Ryan Johnson 420f2d1b7c
Move protocol code to valence_protocol + redesigns (#153)
Closes #83 

This PR aims to move all of Valence's networking code to the new
`valence_protocol` crate. Anything not specific to valence is going in
the new crate. It also redesigns the way packets are defined and makes a
huge number of small additions and improvements. It should be much
easier to see where code is supposed to go from now on.

`valence_protocol` is a new library which enables interactions with
Minecraft's protocol. It is completely decoupled from valence and can be
used to build new clients, servers, tools, etc.

There are two additions that will help with #5 especially:
- It is now easy to define new packets or modifications of existing
packets. Not all packets need to be bidirectional.
- The `CachedEncode` type has been created. This is used to safely cache
redundant calls to `Encode::encode`.
2022-11-13 06:10:42 -08:00

648 lines
21 KiB

//! The heart of the server.
use std::error::Error;
use std::iter::FusedIterator;
use std::net::{IpAddr, SocketAddr};
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicI64, Ordering};
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use std::{io, thread};
use anyhow::{ensure, Context};
use flume::{Receiver, Sender};
pub(crate) use packet_controller::PlayPacketController;
use rand::rngs::OsRng;
use rayon::iter::ParallelIterator;
use reqwest::Client as HttpClient;
use rsa::{PublicKeyParts, RsaPrivateKey};
use serde_json::{json, Value};
use tokio::net::tcp::{OwnedReadHalf, OwnedWriteHalf};
use tokio::net::{TcpListener, TcpStream};
use tokio::runtime::{Handle, Runtime};
use tokio::sync::Semaphore;
use uuid::Uuid;
use valence_nbt::{compound, Compound, List};
use valence_protocol::codec::{PacketDecoder, PacketEncoder};
use valence_protocol::packets::c2s::handshake::HandshakeOwned;
use valence_protocol::packets::c2s::login::LoginStart;
use valence_protocol::packets::c2s::status::{PingRequest, StatusRequest};
use valence_protocol::packets::s2c::login::{DisconnectLogin, LoginSuccess, SetCompression};
use valence_protocol::packets::s2c::status::{PingResponse, StatusResponse};
use valence_protocol::types::HandshakeNextState;
use valence_protocol::username::Username;
use valence_protocol::var_int::VarInt;
use valence_protocol::{ident, MINECRAFT_VERSION, PROTOCOL_VERSION};
use crate::biome::{validate_biomes, Biome, BiomeId};
use crate::client::{Client, Clients};
use crate::config::{Config, ConnectionMode, ServerListPing};
use crate::dimension::{validate_dimensions, Dimension, DimensionId};
use crate::entity::Entities;
use crate::inventory::Inventories;
use crate::player_list::PlayerLists;
use crate::player_textures::SignedPlayerTextures;
use crate::server::packet_controller::InitialPacketController;
use crate::world::Worlds;
use crate::Ticks;
mod byte_channel;
mod login;
mod packet_controller;
/// Contains the entire state of a running Minecraft server, accessible from
/// within the [update](crate::config::Config::update) loop.
pub struct Server<C: Config> {
/// Custom state.
pub state: C::ServerState,
/// A handle to this server's [`SharedServer`].
pub shared: SharedServer<C>,
/// All of the clients on the server.
pub clients: Clients<C>,
/// All of entities on the server.
pub entities: Entities<C>,
/// All of the worlds on the server.
pub worlds: Worlds<C>,
/// All of the player lists on the server.
pub player_lists: PlayerLists<C>,
pub inventories: Inventories,
/// A handle to a Minecraft server containing the subset of functionality which
/// is accessible outside the [update] loop.
/// `SharedServer`s are internally refcounted and can
/// be shared between threads.
/// [update]: crate::config::Config::update
pub struct SharedServer<C: Config>(Arc<SharedServerInner<C>>);
impl<C: Config> Clone for SharedServer<C> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
struct SharedServerInner<C: Config> {
cfg: C,
address: SocketAddr,
tick_rate: Ticks,
connection_mode: ConnectionMode,
max_connections: usize,
incoming_capacity: usize,
outgoing_capacity: usize,
/// The tokio handle used by the server.
tokio_handle: Handle,
/// Holding a runtime handle is not enough to keep tokio working. We need
/// to store the runtime here so we don't drop it.
