mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 18:17:44 +11:00
2254 lines
61 KiB
2254 lines
61 KiB
//! See: <https://wiki.vg/Entity_metadata>
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap};
use anyhow::Context;
use heck::{ToPascalCase, ToSnakeCase};
use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
use quote::quote;
use serde::Deserialize;
use crate::{ident, write_to_out_path};
struct Class {
name: &'static str,
inherit: Option<&'static Class>,
fields: &'static [Field],
struct Field {
name: &'static str,
typ: Type,
/// Each variant contains the default value for the field.
enum Type {
BitFields(&'static [BitField]),
String(&'static str),
OptText(Option<&'static str>),
ArmorStandRotations(f32, f32, f32),
BlockPos(i32, i32, i32),
OptBlockPos(Option<(i32, i32, i32)>),
/// Also known as OptVarInt
// ==== Specialized ==== //
impl Type {
pub fn default_expr(&self) -> TokenStream {
match self {
Type::BitFields(bfs) => {
let mut default = 0;
for bf in *bfs {
default = (bf.default as u8) << bf.offset;
quote! { #default }
Type::Byte(d) => quote! { #d },
Type::VarInt(d) => quote! { VarInt(#d) },
Type::Float(d) => quote! { #d },
Type::String(d) => quote! { #d.into() },
Type::Text => quote! { Default::default() },
Type::OptText(d) => match d {
Some(d) => quote! { Some(Box::new(Text::from(#d))) },
None => quote! { None },
Type::Slot => quote! { () }, // TODO
Type::Bool(d) => quote! { #d },
Type::ArmorStandRotations(x, y, z) => {
quote! { ArmorStandRotations::new(#x, #y, #z) }
Type::BlockPos(x, y, z) => quote! { BlockPos::new(#x, #y, #z) },
Type::OptBlockPos(d) => match d {
Some((x, y, z)) => quote! { Some(BlockPos::new(#x, #y, #z)) },
None => quote! { None },
Type::Direction => quote! { Direction::Down },
Type::OptUuid => quote! { None },
Type::BlockState => quote! { BlockState::AIR },
Type::Nbt => quote! { nbt::Blob::new() },
Type::Particle => quote! { () }, // TODO
Type::VillagerData => quote! { VillagerData::default() },
Type::OptEntityId => quote! { None },
Type::Pose => quote! { Pose::default() },
Type::CatVariant => quote! { CatVariant::default() },
Type::FrogVariant => quote! { FrogVariant::default() },
Type::OptGlobalPosition => quote! { () }, // TODO
Type::PaintingVariant => quote! { PaintingVariant::default() },
Type::BoatVariant => quote! { BoatVariant::default() },
Type::MainHand => quote! { MainHand::default() },
pub fn type_id(&self) -> i32 {
match self {
Type::BitFields(_) => 0,
Type::Byte(_) => 0,
Type::VarInt(_) => 1,
Type::Float(_) => 2,
Type::String(_) => 3,
Type::Text => 4,
Type::OptText(_) => 5,
Type::Slot => 6,
Type::Bool(_) => 7,
Type::ArmorStandRotations(_, _, _) => 8,
Type::BlockPos(_, _, _) => 9,
Type::OptBlockPos(_) => 10,
Type::Direction => 11,
Type::OptUuid => 12,
Type::BlockState => 13,
Type::Nbt => 14,
Type::Particle => 15,
Type::VillagerData => 16,
Type::OptEntityId => 17,
Type::Pose => 18,
Type::CatVariant => 19,
Type::FrogVariant => 20,
Type::OptGlobalPosition => 21,
Type::PaintingVariant => 22,
Type::BoatVariant => 1,
Type::MainHand => 0,
struct BitField {
name: &'static str,
offset: u8,
default: bool,
const BASE_ENTITY: Class = Class {
name: "base_entity",
inherit: None,
fields: &[
Field {
name: "base_entity_flags",
typ: Type::BitFields(&[
BitField {
name: "on_fire",
offset: 0,
default: false,
BitField {
name: "crouching",
offset: 1,
default: false,
BitField {
name: "sprinting",
offset: 3, // Skipping unused
default: false,
BitField {
name: "swimming",
offset: 4,
default: false,
BitField {
name: "invisible",
offset: 5,
default: false,
BitField {
name: "glowing",
offset: 6,
default: false,
BitField {
name: "elytra_flying",
offset: 7,
default: false,
Field {
name: "air_ticks",
typ: Type::VarInt(300),
Field {
name: "custom_name",
typ: Type::OptText(None),
Field {
name: "custom_name_visible",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
Field {
name: "silent",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
Field {
name: "no_gravity",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
Field {
name: "pose",
typ: Type::Pose,
Field {
name: "frozen_ticks",
typ: Type::VarInt(0),
const ABSTRACT_ARROW: Class = Class {
name: "abstract_arrow",
inherit: Some(&BASE_ENTITY),
fields: &[
Field {
name: "abstract_arrow_flags",
typ: Type::BitFields(&[
BitField {
name: "critical",
offset: 0,
default: false,
BitField {
name: "noclip",
offset: 1,
default: false,
Field {
name: "piercing_level",
typ: Type::Byte(0),
const ITEM_FRAME: Class = Class {
name: "item_frame",
inherit: Some(&BASE_ENTITY),
fields: &[
Field {
name: "item",
typ: Type::Slot,
Field {
name: "rotation",
typ: Type::VarInt(0), // TODO: Direction enum?
const BOAT: Class = Class {
name: "boat",
inherit: Some(&BASE_ENTITY),
fields: &[
Field {
name: "last_hit_ticks",
typ: Type::VarInt(0),
Field {
name: "forward_direction",
typ: Type::VarInt(1), // TODO: direction enum?
