use std::collections::BTreeSet; use heck::{ToPascalCase, ToShoutySnakeCase}; use proc_macro2::TokenStream; use quote::quote; use serde::Deserialize; use crate::ident; #[derive(Deserialize, Clone, Debug)] struct TopLevel { blocks: Vec<Block>, shapes: Vec<Shape>, } #[derive(Deserialize, Clone, Debug)] struct Block { #[allow(unused)] id: u16, translation_key: String, name: String, properties: Vec<Property>, default_state_id: u16, states: Vec<State>, } impl Block { pub fn min_state_id(&self) -> u16 { self.states.iter().map(|s| } pub fn max_state_id(&self) -> u16 { self.states.iter().map(|s| } } #[derive(Deserialize, Clone, Debug)] struct Property { name: String, values: Vec<String>, } #[derive(Deserialize, Clone, Debug)] struct State { id: u16, luminance: u8, opaque: bool, collision_shapes: Vec<u16>, } #[derive(Deserialize, Clone, Debug)] struct Shape { min_x: f64, min_y: f64, min_z: f64, max_x: f64, max_y: f64, max_z: f64, } pub fn build() -> anyhow::Result<TokenStream> { let TopLevel { blocks, shapes } = serde_json::from_str(include_str!("../extracted/blocks.json"))?; let max_state_id = blocks.iter().map(|b| b.max_state_id()).max().unwrap(); let kind_to_translation_key_arms = blocks .iter() .map(|b| { let kind = ident(; let translation_key = &b.translation_key; quote! { Self::#kind => #translation_key, } }) .collect::<TokenStream>(); let state_to_kind_arms = blocks .iter() .map(|b| { let min = b.min_state_id(); let max = b.max_state_id(); let name = ident(&; quote! { #min..=#max => BlockKind::#name, } }) .collect::<TokenStream>(); let state_to_luminance_arms = blocks .iter() .flat_map(|b| { b.states.iter().filter(|s| s.luminance != 0).map(|s| { let id =; let luminance = s.luminance; quote! { #id => #luminance, } }) }) .collect::<TokenStream>(); let state_to_opaque_arms = blocks .iter() .flat_map(|b| { b.states.iter().filter(|s| !s.opaque).map(|s| { let id =; quote! { #id => false, } }) }) .collect::<TokenStream>(); let shapes = shapes.iter().map(|s| { let min_x = s.min_x; let min_y = s.min_y; let min_z = s.min_z; let max_x = s.max_x; let max_y = s.max_y; let max_z = s.max_z; quote! { [ #min_x, #min_y, #min_z, #max_x, #max_y, #max_z, ] } }); let shape_count = shapes.len(); let state_to_collision_shapes_arms = blocks .iter() .flat_map(|b| { b.states.iter().map(|s| { let id =; let collision_shapes = &s.collision_shapes; quote! { #id => &[#(#collision_shapes),*], } }) }) .collect::<TokenStream>(); let get_arms = blocks .iter() .filter(|&b| ! .map(|b| { let block_kind_name = ident(; let arms = b .properties .iter() .map(|p| { let prop_name = ident(; let min_state_id = b.min_state_id(); let product: u16 = b .properties .iter() .rev() .take_while(|&other| != .map(|p| p.values.len() as u16) .product(); let values_count = p.values.len() as u16; let arms = p.values.iter().enumerate().map(|(i, v)| { let value_idx = i as u16; let value_name = ident(v.to_pascal_case()); quote! { #value_idx => Some(PropValue::#value_name), } }).collect::<TokenStream>(); quote! { PropName::#prop_name => match (self.0 - #min_state_id) / #product % #values_count { #arms _ => unreachable!(), }, } }) .collect::<TokenStream>(); quote! { BlockKind::#block_kind_name => match name { #arms _ => None, }, } }) .collect::<TokenStream>(); let set_arms = blocks .iter() .filter(|&b| ! .map(|b| { let block_kind_name = ident(; let arms = b .properties .iter() .map(|p| { let prop_name = ident(; let min_state_id = b.min_state_id(); let product: u16 = b .properties .iter() .rev() .take_while(|&other| != .map(|p| p.values.len() as u16) .product(); let values_count = p.values.len() as u16; let arms = p .values .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(i, v)| { let val_idx = i as u16; let val_name = ident(v.to_pascal_case()); quote! { PropValue::#val_name => Self(self.0 - (self.0 - #min_state_id) / #product % #values_count * #product + #val_idx * #product), } }) .collect::<TokenStream>(); quote! { PropName::#prop_name => match val { #arms _ => self, }, } }) .collect::<TokenStream>(); quote! { BlockKind::#block_kind_name => match name { #arms _ => self, }, } }) .collect::<TokenStream>(); let default_block_states = blocks .iter() .map(|b| { let name = ident(; let state = b.default_state_id; let doc = format!