use std::collections::hash_map::Entry; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::iter::FusedIterator; use parking_lot::{RwLock, RwLockReadGuard, RwLockWriteGuard}; use rayon::iter::{IntoParallelRefIterator, IntoParallelRefMutIterator, ParallelIterator}; use uuid::Uuid; use crate::chunk::ChunkPos; use crate::client::MaybeClient; use crate::component::{ ComponentStore, Components, ComponentsMut, Error, Id, IdData, IdRaw, ZippedComponents, ZippedComponentsRaw, }; use crate::{Aabb, WorldId}; pub mod appearance; pub use appearance::Appearance; pub struct EntityStore { comps: ComponentStore, uuids: Vec, clients: RwLock>, appearances: RwLock>, old_appearances: Vec, uuid_to_entity: HashMap, /// Maps chunk positions to the set of all entities with bounding volumes /// intersecting that chunk. partition: HashMap<(WorldId, ChunkPos), Vec>, } impl EntityStore { pub(crate) fn new() -> Self { Self { comps: ComponentStore::new(), uuids: Vec::new(), clients: RwLock::new(Vec::new()), appearances: RwLock::new(Vec::new()), old_appearances: Vec::new(), uuid_to_entity: HashMap::new(), partition: HashMap::new(), } } /// Gets the [`EntityId`] of the entity with the given UUID in an efficient /// manner. /// /// Returns `None` if there is no entity with the provided UUID. Returns /// `Some` otherwise. pub fn with_uuid(&self, uuid: Uuid) -> Option { self.uuid_to_entity.get(&uuid).cloned() } /// Spawns a new entity with the provided appearance. The new entity's /// [`EntityId`] is returned. pub fn create(&mut self, appearance: impl Into) -> EntityId { let app = appearance.into(); loop { let uuid = Uuid::from_bytes(rand::random()); if let Some(e) = self.create_with_uuid(app.clone(), uuid) { return e; } } } /// Like [`create`](Entities::create), but requires specifying the new /// entity's UUID. This is useful for deserialization. /// /// The provided UUID must not conflict with an existing entity UUID. If it /// does, `None` is returned and the entity is not spawned. pub fn create_with_uuid( &mut self, appearance: impl Into, uuid: Uuid, ) -> Option { match self.uuid_to_entity.entry(uuid) { Entry::Occupied(_) => None, Entry::Vacant(ve) => { let app = appearance.into(); let entity = self.comps.create_item(); ve.insert(entity); if let (Some(aabb), Some(world)) = (app.aabb(), { self.partition_insert(entity, world, aabb); } let idx = entity.0.idx as usize; if idx >= self.uuids.len() { self.uuids.push(uuid); self.clients.get_mut().push(MaybeClient(None)); self.appearances.get_mut().push(app.clone()); self.old_appearances.push(app); } else { self.uuids[idx] = uuid; self.clients.get_mut()[idx].0 = None; self.appearances.get_mut()[idx] = app.clone(); self.old_appearances[idx] = app; } Some(entity) } } } pub fn delete(&mut self, entity: EntityId) -> bool { if self.comps.delete_item(entity) { let idx = entity.0.idx as usize; self.uuid_to_entity .remove(&self.uuids[idx]) .expect("UUID should have been in UUID map"); self.clients.get_mut()[idx].0 = None; let app = &self.appearances.get_mut()[idx]; if let (Some(aabb), Some(world)) = (app.aabb(), { self.partition_remove(entity, world, aabb); } true } else { false } } /// Returns the number of live entities. pub fn count(&self) -> usize { self.comps.count() } pub fn is_valid(&self, entity: EntityId) -> bool { self.comps.is_valid(entity) } pub fn get(&self, z: Z, entity: EntityId) -> Option where Z: ZippedComponents, { self.comps.get(z, entity) } pub fn iter<'a, Z>(&'a self, z: Z) -> impl FusedIterator + 'a where Z: ZippedComponents + 'a, { self.comps.iter(z) } pub fn par_iter<'a, Z>(&'a self, z: Z) -> impl ParallelIterator + 'a where Z: ZippedComponents + 'a, { self.comps.par_iter(z) } pub fn ids(&self) -> impl FusedIterator + Clone + '_ { self.comps.ids() } pub fn par_ids(&self) -> impl ParallelIterator + Clone + '_ { self.comps.par_ids() } pub fn uuids(&self) -> Uuids { Uuids { uuids: &self.uuids } } pub fn clients(&self) -> Result { Ok(Clients { clients: self.clients.try_read().ok_or(Error::NoReadAccess)?, }) } pub fn clients_mut(&self) -> Result { Ok(ClientsMut { clients: self.clients.try_write().ok_or(Error::NoWriteAccess)?, }) } pub fn appearances(&self) -> Result { Ok(Appearances { appearances: self.appearances.try_read().ok_or(Error::NoReadAccess)?, }) } pub fn appearances_mut(&self) -> Result { Ok(AppearancesMut { appearances: self.appearances.try_write().ok_or(Error::NoWriteAccess)?, }) } pub fn old_appearances(&self) -> OldAppearances { OldAppearances { old_appearances: &self.old_appearances, } } pub fn register_component(&mut self) { self.comps.register_component::(); } pub fn unregister_component(&mut self) { self.comps.unregister_component::() } pub fn is_registered(&self) -> bool { self.comps.is_registered::() } pub fn components( &self, ) -> Result, Error> { self.comps.components::() } pub fn components_mut( &self, ) -> Result, Error> { self.comps.components_mut::() } fn partition_insert(&mut self, entity: EntityId, world: WorldId, aabb: Aabb) { let min_corner = ChunkPos::from_xz(aabb.min().xz()); let max_corner = ChunkPos::from_xz(aabb.max().xz()); for z in min_corner.z..=max_corner.z { for x in min_corner.x..=max_corner.x { self.partition_insert_at(entity, world, ChunkPos { x, z }) } } } fn partition_insert_at(&mut self, entity: EntityId, world: WorldId, pos: ChunkPos) { match self.partition.entry((world, pos)) { Entry::Occupied(mut oe) => { debug_assert!( !oe.get_mut().contains(&entity), "spatial partition: entity already present" ); oe.get_mut().push(entity); } Entry::Vacant(ve) => { ve.insert(vec![entity]); } } } fn partition_remove(&mut self, entity: EntityId, world: WorldId, aabb: Aabb) { let min_corner = ChunkPos::from_xz(aabb.min().xz()); let max_corner = ChunkPos::from_xz(aabb.max().xz()); for z in min_corner.z..=max_corner.z { for x in min_corner.x..=max_corner.x { self.partition_remove_at(entity, world, ChunkPos::new(x, z)); } } } fn partition_remove_at(&mut self, entity: EntityId, world: WorldId, pos: ChunkPos) { let errmsg = "spatial partition: entity removal failed"; match self.partition.entry((world, pos)) { Entry::Occupied(mut oe) => { let v = oe.get_mut(); let idx = v.iter().position(|e| *e == entity).expect(errmsg); v.swap_remove(idx); if v.is_empty() { oe.remove(); } } Entry::Vacant(_) => panic!("{errmsg}"), } } fn partition_modify( &mut self, entity: EntityId, old_world: WorldId, old_aabb: Aabb, new_world: WorldId, new_aabb: Aabb, ) { if old_world != new_world { self.partition_remove(entity, old_world, old_aabb); self.partition_insert(entity, new_world, new_aabb); } else { let old_min_corner = ChunkPos::from_xz(old_aabb.min().xz()); let old_max_corner = ChunkPos::from_xz(old_aabb.max().xz()); let new_min_corner = ChunkPos::from_xz(new_aabb.min().xz()); let new_max_corner = ChunkPos::from_xz(new_aabb.max().xz()); for z in new_min_corner.z..=new_max_corner.z { for x in new_min_corner.x..=new_max_corner.x { if x < old_min_corner.x || x > old_max_corner.x || z < old_min_corner.z || z > old_max_corner.z { self.partition_insert_at(entity, old_world, ChunkPos::new(x, z)); } } } for z in old_min_corner.z..=old_max_corner.z { for x in old_min_corner.x..=old_max_corner.x { if x < new_min_corner.x || x > new_max_corner.x || z < new_min_corner.z || z > new_max_corner.z { self.partition_remove_at(entity, old_world, ChunkPos::new(x, z)) } } } } } /// Returns an iterator over all entities with bounding volumes intersecting /// the given AABB in an arbitrary order. pub fn intersecting_aabb( &self, world: WorldId, aabb: Aabb, ) -> impl FusedIterator + '_ { let min_corner = ChunkPos::from_xz(aabb.min().xz()); let max_corner = ChunkPos::from_xz(aabb.max().xz()); (min_corner.z..