Field {
name: "damage_taken",
typ: Type::Float(0.0),
Field {
name: "typ",
typ: Type::BoatVariant,
Field {
name: "left_paddle_turning",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
Field {
name: "right_paddle_turning",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
Field {
name: "splash_timer",
typ: Type::VarInt(0),
const LIVING_ENTITY: Class = Class {
name: "living_entity",
inherit: Some(&BASE_ENTITY),
fields: &[
Field {
name: "living_entity_flags",
typ: Type::BitFields(&[
BitField {
name: "hand_active",
offset: 0,
default: false,
BitField {
name: "active_hand",
offset: 1,
default: false,
BitField {
name: "riptide_spin_attack",
offset: 2,
default: false,
Field {
name: "health",
typ: Type::Float(1.0),
Field {
name: "potion_effect_color",
typ: Type::VarInt(0), // TODO: potion effect color type
Field {
name: "potion_effect_ambient",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
Field {
name: "arrow_count",
typ: Type::VarInt(0),
Field {
name: "bee_stinger_count",
typ: Type::VarInt(0),
Field {
name: "bed_sleeping_position",
typ: Type::OptBlockPos(None),
const MOB: Class = Class {
name: "mob",
inherit: Some(&LIVING_ENTITY),
fields: &[Field {
name: "mob_flags",
typ: Type::BitFields(&[
BitField {
name: "ai_disabled",
offset: 0,
default: false,
BitField {
name: "left_handed",
offset: 1,
default: false,
BitField {
name: "aggressive",
offset: 2,
default: false,
const AMBIENT_CREATURE: Class = Class {
name: "ambient_creature",
inherit: Some(&MOB),
fields: &[],
const PATHFINDER_MOB: Class = Class {
name: "pathfinder_mob",
inherit: Some(&MOB),
fields: &[],
const WATER_ANIMAL: Class = Class {
name: "water_animal",
inherit: Some(&PATHFINDER_MOB),
fields: &[],
const ABSTRACT_FISH: Class = Class {
name: "abstract_fish",
inherit: Some(&WATER_ANIMAL),
fields: &[Field {
name: "from_bucket",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
const AGEABLE_MOB: Class = Class {
name: "ageable_mob",
inherit: Some(&PATHFINDER_MOB),
fields: &[Field {
name: "is_baby",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
const ANIMAL: Class = Class {
name: "animal",
inherit: Some(&PATHFINDER_MOB),
fields: &[],
const ABSTRACT_HORSE: Class = Class {
name: "abstract_horse",
inherit: Some(&ANIMAL),
fields: &[
Field {
name: "horse_flags",
typ: Type::BitFields(&[
BitField {
name: "tame",
offset: 1, // Skip unused
default: false,
BitField {
name: "saddled",
offset: 2,
default: false,
BitField {
name: "bred",
offset: 3,
default: false,
BitField {
name: "eating",
offset: 4,
default: false,
BitField {
name: "rearing",
offset: 5,
default: false,
BitField {
name: "mouth_open",
offset: 6,
default: false,
Field {
name: "owner",
typ: Type::OptUuid,
const CHESTED_HORSE: Class = Class {
name: "chested_horse",
inherit: Some(&ABSTRACT_HORSE),
fields: &[Field {
name: "has_chest",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
const COW: Class = Class {
name: "cow",
inherit: Some(&ANIMAL),
fields: &[],
const TAMEABLE_ANIMAL: Class = Class {
name: "tameable_animal",
inherit: Some(&ANIMAL),
fields: &[Field {
name: "tameable_animal_flags",
typ: Type::BitFields(&[
BitField {
name: "sitting",
offset: 0,
default: false,
BitField {
name: "tamed",
offset: 2, // Skip unused.
default: false,
const ABSTRACT_VILLAGER: Class = Class {
name: "abstract_villager",
inherit: Some(&AGEABLE_MOB),
fields: &[Field {
name: "head_shake_timer",
typ: Type::VarInt(0),
const ABSTRACT_GOLEM: Class = Class {
name: "abstract_golem",
inherit: Some(&PATHFINDER_MOB),
fields: &[],
const MONSTER: Class = Class {
name: "monster",
inherit: Some(&PATHFINDER_MOB),
fields: &[],
const BASE_PIGLIN: Class = Class {
name: "base_piglin",
inherit: Some(&MONSTER),
fields: &[Field {
name: "zombification_immune",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
const GUARDIAN: Class = Class {
name: "guardian",
inherit: Some(&MONSTER),
fields: &[
Field {
name: "retracting_spikes",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
Field {
name: "target",
typ: Type::OptEntityId,
const RAIDER: Class = Class {
name: "raider",
inherit: Some(&MONSTER),
fields: &[Field {
name: "celebrating",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
const ABSTRACT_ILLAGER: Class = Class {
name: "abstract_illager",
inherit: Some(&RAIDER),
fields: &[],
const SPELLCASTER_ILLAGER: Class = Class {
name: "spellcaster_illager",
inherit: Some(&ABSTRACT_ILLAGER),
fields: &[Field {
name: "spellcaster_state",
typ: Type::Byte(0), /* TODO: Spell (0: none, 1: summon vex, 2: attack, 3: wololo, 4:
* disappear, 5: blindness) */
const ABSTRACT_SKELETON: Class = Class {
name: "abstract_skeleton",
inherit: Some(&MONSTER),
fields: &[],
const SPIDER: Class = Class {
name: "spider",
inherit: Some(&MONSTER),
fields: &[Field {
name: "spider_flags",
typ: Type::BitFields(&[BitField {
name: "climbing",
offset: 0,
default: false,
const ZOMBIE: Class = Class {
name: "zombie",
inherit: Some(&MONSTER),
fields: &[Field {
name: "baby",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
const FLYING: Class = Class {
name: "flying",
inherit: Some(&MOB),
fields: &[],
const ABSTRACT_MINECART: Class = Class {
name: "abstract minecart",
inherit: Some(&BASE_ENTITY),
fields: &[
Field {
name: "shaking_power",
typ: Type::VarInt(0),
Field {
name: "shaking_direction",
typ: Type::VarInt(1), // TODO: Refined type?
