//! The [bounding volume hierarchy][bvh] contained in the [`SpatialIndex`] //! //! [bvh]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bounding_volume_hierarchy //! [`SpatialIndex`]: crate::spatial_index::SpatialIndex use std::iter::FusedIterator; use std::mem; use approx::relative_eq; use rayon::iter::{ IndexedParallelIterator, IntoParallelRefIterator, IntoParallelRefMutIterator, ParallelIterator, }; use vek::Aabb; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Bvh { internal_nodes: Vec, leaf_nodes: Vec>, root: NodeIdx, } #[derive(Clone)] struct InternalNode { bb: Aabb, left: NodeIdx, right: NodeIdx, } #[derive(Clone)] struct LeafNode { bb: Aabb, data: T, } // TODO: we could use usize here to store more elements. type NodeIdx = u32; impl Bvh { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { internal_nodes: Vec::new(), leaf_nodes: Vec::new(), root: NodeIdx::MAX, } } pub fn build(&mut self, leaves: impl IntoIterator)>) { self.leaf_nodes.clear(); self.internal_nodes.clear(); self.leaf_nodes .extend(leaves.into_iter().map(|(id, bb)| LeafNode { bb, data: id })); let leaf_count = self.leaf_nodes.len(); if leaf_count == 0 { return; } self.internal_nodes.reserve_exact(leaf_count - 1); self.internal_nodes.resize( leaf_count - 1, InternalNode { bb: Aabb::default(), left: NodeIdx::MAX, right: NodeIdx::MAX, }, ); if NodeIdx::try_from(leaf_count) .ok() .and_then(|count| count.checked_add(count - 1)) .is_none() { panic!("too many elements in BVH"); } let id = self.leaf_nodes[0].bb; let scene_bounds = self .leaf_nodes .par_iter() .map(|l| l.bb) .reduce(|| id, Aabb::union); self.root = build_rec( 0, scene_bounds, &mut self.internal_nodes, &mut self.leaf_nodes, leaf_count as NodeIdx, ) .0; debug_assert_eq!(self.internal_nodes.len(), self.leaf_nodes.len() - 1); } pub fn traverse(&self) -> Option> { if !self.leaf_nodes.is_empty() { Some(Node::from_idx(self, self.root)) } else { None } } pub fn iter( &self, ) -> impl ExactSizeIterator)> + FusedIterator + Clone + '_ { self.leaf_nodes.iter().map(|leaf| (&leaf.data, leaf.bb)) } #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn iter_mut( &mut self, ) -> impl ExactSizeIterator)> + FusedIterator + '_ { self.leaf_nodes .iter_mut() .map(|leaf| (&mut leaf.data, leaf.bb)) } pub fn par_iter(&self) -> impl IndexedParallelIterator)> + Clone + '_ { self.leaf_nodes.par_iter().map(|leaf| (&leaf.data, leaf.bb)) } #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn par_iter_mut( &mut self, ) -> impl IndexedParallelIterator)> + '_ { self.leaf_nodes .par_iter_mut() .map(|leaf| (&mut leaf.data, leaf.bb)) } } pub enum Node<'a, T> { Internal(Internal<'a, T>), Leaf { data: &'a T, bb: Aabb }, } impl<'a, T> Node<'a, T> { fn from_idx(bvh: &'a Bvh, idx: NodeIdx) -> Self { if idx < bvh.internal_nodes.len() as NodeIdx { Self::Internal(Internal { bvh, idx }) } else { let leaf = &bvh.leaf_nodes[(idx - bvh.internal_nodes.len() as NodeIdx) as usize]; Self::Leaf { data: &leaf.data, bb: leaf.bb, } } } pub fn bb(&self) -> Aabb { match self { Node::Internal(int) => int.bb(), Node::Leaf { bb, .. } => *bb, } } } pub struct Internal<'a, T> { bvh: &'a Bvh, idx: NodeIdx, } impl<'a, T> Internal<'a, T> { pub fn split(self) -> (Aabb, Node<'a, T>, Node<'a, T>) { let internal = &self.bvh.internal_nodes[self.idx as usize]; let bb = internal.bb; let left = Node::from_idx(self.bvh, internal.left); let right = Node::from_idx(self.bvh, internal.right); (bb, left, right) } pub fn bb(&self) -> Aabb { self.bvh.internal_nodes[self.idx as usize].bb } } fn build_rec( idx: NodeIdx, bounds: Aabb, internal_nodes: &mut [InternalNode], leaf_nodes: &mut [LeafNode], total_leaf_count: NodeIdx, ) -> (NodeIdx, Aabb) { debug_assert_eq!(leaf_nodes.len() - 1, internal_nodes.len()); if leaf_nodes.len() == 1 { // Leaf node return (total_leaf_count - 1 + idx, leaf_nodes[0].bb); } debug_assert!(bounds.is_valid()); let dims = bounds.max - bounds.min; let (mut split, bounds_left, bounds_right) = if dims.x >= dims.y && dims.x >= dims.z { let mid = middle(bounds.min.x, bounds.max.x); let [bounds_left, bounds_right] = bounds.split_at_x(mid); let p = partition(leaf_nodes, |l| middle(l.bb.min.x, l.bb.max.x) <= mid); (p, bounds_left, bounds_right) } else if dims.y >= dims.x && dims.y >= dims.z { let mid = middle(bounds.min.y, bounds.max.y); let [bounds_left, bounds_right] = bounds.split_at_y(mid); let p = partition(leaf_nodes, |l| middle(l.bb.min.y, l.bb.max.y) <= mid); (p, bounds_left, bounds_right) } else { let mid = middle(bounds.min.z, bounds.max.z); let [bounds_left, bounds_right] = bounds.split_at_z(mid); let p = partition(leaf_nodes, |l| middle(l.bb.min.z, l.bb.max.z) <= mid); (p, bounds_left, bounds_right) }; // Check if one of the halves is empty. (We can't have empty nodes) // Also take care to handle the edge case of overlapping points. if split == 0 { if relative_eq!(bounds_right.min, bounds_right.max) { split += 1; } else { return build_rec( idx, bounds_right, internal_nodes, leaf_nodes, total_leaf_count, ); } } else if split == leaf_nodes.len() { if relative_eq!(bounds_left.min, bounds_left.max) { split -= 1; } else { return build_rec( idx, bounds_left, internal_nodes, leaf_nodes, total_leaf_count, ); } } let (leaves_left, leaves_right) = leaf_nodes.split_at_mut(split); let (internal_left, internal_right) = internal_nodes.split_at_mut(split); let (internal, internal_left) = internal_left.split_last_mut().unwrap(); let ((left, bounds_left), (right, bounds_right)) = rayon::join( || { build_rec( idx, bounds_left, internal_left, leaves_left, total_leaf_count, ) }, || { build_rec( idx + split as NodeIdx, bounds_right, internal_right, leaves_right, total_leaf_count, ) }, ); internal.bb = bounds_left.union(bounds_right); internal.left = left; internal.right = right; (idx + split as NodeIdx - 1, internal.bb) } fn partition(s: &mut [T], mut pred: impl FnMut(&T) -> bool) -> usize { let mut it = s.iter_mut(); let mut true_count = 0; while let Some(head) = it.find(|x| { if pred(x) { true_count += 1; false } else { true } }) { if let Some(tail) = it.rfind(|x| pred(x)) { mem::swap(head, tail); true_count += 1; } else { break; } } true_count } fn middle(a: f64, b: f64) -> f64 { (a + b) / 2.0 } impl Default for Bvh { fn default() -> Self { Self::new() } }