use std::time::Duration; use criterion::{black_box, criterion_group, criterion_main, Criterion}; use rand::Rng; use valence_nbt::{compound, List}; use valence_protocol::block::{BlockKind, BlockState, PropName, PropValue}; use valence_protocol::packets::s2c::play::{ ChunkDataAndUpdateLight, ChunkDataAndUpdateLightEncode, SetTabListHeaderAndFooter, SpawnEntity, }; use valence_protocol::text::Color; use valence_protocol::{ encode_packet, encode_packet_compressed, ByteAngle, Decode, Encode, ItemKind, LengthPrefixedArray, PacketDecoder, PacketEncoder, TextFormat, VarInt, }; criterion_group! { name = benches; config = Criterion::default() .measurement_time(Duration::from_secs(5)).confidence_level(0.99); targets = blocks, packets, var_int, decode_array } criterion_main!(benches); fn blocks(c: &mut Criterion) { let states =; c.bench_function("BlockState::from_kind", |b| { b.iter(|| { for kind in black_box(BlockKind::ALL) { black_box(BlockState::from_kind(kind)); } }); }); c.bench_function("BlockState::to_kind", |b| { b.iter(|| { for state in black_box(states) { black_box(state.to_kind()); } }); }); c.bench_function("BlockState::get", |b| { b.iter(|| { for state in black_box(states) { black_box(state.get(PropName::Note)); } }); }); c.bench_function("BlockState::set", |b| { b.iter(|| { for state in black_box(states) { black_box(state.set(PropName::Note, PropValue::Didgeridoo)); } }); }); c.bench_function("BlockState::is_liquid", |b| { b.iter(|| { for state in black_box(states) { black_box(state.is_liquid()); } }); }); c.bench_function("BlockState::is_opaque", |b| { b.iter(|| { for state in black_box(states) { black_box(state.is_opaque()); } }) }); c.bench_function("BlockState::is_replaceable", |b| { b.iter(|| { for state in black_box(states) { black_box(state.is_replaceable()); } }) }); c.bench_function("BlockState::luminance", |b| { b.iter(|| { for state in black_box(states) { black_box(state.luminance()); } }) }); c.bench_function("BlockKind::to_item_kind", |b| { b.iter(|| { for kind in black_box(BlockKind::ALL) { black_box(kind.to_item_kind()); } }); }); c.bench_function("BlockKind::from_item_kind", |b| { b.iter(|| { for kind in black_box(ItemKind::ALL) { black_box(BlockKind::from_item_kind(kind)); } }); }); } fn packets(c: &mut Criterion) { let mut encoder = PacketEncoder::new(); const BLOCKS_AND_BIOMES: [u8; 2000] = [0x80; 2000]; const SKY_LIGHT_ARRAYS: [LengthPrefixedArray; 26] = [LengthPrefixedArray([0xff; 2048]); 26]; let chunk_data_packet = ChunkDataAndUpdateLightEncode { chunk_x: 123, chunk_z: 456, heightmaps: &compound! { "MOTION_BLOCKING" => List::Long(vec![123; 256]), }, blocks_and_biomes: BLOCKS_AND_BIOMES.as_slice(), block_entities: &[], trust_edges: false, sky_light_mask: &[], block_light_mask: &[], empty_sky_light_mask: &[], empty_block_light_mask: &[], sky_light_arrays: SKY_LIGHT_ARRAYS.as_slice(), block_light_arrays: &[], }; let tab_list_header_footer_packet = SetTabListHeaderAndFooter { header: ("this".italic() + " is the " + "header".bold().color(Color::RED)).into(), footer: ("this".italic() + " is the " + "footer".bold().color(Color::BLUE) + ". I am appending some extra text so that the packet goes over the compression \ threshold.") .into(), }; let spawn_entity_packet = SpawnEntity { entity_id: VarInt(1234), object_uuid: Default::default(), kind: VarInt(5), position: [123.0, 456.0, 789.0], pitch: ByteAngle(200), yaw: ByteAngle(100), head_yaw: ByteAngle(50), data: VarInt(i32::MIN), velocity: [12, 34, 56], }; c.bench_function("encode_chunk_data", |b| { b.iter(|| { let encoder = black_box(&mut encoder); encoder.clear(); encoder.append_packet(&chunk_data_packet).unwrap(); black_box(encoder); }); }); c.bench_function("encode_tab_list_header_footer", |b| { b.iter(|| { let encoder = black_box(&mut encoder); encoder.clear(); encoder .append_packet(&tab_list_header_footer_packet) .unwrap(); black_box(encoder); }); }); c.bench_function("encode_spawn_entity", |b| { b.iter(|| { let encoder = black_box(&mut encoder); encoder.clear(); encoder.append_packet(&spawn_entity_packet).unwrap(); black_box(encoder); }); }); encoder.set_compression(Some(256)); c.bench_function("encode_chunk_data_compressed", |b| { b.iter(|| { let encoder = black_box(&mut encoder); encoder.clear(); encoder.append_packet(&chunk_data_packet).unwrap(); black_box(encoder); }); }); c.bench_function("encode_tab_list_header_footer_compressed", |b| { b.iter(|| { let encoder = black_box(&mut encoder); encoder.clear(); encoder .append_packet(&tab_list_header_footer_packet) .unwrap(); black_box(encoder); }); }); c.bench_function("encode_spawn_entity_compressed", |b| { b.iter(|| { let encoder = black_box(&mut encoder); encoder.clear(); encoder.append_packet(&spawn_entity_packet).unwrap(); black_box(encoder); }); }); let mut decoder = PacketDecoder::new(); let mut packet_buf = vec![]; encode_packet(&mut packet_buf, &chunk_data_packet).unwrap(); c.bench_function("decode_chunk_data", |b| { b.iter(|| { let decoder = black_box(&mut decoder); decoder.queue_slice(&packet_buf); decoder .try_next_packet::() .unwrap(); black_box(decoder); }); }); packet_buf.clear(); encode_packet(&mut packet_buf, &tab_list_header_footer_packet).unwrap(); c.bench_function("decode_tab_list_header_footer", |b| { b.iter(|| { let decoder = black_box(&mut decoder); decoder.queue_slice(&packet_buf); decoder .try_next_packet::() .unwrap(); black_box(decoder); }); }); packet_buf.clear(); encode_packet(&mut packet_buf, &spawn_entity_packet).unwrap(); c.bench_function("decode_spawn_entity", |b| { b.iter(|| { let decoder = black_box(&mut decoder); decoder.queue_slice(&packet_buf); decoder.try_next_packet::().unwrap(); black_box(decoder); }); }); decoder.set_compression(true); let mut scratch = vec![]; packet_buf.clear(); encode_packet_compressed(&mut packet_buf, &chunk_data_packet, 256, &mut scratch).unwrap(); c.bench_function("decode_chunk_data_compressed", |b| { b.iter(|| { let decoder = black_box(&mut decoder); decoder.queue_slice(&packet_buf); decoder .try_next_packet::() .unwrap(); black_box(decoder); }); }); packet_buf.clear(); encode_packet_compressed( &mut packet_buf, &tab_list_header_footer_packet, 256, &mut scratch, ) .unwrap(); c.bench_function("decode_tab_list_header_footer_compressed", |b| { b.iter(|| { let decoder = black_box(&mut decoder); decoder.queue_slice(&packet_buf); decoder .try_next_packet::() .unwrap(); black_box(decoder); }); }); packet_buf.clear(); encode_packet_compressed(&mut packet_buf, &spawn_entity_packet, 256, &mut scratch).unwrap(); c.bench_function("decode_spawn_entity_compressed", |b| { b.iter(|| { let decoder = black_box(&mut decoder); decoder.queue_slice(&packet_buf); decoder.try_next_packet::().unwrap(); black_box(decoder); }); }); } fn var_int(c: &mut Criterion) { let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); c.bench_function("VarInt::encode", |b| { b.iter_with_setup( || rng.gen(), |i| { let i: i32 = black_box(i); let mut buf = [0; VarInt::MAX_SIZE]; let _ = black_box(VarInt(i).encode(buf.as_mut_slice())); }, ); }); c.bench_function("VarInt::decode", |b| { b.iter_with_setup( || { let mut buf = [0; VarInt::MAX_SIZE]; VarInt(rng.gen()).encode(buf.as_mut_slice()).unwrap(); buf }, |buf| { let mut r = black_box(buf.as_slice()); let _ = black_box(VarInt::decode(&mut r)); }, ) }); } fn decode_array(c: &mut Criterion) { let floats = [123.0, 456.0, 789.0]; let mut buf = [0u8; 24]; floats.encode(buf.as_mut_slice()).unwrap(); c.bench_function("<[f64; 3]>::decode", |b| { b.iter(|| { let mut r = black_box(buf.as_slice()); let _ = black_box(<[f64; 3]>::decode(&mut r)); }); }); let bytes = [42; 4096]; c.bench_function("<[u8; 4096]>::decode", |b| { b.iter(|| { let mut r = black_box(bytes.as_slice()); let _ = black_box(<[u8; 4096]>::decode(&mut r)); }) }); }