Field {
name: "shaking_multiplier",
typ: Type::Float(0.0),
Field {
name: "custom_block_id",
typ: Type::VarInt(0), // TODO: is this a BlockState?
Field {
name: "custom_block_y_pos",
typ: Type::VarInt(6), // TODO: measured in 16ths of a block. Refined type?
Field {
name: "show_custom_block",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
name: "abstract_minecart_container",
inherit: Some(&ABSTRACT_MINECART),
fields: &[],
const ENTITIES: &[Class] = &[
Class {
name: "allay",
inherit: Some(&PATHFINDER_MOB),
fields: &[], // TODO: fields?
Class {
// TODO: how is this defined?
name: "leash_knot",
inherit: None,
fields: &[],
Class {
// TODO: how is this defined?
name: "lightning_bolt",
inherit: None,
fields: &[],
Class {
name: "experience_orb",
inherit: None,
fields: &[],
Class {
name: "marker",
inherit: None,
fields: &[],
Class {
name: "item",
inherit: Some(&BASE_ENTITY),
fields: &[], // TODO: what are the fields?
Class {
name: "egg",
inherit: Some(&BASE_ENTITY),
fields: &[Field {
name: "item",
typ: Type::Slot,
Class {
name: "ender_pearl",
inherit: Some(&BASE_ENTITY),
fields: &[Field {
name: "item",
typ: Type::Slot,
Class {
name: "experience_bottle",
inherit: Some(&BASE_ENTITY),
fields: &[Field {
name: "item",
typ: Type::Slot,
Class {
name: "potion",
inherit: Some(&BASE_ENTITY),
fields: &[Field {
name: "potion",
typ: Type::Slot,
Class {
name: "snowball",
inherit: Some(&BASE_ENTITY),
fields: &[Field {
name: "item",
typ: Type::Slot,
Class {
name: "eye_of_ender",
inherit: Some(&BASE_ENTITY),
fields: &[Field {
name: "item",
typ: Type::Slot,
Class {
name: "falling_block",
inherit: Some(&BASE_ENTITY),
fields: &[Field {
name: "spawn_position",
typ: Type::BlockPos(0, 0, 0),
Class {
name: "area_effect_cloud",
inherit: Some(&BASE_ENTITY),
fields: &[
Field {
name: "radius",
typ: Type::Float(0.5),
Field {
name: "color",
typ: Type::VarInt(0),
Field {
name: "ignore_radius",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
Field {
name: "particle",
typ: Type::Particle,
Class {
name: "fishing_bobber",
inherit: Some(&BASE_ENTITY),
fields: &[
Field {
name: "hooked_entity",
typ: Type::OptEntityId,
Field {
name: "catchable",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
Class {
name: "arrow",
inherit: Some(&ABSTRACT_ARROW),
fields: &[Field {
name: "color",
typ: Type::VarInt(-1), // TODO: custom type
Class {
name: "spectral_arrow",
inherit: Some(&ABSTRACT_ARROW),
fields: &[],
Class {
name: "trident",
inherit: Some(&ABSTRACT_ARROW),
fields: &[
Field {
name: "loyalty_level",
typ: Type::VarInt(0),
Field {
name: "enchantment_glint",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
Class {
name: "chest_boat",
inherit: Some(&BOAT),
fields: &[],
Class {
name: "tadpole",
inherit: Some(&ABSTRACT_FISH),
fields: &[],
Class {
name: "warden",
inherit: Some(&MONSTER),
fields: &[], // TODO: warden anger
Class {
name: "end_crystal",
inherit: Some(&BASE_ENTITY),
fields: &[
Field {
name: "beam_target",
typ: Type::OptBlockPos(None),
Field {
name: "show_bottom",
typ: Type::Bool(true),
Class {
name: "dragon_fireball",
inherit: Some(&BASE_ENTITY),
fields: &[],
Class {
name: "small_fireball",
inherit: Some(&BASE_ENTITY),
fields: &[Field {
name: "item",
typ: Type::Slot,
Class {
name: "fireball",
inherit: Some(&BASE_ENTITY),
fields: &[Field {
name: "item",
typ: Type::Slot,
Class {
name: "wither_skull",
inherit: Some(&BASE_ENTITY),
fields: &[Field {
name: "invulnerable",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
Class {
name: "firework_rocket",
inherit: Some(&BASE_ENTITY),
fields: &[
Field {
name: "info",
typ: Type::Slot,
Field {
name: "used_by",
typ: Type::OptEntityId,
Field {
name: "shot_at_angle",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
Class {
name: "glow_item_frame",
inherit: Some(&ITEM_FRAME),
fields: &[],
Class {
name: "painting",
inherit: Some(&BASE_ENTITY),
fields: &[Field {
name: "variant",