=max_corner.z).flat_map(move |z| { (min_corner.x..=max_corner.x).flat_map(move |x| { self.partition .get(&(world, ChunkPos::new(x, z))) .into_iter() .flat_map(move |v| { v.iter().cloned().filter(move |&e| { self.get(&self.old_appearances(), e) .expect("spatial partition contains expired entity") .aabb() .expect("spatial partition contains entity without AABB") .collides_with_aabb(&aabb) }) }) }) }) } pub(crate) fn update_old_appearances(&mut self) { for (old, new) in self .old_appearances .iter_mut() .zip(self.appearances.get_mut().iter()) { old.clone_from(new); } } } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Default, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug)] pub struct EntityId(IdData); impl IdRaw for EntityId { fn from_data(data: IdData) -> Self { Self(data) } fn to_data(self) -> IdData { self.0 } } impl EntityId { /// The vaule of the default `EntityId` which always refers to an expired /// entity. pub const NULL: Self = Self(IdData::NULL); pub(crate) fn to_network_id(self) -> i32 { self.0.idx as i32 } } impl Id for EntityId {} /// A built-in component collection containing the UUID of the entities. /// /// The default value for this component is a random unassigned UUID. UUIDs /// cannot be modified after an entity is created. /// /// TODO: describe the UUID for players. pub struct Uuids<'a> { uuids: &'a Vec, } impl<'a, 'b> ZippedComponentsRaw for &'b Uuids<'a> { type RawItem = Uuid; type RawIter = std::iter::Cloned>; type RawParIter = rayon::iter::Cloned>; fn raw_get(self, idx: usize) -> Self::RawItem { self.uuids[idx] } fn raw_iter(self) -> Self::RawIter { self.uuids.iter().cloned() } fn raw_par_iter(self) -> Self::RawParIter { self.uuids.par_iter().cloned() } } impl<'a, 'b> ZippedComponents for &'b Uuids<'a> { type Id = EntityId; type Item = Uuid; } /// A built-in component collection containing the clients that entites are /// backed by, if any. /// /// When a client joins the server, a new entity is created which is backed by /// the new client. However, when a client is disconnected, the entity which /// they inhabited is _not_ automatically deleted. /// /// Deleting the associated entity while the client is still connected will /// immediately disconnect the client. /// /// The default value of this component will not contain a client and all calls /// to [`get`](Self::get) and [`get_mut`](Self::get_mut) will return `None`. pub struct Clients<'a> { // TODO: box the clients clients: RwLockReadGuard<'a, Vec>, } impl<'a, 'b> ZippedComponentsRaw for &'b Clients<'a> { type RawItem = &'b MaybeClient; type RawIter = std::slice::Iter<'b, MaybeClient>; type RawParIter = rayon::slice::Iter<'b, MaybeClient>; fn raw_get(self, idx: usize) -> Self::RawItem { &self.clients[idx] } fn raw_iter(self) -> Self::RawIter { self.clients.iter() } fn raw_par_iter(self) -> Self::RawParIter { self.clients.par_iter() } } impl<'a, 'b> ZippedComponents for &'b Clients<'a> { type Id = EntityId; type Item = &'b MaybeClient; } pub struct ClientsMut<'a> { clients: RwLockWriteGuard<'a, Vec>, } impl<'a, 'b> ZippedComponentsRaw for &'b ClientsMut<'a> { type RawItem = &'b MaybeClient; type RawIter = std::slice::Iter<'b, MaybeClient>; type RawParIter = rayon::slice::Iter<'b, MaybeClient>; fn raw_get(self, idx: usize) -> Self::RawItem { &self.clients[idx] } fn raw_iter(self) -> Self::RawIter { self.clients.iter() } fn raw_par_iter(self) -> Self::RawParIter { self.clients.par_iter() } } impl<'a, 'b> ZippedComponents