use std::collections::HashSet; use std::iter::FusedIterator; use std::ops::Deref; use flume::{Receiver, Sender, TrySendError}; use rayon::iter::ParallelIterator; use uuid::Uuid; use vek::Vec3; use crate::block_pos::BlockPos; use crate::config::{ Biome, BiomeGrassColorModifier, BiomePrecipitation, Dimension, DimensionEffects, DimensionId, }; use crate::entity::EntityType; pub use crate::packets::play::GameMode; use crate::packets::play::{ Biome as BiomeRegistryBiome, BiomeAdditionsSound, BiomeEffects, BiomeMoodSound, BiomeMusic, BiomeParticle, BiomeParticleOptions, BiomeProperty, BiomeRegistry, ChangeGameState, ChangeGameStateReason, ClientPlayPacket, DestroyEntities, DimensionCodec, DimensionType, DimensionTypeRegistry, DimensionTypeRegistryEntry, Disconnect, JoinGame, KeepAliveClientbound, PlayerPositionAndLook, PlayerPositionAndLookFlags, ServerPlayPacket, SpawnPosition, UnloadChunk, UpdateViewDistance, UpdateViewPosition, }; use crate::protocol::{BoundedInt, Nbt}; use crate::server::ServerPacketChannels; use crate::slotmap::{Key, SlotMap}; use crate::util::{chunks_in_view_distance, is_chunk_in_view_distance}; use crate::var_int::VarInt; use crate::{ident, ChunkPos, Chunks, Entities, EntityId, Server, Text, Ticks, LIBRARY_NAMESPACE}; pub struct Clients { sm: SlotMap, } pub struct ClientsMut<'a>(&'a mut Clients); impl<'a> Deref for ClientsMut<'a> { type Target = Clients; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 } } impl Clients { pub(crate) fn new() -> Self { Self { sm: SlotMap::new() } } pub fn count(&self) -> usize { } pub fn get(&self, client: ClientId) -> Option<&Client> { } pub fn iter(&self) -> impl FusedIterator + Clone + '_ {|(k, v)| (ClientId(k), v)) } pub fn par_iter(&self) -> impl ParallelIterator + Clone + '_ {|(k, v)| (ClientId(k), v)) } } impl<'a> ClientsMut<'a> { pub(crate) fn new(c: &'a mut Clients) -> Self { Self(c) } pub fn reborrow(&mut self) -> ClientsMut { ClientsMut(self.0) } pub(crate) fn create(&mut self, client: Client) -> ClientId { ClientId( } pub fn delete(&mut self, client: ClientId) -> bool { } pub fn retain(&mut self, mut f: impl FnMut(ClientId, ClientMut) -> bool) {|k, v| f(ClientId(k), ClientMut(v))) } pub fn get_mut(&mut self, client: ClientId) -> Option { } pub fn iter_mut(&mut self) -> impl FusedIterator + '_ { self.0 .sm .iter_mut() .map(|(k, v)| (ClientId(k), ClientMut(v))) } pub fn par_iter_mut(&mut self) -> impl ParallelIterator + '_ { self.0 .sm .par_iter_mut() .map(|(k, v)| (ClientId(k), ClientMut(v))) } } pub struct ClientId(Key); /// Represents a client connected to the server after logging in. pub struct Client { /// Setting this to `None` disconnects the client. send: Option>, recv: Receiver, /// The tick this client was created. created_tick: Ticks, username: String, uuid: Uuid, on_ground: bool, new_position: Vec3, old_position: Vec3, /// Measured in degrees yaw: f32, /// Measured in degrees pitch: f32, /// If any of position, yaw, or pitch were modified by the /// user this tick. teleported_this_tick: bool, /// Counts up as teleports are made. teleport_id_counter: u32, /// The number of pending client teleports that have yet to receive a /// confirmation. Inbound client position packets are ignored while this /// is nonzero. pending_teleports: u32, spawn_position: BlockPos, spawn_position_yaw: f32, /// If spawn_position or spawn_position_yaw were modified this tick. modified_spawn_position: bool, events: Vec, /// The ID of the last keepalive sent. last_keepalive_id: i64, /// If the last sent keepalive got a response. got_keepalive: bool, new_max_view_distance: u8, old_max_view_distance: u8, /// Entities that were visible to this client at the end of the last tick. /// This is used to determine what entity create/destroy packets should be /// sent. loaded_entities: HashSet, loaded_chunks: HashSet, new_game_mode: GameMode, old_game_mode: GameMode, settings: Option, // TODO: latency // TODO: time, weather } pub struct ClientMut<'a>(&'a mut Client); impl<'a> Deref for ClientMut<'a> { type Target = Client; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 } } impl Client { pub(crate) fn new( packet_channels: ServerPacketChannels, username: String, uuid: Uuid, server: &Server, ) -> Self { let (send, recv) = packet_channels; Self { send: Some(send), recv, created_tick: server.current_tick(), username, uuid, on_ground: false, new_position: Vec3::default(), old_position: Vec3::default(), yaw: 0.0, pitch: 0.0, teleported_this_tick: false, teleport_id_counter: 0, pending_teleports: 0, spawn_position: BlockPos::default(), spawn_position_yaw: 0.0, modified_spawn_position: true, events: Vec::new(), last_keepalive_id: 0, got_keepalive: true, new_max_view_distance: 16, old_max_view_distance: 0, loaded_entities: HashSet::new(), loaded_chunks: HashSet::new(), new_game_mode: GameMode::Survival, old_game_mode: GameMode::Survival, settings: None, } } pub fn created_tick(&self) -> Ticks { self.created_tick } pub fn username(&self) -> &str { &self.username } pub fn uuid(&self) -> Uuid { self.uuid } pub fn position(&self) -> Vec3 { self.new_position } pub fn yaw(&self) -> f32 { self.yaw } pub fn pitch(&self) -> f32 { self.pitch } pub fn game_mode(&self) -> GameMode { self.new_game_mode } pub fn on_ground(&self) -> bool { self.on_ground } pub fn is_disconnected(&self) -> bool { self.send.is_none() } pub fn events(&self) -> &[Event] { & } pub fn max_view_distance(&self) -> u8 { self.new_max_view_distance } pub fn settings(&self) -> Option<&Settings> { self.settings.as_ref() } } impl<'a> ClientMut<'a> { pub(crate) fn new(client: &'a mut Client) -> Self { Self(client) } pub fn reborrow(&mut self) -> ClientMut { ClientMut(self.0) } pub fn teleport(&mut self, pos: impl Into>, yaw: f32, pitch: f32) { self.0.new_position = pos.into(); self.0.yaw = yaw; self.0.pitch = pitch; if !self.teleported_this_tick { self.0.teleported_this_tick = true; self.0.pending_teleports = match self.0.pending_teleports.checked_add(1) { Some(n) => n, None => { self.disconnect("Too many pending teleports"); return; } }; self.0.teleport_id_counter = self.0.teleport_id_counter.wrapping_add(1); } } pub fn set_game_mode(&mut self, new_game_mode: GameMode) { self.0.new_game_mode = new_game_mode; } /// Changes the point at which compasses point at. pub fn set_spawn_position(&mut self, pos: impl Into, yaw_degrees: f32) { let pos = pos.into(); if pos != self.0.spawn_position || yaw_degrees != self.0.spawn_position_yaw { self.0.spawn_position = pos; self.0.spawn_position_yaw = yaw_degrees; self.0.modified_spawn_position = true; } } /// Attempts to enqueue a play packet to be sent to this client. The client /// is disconnected if the clientbound packet buffer is full. pub(crate) fn send_packet(&mut self, packet: impl Into) { send_packet(&mut self.0.send, packet); } pub fn disconnect(&mut self, reason: impl Into) { if self.0.send.is_some() { let txt = reason.into(); log::info!("disconnecting client '{}': \"{txt}\"", self.0.username); self.send_packet(Disconnect { reason: txt }); self.0.send = None; } } pub fn disconnect_no_reason(&mut self) { if self.0.send.is_some() { log::info!