("The default block state for `{}`.",; quote! { #[doc = #doc] pub const #name: BlockState = BlockState(#state); } }) .collect::<TokenStream>(); let kind_to_state_arms = blocks .iter() .map(|b| { let kind = ident(; let state = ident(; quote! { BlockKind::#kind => BlockState::#state, } }) .collect::<TokenStream>(); let block_kind_variants = blocks .iter() .map(|b| ident( .collect::<Vec<_>>(); let block_kind_from_str_arms = blocks .iter() .map(|b| { let name = &; let name_ident = ident(name.to_pascal_case()); quote! { #name => Some(BlockKind::#name_ident), } }) .collect::<TokenStream>(); let block_kind_to_str_arms = blocks .iter() .map(|b| { let name = &; let name_ident = ident(name.to_pascal_case()); quote! { BlockKind::#name_ident => #name, } }) .collect::<TokenStream>(); let block_kind_props_arms = blocks .iter() .filter(|&b| ! .map(|b| { let name = ident(; let prop_names =|p| ident(; quote! { Self::#name => &[#(PropName::#prop_names,)*], } }) .collect::<TokenStream>(); let block_kind_count = blocks.len(); let prop_names = blocks .iter() .flat_map(|b||p| .collect::<BTreeSet<_>>(); let prop_name_variants = prop_names .iter() .map(|&name| ident(name.to_pascal_case())) .collect::<Vec<_>>(); let prop_name_from_str_arms = prop_names .iter() .map(|&name| { let ident = ident(name.to_pascal_case()); quote! { #name => Some(PropName::#ident), } }) .collect::<TokenStream>(); let prop_name_to_str_arms = prop_names .iter() .map(|&name| { let ident = ident(name.to_pascal_case()); quote! { PropName::#ident => #name, } }) .collect::<TokenStream>(); let prop_name_count = prop_names.len(); let prop_values = blocks .iter() .flat_map(|b||p| &p.values)) .map(|s| s.as_str()) .collect::<BTreeSet<_>>(); let prop_value_variants = prop_values .iter() .map(|val| ident(val.to_pascal_case())) .collect::<Vec<_>>(); let prop_value_from_str_arms = prop_values .iter() .map(|val| { let ident = ident(val.to_pascal_case()); quote! { #val => Some(PropValue::#ident), } }) .collect::<TokenStream>(); let prop_value_to_str_arms = prop_values .iter() .map(|val| { let ident = ident(val.to_pascal_case()); quote! { PropValue::#ident => #val, } }) .collect::<TokenStream>(); let prop_value_from_u16_arms = prop_values .iter() .filter_map(|v| v.parse::<u16>().ok()) .map(|n| { let ident = ident(n.to_string()); quote! { #n => Some(PropValue::#ident), } }) .collect::<TokenStream>(); let prop_value_to_u16_arms = prop_values .iter() .filter_map(|v| v.parse::<u16>().ok()) .map(|n| { let ident = ident(n.to_string()); quote! { PropValue::#ident => Some(#n), } }) .collect::<TokenStream>(); let prop_value_count = prop_values.len(); Ok(quote! { /// Represents the state of a block. This does not include block entity data such as /// the text on a sign, the design on a banner, or the content of a spawner. #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Default, Hash)] pub struct BlockState(u16); impl BlockState { /// Returns the default block state for a given block type. pub const fn from_kind(kind: BlockKind) -> Self { match kind { #kind_to_state_arms } } /// Constructs a block state from a raw block state ID. /// /// If the given ID is invalid, `None` is returned. pub const fn from_raw(id: u16) -> Option<Self> { if id <= #max_state_id { Some(Self(id)) } else { None } } pub(crate) const fn from_raw_unchecked(id: u16) -> Self { debug_assert!(Self::from_raw(id).is_some()); Self(id) } /// Returns the [`BlockKind`] of this block state. pub const fn to_kind(self) -> BlockKind { match self.0 { #state_to_kind_arms _ => unreachable!(), } } /// Converts this block state to its underlying raw block state ID. /// /// The original block state can be recovered with [`BlockState::from_raw`]. pub const fn to_raw(self) -> u16 { self.0 } /// Returns the maximum block state ID. pub const fn max_raw() -> u16 { #max_state_id } /// Gets the value of the property with the given name from this block. /// /// If this block does not have the property, then `None` is returned. pub const fn get(self, name: PropName) -> Option<PropValue> { match self.to_kind() { #get_arms _ => None } } /// Sets the value of a property on this block, returning the modified block. /// /// If this block does not have the given property or the property value is invalid, /// then the original block is returned unchanged. #[must_use] pub const fn set(self, name: PropName, val: PropValue) -> Self { match self.to_kind() { #set_arms _ => self, } } /// If this block is `air`, `cave_air` or `void_air`. pub const fn is_air(self) -> bool { matches!