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synced 2025-02-23 18:17:44 +11:00
Closes #83 This PR aims to move all of Valence's networking code to the new `valence_protocol` crate. Anything not specific to valence is going in the new crate. It also redesigns the way packets are defined and makes a huge number of small additions and improvements. It should be much easier to see where code is supposed to go from now on. `valence_protocol` is a new library which enables interactions with Minecraft's protocol. It is completely decoupled from valence and can be used to build new clients, servers, tools, etc. There are two additions that will help with #5 especially: - It is now easy to define new packets or modifications of existing packets. Not all packets need to be bidirectional. - The `CachedEncode` type has been created. This is used to safely cache redundant calls to `Encode::encode`.
752 lines
23 KiB
752 lines
23 KiB
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
use heck::{ToPascalCase, ToShoutySnakeCase};
use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
use quote::quote;
use serde::Deserialize;
use crate::ident;
#[derive(Deserialize, Clone, Debug)]
struct TopLevel {
blocks: Vec<Block>,
shapes: Vec<Shape>,
#[derive(Deserialize, Clone, Debug)]
struct Block {
id: u16,
item_id: u16,
translation_key: String,
name: String,
properties: Vec<Property>,
default_state_id: u16,
states: Vec<State>,
impl Block {
pub fn min_state_id(&self) -> u16 {
self.states.iter().map(|s| s.id).min().unwrap()
pub fn max_state_id(&self) -> u16 {
self.states.iter().map(|s| s.id).max().unwrap()
#[derive(Deserialize, Clone, Debug)]
struct Property {
name: String,
values: Vec<String>,
#[derive(Deserialize, Clone, Debug)]
struct State {
id: u16,
luminance: u8,
opaque: bool,
replaceable: bool,
collision_shapes: Vec<u16>,
#[derive(Deserialize, Clone, Debug)]
struct Shape {
min_x: f64,
min_y: f64,
min_z: f64,
max_x: f64,
max_y: f64,
max_z: f64,
pub fn build() -> anyhow::Result<TokenStream> {
let TopLevel { blocks, shapes } =
let max_state_id = blocks.iter().map(|b| b.max_state_id()).max().unwrap();
let kind_to_translation_key_arms = blocks
.map(|b| {
let kind = ident(b.name.to_pascal_case());
let translation_key = &b.translation_key;
quote! {
Self::#kind => #translation_key,
let state_to_kind_arms = blocks
.map(|b| {
let min = b.min_state_id();
let max = b.max_state_id();
let name = ident(b.name.to_pascal_case());
quote! {
#min..=#max => BlockKind::#name,
let state_to_luminance_arms = blocks
.flat_map(|b| {
b.states.iter().filter(|s| s.luminance != 0).map(|s| {
let id = s.id;
let luminance = s.luminance;
quote! {
#id => #luminance,
let state_to_opaque_arms = blocks
.flat_map(|b| {
b.states.iter().filter(|s| !s.opaque).map(|s| {
let id = s.id;
quote! {
#id => false,
let state_to_replaceable_arms = blocks
.flat_map(|b| {
b.states.iter().filter(|s| s.replaceable).map(|s| {
let id = s.id;
quote! {
#id => true,
let shapes = shapes.iter().map(|s| {
let min_x = s.min_x;
let min_y = s.min_y;
let min_z = s.min_z;
let max_x = s.max_x;
let max_y = s.max_y;
let max_z = s.max_z;
quote! {
let shape_count = shapes.len();
let state_to_collision_shapes_arms = blocks
.flat_map(|b| {
b.states.iter().map(|s| {
let id = s.id;
let collision_shapes = &s.collision_shapes;
quote! {
#id => &[#(#collision_shapes),*],
let get_arms = blocks
.filter(|&b| !b.properties.is_empty())
.map(|b| {
let block_kind_name = ident(b.name.to_pascal_case());
let arms = b
.map(|p| {
let prop_name = ident(p.name.to_pascal_case());
let min_state_id = b.min_state_id();
let product: u16 = b
.take_while(|&other| p.name != other.name)
.map(|p| p.values.len() as u16)
let values_count = p.values.len() as u16;
let arms = p.values.iter().enumerate().map(|(i, v)| {
let value_idx = i as u16;
let value_name = ident(v.to_pascal_case());
quote! {
#value_idx => Some(PropValue::#value_name),
quote! {
PropName::#prop_name => match (self.0 - #min_state_id) / #product % #values_count {
_ => unreachable!(),
quote! {
BlockKind::#block_kind_name => match name {
_ => None,
let set_arms = blocks
.filter(|&b| !b.properties.is_empty())
.map(|b| {
let block_kind_name = ident(b.name.to_pascal_case());
let arms = b
.map(|p| {
let prop_name = ident(p.name.to_pascal_case());
let min_state_id = b.min_state_id();
let product: u16 = b