("disconnecting client '{}' (no reason)", self.0.username); self.0.send = None; } } /// The new view distance is clamped to `2..=32`. pub fn set_max_view_distance(&mut self, dist: u8) { self.0.new_max_view_distance = dist.clamp(2, 32); } pub(crate) fn update( &mut self, server: &Server, entities: &Entities, chunks: &Chunks, dimension_id: DimensionId, ) {; if self.is_disconnected() { return; } for _ in 0..self.recv.len() { self.handle_serverbound_packet(self.recv.try_recv().unwrap()); } // Mark the client as disconnected when appropriate. // We do this check after handling serverbound packets so that none are lost. if self.recv.is_disconnected() || self.send.as_ref().map_or(true, |s| s.is_disconnected()) { self.0.send = None; return; } let dimension = server.dimension(dimension_id); // Send the join game packet and other initial packets. We defer this until now // so that the user can set the client's location, game mode, etc. if self.created_tick == server.current_tick() { self.send_packet(JoinGame { entity_id: 0, // EntityId 0 is reserved for clients. is_hardcore: false, // TODO gamemode: self.new_game_mode, previous_gamemode: self.old_game_mode, dimension_names: server .dimensions() .map(|(id, _)| ident!("{LIBRARY_NAMESPACE}:dimension_{}", id.0)) .collect(), dimension_codec: Nbt(make_dimension_codec(server)), dimension: Nbt(to_dimension_registry_item(dimension)), dimension_name: ident!("{LIBRARY_NAMESPACE}:dimension_{}", dimension_id.0), hashed_seed: 0, max_players: VarInt(0), view_distance: BoundedInt(VarInt(self.new_max_view_distance as i32)), simulation_distance: VarInt(16), reduced_debug_info: false, enable_respawn_screen: false, // TODO is_debug: false, is_flat: false, // TODO }); self.teleport(self.position(), self.yaw(), self.pitch()); } else if self.0.old_game_mode != self.0.new_game_mode { self.0.old_game_mode = self.0.new_game_mode; self.send_packet(ChangeGameState { reason: ChangeGameStateReason::ChangeGameMode, value: self.0.new_game_mode as i32 as f32, }); } // Update the players spawn position (compass position) if self.0.modified_spawn_position { self.0.modified_spawn_position = false; self.send_packet(SpawnPosition { location: self.spawn_position, angle: self.spawn_position_yaw, }) } // Update view distance fog on the client if necessary. if self.0.old_max_view_distance != self.0.new_max_view_distance { self.0.old_max_view_distance = self.0.new_max_view_distance; if self.0.created_tick != server.current_tick() { self.send_packet(UpdateViewDistance { view_distance: BoundedInt(VarInt(self.0.new_max_view_distance as i32)), }) } } // Check if it's time to send another keepalive. if server.current_tick() % (server.tick_rate() * 8) == 0 { if self.0.got_keepalive { let id = rand::random(); self.send_packet(KeepAliveClientbound { id }); self.0.last_keepalive_id = id; self.0.got_keepalive = false; } else { self.disconnect("Timed out (no keepalive response)"); } } // The actual view distance. let view_dist = self .0 .settings .as_ref() .map_or(2, |s| s.view_distance) .min(self.new_max_view_distance); let center = ChunkPos::new( (self.new_position.x / 16.0) as i32, (self.new_position.z / 16.0) as i32, ); // Send the update view position packet if the client changes the chunk section // they're in. { let old_section =|n| (n / 16.0) as i32); let new_section =|n| (n / 16.0) as i32); if old_section != new_section { self.send_packet(UpdateViewPosition { chunk_x: VarInt(new_section.x), chunk_z: VarInt(new_section.z), }) } } // Update existing chunks and unload those outside the