( self.to_kind(), BlockKind::Air | BlockKind::CaveAir | BlockKind::VoidAir ) } // TODO: is_solid /// If this block is water or lava. pub const fn is_liquid(self) -> bool { matches!(self.to_kind(), BlockKind::Water | BlockKind::Lava) } pub const fn is_opaque(self) -> bool { match self.0 { #state_to_opaque_arms _ => true, } } const SHAPES: [[f64; 6]; #shape_count] = [ #(#shapes,)* ]; pub fn collision_shapes(self) -> impl ExactSizeIterator<Item = vek::Aabb<f64>> + FusedIterator + Clone { let shape_idxs: &'static [u16] = match self.0 { #state_to_collision_shapes_arms _ => &[], }; shape_idxs.iter().map(|idx| { let [min_x, min_y, min_z, max_x, max_y, max_z] = Self::SHAPES[*idx as usize]; vek::Aabb { min: vek::Vec3::new(min_x, min_y, min_z), max: vek::Vec3::new(max_x, max_y, max_z), } }) } pub const fn luminance(self) -> u8 { match self.0 { #state_to_luminance_arms _ => 0, } } #default_block_states } /// An enumeration of all block kinds. #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Debug)] pub enum BlockKind { #(#block_kind_variants,)* } impl BlockKind { /// Construct a block kind from its snake_case name. /// /// Returns `None` if the name is invalid. pub fn from_str(name: &str) -> Option<BlockKind> { match name { #block_kind_from_str_arms _ => None } } /// Get the snake_case name of this block kind. pub const fn to_str(self) -> &'static str { match self { #block_kind_to_str_arms } } /// Returns the default block state for a given block kind. pub const fn to_state(self) -> BlockState { BlockState::from_kind(self) } /// Returns a slice of all properties this block kind has. pub const fn props(self) -> &'static [PropName] { match self { #block_kind_props_arms _ => &[], } } pub const fn translation_key(self) -> &'static str { match self { #kind_to_translation_key_arms } } /// An array of all block kinds. pub const ALL: [Self; #block_kind_count] = [#(Self::#block_kind_variants,)*]; } /// The default block kind is `air`. impl Default for BlockKind { fn default() -> Self { Self::Air } } /// Contains all possible block state property names. /// /// For example, `waterlogged`, `facing`, and `half` are all property names. #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Debug)] pub enum PropName { #(#prop_name_variants,)* } impl PropName { /// Construct a property name from its snake_case name. /// /// Returns `None` if the given name is not valid. pub fn from_str(name: &str) -> Option<Self> { // TODO: match on str in const fn. match name { #prop_name_from_str_arms _ => None, } } /// Get the snake_case name of this property name. pub const fn to_str(self) -> &'static str { match self { #prop_name_to_str_arms } } /// An array of all property names. pub const ALL: [Self; #prop_name_count] = [#(Self::#prop_name_variants,)*]; } /// Contains all possible values that a block property might have. /// /// For example, `upper`, `true`, and `2` are all property values. #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Debug)] pub enum PropValue { #(#prop_value_variants,)* } impl PropValue { /// Construct a property value from its snake_case name. /// /// Returns `None` if the given name is not valid. pub fn from_str(name: &str) -> Option<Self> { match name { #prop_value_from_str_arms _ => None, } } /// Get the snake_case name of this property value. pub const fn to_str(self) -> &'static str { match self { #prop_value_to_str_arms } } /// Converts a `u16` into a numeric property value. /// Returns `None` if the given number does not have a /// corresponding property value. pub const fn from_u16(n: u16) -> Option<Self> { match n { #prop_value_from_u16_arms _ => None, } } /// Converts this property value into a `u16` if it is numeric. /// Returns `None` otherwise. pub const fn to_u16(self) -> Option<u16> { match self { #prop_value_to_u16_arms _ => None, } } /// Converts a `bool` to a `True` or `False` property value. pub const fn from_bool(b: bool) -> Self { if b { Self::True } else { Self::False } } /// Converts a `True` or `False` property value to a `bool`. /// /// Returns `None` if this property value is not `True` or `False` pub const fn to_bool(self) -> Option<bool> { match self { Self::True => Some(true), Self::False => Some(false), _ => None, } } /// An array of all property values. pub const ALL: [Self; #prop_value_count] = [#(Self::#prop_value_variants,)*]; } impl From<bool> for PropValue { fn from(b: bool) -> Self { Self::from_bool(b) } } }) }