use std::net::SocketAddr; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering}; use num::Integer; pub use valence::prelude::*; use valence_protocol::types::ClickContainerMode; pub fn main() -> ShutdownResult { tracing_subscriber::fmt().init(); valence::start_server( Game { player_count: AtomicUsize::new(0), }, ServerState { player_list: None }, ) } struct Game { player_count: AtomicUsize, } struct ServerState { player_list: Option, } #[derive(Default)] struct ClientState { entity_id: EntityId, } const MAX_PLAYERS: usize = 10; const SIZE_X: usize = 100; const SIZE_Z: usize = 100; const SLOT_MIN: i16 = 36; const SLOT_MAX: i16 = 43; const PITCH_MIN: f32 = 0.5; const PITCH_MAX: f32 = 1.0; #[async_trait] impl Config for Game { type ServerState = ServerState; type ClientState = ClientState; type EntityState = (); type WorldState = (); type ChunkState = (); type PlayerListState = (); type InventoryState = (); fn dimensions(&self) -> Vec { vec![Dimension { fixed_time: Some(6000), ..Dimension::default() }] } async fn server_list_ping( &self, _server: &SharedServer, _remote_addr: SocketAddr, _protocol_version: i32, ) -> ServerListPing { ServerListPing::Respond { online_players: self.player_count.load(Ordering::SeqCst) as i32, max_players: MAX_PLAYERS as i32, player_sample: Default::default(), description: "Hello Valence!".color(Color::AQUA), favicon_png: Some(include_bytes!("../assets/logo-64x64.png").as_slice().into()), } } fn init(&self, server: &mut Server) { let world = server.worlds.insert(DimensionId::default(), ()).1; server.state.player_list = Some(server.player_lists.insert(()).0); // initialize chunks for chunk_z in -2..Integer::div_ceil(&(SIZE_Z as i32), &16) + 2 { for chunk_x in -2..Integer::div_ceil(&(SIZE_X as i32), &16) + 2 { world .chunks .insert([chunk_x, chunk_z], UnloadedChunk::default(), ()); } } // initialize blocks in the chunks for chunk_x in 0..Integer::div_ceil(&SIZE_X, &16) { for chunk_z in 0..Integer::div_ceil(&SIZE_Z, &16) { let chunk = world .chunks .get_mut([chunk_x as i32, chunk_z as i32]) .unwrap(); for x in 0..16 { for z in 0..16 { let cell_x = chunk_x * 16 + x; let cell_z = chunk_z * 16 + z; if cell_x < SIZE_X && cell_z < SIZE_Z { chunk.set_block_state(x, 63, z, BlockState::GRASS_BLOCK); } } } } } } fn update(&self, server: &mut Server) { let (world_id, _) = server.worlds.iter_mut().next().unwrap(); let spawn_pos = [SIZE_X as f64 / 2.0, 1.0, SIZE_Z as f64 / 2.0]; server.clients.retain(|_, client| { if client.created_this_tick() { if self .player_count .fetch_update(Ordering::SeqCst, Ordering::SeqCst, |count| { (count < MAX_PLAYERS).then_some(count + 1) }) .is_err() { client.disconnect("The server is full!".color(Color::RED)); return false; } match server .entities .insert_with_uuid(EntityKind::Player, client.uuid(), ()) { Some((id, _)) => client.state.entity_id = id, None => { client.disconnect("Conflicting UUID"); return false; } } client.respawn(world_id); client.set_flat(true); client.teleport(spawn_pos, 0.0, 0.0); client.set_player_list(server.state.player_list.clone()); if let Some(id) = &server.state.player_list { server.player_lists[id].insert( client.uuid(), client.username(), client.textures().cloned(), client.game_mode(), 0, None, ); } client.set_game_mode(GameMode::Creative); client.send_message( "Welcome to Valence! Open your inventory, and click on your hotbar to play \ the piano." .italic(), ); client.send_message( "Click the rightmost hotbar slot to toggle between creative and survival." .italic(), ); } let player = server.entities.get_mut(client.state.entity_id).unwrap(); if client.is_disconnected() { self.player_count.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::SeqCst); player.set_deleted(true); if let Some(id) = &server.state.player_list { server.player_lists[id].remove(client.uuid()); } return false; } if client.position().y <= -20.0 { client.teleport(spawn_pos, client.yaw(), client.pitch()); } while let Some(event) = client.next_event() { match event { ClientEvent::CloseContainer { .. } => { client.send_message("Done already?"); } ClientEvent::SetCreativeModeSlot { slot, .. } => { client.send_message(format!("{event:#?}")); // If the user does a double click, 3 notes will be played. // This is not possible to fix :( play_note(client, player, slot); } ClientEvent::ClickContainer { slot_id, mode, .. } => { client.send_message(format!("{event:#?}")); if mode != ClickContainerMode::Click { // Prevent notes from being played twice if the user clicks quickly continue; } play_note(client, player, slot_id); } _ => {} } } true }); } } fn play_note(client: &mut Client, player: &mut Entity, clicked_slot: i16) { if (SLOT_MIN..=SLOT_MAX).contains(&clicked_slot) { let pitch = (clicked_slot - SLOT_MIN) as f32 * (PITCH_MAX - PITCH_MIN) / (SLOT_MAX - SLOT_MIN) as f32 + PITCH_MIN; client.send_message(format!("playing note with pitch: {}", pitch)); client.play_sound( Ident::new("block.note_block.harp").unwrap(), SoundCategory::Block, player.position(), 10.0, pitch, ); } else if clicked_slot == 44 { client.set_game_mode(match client.game_mode() { GameMode::Survival => GameMode::Creative, GameMode::Creative => GameMode::Survival, _ => GameMode::Creative, }); } }