typ: Type::PaintingVariant,
Class {
name: "player",
inherit: Some(&LIVING_ENTITY),
fields: &[
Field {
name: "additional_hearts",
typ: Type::Float(0.0),
Field {
name: "score",
typ: Type::VarInt(0),
Field {
name: "displayed_skin_parts",
typ: Type::BitFields(&[
BitField {
name: "cape_enabled",
offset: 0,
default: false,
BitField {
name: "jacket_enabled",
offset: 1,
default: false,
BitField {
name: "left_sleeve_enabled",
offset: 2,
default: false,
BitField {
name: "right_sleeve_enabled",
offset: 3,
default: false,
BitField {
name: "left_pants_leg_enabled",
offset: 4,
default: false,
BitField {
name: "right_pants_leg_enabled",
offset: 5,
default: false,
BitField {
name: "hat_enabled",
offset: 6,
default: false,
Field {
name: "main_hand",
typ: Type::MainHand,
Field {
name: "left_shoulder_entity_data",
typ: Type::Nbt,
Field {
name: "right_shoulder_entity_data",
typ: Type::Nbt,
Field {
name: "global_position",
typ: Type::OptGlobalPosition,
Class {
name: "armor_stand",
inherit: Some(&LIVING_ENTITY),
fields: &[
Field {
name: "armor_stand_flags",
typ: Type::BitFields(&[
BitField {
name: "small",
offset: 0,
default: false,
BitField {
name: "arms",
offset: 1,
default: false,
BitField {
name: "no_baseplate",
offset: 2,
default: false,
BitField {
name: "marker",
offset: 3,
default: false,
Field {
name: "head_rotation",
typ: Type::ArmorStandRotations(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
Field {
name: "body_rotation",
typ: Type::ArmorStandRotations(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
Field {
name: "left_arm_rotation",
typ: Type::ArmorStandRotations(-10.0, 0.0, -10.0),
Field {
name: "right_arm_rotation",
typ: Type::ArmorStandRotations(-15.0, 0.0, -10.0),
Field {
name: "left_leg_rotation",
typ: Type::ArmorStandRotations(-1.0, 0.0, -1.0),
Field {
name: "right_leg_rotation",
typ: Type::ArmorStandRotations(1.0, 0.0, 1.0),
Class {
name: "bat",
inherit: Some(&AMBIENT_CREATURE),
fields: &[Field {
name: "bat_flags",
typ: Type::BitFields(&[BitField {
name: "hanging",
offset: 0,
default: false,
Class {
name: "squid",
inherit: Some(&WATER_ANIMAL),
fields: &[],
Class {
// TODO: How is glow squid defined? This is a guess.
name: "glow_squid",
inherit: Some(&WATER_ANIMAL),
fields: &[],
Class {
name: "dolphin",
inherit: Some(&WATER_ANIMAL),
fields: &[
Field {
name: "treasure_position",
typ: Type::BlockPos(0, 0, 0),
Field {
name: "has_fish",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
Field {
name: "moisture_level",
typ: Type::VarInt(2400),
Class {
name: "cod",
inherit: Some(&ABSTRACT_FISH),
fields: &[],
Class {
name: "pufferfish",
inherit: Some(&ABSTRACT_FISH),
fields: &[Field {
name: "puff_state",
typ: Type::VarInt(0), // TODO: PuffState in the range [0, 2]. (Bounded int?)
Class {
name: "salmon",
inherit: Some(&ABSTRACT_FISH),
fields: &[],
Class {
name: "tropical_fish",
inherit: Some(&ABSTRACT_FISH),
fields: &[Field {
name: "variant",
typ: Type::VarInt(0), // TODO: TropicalFishVariant enum
Class {
name: "horse",
inherit: Some(&ABSTRACT_HORSE),
fields: &[Field {
name: "variant",
typ: Type::VarInt(0), // TODO: HorseVariant enum
Class {
name: "zombie_horse",
inherit: Some(&ABSTRACT_HORSE),
fields: &[],
Class {
name: "skeleton_horse",
inherit: Some(&ABSTRACT_HORSE),
fields: &[],
Class {
name: "donkey",
inherit: Some(&CHESTED_HORSE),
fields: &[],
Class {
name: "llama",
inherit: Some(&CHESTED_HORSE),
fields: &[
Field {
name: "strength",
typ: Type::VarInt(0), // TODO: upper bound?
Field {
name: "carpet_color",
typ: Type::VarInt(-1), // TODO: Carpet color enum.
Field {
name: "variant",
typ: Type::VarInt(0), // TODO: Llama variant enum.
Class {
name: "trader_llama",
inherit: None, // TODO: really?
fields: &[],
Class {
name: "mule",
inherit: Some(&CHESTED_HORSE),
fields: &[],
Class {
name: "axolotl",
inherit: Some(&ANIMAL),
fields: &[
Field {
name: "variant",
typ: Type::VarInt(0), // TODO: AxolotlVariant enum.