.take_while(|&other| p.name != other.name)
.map(|p| p.values.len() as u16)
let values_count = p.values.len() as u16;
let arms = p
.map(|(i, v)| {
let val_idx = i as u16;
let val_name = ident(v.to_pascal_case());
quote! {
PropValue::#val_name =>
Self(self.0 - (self.0 - #min_state_id) / #product % #values_count * #product
+ #val_idx * #product),
quote! {
PropName::#prop_name => match val {
_ => self,
quote! {
BlockKind::#block_kind_name => match name {
_ => self,
let default_block_states = blocks
.map(|b| {
let name = ident(b.name.to_shouty_snake_case());
let state = b.default_state_id;
let doc = format!("The default block state for `{}`.", b.name);
quote! {
#[doc = #doc]
pub const #name: BlockState = BlockState(#state);
let kind_to_state_arms = blocks
.map(|b| {
let kind = ident(b.name.to_pascal_case());
let state = ident(b.name.to_shouty_snake_case());
quote! {
BlockKind::#kind => BlockState::#state,
let block_kind_variants = blocks
.map(|b| ident(b.name.to_pascal_case()))
let block_kind_from_str_arms = blocks
.map(|b| {
let name = &b.name;
let name_ident = ident(name.to_pascal_case());
quote! {
#name => Some(BlockKind::#name_ident),
let block_kind_to_str_arms = blocks
.map(|b| {
let name = &b.name;
let name_ident = ident(name.to_pascal_case());
quote! {
BlockKind::#name_ident => #name,
let block_kind_props_arms = blocks
.filter(|&b| !b.properties.is_empty())
.map(|b| {
let name = ident(b.name.to_pascal_case());
let prop_names = b.properties.iter().map(|p| ident(p.name.to_pascal_case()));
quote! {
Self::#name => &[#(PropName::#prop_names,)*],
let block_kind_to_item_kind_arms = blocks
.map(|block| {
let name = ident(block.name.to_pascal_case());
let item_id = block.item_id;
quote! {
BlockKind::#name => #item_id,
let block_kind_from_item_kind_arms = blocks
.filter(|block| block.item_id != 0)
.map(|block| {
let name = ident(block.name.to_pascal_case());
let item_id = block.item_id;
quote! {
#item_id => Some(BlockKind::#name),
let block_kind_count = blocks.len();
let prop_names = blocks
.flat_map(|b| b.properties.iter().map(|p| p.name.as_str()))
let prop_name_variants = prop_names
.map(|&name| ident(name.to_pascal_case()))
let prop_name_from_str_arms = prop_names
.map(|&name| {
let ident = ident(name.to_pascal_case());
quote! {
#name => Some(PropName::#ident),
let prop_name_to_str_arms = prop_names
.map(|&name| {
let ident = ident(name.to_pascal_case());
quote! {
PropName::#ident => #name,
let prop_name_count = prop_names.len();
let prop_values = blocks
.flat_map(|b| b.properties.iter().flat_map(|p| &p.values))
.map(|s| s.as_str())
let prop_value_variants = prop_values
.map(|val| ident(val.to_pascal_case()))
let prop_value_from_str_arms = prop_values
.map(|val| {
let ident = ident(val.to_pascal_case());
quote! {
#val => Some(PropValue::#ident),
let prop_value_to_str_arms = prop_values
.map(|val| {
let ident = ident(val.to_pascal_case());
quote! {
PropValue::#ident => #val,
let prop_value_from_u16_arms = prop_values
.filter_map(|v| v.parse::<u16>().ok())
.map(|n| {
let ident = ident(n.to_string());
quote! {
#n => Some(PropValue::#ident),
let prop_value_to_u16_arms = prop_values
.filter_map(|v| v.parse::<u16>().ok())
.map(|n| {
let ident = ident(n.to_string());
quote! {
PropValue::#ident => Some(#n),
let prop_value_count = prop_values.len();
Ok(quote! {
/// Represents the state of a block. This does not include block entity data such as
/// the text on a sign, the design on a banner, or the content of a spawner.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Default, Hash)]
pub struct BlockState(u16);
impl BlockState {
/// Returns the default block state for a given block type.
pub const fn from_kind(kind: BlockKind) -> Self {
match kind {
/// Constructs a block state from a raw block state ID.
/// If the given ID is invalid, `None` is returned.
pub const fn from_raw(id: u16) -> Option<Self> {
if id <= #max_state_id {
} else {
/// Returns the [`BlockKind`] of this block state.
pub const fn to_kind(self) -> BlockKind {
match self.0 {
_ => unreachable!(),
/// Converts this block state to its underlying raw block state ID.
/// The original block state can be recovered with [`BlockState::from_raw`].
pub const fn to_raw(self) -> u16 {
/// Returns the maximum block state ID.
pub const fn max_raw() -> u16 {
/// Gets the value of the property with the given name from this block.
