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synced 2025-02-23 18:17:44 +11:00
## Description Closes #269 Closes #199 - Removes `McEntity` and replaces it with bundles of components, one for each entity type. - Tracked data types are now separate components rather than stuffing everything into a `TrackedData` enum. - Tracked data is now cached in binary form within each entity, eliminating some work when entities enter the view of clients. - Complete redesign of entity code generator. - More docs for some components. - Field bits are moved out of the entity extractor and into the valence entity module. - Moved hitbox code to separate module. - Refactor instance update systems to improve parallelism. ### TODOs - [x] Update examples. - [x] Update `default_event_handler`. - [x] Fix bugs. ## Test Plan Steps: 1. Check out the entity module docs with `cargo d --open`. 2. Run examples.
209 lines
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209 lines
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use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::thread;
use clap::Parser;
use flume::{Receiver, Sender};
use tracing::warn;
use valence::bevy_app::AppExit;
use valence::client::{default_event_handler, despawn_disconnected_clients};
use valence::entity::player::PlayerBundle;
use valence::prelude::*;
use valence_anvil::{AnvilChunk, AnvilWorld};
const SPAWN_POS: DVec3 = DVec3::new(0.0, 256.0, 0.0);
const SECTION_COUNT: usize = 24;
#[clap(author, version, about)]
struct Cli {
/// The path to a Minecraft world save containing a `region` subdirectory.
path: PathBuf,
struct GameState {
/// Chunks that need to be generated. Chunks without a priority have already
/// been sent to the anvil thread.
pending: HashMap<ChunkPos, Option<Priority>>,
sender: Sender<ChunkPos>,
receiver: Receiver<(ChunkPos, Chunk)>,
/// The order in which chunks should be processed by anvil worker. Smaller
/// values are sent first.
type Priority = u64;
pub fn main() {
fn setup(world: &mut World) {
let cli = Cli::parse();
let dir = cli.path;
if !dir.exists() {
eprintln!("Directory `{}` does not exist. Exiting.", dir.display());
} else if !dir.is_dir() {
eprintln!("`{}` is not a directory. Exiting.", dir.display());
let anvil = AnvilWorld::new(dir);
let (finished_sender, finished_receiver) = flume::unbounded();
let (pending_sender, pending_receiver) = flume::unbounded();
// Process anvil chunks in a different thread to avoid blocking the main tick
// loop.
thread::spawn(move || anvil_worker(pending_receiver, finished_sender, anvil));
world.insert_resource(GameState {
pending: HashMap::new(),
sender: pending_sender,
receiver: finished_receiver,
let instance = world
fn init_clients(
mut clients: Query<(Entity, &mut GameMode, &mut IsFlat, &UniqueId), Added<Client>>,
instances: Query<Entity, With<Instance>>,
mut commands: Commands,
) {
for (entity, mut game_mode, mut is_flat, uuid) in &mut clients {
*game_mode = GameMode::Creative;
is_flat.0 = true;
commands.entity(entity).insert(PlayerBundle {
location: Location(instances.single()),
position: Position(SPAWN_POS),
uuid: *uuid,
fn remove_unviewed_chunks(mut instances: Query<&mut Instance>) {
.retain_chunks(|_, chunk| chunk.is_viewed_mut());
fn update_client_views(
mut instances: Query<&mut Instance>,
mut clients: Query<(&mut Client, View, OldView)>,
mut state: ResMut<GameState>,
) {
let instance = instances.single_mut();
for (client, view, old_view) in &mut clients {
let view = view.get();
let queue_pos = |pos| {
if instance.chunk(pos).is_none() {
match state.pending.entry(pos) {
Entry::Occupied(mut oe) => {
if let Some(priority) = oe.get_mut() {
let dist = view.pos.distance_squared(pos);
*priority = (*priority).min(dist);
Entry::Vacant(ve) => {
let dist = view.pos.distance_squared(pos);
// Queue all the new chunks in the view to be sent to the anvil worker.
if client.is_added() {
} else {
let old_view = old_view.get();
if old_view != view {
fn send_recv_chunks(mut instances: Query<&mut Instance>, state: ResMut<GameState>) {
let mut instance = instances.single_mut();
let state = state.into_inner();
// Insert the chunks that are finished loading into the instance.
for (pos, chunk) in state.receiver.drain() {
instance.insert_chunk(pos, chunk);
// Collect all the new chunks that need to be loaded this tick.
let mut to_send = vec![];
for (pos, priority) in &mut state.pending {
if let Some(pri) = priority.take() {
to_send.push((pri, pos));
// Sort chunks by ascending priority.
to_send.sort_unstable_by_key(|(pri, _)| *pri);
// Send the sorted chunks to be loaded.
for (_, pos) in to_send {
let _ = state.sender.try_send(*pos);
fn anvil_worker(
receiver: Receiver<ChunkPos>,
sender: Sender<(ChunkPos, Chunk)>,
mut world: AnvilWorld,
) {
while let Ok(pos) = receiver.recv() {
match get_chunk(pos, &mut world) {
Ok(chunk) => {
if let Some(chunk) = chunk {
let _ = sender.try_send((pos, chunk));
Err(e) => warn!("Failed to get chunk at ({}, {}): {e:#}.", pos.x, pos.z),
fn get_chunk(pos: ChunkPos, world: &mut AnvilWorld) -> anyhow::Result<Option<Chunk>> {
let Some(AnvilChunk { data, .. }) = world.read_chunk(pos.x, pos.z)? else {
return Ok(None)
let mut chunk = Chunk::new(SECTION_COUNT);
valence_anvil::to_valence(&data, &mut chunk, 4, |_| BiomeId::default())?;