_tokio_runtime: Option<Runtime>,
dimensions: Vec<Dimension>,
biomes: Vec<Biome>,
/// Contains info about dimensions, biomes, and chats.
/// Sent to all clients when joining.
registry_codec: Compound,
/// The instant the server was started.
start_instant: Instant,
/// Receiver for new clients past the login stage.
new_clients_rx: Receiver<NewClientMessage>,
new_clients_tx: Sender<NewClientMessage>,
/// Incremented on every game tick.
tick_counter: AtomicI64,
/// A semaphore used to limit the number of simultaneous connections to the
/// server. Closing this semaphore stops new connections.
connection_sema: Arc<Semaphore>,
/// The result that will be returned when the server is shut down.
shutdown_result: Mutex<Option<ShutdownResult>>,
/// The RSA keypair used for encryption with clients.
rsa_key: RsaPrivateKey,
/// The public part of `rsa_key` encoded in DER, which is an ASN.1 format.
/// This is sent to clients during the authentication process.
public_key_der: Box<[u8]>,
/// For session server requests.
http_client: HttpClient,
/// Contains information about a new client.
pub struct NewClientData {
/// The UUID of the new client.
pub uuid: Uuid,
/// The username of the new client.
pub username: Username<String>,
/// The new client's player textures. May be `None` if the client does not
/// have a skin or cape.
pub textures: Option<SignedPlayerTextures>,
/// The remote address of the new client.
pub remote_addr: IpAddr,
struct NewClientMessage {
ncd: NewClientData,
ctrl: PlayPacketController,
/// The result type returned from [`start_server`].
pub type ShutdownResult = Result<(), Box<dyn Error + Send + Sync + 'static>>;
impl<C: Config> SharedServer<C> {
/// Gets a reference to the config object used to start the server.
pub fn config(&self) -> &C {
/// Gets the socket address this server is bound to.
pub fn address(&self) -> SocketAddr {
/// Gets the configured tick rate of this server.
pub fn tick_rate(&self) -> Ticks {
/// Gets the connection mode of the server.
pub fn connection_mode(&self) -> &ConnectionMode {
/// Gets the maximum number of connections allowed to the server at once.
pub fn max_connections(&self) -> usize {
/// Gets the configured incoming capacity.
pub fn incoming_capacity(&self) -> usize {
/// Gets the configured outgoing incoming capacity.
pub fn outgoing_capacity(&self) -> usize {
/// Gets a handle to the tokio instance this server is using.
pub fn tokio_handle(&self) -> &Handle {
/// Obtains a [`Dimension`] by using its corresponding [`DimensionId`].
/// It is safe but unspecified behavior to call this function using a
/// [`DimensionId`] not originating from the configuration used to construct
/// the server.
pub fn dimension(&self, id: DimensionId) -> &Dimension {
.get(id.0 as usize)
.expect("invalid dimension ID")
/// Returns an iterator over all added dimensions and their associated
/// [`DimensionId`].
pub fn dimensions(&self) -> impl FusedIterator<Item = (DimensionId, &Dimension)> + Clone {
.map(|(i, d)| (DimensionId(i as u16), d))
/// Obtains a [`Biome`] by using its corresponding [`BiomeId`].
/// It is safe but unspecified behavior to call this function using a
/// [`BiomeId`] not originating from the configuration used to construct
/// the server.
pub fn biome(&self, id: BiomeId) -> &Biome {
self.0.biomes.get(id.0 as usize).expect("invalid biome ID")
/// Returns an iterator over all added biomes and their associated
/// [`BiomeId`] in ascending order.
pub fn biomes(
) -> impl ExactSizeIterator<Item = (BiomeId, &Biome)> + DoubleEndedIterator + FusedIterator + Clone
.map(|(i, b)| (BiomeId(i as u16), b))
pub(crate) fn registry_codec(&self) -> &Compound {
/// Returns the instant the server was started.
pub fn start_instant(&self) -> Instant {
/// Returns the number of ticks that have elapsed since the server began.
pub fn current_tick(&self) -> Ticks {
/// Immediately stops new connections to the server and initiates server
/// shutdown. The given result is returned through [`start_server`].
/// You may want to disconnect all players with a message prior to calling
/// this function.
pub fn shutdown<E>(&self, res: Result<(), E>)
E: Into<Box<dyn Error + Send + Sync + 'static>>,
*self.0.shutdown_result.lock().unwrap() = Some(res.map_err(|e| e.into()));
/// Consumes the configuration and starts the server.
