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2022-07-14 23:18:20 -07:00
//! Formatted text.
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::io::Write;
use std::{fmt, ops};
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
use anyhow::Context;
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
use serde::de::Visitor;
use serde::{de, Deserialize, Deserializer, Serialize, Serializer};
use uuid::Uuid;
use valence_nbt::Value;
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
use crate::ident::Ident;
use crate::{Decode, Encode, Result};
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
/// Represents formatted text in Minecraft's JSON text format.
/// Text is used in various places such as chat, window titles,
/// disconnect messages, written books, signs, and more.
2022-07-11 05:08:02 -07:00
/// For more information, see the relevant [Minecraft Wiki article].
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
2022-07-11 05:08:02 -07:00
/// [Minecraft Wiki article]:
/// # Examples
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
/// With [`TextFormat`] in scope, you can write the following:
/// ```
/// use valence_protocol::text::{Color, Text, TextFormat};
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
/// let txt = "The text is ".into_text()
/// + "Red".color(Color::RED)
/// + ", "
/// + "Green".color(Color::GREEN)
/// + ", and also "
/// + "Blue".color(Color::BLUE)
/// + "!\nAnd maybe even "
/// + "Italic".italic()
/// + ".";
/// assert_eq!(
/// txt.to_string(),
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
/// "The text is Red, Green, and also Blue!\nAnd maybe even Italic."
/// );
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Default, Serialize)]
pub struct Text(Box<TextInner>);
impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for Text {
fn deserialize<D: Deserializer<'de>>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error> {
struct TextVisitor;
impl<'de> Visitor<'de> for TextVisitor {
type Value = Text;
fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(formatter, "a text component data type")
fn visit_bool<E: de::Error>(self, v: bool) -> Result<Self::Value, E> {
fn visit_i64<E: de::Error>(self, v: i64) -> Result<Self::Value, E> {
fn visit_u64<E: de::Error>(self, v: u64) -> Result<Self::Value, E> {
fn visit_f64<E: de::Error>(self, v: f64) -> Result<Self::Value, E> {
fn visit_str<E: de::Error>(self, v: &str) -> Result<Self::Value, E> {
fn visit_string<E: de::Error>(self, v: String) -> Result<Self::Value, E> {
fn visit_seq<A: de::SeqAccess<'de>>(self, mut seq: A) -> Result<Self::Value, A::Error> {
let Some(mut res) = seq.next_element()? else {
return Ok(Text::default())
while let Some(child) = seq.next_element::<Text>()? {
res += child;
fn visit_map<A: de::MapAccess<'de>>(self, map: A) -> Result<Self::Value, A::Error> {
use de::value::MapAccessDeserializer;
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Default, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
2022-04-17 17:05:13 -07:00
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
struct TextInner {
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
content: TextContent,
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
color: Option<Color>,
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
font: Option<Cow<'static, str>>,
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
bold: Option<bool>,
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
italic: Option<bool>,
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
underlined: Option<bool>,
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
strikethrough: Option<bool>,
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
obfuscated: Option<bool>,
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
insertion: Option<Cow<'static, str>>,
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
click_event: Option<ClickEvent>,
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
hover_event: Option<HoverEvent>,
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Vec::is_empty")]
extra: Vec<Text>,
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
enum TextContent {
Text {
text: Cow<'static, str>,
/// A piece of text that will be translated on the client based on the
/// client language. If no corresponding translation can be found, the
/// identifier itself is used as the translated text.
Translate {
/// A translation identifier, corresponding to the identifiers found in
/// loaded language files.
translate: Cow<'static, str>,
/// Optional list of text components to be inserted into slots in the
/// translation text. Ignored if `translate` is not present.
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Vec::is_empty")]
with: Vec<Text>,
/// Displays a score holder's current score in an objective.
ScoreboardValue {
score: ScoreboardValueContent,
/// Displays the name of one or more entities found by a [`selector`].
/// [`selector`]:
EntityNames {
/// A string containing a [`selector`].