Field {
name: "playing_dead",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
Field {
name: "from_bucket",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
Class {
name: "bee",
inherit: Some(&ANIMAL),
fields: &[
Field {
name: "bee_flags",
typ: Type::BitFields(&[
BitField {
name: "angry",
offset: 1, // Skip unused.
default: false,
BitField {
name: "stung",
offset: 2,
default: false,
BitField {
name: "nectar",
offset: 3,
default: false,
Field {
name: "anger_ticks",
typ: Type::VarInt(0),
Class {
name: "fox",
inherit: Some(&ANIMAL),
fields: &[
Field {
name: "variant",
typ: Type::VarInt(0), // TODO: 0 for red, 1 for snow
Field {
name: "fox_flags",
typ: Type::BitFields(&[
BitField {
name: "sitting",
offset: 0,
default: false,
BitField {
name: "fox_crouching",
offset: 2, // Skip unused
default: false,
BitField {
name: "interested",
offset: 3,
default: false,
BitField {
name: "pouncing",
offset: 4,
default: false,
BitField {
name: "sleeping",
offset: 5,
default: false,
BitField {
name: "faceplanted",
offset: 6,
default: false,
BitField {
name: "defending",
offset: 7,
default: false,
// TODO: what are these UUIDs?
Field {
name: "first_uuid",
typ: Type::OptUuid,
Field {
name: "second_uuid",
typ: Type::OptUuid,
Class {
name: "frog",
inherit: Some(&ANIMAL),
fields: &[
Field {
name: "variant",
typ: Type::FrogVariant,
Field {
name: "tongue_target",
typ: Type::VarInt(0),
Class {
name: "ocelot",
inherit: Some(&ANIMAL),
fields: &[Field {
name: "trusting",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
Class {
name: "panda",
inherit: Some(&ANIMAL),
fields: &[
Field {
name: "breed_timer",
typ: Type::VarInt(0),
Field {
name: "sneeze_timer",
typ: Type::VarInt(0),
Field {
name: "eat_timer",
typ: Type::VarInt(0),
Field {
name: "main_gene",
typ: Type::Byte(0),
Field {
name: "hidden_gene",
typ: Type::Byte(0),
Field {
name: "panda_flags",
typ: Type::BitFields(&[
BitField {
name: "sneezing",
offset: 1, // Skip unused.
default: false,
BitField {
name: "rolling",
offset: 2,
default: false,
BitField {
name: "sitting",
offset: 3,
default: false,
BitField {
name: "on_back",
offset: 4,
default: false,
Class {
name: "pig",
inherit: Some(&ANIMAL),
fields: &[
Field {
name: "has_saddle",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
Field {
name: "boost_timer",
typ: Type::VarInt(0),
Class {
name: "rabbit",
inherit: Some(&ANIMAL),
fields: &[Field {
name: "variant",
typ: Type::VarInt(0), // TODO: rabbit variant enum.
Class {
name: "turtle",
inherit: Some(&ANIMAL),
fields: &[
Field {
name: "home_position",
typ: Type::BlockPos(0, 0, 0),
Field {
name: "has_egg",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
Field {
name: "laying_egg",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
Field {
name: "travel_pos",
typ: Type::BlockPos(0, 0, 0),
Field {
name: "going_home",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
Field {
name: "travelling",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
Class {
name: "polar_bear",
inherit: Some(&ANIMAL),
fields: &[Field {
name: "standing_up",
typ: Type::Bool(true),
Class {
name: "chicken",
inherit: Some(&ANIMAL),
fields: &[],
Class {
name: "hoglin",
inherit: Some(&ANIMAL),
fields: &[Field {
name: "zombification_immune",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
Class {
name: "mooshroom",
inherit: Some(&COW),
fields: &[Field {
name: "variant",
typ: Type::String("red"), // TODO: "red" or "brown" enum.
Class {
name: "sheep",
inherit: Some(&ANIMAL),
fields: &[Field {
name: "sheep_state",
typ: Type::Byte(0), // TODO: sheep state type.
Class {
name: "goat",
inherit: Some(&ANIMAL),
fields: &[
Field {
name: "screaming",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
Field {
name: "left_horn",
typ: Type::Bool(true),
Field {
name: "right_horn",
typ: Type::Bool(true),
Class {
name: "strider",
inherit: Some(&ANIMAL),
fields: &[
Field {
name: "boost_timer",
typ: Type::VarInt(0),
Field {
name: "shaking",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
Field {
name: "saddle",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
Class {
name: "cat",
inherit: Some(&TAMEABLE_ANIMAL),
fields: &[
Field {
name: "variant",
typ: Type::CatVariant,
Field {
name: "lying",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
Field {
name: "relaxed",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
Field {
name: "collar_color",
typ: Type::VarInt(14), // TODO: dye color enum.
Class {
name: "wolf",
inherit: Some(&TAMEABLE_ANIMAL),
fields: &[
Field {
name: "begging",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
Field {
name: "collar_color", // TODO: dye color enum
typ: Type::VarInt(14),
Field {
name: "anger_timer",
typ: Type::VarInt(0),
Class {
name: "parrot",
inherit: Some(&TAMEABLE_ANIMAL),
fields: &[Field {
name: "variant",
typ: Type::VarInt(0), // TODO: parrot variant enum.
