// See https://i3wm.org/docs/ipc.html for protocol information #ifndef __FreeBSD__ // Any value will hide SOCK_CLOEXEC on FreeBSD (__BSD_VISIBLE=0) #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 700 #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "sway/commands.h" #include "sway/ipc-json.h" #include "sway/ipc-server.h" #include "sway/output.h" #include "sway/server.h" #include "sway/input/input-manager.h" #include "sway/input/seat.h" #include "sway/tree/view.h" #include "list.h" #include "log.h" static int ipc_socket = -1; static struct wl_event_source *ipc_event_source = NULL; static struct sockaddr_un *ipc_sockaddr = NULL; static list_t *ipc_client_list = NULL; static struct wl_listener ipc_display_destroy; static const char ipc_magic[] = {'i', '3', '-', 'i', 'p', 'c'}; struct ipc_client { struct wl_event_source *event_source; struct wl_event_source *writable_event_source; struct sway_server *server; int fd; uint32_t payload_length; uint32_t security_policy; enum ipc_command_type current_command; enum ipc_command_type subscribed_events; size_t write_buffer_len; size_t write_buffer_size; char *write_buffer; }; struct sockaddr_un *ipc_user_sockaddr(void); int ipc_handle_connection(int fd, uint32_t mask, void *data); int ipc_client_handle_readable(int client_fd, uint32_t mask, void *data); int ipc_client_handle_writable(int client_fd, uint32_t mask, void *data); void ipc_client_disconnect(struct ipc_client *client); void ipc_client_handle_command(struct ipc_client *client); bool ipc_send_reply(struct ipc_client *client, const char *payload, uint32_t payload_length); static void handle_display_destroy(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) { if (ipc_event_source) { wl_event_source_remove(ipc_event_source); } close(ipc_socket); unlink(ipc_sockaddr->sun_path); list_free(ipc_client_list); if (ipc_sockaddr) { free(ipc_sockaddr); } wl_list_remove(&ipc_display_destroy.link); } void ipc_init(struct sway_server *server) { ipc_socket = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM | SOCK_NONBLOCK | SOCK_CLOEXEC, 0); if (ipc_socket == -1) { sway_abort("Unable to create IPC socket"); } ipc_sockaddr = ipc_user_sockaddr(); // We want to use socket name set by user, not existing socket from another sway instance. if (getenv("SWAYSOCK") != NULL && access(getenv("SWAYSOCK"), F_OK) == -1) { strncpy(ipc_sockaddr->sun_path, getenv("SWAYSOCK"), sizeof(ipc_sockaddr->sun_path) - 1); ipc_sockaddr->sun_path[sizeof(ipc_sockaddr->sun_path) - 1] = 0; } unlink(ipc_sockaddr->sun_path); if (bind(ipc_socket, (struct sockaddr *)ipc_sockaddr, sizeof(*ipc_sockaddr)) == -1) { sway_abort("Unable to bind IPC socket"); } if (listen(ipc_socket, 3) == -1) { sway_abort("Unable to listen on IPC socket"); } // Set i3 IPC socket path so that i3-msg works out of the box setenv("I3SOCK", ipc_sockaddr->sun_path, 1); setenv("SWAYSOCK", ipc_sockaddr->sun_path, 1); ipc_client_list = create_list(); ipc_display_destroy.notify = handle_display_destroy; wl_display_add_destroy_listener(server->wl_display, &ipc_display_destroy); ipc_event_source = wl_event_loop_add_fd(server->wl_event_loop, ipc_socket, WL_EVENT_READABLE, ipc_handle_connection, server); } struct sockaddr_un *ipc_user_sockaddr(void) { struct sockaddr_un *ipc_sockaddr = malloc(sizeof(struct sockaddr_un)); if (ipc_sockaddr == NULL) { sway_abort("Can't allocate ipc_sockaddr"); } ipc_sockaddr->sun_family = AF_UNIX; int path_size = sizeof(ipc_sockaddr->sun_path); // Env var typically set by logind, e.g. "/run/user/" const char *dir = getenv("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR"); if (!dir) { dir = "/tmp"; } if (path_size <= snprintf(ipc_sockaddr->sun_path, path_size, "%s/sway-ipc.%i.