/// [`selector`]:
selector: Cow<'static, str>,
/// An optional custom separator used when the selector returns multiple
/// entities. Defaults to the ", " text with gray color.
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
separator: Option<Text>,
/// Displays the name of the button that is currently bound to a certain
/// configurable control on the client.
Keybind {
/// A [`keybind identifier`], to be displayed as the name of the button
/// that is currently bound to that action.
/// [`keybind identifier`]:
keybind: Cow<'static, str>,
/// Displays NBT values from block entities.
BlockNbt {
block: Cow<'static, str>,
nbt: Cow<'static, str>,
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
interpret: Option<bool>,
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
separator: Option<Text>,
/// Displays NBT values from entities.
EntityNbt {
entity: Cow<'static, str>,
nbt: Cow<'static, str>,
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
interpret: Option<bool>,
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
separator: Option<Text>,
/// Displays NBT values from command storage.
StorageNbt {
storage: Ident<String>,
nbt: Cow<'static, str>,
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
interpret: Option<bool>,
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
separator: Option<Text>,
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct ScoreboardValueContent {
/// The name of the score holder whose score should be displayed. This
/// can be a [`selector`] or an explicit name.
/// [`selector`]:
name: Cow<'static, str>,
/// The internal name of the objective to display the player's score in.
objective: Cow<'static, str>,
/// If present, this value is displayed regardless of what the score
/// would have been.
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
value: Option<Cow<'static, str>>,
/// Text color
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Debug)]
pub struct Color {
/// Red channel
pub r: u8,
/// Green channel
pub g: u8,
/// Blue channel
pub b: u8,
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(tag = "action", content = "value", rename_all = "snake_case")]
enum ClickEvent {
OpenUrl(Cow<'static, str>),
/// Only usable by internal servers for security reasons.
OpenFile(Cow<'static, str>),
RunCommand(Cow<'static, str>),
SuggestCommand(Cow<'static, str>),
CopyToClipboard(Cow<'static, str>),
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(tag = "action", content = "contents", rename_all = "snake_case")]
enum HoverEvent {
ShowItem {
id: Ident<String>,
count: Option<i32>,
// TODO: tag
ShowEntity {
name: Text,
#[serde(rename = "type")]
kind: Ident<String>,
id: Uuid,
2022-08-09 14:44:04 -07:00
2022-07-06 00:16:07 -07:00
impl Text {
2022-08-09 14:44:04 -07:00
/// Constructs a new plain text object.
pub fn text(plain: impl Into<Cow<'static, str>>) -> Self {
Self(Box::new(TextInner {
2022-08-09 14:44:04 -07:00
content: TextContent::Text { text: plain.into() },
2022-08-09 14:44:04 -07:00
/// Create translated text based on the given translation key, with extra
/// text components to be inserted into the slots of the translation text.
pub fn translate(key: impl Into<Cow<'static, str>>, with: impl Into<Vec<Text>>) -> Self {
Self(Box::new(TextInner {
2022-08-09 14:44:04 -07:00
content: TextContent::Translate {
translate: key.into(),
with: with.into(),
2022-08-09 14:44:04 -07:00
/// Create a score from the scoreboard with an optional custom value.
pub fn score(
name: impl Into<Cow<'static, str>>,
objective: impl Into<Cow<'static, str>>,
value: Option<Cow<'static, str>>,
) -> Self {
Self(Box::new(TextInner {
content: TextContent::ScoreboardValue {
score: ScoreboardValueContent {
name: name.into(),
objective: objective.into(),
2022-08-09 14:44:04 -07:00
/// Creates a text component for selecting entity names with an optional
/// custom separator.
pub fn selector(selector: impl Into<Cow<'static, str>>, separator: Option<Text>) -> Self {
Self(Box::new(TextInner {
content: TextContent::EntityNames {
selector: selector.into(),
/// Creates a text component for a keybind. The keybind should be a valid
/// [`keybind identifier`].