Class {
name: "villager",
inherit: Some(&ABSTRACT_VILLAGER),
fields: &[Field {
name: "villager_data",
typ: Type::VillagerData,
Class {
name: "wandering_trader",
inherit: Some(&ABSTRACT_VILLAGER),
fields: &[],
Class {
name: "iron_golem",
inherit: Some(&ABSTRACT_GOLEM),
fields: &[Field {
name: "iron_golem_flags",
typ: Type::BitFields(&[BitField {
name: "player_created",
offset: 0,
default: false,
Class {
name: "snow_golem",
inherit: Some(&ABSTRACT_GOLEM),
fields: &[Field {
name: "snow_golem_flags",
typ: Type::BitFields(&[BitField {
name: "pumpkin_hat",
offset: 4,
default: true,
Class {
name: "shulker",
inherit: Some(&ABSTRACT_GOLEM),
fields: &[
Field {
name: "attach_face",
typ: Type::Direction,
Field {
name: "attachment_position",
typ: Type::OptBlockPos(None),
Field {
name: "shield_height",
typ: Type::Byte(0),
Field {
name: "color",
typ: Type::Byte(10), // TODO: dye color enum
Class {
// TODO: how is this defined?
name: "shulker_bullet",
inherit: Some(&BASE_ENTITY),
fields: &[],
Class {
name: "piglin",
inherit: Some(&BASE_PIGLIN),
fields: &[
Field {
name: "baby",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
Field {
name: "charging_crossbow",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
Field {
name: "dancing",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
Class {
name: "piglin_brute",
inherit: Some(&BASE_PIGLIN),
fields: &[],
Class {
name: "blaze",
inherit: Some(&MONSTER),
fields: &[Field {
name: "blaze_flags",
typ: Type::BitFields(&[BitField {
name: "blaze_on_fire", // TODO: better name for this?
offset: 0,
default: false,
Class {
name: "creeper",
inherit: Some(&MONSTER),
fields: &[
Field {
name: "creeper_state",
typ: Type::VarInt(-1), // TODO -1 for idle, +1 for fuse.
Field {
name: "charged",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
Field {
name: "ignited",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
Class {
name: "endermite",
inherit: Some(&MONSTER),
fields: &[],
Class {
name: "giant",
inherit: Some(&MONSTER),
fields: &[],
Class {
name: "elder_guardian",
inherit: Some(&GUARDIAN),
fields: &[],
Class {
name: "silverfish",
inherit: Some(&MONSTER),
fields: &[],
Class {
name: "vindicator",
inherit: Some(&ABSTRACT_ILLAGER),
fields: &[],
Class {
name: "pillager",
inherit: Some(&ABSTRACT_ILLAGER),
fields: &[Field {
name: "charging",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
Class {
name: "evoker",
fields: &[],
Class {
name: "illusioner",
fields: &[],
Class {
name: "ravager",
inherit: Some(&RAIDER),
fields: &[],
Class {
name: "evoker_fangs",
inherit: Some(&BASE_ENTITY),
fields: &[],
Class {
name: "witch",
inherit: Some(&RAIDER),
fields: &[Field {
name: "drinking_potion",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
Class {
name: "vex",
inherit: Some(&MONSTER),
fields: &[Field {
name: "vex_flags",
typ: Type::BitFields(&[BitField {
name: "attacking",
offset: 0,
default: false,
Class {
name: "skeleton",
inherit: Some(&ABSTRACT_SKELETON),
fields: &[],
Class {
name: "wither_skeleton",
inherit: Some(&ABSTRACT_SKELETON),
fields: &[],
Class {
name: "stray",
inherit: Some(&ABSTRACT_SKELETON),
fields: &[],
Class {
name: "cave_spider",
inherit: Some(&SPIDER), // TODO: does cave_spider inherit from spider?
fields: &[],
Class {
name: "wither",
inherit: Some(&MONSTER),
fields: &[
// TODO: are these actually OptEntityId, or something else?
Field {
name: "center_head_target",
typ: Type::OptEntityId,
Field {
name: "left_head_target",
typ: Type::OptEntityId,
Field {
name: "right_head_target",
typ: Type::OptEntityId,
Field {
name: "invulnerable_time",
typ: Type::VarInt(0),
Class {
name: "zoglin",
inherit: Some(&MONSTER),
fields: &[Field {
name: "baby",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
Class {
name: "zombie_villager",
inherit: Some(&ZOMBIE),
fields: &[
Field {
name: "converting",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
Field {
name: "villager_data",
typ: Type::VillagerData,
Class {
name: "husk",
inherit: Some(&ZOMBIE),
fields: &[],
Class {
name: "drowned",
inherit: Some(&ZOMBIE),
fields: &[],
Class {
name: "zombified_piglin",
inherit: Some(&ZOMBIE),
fields: &[],
Class {
name: "enderman",
inherit: Some(&MONSTER),
fields: &[
Field {
name: "carried_block",
typ: Type::BlockState,
Field {
name: "screaming",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
Field {
name: "staring",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
Class {
name: "ender_dragon",
inherit: Some(&MOB),
fields: &[Field {
name: "phase",
typ: Type::VarInt(10), // TODO: dragon phase enum
Class {
name: "ghast",
inherit: Some(&FLYING),
fields: &[Field {
name: "attacking",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
Class {
name: "phantom",
inherit: Some(&FLYING),
fields: &[Field {
name: "size",
typ: Type::VarInt(0),
Class {
name: "slime",
inherit: Some(&MOB),
fields: &[Field {
name: "size",
typ: Type::VarInt(1), // TODO: bounds?
