2022-04-14 14:55:45 -07:00

523 lines
16 KiB

// TODO: rate limit, view distance?
use std::any::Any;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::net::{Ipv4Addr, SocketAddr, SocketAddrV4};
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::Duration;
use anyhow::ensure;
use async_trait::async_trait;
use tokio::runtime::Handle as TokioHandle;
use crate::server::{start_server, ShutdownError};
use crate::{ident, Identifier, NewClientData, Server, SharedServer, ShutdownResult, Text};
/// A builder type used to configure and start the server.
pub struct ServerConfig {
pub(crate) handler: Option<Box<dyn Handler>>,
pub(crate) address: SocketAddr,
pub(crate) update_duration: Duration,
pub(crate) online_mode: bool,
pub(crate) max_clients: usize,
pub(crate) clientbound_packet_capacity: usize,
pub(crate) serverbound_packet_capacity: usize,
pub(crate) tokio_handle: Option<TokioHandle>,
pub(crate) dimensions: Vec<Dimension>,
pub(crate) biomes: Vec<Biome>,
impl ServerConfig {
/// Constructs a new server configuration with the provided handler.
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
handler: None,
address: SocketAddrV4::new(Ipv4Addr::new(127, 0, 0, 1), 25565).into(),
update_duration: Duration::from_secs_f64(1.0 / 20.0),
online_mode: false,
max_clients: 32,
clientbound_packet_capacity: 128,
serverbound_packet_capacity: 32,
tokio_handle: None,
dimensions: Vec::new(),
biomes: Vec::new(),
/// Sets the [`Handler`] to use for this server.
pub fn handler(&mut self, handler: impl Handler) {
self.handler = Some(Box::new(handler));
/// Sets the socket address that the server will be bound to.
/// The default is ``.
pub fn address(&mut self, addr: impl Into<SocketAddr>) {
self.address = addr.into();
/// Sets the duration of each game update.
/// On each game update (a.k.a. tick), the server is expected to update game
/// logic and respond to packets from clients. Once this is complete,
/// the server will sleep for any remaining time until the full update
/// duration has passed.
/// If the server is running behind schedule due to heavy load or some other
/// reason, the actual duration of a game update will exceed what has been
/// specified.
/// The duration must be nonzero.
/// The default value is the same as Minecraft's official server (20 ticks
/// per second). You may want to use a shorter duration if you can afford to
/// do so.
pub fn update_duration(&mut self, duration: Duration) {
self.update_duration = duration;
/// Sets the state of "online mode", which determines if client
/// authentication and encryption should occur.
/// When online mode is disabled, malicious clients can give themselves any
/// username and UUID they want, potentially gaining privileges they
/// might not otherwise have. Additionally, encryption is only enabled in
/// online mode. For these reasons online mode should only be disabled
/// for development purposes and enabled on servers exposed to the
/// internet.
/// By default, online mode is enabled.
pub fn online_mode(&mut self, online_mode: bool) {
self.online_mode = online_mode;
/// Sets the maximum number of clients (past the login stage) allowed on the
/// server simultaneously.
/// The default is 32.
pub fn max_clients(&mut self, clients: usize) {
self.max_clients = clients;
/// The capacity of the buffer used to hold clientbound packets.
/// A larger capcity reduces the chance of packet loss but increases
/// potential memory usage. The default value is unspecified but should be
/// adequate for most situations.
/// The capacity must be nonzero.
pub fn clientbound_packet_capacity(&mut self, cap: usize) {
self.clientbound_packet_capacity = cap;
/// Sets the capacity of the buffer used to hold serverbound packets.
/// A larger capcity reduces the chance of packet loss but increases
/// potential memory usage. The default value is unspecified but should be
/// adequate for most situations.
/// The capacity must be nonzero.
pub fn serverbound_packet_capacity(&mut self, cap: usize) {
self.serverbound_packet_capacity = cap;
/// Sets the handle to the tokio runtime the server will use.
/// If a handle is not provided, the server will create its own tokio
/// runtime.
pub fn tokio_handle(&mut self, handle: TokioHandle) {
self.tokio_handle = Some(handle);
/// Adds a new dimension to the server which is identified by the returned
/// [`DimensionId`]. The default dimension is added if none are provided.