/// [`keybind identifier`]:
pub fn keybind(keybind: impl Into<Cow<'static, str>>) -> Self {
Self(Box::new(TextInner {
content: TextContent::Keybind {
keybind: keybind.into(),
/// Creates a text component for a block NBT tag.
pub fn block_nbt(
block: impl Into<Cow<'static, str>>,
nbt: impl Into<Cow<'static, str>>,
interpret: Option<bool>,
separator: Option<Text>,
) -> Self {
Self(Box::new(TextInner {
content: TextContent::BlockNbt {
block: block.into(),
nbt: nbt.into(),
/// Creates a text component for an entity NBT tag.
pub fn entity_nbt(
entity: impl Into<Cow<'static, str>>,
nbt: impl Into<Cow<'static, str>>,
interpret: Option<bool>,
separator: Option<Text>,
) -> Self {
Self(Box::new(TextInner {
content: TextContent::EntityNbt {
entity: entity.into(),
nbt: nbt.into(),
/// Creates a text component for a command storage NBT tag.
pub fn storage_nbt(
storage: impl Into<Ident<String>>,
nbt: impl Into<Cow<'static, str>>,
interpret: Option<bool>,
separator: Option<Text>,
) -> Self {
Self(Box::new(TextInner {
content: TextContent::StorageNbt {
storage: storage.into(),
nbt: nbt.into(),
2022-08-09 14:44:04 -07:00
/// Writes the string representation of this text object to the provided
/// writer.
pub fn write_string(&self, mut w: impl fmt::Write) -> fmt::Result {
fn write_string_inner(this: &Text, w: &mut impl fmt::Write) -> fmt::Result {
match &this.0.content {
TextContent::Text { text } => w.write_str(text.as_ref())?,
TextContent::Translate { translate, with } => {
if !with.is_empty() {
for (i, slot) in with.iter().enumerate() {
if i > 0 {
w.write_str(", ")?;
w.write_char(char::from_digit((i + 1) as u32, 10).unwrap_or('?'))?;
write_string_inner(slot, w)?;
TextContent::ScoreboardValue { score } => {
let ScoreboardValueContent {
} = score;
write!(w, "scoreboard_value[name={name}, objective={objective}")?;
if let Some(value) = value {
if !value.is_empty() {
w.write_str(", value=")?;
TextContent::EntityNames {
} => {
write!(w, "entity_names[selector={selector}")?;
if let Some(separator) = separator {
if !separator.is_empty() {
w.write_str(", separator={separator}")?;
TextContent::Keybind { keybind } => write!(w, "keybind[{keybind}]")?,
TextContent::BlockNbt {
} => {
write!(w, "block_nbt[nbt={nbt}")?;
if let Some(interpret) = interpret {
write!(w, ", interpret={interpret}")?;
if let Some(separator) = separator {
if !separator.is_empty() {
write!(w, "separator={separator}")?;
write!(w, "block={block}")?;
TextContent::EntityNbt {
} => {
write!(w, "entity_nbt[nbt={nbt}")?;
if let Some(interpret) = interpret {
write!(w, ", interpret={interpret}")?;
if let Some(separator) = separator {
if !separator.is_empty() {
write!(w, "separator={separator}")?;
write!(w, ", entity={entity}")?;
TextContent::StorageNbt {
} => {
write!(w, "storage_nbt[nbt={nbt}")?;
if let Some(interpret) = interpret {
write!(w, ", interpret={interpret}")?;
if let Some(separator) = separator {
if !separator.is_empty() {
write!(w, "separator=")?;
write_string_inner(separator, w)?;
write!(w, ", storage={storage}")?;
2022-08-09 14:44:04 -07:00
for child in &this.0.extra {
write_string_inner(child, w)?;
2022-08-09 14:44:04 -07:00
write_string_inner(self, &mut w)
2022-08-09 14:44:04 -07:00
2022-07-11 05:08:02 -07:00
/// Returns `true` if the text contains no characters. Returns `false`
/// otherwise.
2022-07-06 00:16:07 -07:00
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
for extra in &self.0.extra {
2022-07-06 00:16:07 -07:00
if !extra.is_empty() {
return false;
match &self.0.content {
2022-07-06 00:16:07 -07:00
TextContent::Text { text } => text.is_empty(),
TextContent::Translate { translate, .. } => translate.is_empty(),
TextContent::ScoreboardValue { score } => {
let ScoreboardValueContent {
name, objective, ..
