use std::borrow::Cow; use num_integer::{div_ceil, Integer}; use thiserror::Error; use valence::biome::BiomeId; use valence::instance::{BlockEntity, Chunk}; use valence::protocol::block::{BlockEntityKind, BlockKind, PropName, PropValue}; use valence::protocol::ident::Ident; use valence_nbt::{Compound, List, Value}; #[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)] #[non_exhaustive] pub enum ToValenceError { #[error("missing chunk sections")] MissingSections, #[error("missing chunk section Y")] MissingSectionY, #[error("missing block states")] MissingBlockStates, #[error("missing block palette")] MissingBlockPalette, #[error("invalid block palette length")] BadBlockPaletteLen, #[error("missing block name in palette")] MissingBlockName, #[error("unknown block name of \"{0}\"")] UnknownBlockName(String), #[error("unknown property name of \"{0}\"")] UnknownPropName(String), #[error("property value of block is not a string")] BadPropValueType, #[error("unknown property value of \"{0}\"")] UnknownPropValue(String), #[error("missing packed block state data in section")] MissingBlockStateData, #[error("unexpected number of longs in block state data")] BadBlockLongCount, #[error("invalid block palette index")] BadBlockPaletteIndex, #[error("missing biomes")] MissingBiomes, #[error("missing biome palette")] MissingBiomePalette, #[error("invalid biome palette length")] BadBiomePaletteLen, #[error("biome name is not a valid resource identifier")] BadBiomeName, #[error("missing biome name")] MissingBiomeName, #[error("missing packed biome data in section")] MissingBiomeData, #[error("unexpected number of longs in biome data")] BadBiomeLongCount, #[error("invalid biome palette index")] BadBiomePaletteIndex, #[error("missing block entities")] MissingBlockEntity, #[error("missing block entity ident")] MissingBlockEntityIdent, #[error("invalid block entity ident of \"{0}\"")] UnknownBlockEntityIdent(String), #[error("invalid block entity position")] InvalidBlockEntityPosition, } /// Takes an Anvil chunk in NBT form and writes its data to a Valence [`Chunk`]. /// An error is returned if the NBT data does not match the expected structure /// for an Anvil chunk. /// /// # Arguments /// /// - `nbt`: The Anvil chunk to read from. This is usually the value returned by /// [`AnvilWorld::read_chunk`]. /// - `chunk`: The Valence chunk to write to. /// - `sect_offset`: A constant to add to all sector Y positions in `nbt`. After /// applying the offset, only the sectors in the range /// `0..chunk.sector_count()` are written. /// - `map_biome`: A function to map biome resource identifiers in the NBT data /// to Valence [`BiomeId`]s. /// /// [`AnvilWorld::read_chunk`]: crate::AnvilWorld::read_chunk pub fn to_valence( nbt: &Compound, chunk: &mut Chunk, sect_offset: i32, mut map_biome: F, ) -> Result<(), ToValenceError> where F: FnMut(Ident<&str>) -> BiomeId, { let Some(Value::List(List::Compound(sections))) = nbt.get("sections") else { return Err(ToValenceError::MissingSections) }; let mut converted_block_palette = vec![]; let mut converted_biome_palette = vec![]; for section in sections { let Some(Value::Byte(sect_y)) = section.get("Y") else { return Err(ToValenceError::MissingSectionY) }; let adjusted_sect_y = *sect_y as i32 + sect_offset; if adjusted_sect_y < 0 || adjusted_sect_y as usize >= chunk.section_count() { // Section is out of bounds. Skip it. continue; } let Some(Value::Compound(block_states)) = section.get("block_states") else { return Err(ToValenceError::MissingBlockStates) }; let Some(Value::List(List::Compound(palette))) = block_states.get("palette") else { return Err(ToValenceError::MissingBlockPalette) }; if !(1..BLOCKS_PER_SECTION).contains(&palette.len()) { return Err(ToValenceError::BadBlockPaletteLen); } converted_block_palette.clear(); for block in palette { let Some(Value::String(name)) = block.get("Name") else { return Err(ToValenceError::MissingBlockName) }; let Some(block_kind) = BlockKind::from_str(ident_path(name)) else { return Err(ToValenceError::UnknownBlockName(name.into())) }; let mut state = block_kind.to_state(); if let Some(Value::Compound(properties)) = block.get("Properties") { for (key, value) in properties { let Value::String(value) = value else { return Err(ToValenceError::BadPropValueType) }; let Some(prop_name) = PropName::from_str(key) else { return Err(ToValenceError::UnknownPropName(key.into())) }; let Some(prop_value) = PropValue::from_str(value) else { return Err(ToValenceError::UnknownPropValue(value.into())) }; state = state.set(prop_name, prop_value); } } converted_block_palette.push(state); } if converted_block_palette.len() == 1 { chunk.fill_block_states(adjusted_sect_y as usize, converted_block_palette[0]); } else { debug_assert!