view distance. Chunks // that have been overwritten also need to be unloaded. self.0.loaded_chunks.retain(|&pos| { // The cache stops chunk data packets from needing to be sent when a player // moves to an adjacent chunk and back to the original. let cache = 2; if let Some(chunk) = chunks.get(pos) { if is_chunk_in_view_distance(center, pos, view_dist + cache) && chunk.created_tick() != server.current_tick() { if let Some(pkt) = chunk.block_change_packet(pos) { send_packet(&mut self.0.send, pkt); } return true; } } send_packet( &mut self.0.send, UnloadChunk { chunk_x: pos.x, chunk_z: pos.z, }, ); false }); // Load new chunks within the view distance for pos in chunks_in_view_distance(center, view_dist) { if let Some(chunk) = chunks.get(pos) { if self.0.loaded_chunks.insert(pos) { self.send_packet(chunk.chunk_data_packet(pos)); if let Some(pkt) = chunk.block_change_packet(pos) { self.send_packet(pkt); } } } } // This is done after the chunks are loaded so that the "downloading terrain" // screen is closed at the appropriate time. if self.0.teleported_this_tick { self.0.teleported_this_tick = false; self.send_packet(PlayerPositionAndLook { position: self.new_position, yaw: self.yaw, pitch: self.pitch, flags: PlayerPositionAndLookFlags::new(false, false, false, false, false), teleport_id: VarInt((self.teleport_id_counter - 1) as i32), dismount_vehicle: false, }); } let mut entities_to_unload = Vec::new(); // Update all entities that are visible and unload entities that are no // longer visible. self.0.loaded_entities.retain(|&id| { if let Some(entity) = entities.get(id) { if self.0.new_position.distance(entity.position()) <= view_dist as f64 * 16.0 { if let Some(meta) = entity.updated_metadata_packet(id) { send_packet(&mut self.0.send, meta); } return true; } } entities_to_unload.push(VarInt(id.to_network_id())); false }); if !entities_to_unload.is_empty() { self.send_packet(DestroyEntities { entities: entities_to_unload, }); } // Spawn new entities within the view distance. for (id, entity) in entities.iter() { if self.position().distance(entity.position()) <= view_dist as f64 * 16.0 && entity.typ() != EntityType::Marker && self.0.loaded_entities.insert(id) { self.send_packet( entity .spawn_packet(id) .expect("should not be a marker entity"), ); if let Some(meta) = entity.initial_metadata_packet(id) { self.send_packet(meta); } } } self.0.old_position = self.0.new_position; } fn handle_serverbound_packet(&mut self, pkt: ServerPlayPacket) { let client = &mut self.0; fn handle_movement_packet( client: &mut Client, new_position: Vec3, new_yaw: f32, new_pitch: f32, new_on_ground: bool, ) { if client.pending_teleports == 0 { let event = Event::Movement { position: client.new_position, yaw: client.yaw, pitch: client.pitch, on_ground: client.on_ground, }; client.new_position = new_position; client.yaw = new_yaw; client.pitch = new_pitch; client.on_ground = new_on_ground;; } } match pkt { ServerPlayPacket::TeleportConfirm(p) => { if client.pending_teleports == 0 { self.disconnect("Unexpected teleport confirmation"); return; } let got = p.teleport_id.0 as u32; let expected = client .teleport_id_counter .wrapping_sub(client.pending_teleports); if got == expected { client.pending_teleports -= 1; } else { self.disconnect(format!