} = score;
name.is_empty() || objective.is_empty()
TextContent::EntityNames { selector, .. } => selector.is_empty(),
TextContent::Keybind { keybind } => keybind.is_empty(),
TextContent::BlockNbt { nbt, .. } => nbt.is_empty(),
TextContent::EntityNbt { nbt, .. } => nbt.is_empty(),
TextContent::StorageNbt { nbt, .. } => nbt.is_empty(),
2022-07-06 00:16:07 -07:00
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
/// Provides the methods necessary for working with [`Text`] objects.
2022-04-29 00:48:41 -07:00
/// This trait exists to allow using `Into<Text>` types without having to first
2022-07-11 05:08:02 -07:00
/// convert the type into [`Text`]. A blanket implementation exists for all
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
/// `Into<Text>` types, including [`Text`] itself.
pub trait TextFormat: Into<Text> {
2022-07-14 23:18:20 -07:00
/// Converts this type into a [`Text`] object.
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
fn into_text(self) -> Text {
fn color(self, color: Color) -> Text {
let mut t = self.into();
t.0.color = Some(color);
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
fn clear_color(self) -> Text {
let mut t = self.into();
t.0.color = None;
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
fn font(self, font: impl Into<Cow<'static, str>>) -> Text {
let mut t = self.into();
t.0.font = Some(font.into());
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
fn clear_font(self) -> Text {
let mut t = self.into();
t.0.font = None;
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
fn bold(self) -> Text {
let mut t = self.into();
t.0.bold = Some(true);
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
fn not_bold(self) -> Text {
let mut t = self.into();
t.0.bold = Some(false);
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
fn clear_bold(self) -> Text {
let mut t = self.into();
t.0.bold = None;
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
fn italic(self) -> Text {
let mut t = self.into();
t.0.italic = Some(true);
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
fn not_italic(self) -> Text {
let mut t = self.into();
t.0.italic = Some(false);
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
fn clear_italic(self) -> Text {
let mut t = self.into();
t.0.italic = None;
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
fn underlined(self) -> Text {
let mut t = self.into();
t.0.underlined = Some(true);
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
fn not_underlined(self) -> Text {
let mut t = self.into();
t.0.underlined = Some(false);
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
fn clear_underlined(self) -> Text {
let mut t = self.into();
t.0.underlined = None;
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
fn strikethrough(self) -> Text {
let mut t = self.into();
t.0.strikethrough = Some(true);
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
fn not_strikethrough(self) -> Text {
let mut t = self.into();
t.0.strikethrough = Some(false);
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
fn clear_strikethrough(self) -> Text {
let mut t = self.into();
t.0.strikethrough = None;
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
fn obfuscated(self) -> Text {
let mut t = self.into();
t.0.obfuscated = Some(true);
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
fn not_obfuscated(self) -> Text {
let mut t = self.into();
t.0.obfuscated = Some(false);
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
fn clear_obfuscated(self) -> Text {
let mut t = self.into();
t.0.obfuscated = None;
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
fn insertion(self, insertion: impl Into<Cow<'static, str>>) -> Text {
let mut t = self.into();
t.0.insertion = Some(insertion.into());
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
fn clear_insertion(self) -> Text {
let mut t = self.into();
t.0.insertion = None;
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
fn on_click_open_url(self, url: impl Into<Cow<'static, str>>) -> Text {
let mut t = self.into();
t.0.click_event = Some(ClickEvent::OpenUrl(url.into()));
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