%i.sock", dir, getuid(), getpid())) { sway_abort("Socket path won't fit into ipc_sockaddr->sun_path"); } return ipc_sockaddr; } int ipc_handle_connection(int fd, uint32_t mask, void *data) { (void) fd; struct sway_server *server = data; wlr_log(L_DEBUG, "Event on IPC listening socket"); assert(mask == WL_EVENT_READABLE); int client_fd = accept(ipc_socket, NULL, NULL); if (client_fd == -1) { wlr_log_errno(L_ERROR, "Unable to accept IPC client connection"); return 0; } int flags; if ((flags = fcntl(client_fd, F_GETFD)) == -1 || fcntl(client_fd, F_SETFD, flags|FD_CLOEXEC) == -1) { wlr_log_errno(L_ERROR, "Unable to set CLOEXEC on IPC client socket"); close(client_fd); return 0; } if ((flags = fcntl(client_fd, F_GETFL)) == -1 || fcntl(client_fd, F_SETFL, flags|O_NONBLOCK) == -1) { wlr_log_errno(L_ERROR, "Unable to set NONBLOCK on IPC client socket"); close(client_fd); return 0; } struct ipc_client *client = malloc(sizeof(struct ipc_client)); if (!client) { wlr_log(L_ERROR, "Unable to allocate ipc client"); close(client_fd); return 0; } client->server = server; client->payload_length = 0; client->fd = client_fd; client->subscribed_events = 0; client->event_source = wl_event_loop_add_fd(server->wl_event_loop, client_fd, WL_EVENT_READABLE, ipc_client_handle_readable, client); client->writable_event_source = NULL; client->write_buffer_size = 128; client->write_buffer_len = 0; client->write_buffer = malloc(client->write_buffer_size); if (!client->write_buffer) { wlr_log(L_ERROR, "Unable to allocate ipc client write buffer"); close(client_fd); return 0; } wlr_log(L_DEBUG, "New client: fd %d", client_fd); list_add(ipc_client_list, client); return 0; } static const int ipc_header_size = sizeof(ipc_magic) + 8; int ipc_client_handle_readable(int client_fd, uint32_t mask, void *data) { struct ipc_client *client = data; if (mask & WL_EVENT_ERROR) { wlr_log(L_ERROR, "IPC Client socket error, removing client"); ipc_client_disconnect(client); return 0; } if (mask & WL_EVENT_HANGUP) { wlr_log(L_DEBUG, "Client %d hung up", client->fd); ipc_client_disconnect(client); return 0; } wlr_log(L_DEBUG, "Client %d readable", client->fd); int read_available; if (ioctl(client_fd, FIONREAD, &read_available) == -1) { wlr_log_errno(L_INFO, "Unable to read IPC socket buffer size"); ipc_client_disconnect(client); return 0; } // Wait for the rest of the command payload in case the header has already been read if (client->payload_length > 0) { if ((uint32_t)read_available >= client->payload_length) { ipc_client_handle_command(client); } return 0; } if (read_available < ipc_header_size) { return 0; } uint8_t buf[ipc_header_size]; uint32_t *buf32 = (uint32_t*)(buf + sizeof(ipc_magic)); // Should be fully available, because read_available >= ipc_header_size ssize_t received = recv(client_fd, buf, ipc_header_size, 0); if (received == -1) { wlr_log_errno(L_INFO, "Unable to receive header from IPC client"); ipc_client_disconnect(client); return 0; } if (memcmp(buf, ipc_magic, sizeof(ipc_magic)) != 0) { wlr_log(L_DEBUG, "IPC header check failed"); ipc_client_disconnect(client); return 0; } client->payload_length = buf32[0]; client->current_command = (enum ipc_command_type)buf32[1]; if (read_available - received >= (long)client->payload_length) { ipc_client_handle_command(client); } return 0; } static bool ipc_has_event_listeners(enum ipc_command_type event) { for (int i = 0; i < ipc_client_list->length; i++) { struct ipc_client *client = ipc_client_list->items[i]; if ((client->subscribed_events & event_mask(event)) == 0) { return true; } } return false; } static void ipc_send_event(const char *json_string, enum ipc_command_type event) { struct ipc_client *client; for (int i = 0; i < ipc_client_list->length; i++) { client = ipc_client_list->items[i]; if ((client->subscribed_events & event_mask(event)) == 0) { continue; } client->current_command = event; if (!ipc_send_reply(client, json_string, (uint32_t) strlen(json_string))) { wlr_log_errno(L_INFO, "Unable to send reply to IPC client"); /* ipc_send_reply destroys client on error, which also * removes it from the list, so we need to process * current index again */ i--; } } } void ipc_event_workspace(struct sway_container *old, struct sway_container *new, const char *change) { if (!ipc_has_event_listeners(IPC_EVENT_WORKSPACE)) { return; } wlr_log(L_DEBUG, "Sending workspace::%s event", change); json_object *obj = json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add(obj, "change", json_object_new_string(change)); if (strcmp("focus", change) == 0) { if (old) { json_object_object_add(obj, "old", ipc_json_describe_container_recursive(old)); } else { json_object_object_add(obj, "old", NULL); } } if (new) { json_object_object_add(obj, "current", ipc_json_describe_container_recursive(new)); } else { json_object_object_add(obj, "current", NULL); } const char *json_string = json_object_to_json_string(obj); ipc_send_event(json_string, IPC_EVENT_WORKSPACE); json_object_put(obj); } void ipc_event_window(struct sway_container *window, const char *change) { if (!ipc_has_event_listeners(IPC_EVENT_WINDOW)) { return; } wlr_log(L_DEBUG, "Sending window::%s event", change); json_object *obj = json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add(obj, "change", json_object_new_string(change)); json_object_object_add(obj, "container", ipc_json_describe_container_recursive(window)); const char *json_string = json_object_to_json_string(obj); ipc_send_event(json_string, IPC_EVENT_WINDOW); json_object_put(obj); } void ipc_event_barconfig_update(struct bar_config *bar) { if (!ipc_has_event_listeners(IPC_EVENT_BARCONFIG_UPDATE)) { return; } wlr_log(L_DEBUG, "Sending barconfig_update event"); json_object *json = ipc_json_describe_bar_config(bar); const char *json_string = json_object_to_json_string(json); ipc_send_event(json_string, IPC_EVENT_BARCONFIG_UPDATE); json_object_put(json); } void ipc_event_mode(const char *mode) { if (!ipc_has_event_listeners(IPC_EVENT_MODE)) { return; } wlr_log(L_DEBUG, "Sending mode::%s event", mode); json_object *obj = json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add(obj, "change", json_object_new_string(mode)); const char *json_string = json_object_to_json_string(obj); ipc_send_event(json_string, IPC_EVENT_MODE); json_object_put(obj); } int ipc_client_handle_writable(int client_fd, uint32_t mask, void *data) { struct ipc_client *client = data; if (mask & WL_EVENT_ERROR) { wlr_log(L_ERROR, "IPC Client socket error, removing client"); ipc_client_disconnect(client); return 0; } if (mask & WL_EVENT_HANGUP) { wlr_log(L_DEBUG, "Client %d hung up", client->fd); ipc_client_disconnect(client); return 0; } if (client->write_buffer_len <= 0) { return 0; } wlr_log(L_DEBUG, "Client %d writable", client->fd); ssize_t written = write(client->fd, client->write_buffer, client->write_buffer_len); if (written == -1 && errno == EAGAIN) { return 0; } else if (written == -1) { wlr_log_errno(L_INFO, "Unable to send data from queue to IPC client"); ipc_client_disconnect(client); return 0; } memmove(client->write_buffer, client->write_buffer + written, client->write_buffer_len - written); client->write_buffer_len -= written; if (client->write_buffer_len == 0 && client->writable_event_source) { wl_event_source_remove(client->writable_event_source); client->writable_event_source = NULL; } return 0; } void ipc_client_disconnect(struct ipc_client *client) { if (!sway_assert(client != NULL, "client != NULL")) { return; } shutdown(client->fd, SHUT_RDWR); wlr_log(L_INFO, "IPC Client %d disconnected", client->fd); wl_event_source_remove(client->event_source); if (client->writable_event_source) { wl_event_source_remove(client->writable_event_source); } int i = 0; while (i < ipc_client_list->length && ipc_client_list->items[i] != client) { i++; } list_del(ipc_client_list, i); free(client->write_buffer); close(client->fd); free(client); } static void ipc_get_workspaces_callback(struct sway_container *workspace, void *data) { if (workspace->type != C_WORKSPACE) { return; } json_object *workspace_json = ipc_json_describe_container(workspace); // override the default focused indicator because // it's set differently for the get_workspaces reply struct sway_seat *seat = input_manager_get_default_seat(input_manager); struct sway_container *focused_ws = seat_get_focus(seat); if (focused_ws != NULL && focused_ws->type != C_WORKSPACE) { focused_ws = container_parent(focused_ws, C_WORKSPACE); } bool focused = workspace == focused_ws; json_object_object_del(workspace_json, "focused"); json_object_object_add(workspace_json, "focused", json_object_new_boolean(focused)); json_object_array_add((json_object *)data, workspace_json); focused_ws = seat_get_focus_inactive(seat, workspace->parent); if (focused_ws->type != C_WORKSPACE) { focused_ws = container_parent(focused_ws, C_WORKSPACE); } bool visible = workspace == focused_ws; json_object_object_add(workspace_json, "visible", json_object_new_boolean(visible)); } static void ipc_get_marks_callback(struct sway_container *con, void *data) { json_object *marks = (json_object *)data; if (con->type == C_VIEW && con->sway_view->marks) { for (int i = 0; i < con->sway_view->marks->length; ++i) { char *mark = (char *)con->sway_view->marks->items[i]; json_object_array_add(marks, json_object_new_string(mark)); } } } void ipc_client_handle_command(struct ipc_client *client) { if (!sway_assert(client != NULL, "client != NULL")) { return; } char *buf = malloc(client->payload_length + 1); if (!buf) { wlr_log_errno(L_INFO, "Unable to allocate IPC payload"); ipc_client_disconnect(client); return; } if (client->payload_length > 0) { // Payload should be fully available ssize_t received = recv(client->fd, buf, client->payload_length, 0); if (received == -1) { wlr_log_errno(L_INFO, "Unable to receive payload from IPC client"); ipc_client_disconnect(client); free(buf); return; } } buf[client->payload_length] = '\0'; bool client_valid = true; switch (client->current_command) { case IPC_COMMAND: { struct cmd_results *results = execute_command(buf, NULL); const char *json = cmd_results_to_json(results); char reply[256]; int length = snprintf(reply, sizeof(reply), "%s", json); client_valid = ipc_send_reply(client, reply, (uint32_t)length); free_cmd_results(results); goto exit_cleanup; } case IPC_GET_OUTPUTS: { json_object *outputs = json_object_new_array(); for (int i = 0; i < root_container.children->length; ++i) { struct sway_container *container = root_container.children->items[i]; if (container->type == C_OUTPUT) { json_object_array_add(outputs, ipc_json_describe_container(container)); } } struct sway_output *output; wl_list_for_each(output, &root_container.sway_root->outputs, link) { if (!output->swayc) { json_object_array_add(outputs, ipc_json_describe_disabled_output(output)); } } const char *json_string = json_object_to_json_string(outputs); client_valid = ipc_send_reply(client, json_string, (uint32_t)strlen(json_string)); json_object_put(outputs); // free goto exit_cleanup; } case IPC_GET_WORKSPACES: { json_object *workspaces = json_object_new_array(); container_for_each_descendant_dfs(&root_container, ipc_get_workspaces_callback, workspaces); const char *json_string = json_object_to_json_string(workspaces); client_valid = ipc_send_reply(client, json_string, (uint32_t)strlen(json_string)); json_object_put(workspaces); // free goto exit_cleanup; } case IPC_SUBSCRIBE: { // TODO: Check if they're permitted to use these events struct json_object *request = json_tokener_parse(buf); if (request == NULL) { client_valid = ipc_send_reply(client, "{\"success\": false}", 18); wlr_log_errno(L_INFO, "Failed to read request"); goto exit_cleanup; } // parse requested event types for (size_t i = 0; i < json_object_array_length(request); i++) { const char *event_type = json_object_get_string(json_object_array_get_idx(request, i)); if (strcmp(event_type, "workspace") == 0) { client->subscribed_events |= event_mask(IPC_EVENT_WORKSPACE); } else if (strcmp(event_type, "barconfig_update") == 0) { client->subscribed_events |= event_mask(IPC_EVENT_BARCONFIG_UPDATE); } else if (strcmp(event_type, "mode") == 0) { client->subscribed_events |= event_mask(IPC_EVENT_MODE); } else if (strcmp(event_type, "window") == 0) { client->subscribed_events |= event_mask(IPC_EVENT_WINDOW); } else if (strcmp(event_type, "modifier") == 0) { client->subscribed_events |= event_mask(IPC_EVENT_MODIFIER); } else if (strcmp(event_type, "binding") == 0) { client->subscribed_events |= event_mask(IPC_EVENT_BINDING); } else { client_valid = ipc_send_reply(client, "{\"success\": false}", 18); json_object_put(request); wlr_log_errno(L_INFO, "Failed to parse request"); goto exit_cleanup; } } json_object_put(request); client_valid = ipc_send_reply(client, "{\"success\": true}", 17); goto exit_cleanup; } case IPC_GET_INPUTS: { json_object *inputs = json_object_new_array(); struct sway_input_device *device = NULL; wl_list_for_each(device, &input_manager->devices, link) { json_object_array_add(inputs, ipc_json_describe_input(device)); } const char *json_string = json_object_to_json_string(inputs); client_valid = ipc_send_reply(client, json_string, (uint32_t)strlen(json_string)); json_object_put(inputs); // free goto exit_cleanup; } case IPC_GET_SEATS: { json_object *seats = json_object_new_array(); struct sway_seat *seat = NULL; wl_list_for_each(seat, &input_manager->seats, link) { json_object_array_add(seats, ipc_json_describe_seat(seat)); } const char *json_string = json_object_to_json_string(seats); client_valid = ipc_send_reply(client, json_string, (uint32_t)strlen(json_string)); json_object_put(seats); // free goto exit_cleanup; } case IPC_GET_TREE: { json_object *tree = ipc_json_describe_container_recursive(&root_container); const char *json_string = json_object_to_json_string(tree); client_valid = ipc_send_reply(client, json_string, (uint32_t) strlen(json_string)); json_object_put(tree); goto exit_cleanup; } case IPC_GET_MARKS: { json_object *marks = json_object_new_array(); container_descendants(&root_container, C_VIEW, ipc_get_marks_callback, marks); const char *json_string = json_object_to_json_string(marks); client_valid = ipc_send_reply(client, json_string, (uint32_t)strlen(json_string)); json_object_put(marks); goto exit_cleanup; } case IPC_GET_VERSION: { json_object *version = ipc_json_get_version(); const char *json_string = json_object_to_json_string(version); client_valid = ipc_send_reply(client, json_string, (uint32_t)strlen(json_string)); json_object_put(version); // free goto exit_cleanup; } case IPC_GET_BAR_CONFIG: { if (!buf[0]) { // Send list of configured bar IDs json_object *bars = json_object_new_array(); for (int i = 0; i < config->bars->length; ++i) { struct bar_config *bar = config->bars->items[i]; json_object_array_add(bars, json_object_new_string(bar->id)); } const char *json_string = json_object_to_json_string(bars); client_valid = ipc_send_reply(client, json_string, (uint32_t)strlen(json_string)); json_object_put(bars); // free } else { // Send particular bar's details struct bar_config *bar = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < config->bars->length; ++i) { bar = config->bars->items[i]; if (strcmp(buf, bar->id) == 0) { break; } bar = NULL; } if (!bar) { const char *error = "{ \"success\": false, \"error\": \"No bar with that ID\" }"; client_valid = ipc_send_reply(client, error, (uint32_t)strlen(error)); goto exit_cleanup; } json_object *json = ipc_json_describe_bar_config(bar); const char *json_string = json_object_to_json_string(json); client_valid = ipc_send_reply(client, json_string, (uint32_t)strlen(json_string)); json_object_put(json); // free } goto exit_cleanup; } default: wlr_log(L_INFO, "Unknown IPC command type %i", client->current_command); goto exit_cleanup; } exit_cleanup: if (client_valid) { client->payload_length = 0; } free(buf); return; } bool ipc_send_reply(struct ipc_client *client, const char *payload, uint32_t payload_length) { assert(payload); char data[ipc_header_size]; uint32_t *data32 = (uint32_t*)(data + sizeof(ipc_magic)); memcpy(data, ipc_magic, sizeof(ipc_magic)); data32[0] = payload_length; data32[1] = client->current_command; while (client->write_buffer_len + ipc_header_size + payload_length >= client->write_buffer_size) { client->write_buffer_size *= 2; } if (client->write_buffer_size > 4e6) { // 4 MB wlr_log(L_ERROR, "Client write buffer too big, disconnecting client"); ipc_client_disconnect(client); return false; } char *new_buffer = realloc(client->write_buffer, client->write_buffer_size); if (!new_buffer) { wlr_log(L_ERROR, "Unable to reallocate ipc client write buffer"); ipc_client_disconnect(client); return false; } client->write_buffer = new_buffer; memcpy(client->write_buffer + client->write_buffer_len, data, ipc_header_size); client->write_buffer_len += ipc_header_size; memcpy(client->write_buffer + client->write_buffer_len, payload, payload_length); client->write_buffer_len += payload_length; if (!client->writable_event_source) { client->writable_event_source = wl_event_loop_add_fd( server.wl_event_loop, client->fd, WL_EVENT_WRITABLE, ipc_client_handle_writable, client); } wlr_log(L_DEBUG, "Added IPC reply to client %d queue: %s", client->fd, payload); return true; }