( "Unexpected teleport ID (expected {expected}, got {got})" )); } } ServerPlayPacket::QueryBlockNbt(_) => {} ServerPlayPacket::SetDifficulty(_) => {} ServerPlayPacket::ChatMessageServerbound(_) => {} ServerPlayPacket::ClientStatus(_) => {} ServerPlayPacket::ClientSettings(p) => { let old = client.settings.replace(Settings { locale: p.locale.0, view_distance: p.view_distance.0, chat_mode: p.chat_mode, chat_colors: p.chat_colors, main_hand: p.main_hand, displayed_skin_parts: p.displayed_skin_parts, allow_server_listings: p.allow_server_listings, });; } ServerPlayPacket::TabCompleteServerbound(_) => {} ServerPlayPacket::ClickWindowButton(_) => {} ServerPlayPacket::ClickWindow(_) => {} ServerPlayPacket::CloseWindow(_) => {} ServerPlayPacket::PluginMessageServerbound(_) => {} ServerPlayPacket::EditBook(_) => {} ServerPlayPacket::QueryEntityNbt(_) => {} ServerPlayPacket::InteractEntity(_) => {} ServerPlayPacket::GenerateStructure(_) => {} ServerPlayPacket::KeepAliveServerbound(p) => { let last_keepalive_id = client.last_keepalive_id; if client.got_keepalive { self.disconnect("Unexpected keepalive"); } else if != last_keepalive_id { self.disconnect(format!( "Keepalive ids don't match (expected {}, got {})", last_keepalive_id, )); } else { client.got_keepalive = true; } } ServerPlayPacket::LockDifficulty(_) => {} ServerPlayPacket::PlayerPosition(p) => { handle_movement_packet(client, p.position, client.yaw, client.pitch, p.on_ground) } ServerPlayPacket::PlayerPositionAndRotation(p) => { handle_movement_packet(client, p.position, p.yaw, p.pitch, p.on_ground) } ServerPlayPacket::PlayerRotation(p) => { handle_movement_packet(client, client.new_position, p.yaw, p.pitch, p.on_ground) } ServerPlayPacket::PlayerMovement(p) => handle_movement_packet( client, client.new_position, client.yaw, client.pitch, p.on_ground, ), ServerPlayPacket::VehicleMoveServerbound(_) => {} ServerPlayPacket::SteerBoat(_) => {} ServerPlayPacket::PickItem(_) => {} ServerPlayPacket::CraftRecipeRequest(_) => {} ServerPlayPacket::PlayerAbilitiesServerbound(_) => {} ServerPlayPacket::PlayerDigging(_) => {} ServerPlayPacket::EntityAction(_) => {} ServerPlayPacket::SteerVehicle(_) => {} ServerPlayPacket::Pong(_) => {} ServerPlayPacket::SetRecipeBookState(_) => {} ServerPlayPacket::SetDisplayedRecipe(_) => {} ServerPlayPacket::NameItem(_) => {} ServerPlayPacket::ResourcePackStatus(_) => {} ServerPlayPacket::AdvancementTab(_) => {} ServerPlayPacket::SelectTrade(_) => {} ServerPlayPacket::SetBeaconEffect(_) => {} ServerPlayPacket::HeldItemChangeServerbound(_) => {} ServerPlayPacket::UpdateCommandBlock(_) => {} ServerPlayPacket::UpdateCommandBlockMinecart(_) => {} ServerPlayPacket::CreativeInventoryAction(_) => {} ServerPlayPacket::UpdateJigsawBlock(_) => {} ServerPlayPacket::UpdateStructureBlock(_) => {} ServerPlayPacket::UpdateSign(_) => {} ServerPlayPacket::PlayerArmSwing(_) => {} ServerPlayPacket::Spectate(_) => {} ServerPlayPacket::PlayerBlockPlacement(_) => {} ServerPlayPacket::UseItem(_) => {} } } } impl Drop for Client { fn drop(&mut self) { log::trace!("Dropping client '{}'", self.username); } } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Event { /// Settings were changed. The value in this variant is the previous client /// settings. SettingsChanged(Option), /// The client has moved. The values in this variant are the previous /// position and look. Movement { position: Vec3, yaw: f32, pitch: f32, on_ground: bool, }, } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)] pub struct Settings { /// e.g. en_US pub locale: String, /// The client side render distance, in chunks. /// /// The value is always in `2..