for &'b ClientsMut<'a> { type Id = EntityId; type Item = &'b MaybeClient; } impl<'a, 'b> ZippedComponentsRaw for &'b mut ClientsMut<'a> { type RawItem = &'b mut MaybeClient; type RawIter = std::slice::IterMut<'b, MaybeClient>; type RawParIter = rayon::slice::IterMut<'b, MaybeClient>; fn raw_get(self, idx: usize) -> Self::RawItem { &mut self.clients[idx] } fn raw_iter(self) -> Self::RawIter { self.clients.iter_mut() } fn raw_par_iter(self) -> Self::RawParIter { self.clients.par_iter_mut() } } impl<'a, 'b> ZippedComponents for &'b mut ClientsMut<'a> { type Id = EntityId; type Item = &'b mut MaybeClient; } pub struct Appearances<'a> { appearances: RwLockReadGuard<'a, Vec>, } impl<'a, 'b> ZippedComponentsRaw for &'b Appearances<'a> { type RawItem = &'b Appearance; type RawIter = std::slice::Iter<'b, Appearance>; type RawParIter = rayon::slice::Iter<'b, Appearance>; fn raw_get(self, idx: usize) -> Self::RawItem { &self.appearances[idx] } fn raw_iter(self) -> Self::RawIter { self.appearances.iter() } fn raw_par_iter(self) -> Self::RawParIter { self.appearances.par_iter() } } impl<'a, 'b> ZippedComponents for &'b Appearances<'a> { type Id = EntityId; type Item = &'b Appearance; } pub struct AppearancesMut<'a> { appearances: RwLockWriteGuard<'a, Vec>, } impl<'a, 'b> ZippedComponentsRaw for &'b AppearancesMut<'a> { type RawItem = &'b Appearance; type RawIter = std::slice::Iter<'b, Appearance>; type RawParIter = rayon::slice::Iter<'b, Appearance>; fn raw_get(self, idx: usize) -> Self::RawItem { &self.appearances[idx] } fn raw_iter(self) -> Self::RawIter { self.appearances.iter() } fn raw_par_iter(self) -> Self::RawParIter { self.appearances.par_iter() } } impl<'a, 'b> ZippedComponents for &'b AppearancesMut<'a> { type Id = EntityId; type Item = &'b Appearance; } impl<'a, 'b> ZippedComponentsRaw for &'b mut AppearancesMut<'a> { type RawItem = &'b mut Appearance; type RawIter = std::slice::IterMut<'b, Appearance>; type RawParIter = rayon::slice::IterMut<'b, Appearance>; fn raw_get(self, idx: usize) -> Self::RawItem { &mut self.appearances[idx] } fn raw_iter(self) -> Self::RawIter { self.appearances.iter_mut() } fn raw_par_iter(self) -> Self::RawParIter { self.appearances.par_iter_mut() } } impl<'a, 'b> ZippedComponents for &'b mut AppearancesMut<'a> { type Id = EntityId; type Item = &'b mut Appearance; } /// Contains a snapshot of an entity's [`Appearance`] as it existed at the end /// of the previous tick. pub struct OldAppearances<'a> { old_appearances: &'a Vec, } impl<'a, 'b> ZippedComponentsRaw for &'b OldAppearances<'a> { type RawItem = &'b Appearance; type RawIter = std::slice::Iter<'b, Appearance>; type RawParIter = rayon::slice::Iter<'b, Appearance>; fn raw_get(self, idx: usize) -> Self::RawItem { &self.old_appearances[idx] } fn raw_iter(self) -> Self::RawIter { self.old_appearances.iter() } fn raw_par_iter(self) -> Self::RawParIter { self.old_appearances.par_iter() } } impl<'a, 'b> ZippedComponents for &'b OldAppearances<'a> { type Id = EntityId; type Item = &'b Appearance; } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use appearance::Player; use super::*; use crate::glm; // TODO: better test: spawn a bunch of random entities, spawn a random AABB, // assert collides_with_aabb consistency. #[test] fn space_partition() { let mut entities = EntityStore::new(); let ids = [(16.0, 16.0, 16.0), (8.0, 8.0, 8.0), (10.0, 50.0, 10.0)] .into_iter() .map(|(x, y, z)| entities.create(Player::new(glm::vec3(x, y, z), WorldId::NULL))) .collect::>(); let outside = *ids.last().unwrap(); assert!(entities .intersecting_aabb( WorldId::NULL, Aabb::new(glm::vec3(8.0, 8.0, 8.0), glm::vec3(16.0, 16.0, 16.0)), ) .all(|id| ids.contains(&id) && id != outside)); } }