Class {
name: "magma_cube",
inherit: Some(&MOB),
fields: &[Field {
name: "size",
typ: Type::VarInt(1),
Class {
name: "llama_spit",
inherit: Some(&BASE_ENTITY),
fields: &[],
Class {
name: "minecart",
inherit: Some(&ABSTRACT_MINECART),
fields: &[],
Class {
name: "hopper_minecart",
fields: &[],
Class {
name: "chest_minecart",
fields: &[],
Class {
name: "furnace_minecart",
inherit: Some(&ABSTRACT_MINECART),
fields: &[Field {
name: "has_fuel",
typ: Type::Bool(false),
Class {
name: "tnt_minecart",
inherit: Some(&ABSTRACT_MINECART),
fields: &[],
Class {
name: "spawner_minecart",
inherit: Some(&ABSTRACT_MINECART),
fields: &[],
Class {
name: "command_block_minecart",
inherit: Some(&ABSTRACT_MINECART),
fields: &[
Field {
name: "command",
typ: Type::String(""),
Field {
name: "last_output",
typ: Type::Text,
Class {
name: "tnt",
inherit: Some(&BASE_ENTITY),
fields: &[Field {
name: "fuse_timer",
typ: Type::VarInt(80),
pub fn build() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
// Sort the entities in ID order, where the IDs are obtained from entities.json.
let entities = {
let entities: HashMap<_, _> = ENTITIES.iter().map(|c| (c.name, c)).collect();
struct JsonEntity {
id: usize,
name: String,
let json_entities: Vec<JsonEntity> =
let mut res = Vec::new();
for (i, e) in json_entities.iter().enumerate() {
assert_eq!(e.id, i);
let name = e.name.as_str();
.with_context(|| format!("entity \"{name}\" was not defined"))?,
assert_eq!(json_entities.len(), entities.len());
let mut all_classes = BTreeMap::new();
for mut class in entities.iter().cloned() {
while let None = all_classes.insert(class.name, class) {
match class.inherit {
Some(parent) => class = parent,
None => break,
let entity_type_variants = entities
.map(|c| ident(c.name.to_pascal_case()))
let entity_structs = entities.iter().map(|&class| {
let mut fields = Vec::new();
collect_class_fields(class, &mut fields);
let name = ident(class.name.to_pascal_case());
let struct_fields = fields.iter().map(|&f| {
let name = ident(f.name.to_snake_case());
let typ = match f.typ {
Type::BitFields(_) => quote! { u8 },
Type::Byte(_) => quote! { u8 },
Type::VarInt(_) => quote! { VarInt },
Type::Float(_) => quote! { f32 },
Type::String(_) => quote! { Box<str> },
Type::Text => quote! { Box<Text> },
Type::OptText(_) => quote! { Option<Box<Text>> },
Type::Slot => quote! { () }, // TODO
Type::Bool(_) => quote! { bool },
Type::ArmorStandRotations(_, _, _) => quote! { ArmorStandRotations },
Type::BlockPos(_, _, _) => quote! { BlockPos },
Type::OptBlockPos(_) => quote! { Option<BlockPos> },
Type::Direction => quote! { Direction },
Type::OptUuid => quote! { Option<Uuid> },
Type::BlockState => quote! { BlockState },
Type::Nbt => quote! { nbt::Blob },
Type::Particle => quote! { () }, // TODO
Type::VillagerData => quote! { VillagerData },
Type::OptEntityId => quote! { Option<EntityId> },
Type::Pose => quote! { Pose },
Type::CatVariant => quote! { CatVariant },
Type::FrogVariant => quote! { FrogVariant },
Type::OptGlobalPosition => quote! { () }, // TODO
Type::PaintingVariant => quote! { PaintingVariant },
Type::BoatVariant => quote! { BoatVariant },
Type::MainHand => quote! { MainHand },
quote! {
#name: #typ,
let constructor_fields = fields.iter().map(|field| {
let name = ident(field.name.to_snake_case());
let val = field.typ.default_expr();
quote! {
#name: #val,
let getter_setters =
.map(|(field_offset, field)| {
let name = ident(field.name.to_snake_case());
let getter_name = ident(format!("get_{}", name.to_string()));
let setter_name = ident(format!("set_{}", name.to_string()));
let field_offset = field_offset as u32;
// TODO: documentation on methods.
