#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 700 #include #include #include #include "sway/tree/container.h" #include "sway/input/seat.h" #include "sway/input/cursor.h" #include "sway/input/input-manager.h" #include "sway/input/keyboard.h" #include "sway/ipc-server.h" #include "sway/output.h" #include "sway/tree/container.h" #include "sway/tree/view.h" #include "log.h" static void seat_device_destroy(struct sway_seat_device *seat_device) { if (!seat_device) { return; } sway_keyboard_destroy(seat_device->keyboard); wlr_cursor_detach_input_device(seat_device->sway_seat->cursor->cursor, seat_device->input_device->wlr_device); wl_list_remove(&seat_device->link); free(seat_device); } void seat_destroy(struct sway_seat *seat) { struct sway_seat_device *seat_device, *next; wl_list_for_each_safe(seat_device, next, &seat->devices, link) { seat_device_destroy(seat_device); } sway_cursor_destroy(seat->cursor); wl_list_remove(&seat->link); wlr_seat_destroy(seat->wlr_seat); } static void handle_seat_container_destroy(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) { struct sway_seat_container *seat_con = wl_container_of(listener, seat_con, destroy); struct sway_seat *seat = seat_con->seat; struct sway_container *con = seat_con->container; bool is_focus = (seat_get_focus(seat) == con); wl_list_remove(&seat_con->link); if (is_focus) { // pick next focus seat_set_focus(seat, NULL); struct sway_container *next = seat_get_focus_inactive(seat, con->parent); if (next == NULL) { next = con->parent; } seat_set_focus(seat, next); } wl_list_remove(&seat_con->destroy.link); free(seat_con); } static struct sway_seat_container *seat_container_from_container( struct sway_seat *seat, struct sway_container *con) { if (con->type < C_WORKSPACE) { // these don't get seat containers ever return NULL; } struct sway_seat_container *seat_con = NULL; wl_list_for_each(seat_con, &seat->focus_stack, link) { if (seat_con->container == con) { return seat_con; } } seat_con = calloc(1, sizeof(struct sway_seat_container)); if (seat_con == NULL) { wlr_log(L_ERROR, "could not allocate seat container"); return NULL; } seat_con->container = con; seat_con->seat = seat; wl_list_insert(seat->focus_stack.prev, &seat_con->link); wl_signal_add(&con->events.destroy, &seat_con->destroy); seat_con->destroy.notify = handle_seat_container_destroy; return seat_con; } static void handle_new_container(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data) { struct sway_seat *seat = wl_container_of(listener, seat, new_container); struct sway_container *con = data; seat_container_from_container(seat, con); } static void collect_focus_iter(struct sway_container *con, void *data) { struct sway_seat *seat = data; if (con->type > C_WORKSPACE) { return; } struct sway_seat_container *seat_con = seat_container_from_container(seat, con); if (!seat_con) { return; } wl_list_remove(&seat_con->link); wl_list_insert(&seat->focus_stack, &seat_con->link); } struct sway_seat *seat_create(struct sway_input_manager *input, const char *seat_name) { struct sway_seat *seat = calloc(1, sizeof(struct sway_seat)); if (!seat) { return NULL; } seat->wlr_seat = wlr_seat_create(input->server->wl_display, seat_name); if (!sway_assert(seat->wlr_seat, "could not allocate seat")) { free(seat); return NULL; } seat->cursor = sway_cursor_create(seat); if (!seat->cursor) { wlr_seat_destroy(seat->wlr_seat); free(seat); return NULL; } // init the focus stack wl_list_init(&seat->focus_stack); container_for_each_descendant_dfs(&root_container, collect_focus_iter, seat); wl_signal_add(&root_container.sway_root->events.new_container, &seat->new_container); seat->new_container.notify = handle_new_container; seat->input = input; wl_list_init(&seat->devices); wlr_seat_set_capabilities(seat->wlr_seat, WL_SEAT_CAPABILITY_KEYBOARD | WL_SEAT_CAPABILITY_POINTER | WL_SEAT_CAPABILITY_TOUCH); seat_configure_xcursor(seat); wl_list_insert(&input->seats, &seat->link); return seat; } static void