/// Additionally, the documented requirements on the fields of [`Dimension`]
/// must be met. No more than `u16::MAX` dimensions may be added.
pub fn push_dimension(&mut self, dimension: Dimension) -> DimensionId {
let id = self.biomes.len();
DimensionId(id as u16)
/// Adds a new biome to the server which is identified by the returned
/// [`BiomeId`]. The default biome is added if none are provided.
/// Additionally, the documented requirements on the fields of [`Biome`]
/// must be met. No more than `u16::MAX` biomes may be added.
pub fn push_biome(&mut self, biome: Biome) -> BiomeId {
let id = self.biomes.len();
BiomeId(id as u16)
/// Consumes the configuration and starts the server.
/// The function returns once the server has been shut down, a runtime error
/// occurs, or the configuration is invalid.
pub fn start(mut self) -> ShutdownResult {
if self.biomes.is_empty() {
if self.dimensions.is_empty() {
fn validate(&self) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
self.dimensions.len() <= u16::MAX as usize,
"more than u16::MAX dimensions added"
self.biomes.len() <= u16::MAX as usize,
"more than u16::MAX biomes added"
self.update_duration != Duration::ZERO,
"update duration must be nonzero"
self.clientbound_packet_capacity > 0,
"clientbound packet capacity must be nonzero"
self.serverbound_packet_capacity > 0,
"serverbound packet capacity must be nonzero"
for (i, dim) in self.dimensions.iter().enumerate() {
dim.min_y % 16 == 0 && (-2032..=2016).contains(&dim.min_y),
"invalid min_y in dimension #{i}",
dim.height % 16 == 0
&& (0..=4064).contains(&dim.height)
&& dim.min_y.saturating_add(dim.height) <= 2032,
"invalid height in dimension #{i}",
"ambient_light is out of range in dimension #{i}",
if let Some(fixed_time) = dim.fixed_time {
"fixed_time is out of range in dimension #{i}",
let mut names = HashSet::new();
for biome in self.biomes.iter() {
"biome \"{}\" already added",
impl Default for ServerConfig {
fn default() -> Self {
/// A trait containing callbacks which are invoked by the running Minecraft
/// server.
/// The handler is used from multiple threads and must therefore implement
/// `Send` and `Sync`. From within a single thread, callbacks are never invoked
/// recursively. In other words, a mutex can be aquired at the beginning of a
/// callback and released at the end without risk of deadlocking.
/// All methods are called from within a tokio context.
pub trait Handler: Any + Send + Sync {
/// Called after the server is created, but prior to accepting connections
/// and entering the update loop.
/// This is useful for performing initialization work with a guarantee that
/// no connections to the server will be made until this function returns.
/// # Default Implementation
/// The default implementation does nothing.
fn init(&self, server: &mut Server) {}
/// Called once at the beginning of every server update (also known as
/// a "tick").
/// The frequency of server updates can be configured by `update_duration`
/// in [`ServerConfig`].
/// # Default Implementation
/// The default implementation does nothing.
fn update(&self, server: &mut Server) {}
/// Called when the server receives a Server List Ping query.
/// Data for the query can be provided or the query can be ignored.
/// # Default Implementation
/// A placeholder response is returned.
async fn server_list_ping(
server: &SharedServer,
remote_addr: SocketAddr,
) -> ServerListPing {
ServerListPing::Respond {
online_players: server.client_count() as i32,
max_players: server.max_clients() as i32,
description: "A Minecraft Server".into(),
favicon_png: None,
/// Called when a client is disconnected due to the server being full.
/// The return value is the disconnect message to use.
/// # Default Implementation
/// A placeholder message is returned.
async fn max_client_message(&self, server: &SharedServer, npd: &NewClientData) -> Text {
// TODO: Standard translated text for this purpose?
"The server is full!".into()
/// Called asynchronously for each client after successful authentication
/// (if online mode is enabled) to determine if they are allowed to join the
/// server. On success, a client-backed entity is spawned.
/// This function is the appropriate place to perform
/// whitelist checks, database queries, etc.
/// # Default Implementation
/// The client is allowed to join unconditionally.
async fn login(&self, server: &SharedServer, ncd: &NewClientData) -> Login {
/// The result of the [`server_list_ping`](Handler::server_list_ping) callback.
pub enum ServerListPing {
/// Responds to the server list ping with the given information.
Respond {
online_players: i32,
max_players: i32,
description: Text,
/// The server's icon as the bytes of a PNG image.