/// This function blocks the current thread and returns once the server has shut
/// down, a runtime error occurs, or the configuration is found to be invalid.
pub fn start_server<C: Config>(config: C, data: C::ServerState) -> ShutdownResult {
let shared = setup_server(config)
.context("failed to initialize server")
.map_err(Box::<dyn Error + Send + Sync + 'static>::from)?;
let _guard = shared.tokio_handle().enter();
let mut server = Server {
state: data,
shared: shared.clone(),
clients: Clients::new(),
entities: Entities::new(),
worlds: Worlds::new(shared.clone()),
player_lists: PlayerLists::new(),
inventories: Inventories::new(),
shared.config().init(&mut server);
do_update_loop(&mut server)
fn setup_server<C: Config>(cfg: C) -> anyhow::Result<SharedServer<C>> {
let max_connections = cfg.max_connections();
let address = cfg.address();
let tick_rate = cfg.tick_rate();
ensure!(tick_rate > 0, "tick rate must be greater than zero");
let connection_mode = cfg.connection_mode();
let incoming_packet_capacity = cfg.incoming_capacity();
incoming_packet_capacity > 0,
"serverbound packet capacity must be nonzero"
let outgoing_packet_capacity = cfg.outgoing_capacity();
outgoing_packet_capacity > 0,
"outgoing packet capacity must be nonzero"
let tokio_handle = cfg.tokio_handle();
let dimensions = cfg.dimensions();
let biomes = cfg.biomes();
let rsa_key = RsaPrivateKey::new(&mut OsRng, 1024)?;
let public_key_der =
rsa_der::public_key_to_der(&rsa_key.n().to_bytes_be(), &rsa_key.e().to_bytes_be())
let (new_clients_tx, new_clients_rx) = flume::bounded(1024);
let runtime = if tokio_handle.is_none() {
} else {
let tokio_handle = match &runtime {
Some(rt) => rt.handle().clone(),
None => tokio_handle.unwrap(),
let registry_codec = make_registry_codec(&dimensions, &biomes);
let server = SharedServerInner {
incoming_capacity: incoming_packet_capacity,
outgoing_capacity: outgoing_packet_capacity,
_tokio_runtime: runtime,
start_instant: Instant::now(),
tick_counter: AtomicI64::new(0),
connection_sema: Arc::new(Semaphore::new(max_connections)),
shutdown_result: Mutex::new(None),
http_client: HttpClient::new(),
fn make_registry_codec(dimensions: &[Dimension], biomes: &[Biome]) -> Compound {
compound! {
ident!("dimension_type") => compound! {
"type" => ident!("dimension_type"),
"value" => List::Compound(dimensions.iter().enumerate().map(|(id, dim)| compound! {
"name" => DimensionId(id as u16).dimension_type_name(),
"id" => id as i32,
"element" => dim.to_dimension_registry_item(),
ident!("worldgen/biome") => compound! {
"type" => ident!("worldgen/biome"),
"value" => {
.map(|(id, biome)| biome.to_biome_registry_item(id as i32))
ident!("chat_type") => compound! {
"type" => ident!("chat_type"),
"value" => List::Compound(Vec::new()),
fn do_update_loop(server: &mut Server<impl Config>) -> ShutdownResult {
let mut tick_start = Instant::now();
let shared = server.shared.clone();
loop {
if let Some(res) = shared.0.shutdown_result.lock().unwrap().take() {
return res;
while let Ok(msg) = shared.0.new_clients_rx.try_recv() {
.insert(Client::new(msg.ctrl, msg.ncd, Default::default()));
// Get serverbound packets first so they are not dealt with a tick late.
server.clients.par_iter_mut().for_each(|(_, client)| {
server.worlds.par_iter_mut().for_each(|(id, world)| {
world.spatial_index.update(&server.entities, id);
server.clients.par_iter_mut().for_each(|(_, client)| {
server.worlds.par_iter_mut().for_each(|(_, world)| {
// Sleep for the remainder of the tick.