/// If this block does not have the property, then `None` is returned.
pub const fn get(self, name: PropName) -> Option<PropValue> {
match self.to_kind() {
_ => None
/// Sets the value of a property on this block, returning the modified block.
/// If this block does not have the given property or the property value is invalid,
/// then the original block is returned unchanged.
pub const fn set(self, name: PropName, val: PropValue) -> Self {
match self.to_kind() {
_ => self,
/// If this block is `air`, `cave_air` or `void_air`.
pub const fn is_air(self) -> bool {
BlockState::AIR | BlockState::CAVE_AIR | BlockState::VOID_AIR
// TODO: is_solid
/// If this block is water or lava.
pub const fn is_liquid(self) -> bool {
matches!(self.to_kind(), BlockKind::Water | BlockKind::Lava)
pub const fn is_opaque(self) -> bool {
match self.0 {
_ => true,
pub const fn is_replaceable(self) -> bool {
match self.0 {
_ => false,
const SHAPES: [[f64; 6]; #shape_count] = [
pub fn collision_shapes(self) -> impl ExactSizeIterator<Item = [f64; 6]> + FusedIterator + Clone {
let shape_idxs: &'static [u16] = match self.0 {
_ => &[],
shape_idxs.into_iter().map(|idx| Self::SHAPES[*idx as usize])
pub const fn luminance(self) -> u8 {
match self.0 {
_ => 0,
/// An enumeration of all block kinds.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Debug)]
pub enum BlockKind {
impl BlockKind {
/// Construct a block kind from its snake_case name.
/// Returns `None` if the name is invalid.
pub fn from_str(name: &str) -> Option<Self> {
match name {
_ => None
/// Get the snake_case name of this block kind.
pub const fn to_str(self) -> &'static str {
match self {
/// Returns the default block state for a given block kind.
pub const fn to_state(self) -> BlockState {
/// Returns a slice of all properties this block kind has.
pub const fn props(self) -> &'static [PropName] {
match self {
_ => &[],
pub const fn translation_key(self) -> &'static str {
match self {
/// Converts a block kind to its corresponding item kind.
/// [`ItemKind::Air`] is used to indicate the absence of an item.
pub const fn to_item_kind(self) -> ItemKind {
let id = match self {
// TODO: unwrap() is not const yet.
match ItemKind::from_raw(id) {
Some(k) => k,
None => unreachable!(),
/// Constructs a block kind from an item kind.
/// If the given item does not have a corresponding block, `None` is returned.
pub const fn from_item_kind(item: ItemKind) -> Option<Self> {
// The "default" blocks are ordered before the other variants.
// For instance, `torch` comes before `wall_torch` so this match
// should do the correct thing.
match item.to_raw() {
_ => None,
/// An array of all block kinds.
pub const ALL: [Self; #block_kind_count] = [#(Self::#block_kind_variants,)*];
/// The default block kind is `air`.
impl Default for BlockKind {
fn default() -> Self {
/// Contains all possible block state property names.
/// For example, `waterlogged`, `facing`, and `half` are all property names.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Debug)]
pub enum PropName {
impl PropName {
/// Construct a property name from its snake_case name.
/// Returns `None` if the given name is not valid.
pub fn from_str(name: &str) -> Option<Self> {
// TODO: match on str in const fn.
match name {
_ => None,
/// Get the snake_case name of this property name.
pub const fn to_str(self) -> &'static str {
match self {
/// An array of all property names.
pub const ALL: [Self; #prop_name_count] = [#(Self::#prop_name_variants,)*];
/// Contains all possible values that a block property might have.
/// For example, `upper`, `true`, and `2` are all property values.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Debug)]
pub enum PropValue {
impl PropValue {
/// Construct a property value from its snake_case name.
/// Returns `None` if the given name is not valid.
pub fn from_str(name: &str) -> Option<Self> {
match name {
_ => None,
/// Get the snake_case name of this property value.
pub const fn to_str(self) -> &'static str {
match self {
/// Converts a `u16` into a numeric property value.
/// Returns `None` if the given number does not have a
/// corresponding property value.
pub const fn from_u16(n: u16) -> Option<Self> {
match n {
_ => None,
/// Converts this property value into a `u16` if it is numeric.
/// Returns `None` otherwise.
pub const fn to_u16(self) -> Option<u16> {
match self {
_ => None,
/// Converts a `bool` to a `True` or `False` property value.
pub const fn from_bool(b: bool) -> Self {
if b {
} else {
/// Converts a `True` or `False` property value to a `bool`.
/// Returns `None` if this property value is not `True` or `False`
pub const fn to_bool(self) -> Option<bool> {
match self {
Self::True => Some(true),
Self::False => Some(false),
_ => None,
/// An array of all property values.
pub const ALL: [Self; #prop_value_count] = [#(Self::#prop_value_variants,)*];
impl From<bool> for PropValue {
fn from(b: bool) -> Self {