fn on_click_run_command(self, command: impl Into<Cow<'static, str>>) -> Text {
let mut t = self.into();
t.0.click_event = Some(ClickEvent::RunCommand(command.into()));
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
fn on_click_suggest_command(self, command: impl Into<Cow<'static, str>>) -> Text {
let mut t = self.into();
t.0.click_event = Some(ClickEvent::SuggestCommand(command.into()));
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
fn on_click_change_page(self, page: impl Into<i32>) -> Text {
let mut t = self.into();
t.0.click_event = Some(ClickEvent::ChangePage(page.into()));
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
fn on_click_copy_to_clipboard(self, text: impl Into<Cow<'static, str>>) -> Text {
let mut t = self.into();
t.0.click_event = Some(ClickEvent::CopyToClipboard(text.into()));
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
fn clear_click_event(self) -> Text {
let mut t = self.into();
t.0.click_event = None;
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
fn on_hover_show_text(self, text: impl Into<Text>) -> Text {
let mut t = self.into();
t.0.hover_event = Some(HoverEvent::ShowText(text.into()));
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
fn clear_hover_event(self) -> Text {
let mut t = self.into();
t.0.hover_event = None;
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
fn add_child(self, text: impl Into<Text>) -> Text {
let mut t = self.into();
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
impl<T: Into<Text>> TextFormat for T {}
impl<T: Into<Text>> ops::Add<T> for Text {
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
type Output = Self;
fn add(self, rhs: T) -> Self::Output {
impl<T: Into<Text>> ops::AddAssign<T> for Text {
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: T) {
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
impl From<char> for Text {
fn from(c: char) -> Self {
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
impl From<String> for Text {
fn from(s: String) -> Self {
impl From<&'static str> for Text {
fn from(s: &'static str) -> Self {
impl From<Cow<'static, str>> for Text {
fn from(s: Cow<'static, str>) -> Self {
impl From<i32> for Text {
fn from(value: i32) -> Self {
impl From<i64> for Text {
fn from(value: i64) -> Self {
impl From<u64> for Text {
fn from(value: u64) -> Self {
impl From<f64> for Text {
fn from(value: f64) -> Self {
impl From<bool> for Text {
fn from(value: bool) -> Self {
ECS Rewrite (#184) This PR redesigns Valence's architecture around the Bevy Entity Component System framework (`bevy_ecs` and `bevy_app`). Along the way, a large number of changes and improvements have been made. - Valence is now a Bevy plugin. This allows Valence to integrate with the wider Bevy ecosystem. - The `Config` trait has been replaced with the plugin struct which is much easier to configure. Async callbacks are grouped into their own trait. - `World` has been renamed to `Instance` to avoid confusion with `bevy_ecs::world::World`. - Entities, clients, player list, and inventories are all just ECS components/resources. There is no need for us to have our own generational arena/slotmap/etc for each one. - Client events use Bevy's event system. Users can read events with the `EventReader` system parameter. This also means that events are dispatched at an earlier stage of the program where access to the full server is available. There is a special "event loop" stage which is used primarily to avoid the loss of ordering information between events. - Chunks have been completely overhauled to be simpler and faster. The distinction between loaded and unloaded chunks has been mostly eliminated. The per-section bitset that tracked changes has been removed, which should further reduce memory usage. More operations on chunks are available such as removal and cloning. - The full client's game profile is accessible rather than just the textures. - Replaced `vek` with `glam` for parity with Bevy. - Basic inventory support has been added. - Various small changes to `valence_protocol`. - New Examples - The terrain and anvil examples are now fully asynchronous and will not block the main tick loop while chunks are loading. # TODOs - [x] Implement and dispatch client events. - ~~[ ] Finish implementing the new entity/chunk update algorithm.