William Culhane 7c9706de71 grimshot: Fix man page issues
This fixes a few formatting errors in SYNOPSIS, moves the command
options out of SYNOPSIS, swaps the labels on the SYNOPSIS and
DESCRIPTION sections, creates an EXAMPLES section and slightly rewords
parts of the OPTIONS, DESCRIPTION, EXAMPLES, and OUTPUT sections.
2020-12-26 17:37:41 +01:00

77 lines
1.7 KiB

grimshot - a helper for screenshots within sway
*grimshot* [--notify] (copy|save) [TARGET] [FILE]++
*grimshot* check++
*grimshot* usage
Show notifications to the user that a screenshot has been taken.
Save the screenshot into a regular file. Grimshot will write images
files to *XDG_SCREENSHOTS_DIR* if this is set (or defined
in *user-dirs.dir*), or otherwise fall back to *XDG_PICTURES_DIR*.
Copy the screenshot data (as image/png) into the clipboard.
Grimshot is an easy-to-use screenshot utility for sway. It provides a
convenient interface over grim, slurp and jq, and supports storing the
screenshot either directly to the clipboard using wl-copy or to a file.
An example usage pattern is to add these bindings to your sway config:
# Screenshots:
# Super+P: Current window
# Super+Shift+p: Select area
# Super+Alt+p Current output
# Super+Ctrl+p Select a window
bindsym Mod4+p exec grimshot save active
bindsym Mod4+Shift+p exec grimshot save area
bindsym Mod4+Mod1+p exec grimshot save output
bindsym Mod4+Ctrl+p exec grimshot save window
grimshot can capture the following named targets:
Captures the currently active window.
Captures the entire screen. This includes all visible outputs.
Allows manually selecting a rectangular region, and captures that.
Allows manually selecting a single window (by clicking on it), and
captures it.
Captures the currently active output.
Grimshot will print the filename of the captured screenshot to stdout if called
with the _save_ subcommand.