/// The image must be 64x64 pixels.
/// No icon is used if the value is `None`.
favicon_png: Option<Arc<[u8]>>,
/// Ignores the query and disconnects from the client.
/// The result of the [`login`](Handler::login) callback.
pub enum Login {
/// The client may join the server.
/// The client may not join the server and will be disconnected with the
/// provided reason.
/// Identifies a particular [`Dimension`].
/// Dimension IDs are always valid and are cheap to copy and store.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Default, Hash, Debug)]
pub struct DimensionId(pub(crate) u16);
/// Contains the configuration for a custom dimension type.
/// In Minecraft, "dimension" and "dimension type" are two different concepts.
/// For instance, the Overworld and Nether are dimensions, each with
/// their own dimension type. A dimension in this library is analogous to a
/// [`World`](crate::World) while the [`Dimension`] struct represents a
/// dimension type.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Dimension {
/// When false, compases will spin randomly.
pub natural: bool,
/// Must be between 0.0 and 1.0.
pub ambient_light: f32,
/// Must be between 0 and 24000.
pub fixed_time: Option<u16>,
/// Determines what skybox/fog effects to use.
pub effects: DimensionEffects,
/// The minimum height in which blocks can exist in this dimension.
/// `min_y` must meet the following conditions:
/// * `min_y % 16 == 0`
/// * `-2032 <= min_y <= 2016`
pub min_y: i32,
/// The total height in which blocks can exist in this dimension.
/// `height` must meet the following conditions:
/// * `height % 16 == 0`
/// * `0 <= height <= 4064`
/// * `min_y + height <= 2032`
pub height: i32,
// TODO: The following fields should be added if they can affect the
// appearance of the dimension to clients.
// * infiniburn
// * respawn_anchor_works
// * has_skylight
// * bed_works
// * has_raids
// * logical_height
// * coordinate_scale
// * ultrawarm
// * has_ceiling
impl Default for Dimension {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
natural: true,
ambient_light: 0.0,
fixed_time: None,
effects: DimensionEffects::Overworld,
min_y: -64,
height: 384,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub enum DimensionEffects {
/// Identifies a particular [`Biome`].
/// Biome IDs are always valid and are cheap to copy and store.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Default, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Debug)]
pub struct BiomeId(pub(crate) u16);
/// Contains the configuration for a custom biome.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Biome {
/// The unique name for this biome. The name can be
/// seen in the F3 debug menu.
pub name: Identifier,
pub precipitation: BiomePrecipitation,
pub sky_color: u32,
pub water_fog_color: u32,
pub fog_color: u32,
pub water_color: u32,
pub foliage_color: Option<u32>,
pub grass_color_modifier: BiomeGrassColorModifier,
pub music: Option<BiomeMusic>,
pub ambient_sound: Option<Identifier>,
pub additions_sound: Option<BiomeAdditionsSound>,
pub mood_sound: Option<BiomeMoodSound>,
pub particle: Option<BiomeParticle>,
// TODO: The following fields should be added if they can affect the appearance of the biome to
// clients.
// * depth: f32
// * temperature: f32
// * scale: f32
// * downfall: f32
// * category
// * temperature_modifier
// * grass_color (misleading name?)
impl Default for Biome {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
name: ident!("plains"),
precipitation: BiomePrecipitation::Rain,
sky_color: 7907327,
water_fog_color: 329011,
fog_color: 12638463,
water_color: 4159204,
foliage_color: None,
grass_color_modifier: BiomeGrassColorModifier::None,
music: None,
ambient_sound: None,
additions_sound: None,
mood_sound: None,
particle: None,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub enum BiomePrecipitation {
impl Default for BiomePrecipitation {
fn default() -> Self {
/// Minecraft handles grass colors for swamps and dark oak forests in a special
/// way.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub enum BiomeGrassColorModifier {
impl Default for BiomeGrassColorModifier {
fn default() -> Self {
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct BiomeMusic {
pub replace_current_music: bool,
pub sound: Identifier,
pub min_delay: i32,
pub max_delay: i32,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct BiomeAdditionsSound {
pub sound: Identifier,
pub tick_chance: f64,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct BiomeMoodSound {
pub sound: Identifier,
pub tick_delay: i32,
pub offset: f64,
pub block_search_extent: i32,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct BiomeParticle {
pub probability: f32,
pub typ: Identifier,