~~ New approach ended up being slower. And also broken. - [x] [Update rust-mc-bot to 1.19.3]( - [x] Use rust-mc-bot to test for and fix any performance regressions. Revert to old entity/chunk update algorithm if the new one turns out to be slower for some reason. - [x] Make inventories an ECS component. - [x] Make player lists an ECS ~~component~~ resource. - [x] Expose all properties of the client's game profile. - [x] Update the examples. - [x] Update `valence_anvil`. - ~~[ ] Update `valence_spatial_index` to use `glam` instead of `vek`.~~ Maybe later - [x] Make entity events use a bitset. - [x] Update docs. Closes #69 Closes #179 Closes #53 --------- Co-authored-by: Carson McManus <> Co-authored-by: AviiNL <> Co-authored-by: Danik Vitek <> Co-authored-by: Snowiiii <>
2023-02-11 09:51:53 -08:00
impl<'a> From<Text> for Cow<'a, Text> {
fn from(value: Text) -> Self {
impl<'a> From<&'a Text> for Cow<'a, Text> {
fn from(value: &'a Text) -> Self {
impl From<Text> for Value {
fn from(value: Text) -> Self {
.unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("failed to jsonify text {value:?}\n{err}")),
impl fmt::Debug for Text {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
impl fmt::Display for Text {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
impl Encode for Text {
fn encode(&self, w: impl Write) -> Result<()> {
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
impl Decode<'_> for Text {
fn decode(r: &mut &[u8]) -> Result<Self> {
let string = <&str>::decode(r)?;
if string.is_empty() {
} else {
serde_json::from_str(string).context("decoding text JSON")
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
impl Default for TextContent {
fn default() -> Self {
Self::Text { text: "".into() }
impl Color {
pub const AQUA: Color = Color::new(85, 255, 255);
pub const BLACK: Color = Color::new(0, 0, 0);
pub const BLUE: Color = Color::new(85, 85, 255);
pub const DARK_AQUA: Color = Color::new(0, 170, 170);
pub const DARK_BLUE: Color = Color::new(0, 0, 170);
pub const DARK_GRAY: Color = Color::new(85, 85, 85);
pub const DARK_GREEN: Color = Color::new(0, 170, 0);
pub const DARK_PURPLE: Color = Color::new(170, 0, 170);
pub const DARK_RED: Color = Color::new(170, 0, 0);
pub const GOLD: Color = Color::new(255, 170, 0);
pub const GRAY: Color = Color::new(170, 170, 170);
pub const GREEN: Color = Color::new(85, 255, 85);
pub const LIGHT_PURPLE: Color = Color::new(255, 85, 255);
pub const RED: Color = Color::new(255, 85, 85);
pub const WHITE: Color = Color::new(255, 255, 255);
pub const YELLOW: Color = Color::new(255, 255, 85);
2022-07-14 23:18:20 -07:00
/// Constructs a new color from red, green, and blue components.
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
pub const fn new(r: u8, g: u8, b: u8) -> Self {
Self { r, g, b }
impl Serialize for Color {
fn serialize<S: Serializer>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error> {
format!("#{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}", self.r, self.g, self.b).serialize(serializer)
impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for Color {
fn deserialize<D: Deserializer<'de>>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error> {
struct ColorVisitor;
impl<'de> Visitor<'de> for ColorVisitor {
type Value = Color;
fn expecting(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "a hex color of the form #rrggbb")
fn visit_str<E: de::Error>(self, s: &str) -> Result<Self::Value, E> {
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
color_from_str(s).ok_or_else(|| E::custom("invalid hex color"))
fn color_from_str(s: &str) -> Option<Color> {
let to_num = |d| match d {
b'0'..=b'9' => Some(d - b'0'),
b'a'..=b'f' => Some(d - b'a' + 0xa),
b'A'..=b'F' => Some(d - b'A' + 0xa),
_ => None,
match s.as_bytes() {
[b'#', r0, r1, g0, g1, b0, b1] => Some(Color {
r: to_num(*r0)? << 4 | to_num(*r1)?,
g: to_num(*g0)? << 4 | to_num(*g1)?,
b: to_num(*b0)? << 4 | to_num(*b1)?,
2022-09-06 02:24:33 +03:00