let standard_getter_setter = |type_name: TokenStream| quote! {
pub fn #getter_name(&self) -> #type_name {
pub fn #setter_name(&mut self, #name: #type_name) {
if self.#name != #name {
self.modified_flags |= 1 << #field_offset;
self.#name = #name;
match field.typ {
Type::BitFields(bfs) => bfs
.map(|bf| {
let bit_name = ident(bf.name.to_snake_case());
let getter_name = ident(format!("get_{}", bit_name.to_string()));
let setter_name = ident(format!("set_{}", bit_name.to_string()));
let offset = bf.offset;
quote! {
pub fn #getter_name(&self) -> bool {
(self.#name >> #offset) & 1 == 1
pub fn #setter_name(&mut self, #bit_name: bool) {
if self.#getter_name() != #bit_name {
self.#name = (self.#name & !(1 << #offset)) | ((#bit_name as u8) << #offset);
self.modified_flags |= 1 << #field_offset;
Type::Byte(_) => standard_getter_setter(quote!(u8)),
Type::VarInt(_) => quote! {
pub fn #getter_name(&self) -> i32 {
pub fn #setter_name(&mut self, #name: i32) {
if self.#name.0 != #name {
self.modified_flags |= 1 << #field_offset;
self.#name = VarInt(#name);
Type::Float(_) => standard_getter_setter(quote!(f32)),
Type::String(_) => quote! {
pub fn #getter_name(&self) -> &str {
pub fn #setter_name(&mut self, #name: impl Into<Box<str>>) {
let #name = #name.into();
if self.#name != #name {
self.modified_flags |= 1 << #field_offset;
self.#name = #name;
Type::Text => quote! {
pub fn #getter_name(&self) -> &Text {
pub fn #setter_name(&mut self, #name: impl Into<Text>) {
let #name = Box::new(#name.into());
if self.#name != #name {
self.modified_flags |= 1 << #field_offset;
self.#name = #name;
Type::OptText(_) => quote! {
pub fn #getter_name(&self) -> Option<&Text> {
pub fn #setter_name(&mut self, #name: Option<impl Into<Text>>) {
let #name = #name.map(|x| Box::new(x.into()));
if self.#name != #name {
self.modified_flags |= 1 << #field_offset;
self.#name = #name;
Type::Slot => quote! {}, // TODO
Type::Bool(_) => standard_getter_setter(quote!(bool)),
Type::ArmorStandRotations(_, _, _) => standard_getter_setter(quote!(ArmorStandRotations)),
Type::BlockPos(_, _, _) => standard_getter_setter(quote!(BlockPos)),
Type::OptBlockPos(_) => standard_getter_setter(quote!(Option<BlockPos>)),
Type::Direction => standard_getter_setter(quote!(Direction)),
Type::OptUuid => standard_getter_setter(quote!(Option<Uuid>)),
Type::BlockState => standard_getter_setter(quote!(BlockState)),
Type::Nbt => quote! {
pub fn #getter_name(&self) -> &nbt::Blob {
pub fn #setter_name(&mut self, #name: nbt::Blob) {
if self.#name != #name {
self.modified_flags |= 1 << #field_offset;
self.#name = #name;
Type::Particle => quote! {}, // TODO
Type::VillagerData => standard_getter_setter(quote!(VillagerData)),
Type::OptEntityId => standard_getter_setter(quote!(Option<EntityId>)),
Type::Pose => standard_getter_setter(quote!(Pose)),
Type::CatVariant => standard_getter_setter(quote!(CatVariant)),
Type::FrogVariant => standard_getter_setter(quote!(FrogVariant)),
Type::OptGlobalPosition => quote! {}, // TODO
Type::PaintingVariant => standard_getter_setter(quote!(PaintingVariant)),
Type::BoatVariant => standard_getter_setter(quote!(BoatVariant)),
Type::MainHand => standard_getter_setter(quote!(MainHand)),
let initial_metadata_fields = fields.iter().enumerate().map(|(idx, f)| {
let name = ident(f.name.to_snake_case());
let default = f.typ.default_expr();
let index: u8 = idx.try_into().unwrap();
let type_id = f.typ.type_id();
quote! {
if self.#name != #default {
let updated_metadata_fields = fields.iter().enumerate().map(|(idx, f)| {
let name = ident(f.name.to_snake_case());
let u8_index: u8 = idx.try_into().unwrap();
let u32_index = idx as u32;
let type_id = f.typ.type_id();
quote! {
if (self.modified_flags >> #u32_index) & 1 == 1 {
quote! {
pub struct #name {
/// Contains a set bit for each modified field.
modified_flags: u32,
impl #name {
pub(crate) fn new() -> Self {
Self {
modified_flags: 0,
pub(crate) fn initial_metadata(&self, #[allow(unused)] data: &mut Vec<u8>) {
pub(crate) fn updated_metadata(&self, #[allow(unused)] data: &mut Vec<u8>) {
if self.modified_flags == 0 {
pub(crate) fn clear_modifications(&mut self) {
self.modified_flags = 0;
let finished = quote! {
/// Identifies a type of entity, such as `chicken`, `zombie` or `item`.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Debug)]
pub enum EntityType {
impl Default for EntityType {
fn default() -> Self {
/// An enum encoding the type of n entity along with its metadata.
/// Metadata encompases most of an entity's state, except for some
/// basic pieces of information such as position and rotation.
pub enum EntityMeta {
impl EntityMeta {
pub(super) fn new(typ: EntityType) -> Self {
match typ {
#(EntityType::#entity_type_variants => Self::#entity_type_variants(#entity_type_variants::new()),)*
pub(super) fn typ(&self) -> EntityType {
match self {
#(Self::#entity_type_variants(_) => EntityType::#entity_type_variants,)*
pub(super) fn initial_metadata(&self) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
let mut data = Vec::new();
match self {
#(Self::#entity_type_variants(e) => e.initial_metadata(&mut data),)*
if data.is_empty() {
} else {
pub(super) fn updated_metadata(&self) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
let mut data = Vec::new();
match self {
#(Self::#entity_type_variants(e) => e.updated_metadata(&mut data),)*
if data.is_empty() {
} else {
pub(super) fn clear_modifications(&mut self) {
match self {
#(Self::#entity_type_variants(e) => e.clear_modifications(),)*
write_to_out_path("entity.rs", &finished.to_string())
fn collect_class_fields(class: &Class, fields: &mut Vec<&'static Field>) {
if let Some(parent) = class.inherit {
collect_class_fields(parent, fields);