let tick_duration = Duration::from_secs_f64((shared.0.tick_rate as f64).recip());
tick_start = Instant::now();
shared.0.tick_counter.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
async fn do_accept_loop(server: SharedServer<impl Config>) {
log::trace!("entering accept loop");
let listener = match TcpListener::bind(server.0.address).await {
Ok(listener) => listener,
Err(e) => {
server.shutdown(Err(e).context("failed to start TCP listener"));
loop {
match server.0.connection_sema.clone().acquire_owned().await {
Ok(permit) => match listener.accept().await {
Ok((stream, remote_addr)) => {
let server = server.clone();
tokio::spawn(async move {
if let Err(e) = stream.set_nodelay(true) {
log::error!("failed to set TCP_NODELAY: {e}");
if let Err(e) = handle_connection(server, stream, remote_addr).await {
if let Some(e) = e.downcast_ref::<io::Error>() {
if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof {
log::error!("connection to {remote_addr} ended: {e:#}");
Err(e) => {
log::error!("failed to accept incoming connection: {e}");
// Closed semaphore indicates server shutdown.
Err(_) => return,
async fn handle_connection(
server: SharedServer<impl Config>,
stream: TcpStream,
remote_addr: SocketAddr,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let (read, write) = stream.into_split();
let mut ctrl = InitialPacketController::new(
// TODO: peek stream for 0xFE legacy ping
let handshake = ctrl.recv_packet::<HandshakeOwned>().await?;
matches!(server.connection_mode(), ConnectionMode::BungeeCord)
|| handshake.server_address.chars().count() <= 255,
"handshake server address is too long"
match handshake.next_state {
HandshakeNextState::Status => handle_status(server, ctrl, remote_addr, handshake)
.context("error during status"),
HandshakeNextState::Login => match handle_login(&server, &mut ctrl, remote_addr, handshake)
.context("error during login")?
Some(ncd) => {
let msg = NewClientMessage {
ctrl: ctrl.into_play_packet_controller(
let _ = server.0.new_clients_tx.send_async(msg).await;
None => Ok(()),
async fn handle_status(
server: SharedServer<impl Config>,
mut ctrl: InitialPacketController<OwnedReadHalf, OwnedWriteHalf>,
remote_addr: SocketAddr,
handshake: HandshakeOwned,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
match server
.server_list_ping(&server, remote_addr, handshake.protocol_version.0)
ServerListPing::Respond {
} => {
let mut json = json!({
"version": {
"players": {
"online": online_players,
"max": max_players,
"sample": player_sample,
"description": description,
if let Some(data) = favicon_png {
let mut buf = "data:image/png;base64,".to_owned();
base64::encode_config_buf(data, base64::STANDARD, &mut buf);
.insert("favicon".to_owned(), Value::String(buf));
ctrl.send_packet(&StatusResponse {
json: &json.to_string(),
ServerListPing::Ignore => return Ok(()),
let PingRequest { payload } = ctrl.recv_packet().await?;
ctrl.send_packet(&PingResponse { payload }).await?;
/// Handle the login process and return the new client's data if successful.
async fn handle_login(
server: &SharedServer<impl Config>,
ctrl: &mut InitialPacketController<OwnedReadHalf, OwnedWriteHalf>,
remote_addr: SocketAddr,
handshake: HandshakeOwned,
) -> anyhow::Result<Option<NewClientData>> {
if handshake.protocol_version.0 != PROTOCOL_VERSION {
// TODO: send translated disconnect msg?
return Ok(None);
let LoginStart {
sig_data: _, // TODO
profile_id: _, // TODO
} = ctrl.recv_packet().await?;
let username = username.to_owned_username();
let ncd = match server.connection_mode() {
ConnectionMode::Online => login::online(server, ctrl, remote_addr, username).await?,
ConnectionMode::Offline => login::offline(remote_addr, username)?,
ConnectionMode::BungeeCord => login::bungeecord(&handshake.server_address, username)?,
ConnectionMode::Velocity { secret } => login::velocity(ctrl, username, secret).await?,
if let Some(threshold) = server.0.cfg.compression_threshold() {
ctrl.send_packet(&SetCompression {
threshold: VarInt(threshold as i32),
if let Err(reason) = server.0.cfg.login(server, &ncd).await {
log::info!("Disconnect at login: \"{reason}\"");
ctrl.send_packet(&DisconnectLogin { reason }).await?;
return Ok(None);
ctrl.send_packet(&LoginSuccess {
uuid: ncd.uuid,
username: ncd.username.as_str_username(),
properties: Vec::new(),