_ => match s {
"aqua" => Some(Color::AQUA),
"black" => Some(Color::BLACK),
"blue" => Some(Color::BLUE),
"dark_aqua" => Some(Color::DARK_AQUA),
"dark_blue" => Some(Color::DARK_BLUE),
"dark_gray" => Some(Color::DARK_GRAY),
"dark_green" => Some(Color::DARK_GREEN),
"dark_purple" => Some(Color::DARK_PURPLE),
"dark_red" => Some(Color::DARK_RED),
"gold" => Some(Color::GOLD),
"gray" => Some(Color::GRAY),
"green" => Some(Color::GREEN),
"light_purple" => Some(Color::LIGHT_PURPLE),
"red" => Some(Color::RED),
"white" => Some(Color::WHITE),
"yellow" => Some(Color::YELLOW),
_ => None,
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::{ident, translation_key};
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
fn text_round_trip() {
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
let before = "foo".color(Color::RED).bold()
+ ("bar".obfuscated().color(Color::YELLOW)
+ "baz".underlined().not_bold().italic().color(Color::BLACK));
assert_eq!(before.to_string(), "foobarbaz");
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
let json = serde_json::to_string_pretty(&before).unwrap();
let after: Text = serde_json::from_str(&json).unwrap();
println!("==== Before ====\n");
println!("==== After ====\n");
assert_eq!(before, after);
assert_eq!(before.to_string(), after.to_string());
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
fn text_color() {
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
Some(Color::new(0xab, 0xcd, 0xef))
assert_eq!(color_from_str("#fFfFfF"), Some(Color::new(255, 255, 255)));
assert_eq!(color_from_str("#00000000"), None);
assert_eq!(color_from_str("#000000"), Some(Color::BLACK));
assert_eq!(color_from_str("#"), None);
2022-09-06 02:24:33 +03:00
assert_eq!(color_from_str("red"), Some(Color::RED));
assert_eq!(color_from_str("blue"), Some(Color::BLUE));
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00
2022-07-06 00:16:07 -07:00
fn non_object_data_types() {
let input = r#"["foo", true, false, 1.9E10, 9999]"#;
let txt: Text = serde_json::from_str(input).unwrap();
assert_eq!(txt, "foo".into_text() + true + false + 1.9E10 + 9999);
fn translate() {
let txt = Text::translate(
["arg1".into(), "arg2".into()],
let serialized = serde_json::to_string(&txt).unwrap();
let deserialized: Text = serde_json::from_str(&serialized).unwrap();
assert_eq!(txt, deserialized);
fn score() {
let txt = Text::score("foo", "bar", Some(Cow::from("baz")));
let serialized = serde_json::to_string(&txt).unwrap();
let deserialized: Text = serde_json::from_str(&serialized).unwrap();
assert_eq!(txt, deserialized);
fn selector() {
let separator = Text::text("bar").color(Color::RED).bold();
let txt = Text::selector("foo", Some(separator));
let serialized = serde_json::to_string(&txt).unwrap();
let deserialized: Text = serde_json::from_str(&serialized).unwrap();
assert_eq!(txt, deserialized);
fn keybind() {
let txt = Text::keybind("foo");
let serialized = serde_json::to_string(&txt).unwrap();
let deserialized: Text = serde_json::from_str(&serialized).unwrap();
assert_eq!(serialized, r#"{"keybind":"foo"}"#);
assert_eq!(txt, deserialized);
fn block_nbt() {
let txt = Text::block_nbt("foo", "bar", Some(true), Some("baz".into()));
let serialized = serde_json::to_string(&txt).unwrap();
let deserialized: Text = serde_json::from_str(&serialized).unwrap();
let expected = r#"{"block":"foo","nbt":"bar","interpret":true,"separator":{"text":"baz"}}"#;
assert_eq!(serialized, expected);
assert_eq!(txt, deserialized);
fn entity_nbt() {
let txt = Text::entity_nbt("foo", "bar", Some(true), Some("baz".into()));
let serialized = serde_json::to_string(&txt).unwrap();
let deserialized: Text = serde_json::from_str(&serialized).unwrap();
let expected =
assert_eq!(serialized, expected);
assert_eq!(txt, deserialized);
fn storage_nbt() {
let txt = Text::storage_nbt(ident!("foo"), "bar", Some(true), Some("baz".into()));
let serialized = serde_json::to_string(&txt).unwrap();
let deserialized: Text = serde_json::from_str(&serialized).unwrap();
let expected =
assert_eq!(serialized, expected);
assert_eq!(txt, deserialized);
2022-07-06 00:16:07 -07:00
2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00