 0, 0, ovector, 300); } bool test_name_regex(swayc_t *view, void *data) { return view->name && exec_regex(view->name, data); } bool test_layout(swayc_t *view, void *data) { return view->layout & *(enum swayc_layouts *)data; } bool test_type(swayc_t *view, void *data) { return view->layout & *(enum swayc_types *)data; } bool test_visibility(swayc_t *view, void *data) { return view->visible == *(bool *)data; } bool test_handle(swayc_t *view, void *data) { return view->handle == *(wlc_handle *)data; } // C_VIEW tests bool test_view_state(swayc_t *view, void *data) { return view->type == C_VIEW && wlc_view_get_state(view->handle) & *(int *)data; } bool test_view_type(swayc_t *view, void *data) { return view->type == C_VIEW && wlc_view_get_type(view->handle) & *(int *)data; } bool test_view_title(swayc_t *view, void *data) { return view->type == C_VIEW && strcmp(view->name, data) == 0; } bool test_view_class(swayc_t *view, void *data) { return view->type == C_VIEW && strcmp(wlc_view_get_class(view->handle), data) == 0; } bool test_view_appid(swayc_t *view, void *data) { return view->type == C_VIEW && strcmp(wlc_view_get_app_id(view->handle), data) == 0; } bool test_view_title_regex(swayc_t *view, void *data) { return view->type == C_VIEW && exec_regex(view->name, data); } bool test_view_class_regex(swayc_t *view, void *data) { return view->type == C_VIEW && exec_regex(wlc_view_get_class(view->handle), data); } bool test_view_appid_regex(swayc_t *view, void *data) { return view->type == C_VIEW && exec_regex(wlc_view_get_app_id(view->handle), data); } // Fancy test combiners bool test_and(swayc_t *view, void *data) { struct test_list *list = data; while (list->test) { if (!list->test(view, list->data)) { return false; } ++list; } return true; } bool test_or(swayc_t *view, void *data) { struct test_list *list = data; while (list->test) { if (list->test(view, list->data)) { return true; } ++list; } return false; } // Focus|parent lookup swayc_t *swayc_parent_by_type(swayc_t *container, enum swayc_types type) { if (!ASSERT_NONNULL(container)) { return NULL; } if (!sway_assert(type < C_TYPES && type >= C_ROOT, "invalid type")) { return NULL; } do { container = container->parent; } while (container && container->type != type); return container; } swayc_t *swayc_parent_by_layout(swayc_t *container, enum swayc_layouts layout) { if (!ASSERT_NONNULL(container)) { return NULL; } if (!sway_assert(layout < L_LAYOUTS && layout >= L_NONE, "invalid layout")) { return NULL; } do { container = container->parent; } while (container && container->layout != layout); return container; } swayc_t *swayc_focus_by_type(swayc_t *container, enum swayc_types type) { if (!ASSERT_NONNULL(container)) { return NULL; } if (!sway_assert(type < C_TYPES && type >= C_ROOT, "invalid type")) { return NULL; } do { container = container->focused; } while (container && container->type != type); return container; } swayc_t *swayc_focus_by_layout(swayc_t *container, enum swayc_layouts layout) { if (!ASSERT_NONNULL(container)) { return NULL; } if (!sway_assert(layout < L_LAYOUTS && layout >= L_NONE, "invalid layout")) { return NULL; } do { container = container->focused; } while (container && container->layout != layout); return container; } swayc_t *swayc_active_output(void) { return root_container.focused; } swayc_t *swayc_active_workspace(void) { return root_container.focused ? root_container.focused->focused : NULL; } swayc_t *swayc_active_workspace_for(swayc_t *cont) { if (!cont) { return NULL; } switch (cont->type) { case C_ROOT: cont = cont->focused; /* Fallthrough */ case C_OUTPUT: cont = cont ? cont->focused : NULL; /* Fallthrough */ case C_WORKSPACE: return cont; default: return swayc_parent_by_type(cont, C_WORKSPACE); } } // Container information bool swayc_is_fullscreen(swayc_t *view) { return view && view->type == C_VIEW && wlc_view_get_state(view->handle) & WLC_BIT_FULLSCREEN; } bool swayc_is_active(swayc_t *view) { return view && view->type == C_VIEW && wlc_view_get_state(view->handle) & WLC_BIT_ACTIVATED; } bool swayc_is_parent_of(swayc_t *parent, swayc_t *child) { while (child != &root_container) { child = child->parent; if (child == parent) { return true; } } return false; } bool swayc_is_child_of(swayc_t *child, swayc_t *parent) { return swayc_is_parent_of(parent, child); } int swayc_gap(swayc_t *container) { if (container->type == C_VIEW) { return container->gaps >= 0 ? container->gaps : config->gaps_inner; } else if (container->type == C_WORKSPACE) { return container->gaps >= 0 ? container->gaps : config->gaps_outer; } else { return 0; } } // Mapping void update_visibility_output(swayc_t *container, wlc_handle output) { // Inherit visibility swayc_t *parent = container->parent; container->visible = parent->visible; // special cases where visibility depends on focus if (parent->type == C_OUTPUT || parent->layout == L_TABBED || parent->layout == L_STACKED) { container->visible = parent->focused == container; } // Set visibility and output for view if (container->type == C_VIEW) { wlc_view_set_output(container->handle, output); wlc_view_set_mask(container->handle, container->visible ? VISIBLE : 0); if (container->visible) { wlc_view_bring_to_front(container->handle); } else { wlc_view_send_to_back(container->handle); } } // Update visibility for children else { if (container->children) { int i, len = container->children->length; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { update_visibility_output(container->children->items[i], output); } } if (container->floating) { int i, len = container->floating->length; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { update_visibility_output(container->floating->items[i], output); } } } } void update_visibility(swayc_t *container) { if (!container) return; switch (container->type) { case C_ROOT: container->visible = true; if (container->children) { int i, len = container->children->length; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { update_visibility(container->children->items[i]); } } return; case C_OUTPUT: container->visible = true; if (container->children) { int i, len = container->children->length; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { update_visibility_output(container->children->items[i], container->handle); } } return; default: { swayc_t *op = swayc_parent_by_type(container, C_OUTPUT); update_visibility_output(container, op->handle); } } }