seat_configure_pointer(struct sway_seat *seat, struct sway_seat_device *sway_device) { wlr_cursor_attach_input_device(seat->cursor->cursor, sway_device->input_device->wlr_device); } static void seat_configure_keyboard(struct sway_seat *seat, struct sway_seat_device *seat_device) { if (!seat_device->keyboard) { sway_keyboard_create(seat, seat_device); } struct wlr_keyboard *wlr_keyboard = seat_device->input_device->wlr_device->keyboard; sway_keyboard_configure(seat_device->keyboard); wlr_seat_set_keyboard(seat->wlr_seat, seat_device->input_device->wlr_device); struct sway_container *focus = seat_get_focus(seat); if (focus && focus->type == C_VIEW) { // force notify reenter to pick up the new configuration wlr_seat_keyboard_clear_focus(seat->wlr_seat); wlr_seat_keyboard_notify_enter(seat->wlr_seat, focus->sway_view->surface, wlr_keyboard->keycodes, wlr_keyboard->num_keycodes, &wlr_keyboard->modifiers); } } static struct sway_seat_device *seat_get_device(struct sway_seat *seat, struct sway_input_device *input_device) { struct sway_seat_device *seat_device = NULL; wl_list_for_each(seat_device, &seat->devices, link) { if (seat_device->input_device == input_device) { return seat_device; } } return NULL; } void seat_configure_device(struct sway_seat *seat, struct sway_input_device *input_device) { struct sway_seat_device *seat_device = seat_get_device(seat, input_device); if (!seat_device) { return; } struct seat_config *seat_config = seat_get_config(seat); if (seat_config) { seat_device->attachment_config = seat_config_get_attachment(seat_config, input_device->identifier); } switch (input_device->wlr_device->type) { case WLR_INPUT_DEVICE_POINTER: seat_configure_pointer(seat, seat_device); break; case WLR_INPUT_DEVICE_KEYBOARD: seat_configure_keyboard(seat, seat_device); break; case WLR_INPUT_DEVICE_TOUCH: case WLR_INPUT_DEVICE_TABLET_PAD: case WLR_INPUT_DEVICE_TABLET_TOOL: wlr_log(L_DEBUG, "TODO: configure other devices"); break; } } void seat_add_device(struct sway_seat *seat, struct sway_input_device *input_device) { if (seat_get_device(seat, input_device)) { seat_configure_device(seat, input_device); return; } struct sway_seat_device *seat_device = calloc(1, sizeof(struct sway_seat_device)); if (!seat_device) { wlr_log(L_DEBUG, "could not allocate seat device"); return; } wlr_log(L_DEBUG, "adding device %s to seat %s", input_device->identifier, seat->wlr_seat->name); seat_device->sway_seat = seat; seat_device->input_device = input_device; wl_list_insert(&seat->devices, &seat_device->link); seat_configure_device(seat, input_device); } void seat_remove_device(struct sway_seat *seat, struct sway_input_device *input_device) { struct sway_seat_device *seat_device = seat_get_device(seat, input_device); if (!seat_device) { return; } wlr_log(L_DEBUG, "removing device %s from seat %s", input_device->identifier, seat->wlr_seat->name); seat_device_destroy(seat_device); } void seat_configure_xcursor(struct sway_seat *seat) { // TODO configure theme and size const char *cursor_theme = NULL; if (!seat->cursor->xcursor_manager) { seat->cursor->xcursor_manager = wlr_xcursor_manager_create(cursor_theme, 24); if (sway_assert(seat->cursor->xcursor_manager, "Cannot create XCursor manager for theme %s", cursor_theme)) { return; } } for (int i = 0; i < root_container.children->length; ++i) { struct sway_container *output_container = root_container.children->items[i]; struct wlr_output *output = output_container->sway_output->wlr_output; bool result = wlr_xcursor_manager_load(seat->cursor->xcursor_manager, output->scale); sway_assert(!result, "Cannot load xcursor theme for output '%s' with scale %f", // TODO: Fractional scaling output->name, (double)output->scale); } wlr_xcursor_manager_set_cursor_image(seat->cursor->xcursor_manager, "left_ptr", seat->cursor->cursor); wlr_cursor_warp(seat->cursor->cursor, NULL, seat->cursor->cursor->x, seat->cursor->cursor->y); } void seat_set_focus_warp(struct sway_seat *seat, struct sway_container *container, bool warp) { struct sway_container *last_focus = seat_get_focus(seat); if (container && last_focus == container) { return; } if (container) { struct sway_seat_container *seat_con = seat_container_from_container(seat, container); if (!seat_con) { return; } wl_list_remove(&seat_con->link); wl_list_insert(&seat->focus_stack, &seat_con->link); if (container->type == C_VIEW) { struct sway_view *view = container->sway_view; view_set_activated(view, true); if (view->type == SWAY_XWAYLAND_VIEW) { struct wlr_xwayland *xwayland = seat->input->server->xwayland; wlr_xwayland_set_seat(xwayland, seat->wlr_seat); } struct wlr_keyboard *keyboard = wlr_seat_get_keyboard(seat->wlr_seat); if (keyboard) { wlr_seat_keyboard_notify_enter(seat->wlr_seat, view->surface, keyboard->keycodes, keyboard->num_keycodes, &keyboard->modifiers); } else { wlr_seat_keyboard_notify_enter( seat->wlr_seat, view->surface, NULL, 0, NULL); } } } if (last_focus) { struct sway_container *last_ws = last_focus; if (last_ws && last_ws->type != C_WORKSPACE) { last_ws = container_parent(last_ws, C_WORKSPACE); } if (last_ws) { ipc_event_workspace(last_ws, container, "focus"); if (last_ws->children->length == 0) { container_workspace_destroy(last_ws); } } struct sway_container *last_output = last_focus; if (last_output && last_output->type != C_OUTPUT) { last_output = container_parent(last_output, C_OUTPUT); } struct sway_container *new_output = container; if (new_output && new_output->type != C_OUTPUT) { new_output = container_parent(new_output, C_OUTPUT); } if (new_output && last_output && new_output != last_output && config->mouse_warping && warp) { struct wlr_output *output = new_output->sway_output->wlr_output; double x = container->x + output->lx + container->width / 2.0; double y = container->y + output->ly + container->height / 2.0; if (!wlr_output_layout_contains_point( root_container.sway_root->output_layout, output, seat->cursor->cursor->x, seat->cursor->cursor->y)) { wlr_cursor_warp(seat->cursor->cursor, NULL, x, y); } } } if (last_focus && last_focus->type == C_VIEW && !input_manager_has_focus(seat->input, last_focus)) { struct sway_view *view = last_focus->sway_view; view_set_activated(view, false); } seat->has_focus = (container != NULL); } void seat_set_focus(struct sway_seat *seat, struct sway_container *container) { seat_set_focus_warp(seat, container, true); } struct sway_container *seat_get_focus_inactive(struct sway_seat *seat, struct sway_container *container) { struct sway_seat_container *current = NULL; struct sway_container *parent = NULL; wl_list_for_each(current, &seat->focus_stack, link) { parent = current->container->parent; if (current->container == container) { return current->container; } while (parent) { if (parent == container) { return current->container; } parent = parent->parent; } } return NULL; } struct sway_container *seat_get_focus(struct sway_seat *seat) { if (!seat->has_focus) { return NULL; } return seat_get_focus_inactive(seat, &root_container); } struct sway_container *seat_get_focus_by_type(struct sway_seat *seat, enum sway_container_type type) { struct sway_container *focus = seat_get_focus_inactive(seat, &root_container); if (focus->type == type) { return focus; } return container_parent(focus, type); } void seat_apply_config(struct sway_seat *seat, struct seat_config *seat_config) { struct sway_seat_device *seat_device = NULL; wl_list_for_each(seat_device, &seat->devices, link) { seat_device->attachment_config = NULL; } if (!seat_config) { return; } wl_list_for_each(seat_device, &seat->devices, link) { seat_configure_device(seat, seat_device->input_device); } } struct seat_config *seat_get_config(struct sway_seat *seat) { struct seat_config *seat_config = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < config->seat_configs->length; ++i ) { seat_config = config->seat_configs->items[i]; if (strcmp(seat->wlr_seat->name, seat_config->name) == 0) { return seat_config; } } return NULL; }