#include #include #include #include #include #include "layout.h" #include "log.h" #include "config.h" #include "commands.h" #include "handlers.h" #include "stringop.h" #include "workspace.h" static struct wlc_origin mouse_origin; static bool pointer_test(swayc_t *view, void *_origin) { const struct wlc_origin *origin = _origin; //Determine the output that the view is under swayc_t *parent = view; while (parent->type != C_OUTPUT) { parent = parent->parent; } if (view->type == C_VIEW && origin->x >= view->x && origin->y >= view->y && origin->x < view->x + view->width && origin->y < view->y + view->height && view->visible && parent == root_container.focused) { return true; } return false; } swayc_t *focus_pointer(void) { swayc_t *focused = get_focused_container(&root_container); if (!(wlc_view_get_state(focused->handle) & WLC_BIT_FULLSCREEN)) { swayc_t *pointer = find_container(&root_container, pointer_test, &mouse_origin); if (pointer && focused != pointer) { unfocus_all(&root_container); focus_view(pointer); } else if (!focused){ focus_view(active_workspace); } focused = pointer; } return focused; } static bool handle_output_created(wlc_handle output) { swayc_t *op = new_output(output); //Switch to workspace if we need to if (active_workspace == NULL) { swayc_t *ws = op->children->items[0]; workspace_switch(ws); } return true; } static void handle_output_destroyed(wlc_handle output) { int i; list_t *list = root_container.children; for (i = 0; i < list->length; ++i) { if (((swayc_t *)list->items[i])->handle == output) { break; } } if (i < list->length) { destroy_output(list->items[i]); } } static void handle_output_resolution_change(wlc_handle output, const struct wlc_size *from, const struct wlc_size *to) { sway_log(L_DEBUG, "Output %d resolution changed to %d x %d", output, to->w, to->h); swayc_t *c = get_swayc_for_handle(output, &root_container); if (!c) return; c->width = to->w; c->height = to->h; arrange_windows(&root_container, -1, -1); } static void handle_output_focused(wlc_handle output, bool focus) { swayc_t *c = get_swayc_for_handle(output, &root_container); if (!c) return; if (focus) { unfocus_all(&root_container); focus_view(c); } } static bool handle_view_created(wlc_handle handle) { swayc_t *focused = get_focused_container(&root_container); swayc_t *view = new_view(focused, handle); if (view) { //Set maximize flag for windows. //TODO: floating windows have this unset wlc_view_set_state(handle, WLC_BIT_MAXIMIZED, true); unfocus_all(&root_container); focus_view(view); arrange_windows(view->parent, -1, -1); } else { //Unmanaged view wlc_view_set_state(handle, WLC_BIT_ACTIVATED, true); wlc_view_focus(handle); } if (wlc_view_get_state(focused->handle) & WLC_BIT_FULLSCREEN) { unfocus_all(&root_container); focus_view(focused); arrange_windows(focused, -1, -1); } return true; } static void handle_view_destroyed(wlc_handle handle) { sway_log(L_DEBUG, "Destroying window %d", handle); swayc_t *view = get_swayc_for_handle(handle, &root_container); swayc_t *parent; swayc_t *focused = get_focused_container(&root_container); if (view) { parent = destroy_view(view); arrange_windows(parent, -1, -1); } if (!focused || focused == view) { focus_pointer(); } } static void handle_view_focus(wlc_handle view, bool focus) { return; } static void handle_view_geometry_request(wlc_handle view, const struct wlc_geometry* geometry) { // deny that shit } static void handle_view_state_request(wlc_handle view, enum wlc_view_state_bit state, bool toggle) { switch(state) { case WLC_BIT_FULLSCREEN: { //I3 just lets it become fullscreen wlc_view_set_state(view,state,toggle); swayc_t *c = get_swayc_for_handle(view, &root_container); sway_log(L_DEBUG, "setting view %ld %s, fullscreen %d",view,c->name,toggle); if (c) { arrange_windows(c->parent, -1, -1); //Set it as focused window for that workspace if its going //fullscreen if (toggle) { swayc_t *ws = c; while (ws->type != C_WORKSPACE) { ws = ws->parent; } //Set ws focus to c focus_view_for(ws, c); } } break; } case WLC_BIT_MAXIMIZED: case WLC_BIT_RESIZING: case WLC_BIT_MOVING: case WLC_BIT_ACTIVATED: break; } return; } static bool handle_key(wlc_handle view, uint32_t time, const struct wlc_modifiers *modifiers, uint32_t key, uint32_t sym, enum wlc_key_state state) { enum { QSIZE = 32 }; static uint8_t head = 0; static uint32_t array[QSIZE]; bool cmd_success = false; struct sway_mode *mode = config->current_mode; // Lowercase if necessary sym = tolower(sym); //Find key, if it has been pressed int mid = 0; while (mid < head && array[mid] != sym) { ++mid; } if (state == WLC_KEY_STATE_PRESSED && mid == head && head + 1 < QSIZE) { array[head++] = sym; } else if (state == WLC_KEY_STATE_RELEASED && mid < head) { memmove(array + mid, array + mid + 1, sizeof*array * (--head - mid)); } // TODO: reminder to check conflicts with mod+q+a versus mod+q int i; for (i = 0; i < mode->bindings->length; ++i) { struct sway_binding *binding = mode->bindings->items[i]; if ((modifiers->mods & binding->modifiers) == binding->modifiers) { bool match; int j; for (j = 0; j < binding->keys->length; ++j) { match = false; xkb_keysym_t *key = binding->keys->items[j]; uint8_t k; for (k = 0; k < head; ++k) { if (array[k] == *key) { match = true; break; } } if (match == false) { break; } } if (match) { //Remove matched keys from array int j; for (j = 0; j < binding->keys->length; ++j) { uint8_t k; for (k = 0; k < head; ++k) { memmove(array + k, array + k + 1, sizeof*array * (--head - k)); break; } } if (state == WLC_KEY_STATE_PRESSED) { cmd_success = handle_command(config, binding->command); } else if (state == WLC_KEY_STATE_RELEASED) { // TODO: --released } } } } return cmd_success; } static bool handle_pointer_motion(wlc_handle view, uint32_t time, const struct wlc_origin *origin) { mouse_origin = *origin; if (!config->focus_follows_mouse) { return false; } focus_pointer(); return false; } static bool handle_pointer_button(wlc_handle view, uint32_t time, const struct wlc_modifiers *modifiers, uint32_t button, enum wlc_button_state state) { swayc_t *focused = get_focused_container(&root_container); if (state == WLC_BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED) { swayc_t *pointer = focus_pointer(); return (pointer && pointer != focused); } return false; } static void handle_wlc_ready(void) { sway_log(L_DEBUG, "Compositor is ready, executing cmds in queue"); int i; for (i = 0; i < config->cmd_queue->length; ++i) { handle_command(config, config->cmd_queue->items[i]); } free_flat_list(config->cmd_queue); config->active = true; } struct wlc_interface interface = { .output = { .created = handle_output_created, .destroyed = handle_output_destroyed, .resolution = handle_output_resolution_change, .focus = handle_output_focused }, .view = { .created = handle_view_created, .destroyed = handle_view_destroyed, .focus = handle_view_focus, .request = { .geometry = handle_view_geometry_request, .state = handle_view_state_request } }, .keyboard = { .key = handle_key }, .pointer = { .motion = handle_pointer_motion, .button = handle_pointer_button }, .compositor = { .ready = handle_wlc_ready } };