(converted_block_palette.len() > 1); let Some(Value::LongArray(data)) = block_states.get("data") else { return Err(ToValenceError::MissingBlockStateData) }; let bits_per_idx = bit_width(converted_block_palette.len() - 1).max(4); let idxs_per_long = 64 / bits_per_idx; let long_count = div_ceil(BLOCKS_PER_SECTION, idxs_per_long); let mask = 2_u64.pow(bits_per_idx as u32) - 1; if long_count != data.len() { return Err(ToValenceError::BadBlockLongCount); }; let mut i = 0; for &long in data.iter() { let u64 = long as u64; for j in 0..idxs_per_long { if i >= BLOCKS_PER_SECTION { break; } let idx = (u64 >> (bits_per_idx * j)) & mask; let Some(block) = converted_block_palette.get(idx as usize).cloned() else { return Err(ToValenceError::BadBlockPaletteIndex) }; let x = i % 16; let z = i / 16 % 16; let y = i / (16 * 16); chunk.set_block_state(x, adjusted_sect_y as usize * 16 + y, z, block); i += 1; } } } let Some(Value::Compound(biomes)) = section.get("biomes") else { return Err(ToValenceError::MissingBiomes) }; let Some(Value::List(List::String(palette))) = biomes.get("palette") else { return Err(ToValenceError::MissingBiomePalette) }; if !(1..BIOMES_PER_SECTION).contains(&palette.len()) { return Err(ToValenceError::BadBiomePaletteLen); } converted_biome_palette.clear(); for biome_name in palette { let Ok(ident) = Ident::>::new(biome_name) else { return Err(ToValenceError::BadBiomeName) }; converted_biome_palette.push(map_biome(ident.as_str_ident())); } if converted_biome_palette.len() == 1 { chunk.fill_biomes(adjusted_sect_y as usize, converted_biome_palette[0]); } else { debug_assert!(converted_biome_palette.len() > 1); let Some(Value::LongArray(data)) = biomes.get("data") else { return Err(ToValenceError::MissingBiomeData) }; let bits_per_idx = bit_width(converted_biome_palette.len() - 1); let idxs_per_long = 64 / bits_per_idx; let long_count = div_ceil(BIOMES_PER_SECTION, idxs_per_long); let mask = 2_u64.pow(bits_per_idx as u32) - 1; if long_count != data.len() { return Err(ToValenceError::BadBiomeLongCount); }; let mut i = 0; for &long in data.iter() { let u64 = long as u64; for j in 0..idxs_per_long { if i >= BIOMES_PER_SECTION { break; } let idx = (u64 >> (bits_per_idx * j)) & mask; let Some(biome) = converted_biome_palette.get(idx as usize).cloned() else { return Err(ToValenceError::BadBiomePaletteIndex) }; let x = i % 4; let z = i / 4 % 4; let y = i / (4 * 4); chunk.set_biome(x, adjusted_sect_y as usize * 4 + y, z, biome); i += 1; } } } } let Some(Value::List(block_entities)) = nbt.get("block_entities") else { return Err(ToValenceError::MissingBlockEntity); }; if let List::Compound(block_entities) = block_entities { for comp in block_entities { let Some(Value::String(ident)) = comp.get("id") else { return Err(ToValenceError::MissingBlockEntityIdent); }; let Ok(ident) = Ident::new(&ident[..]) else { return Err(ToValenceError::UnknownBlockEntityIdent(ident.clone())); }; let Some(kind) = BlockEntityKind::from_ident(ident.as_str_ident()) else { return Err(ToValenceError::UnknownBlockEntityIdent(ident.as_str().to_string())); }; let block_entity = BlockEntity { kind, nbt: comp.clone(), }; let Some(Value::Int(x)) = comp.get("x") else { return Err(ToValenceError::InvalidBlockEntityPosition); }; let Ok(x) = usize::try_from(x.mod_floor(&16)) else { return Err(ToValenceError::InvalidBlockEntityPosition); }; let Some(Value::Int(y)) = comp.get("y") else { return Err(ToValenceError::InvalidBlockEntityPosition); }; let Ok(y) = usize::try_from(y + sect_offset * 16) else { return Err(ToValenceError::InvalidBlockEntityPosition); }; let Some(Value::Int(z)) = comp.get("z") else { return Err(ToValenceError::InvalidBlockEntityPosition); }; let Ok(z) = usize::try_from(z.mod_floor(&16)) else { return Err(ToValenceError::InvalidBlockEntityPosition); }; chunk.set_block_entity(x, y, z, block_entity); } } Ok(()) } const BLOCKS_PER_SECTION: usize = 16 * 16 * 16; const BIOMES_PER_SECTION: usize = 4 * 4 * 4; /// Gets the path part of a resource identifier. fn ident_path(ident: &str) -> &str { match ident.rsplit_once(':') { Some((_, after)) => after, None => ident, } } /// Returns the minimum number of bits needed to represent the integer `n`. const fn bit_width(n: usize) -> usize { (usize::BITS - n.leading_zeros()) as _ }