=32`. pub view_distance: u8, pub chat_mode: ChatMode, /// `true` if the client has chat colors enabled, `false` otherwise. pub chat_colors: bool, pub main_hand: MainHand, pub displayed_skin_parts: DisplayedSkinParts, pub allow_server_listings: bool, } pub use crate::packets::play::{ChatMode, DisplayedSkinParts, MainHand}; fn send_packet(send_opt: &mut Option>, pkt: impl Into) { if let Some(send) = send_opt { match send.try_send(pkt.into()) { Err(TrySendError::Full(_)) => { log::warn!("max outbound packet capacity reached for client"); *send_opt = None; } Err(TrySendError::Disconnected(_)) => { *send_opt = None; } Ok(_) => {} } } } fn make_dimension_codec(server: &Server) -> DimensionCodec { let mut dims = Vec::new(); for (id, dim) in server.dimensions() { let id = id.0 as i32; dims.push(DimensionTypeRegistryEntry { name: ident!("{LIBRARY_NAMESPACE}:dimension_type_{id}"), id, element: to_dimension_registry_item(dim), }) } let mut biomes = Vec::new(); for (id, biome) in server.biomes() { biomes.push(to_biome_registry_item(biome, id.0 as i32)); } // The client needs a biome named "minecraft:plains" in the registry to // connect. This is probably a bug. // // If the issue is resolved, just delete this block. if !biomes.iter().any(|b| == ident!("plains")) { let biome = Biome::default(); assert_eq!(, ident!("plains")); biomes.push(to_biome_registry_item(&biome, 0)); } DimensionCodec { dimension_type_registry: DimensionTypeRegistry { typ: ident!("dimension_type"), value: dims, }, biome_registry: BiomeRegistry { typ: ident!("worldgen/biome"), value: biomes, }, } } fn to_dimension_registry_item(dim: &Dimension) -> DimensionType { DimensionType { piglin_safe: true, natural: dim.natural, ambient_light: dim.ambient_light, fixed_time:|t| t as i64), infiniburn: "#minecraft:infiniburn_overworld".into(), respawn_anchor_works: true, has_skylight: true, bed_works: true, effects: match dim.effects { DimensionEffects::Overworld => ident!("overworld"), DimensionEffects::TheNether => ident!("the_nether"), DimensionEffects::TheEnd => ident!("the_end"), }, has_raids: true, min_y: dim.min_y, height: dim.height, logical_height: dim.height, coordinate_scale: 1.0, ultrawarm: false, has_ceiling: false, } } fn to_biome_registry_item(biome: &Biome, id: i32) -> BiomeRegistryBiome { BiomeRegistryBiome { name:, id, element: BiomeProperty { precipitation: match biome.precipitation { BiomePrecipitation::Rain => "rain", BiomePrecipitation::Snow => "snow", BiomePrecipitation::None => "none", } .into(), depth: 0.125, temperature: 0.8, scale: 0.05, downfall: 0.4, category: "none".into(), temperature_modifier: None, effects: BiomeEffects { sky_color: biome.sky_color as i32, water_fog_color: biome.water_fog_color as i32, fog_color: biome.fog_color as i32, water_color: biome.water_color as i32, foliage_color:|x| x as i32), grass_color: None, grass_color_modifier: match biome.grass_color_modifier { BiomeGrassColorModifier::Swamp => Some("swamp".into()), BiomeGrassColorModifier::DarkForest => Some("dark_forest".into()), BiomeGrassColorModifier::None => None, }, music:|bm| BiomeMusic { replace_current_music: bm.replace_current_music, sound: bm.sound.clone(), max_delay: bm.max_delay, min_delay: bm.min_delay, }), ambient_sound: biome.ambient_sound.clone(), additions_sound: biome.additions_sound.as_ref().map(|a| BiomeAdditionsSound { sound: a.sound.clone(), tick_chance: a.tick_chance, }), mood_sound: biome.mood_sound.as_ref().map(|m| BiomeMoodSound { sound: m.sound.clone(), tick_delay: m.tick_delay, offset: m.offset, block_search_extent: m.block_search_extent, }), }, particle: biome.particle.as_ref().map(|p| BiomeParticle { probability: p.probability, options: BiomeParticleOptions { typ: p.typ.clone() }, }), }, } }