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synced 2024-12-23 22:41:30 +11:00
## Description - `valence` and `valence_protocol` have been divided into smaller crates in order to parallelize the build and improve IDE responsiveness. In the process, code architecture has been made clearer by removing circular dependencies between modules. `valence` is now just a shell around the other crates. - `workspace.packages` and `workspace.dependencies` are now used. This makes dependency managements and crate configuration much easier. - `valence_protocol` is no more. Most things from `valence_protocol` ended up in `valence_core`. We won't advertise `valence_core` as a general-purpose protocol library since it contains too much valence-specific stuff. Closes #308. - Networking code (login, initial TCP connection handling, etc.) has been extracted into the `valence_network` crate. The API has been expanded and improved with better defaults. Player counts and initial connections to the server are now tracked separately. Player counts function by default without any user configuration. - Some crates like `valence_anvil`, `valence_network`, `valence_player_list`, `valence_inventory`, etc. are now optional. They can be enabled/disabled with feature flags and `DefaultPlugins` just like bevy. - Whole-server unit tests have been moved to `valence/src/tests` in order to avoid [cyclic dev-dependencies](https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/issues/4242). - Tools like `valence_stresser` and `packet_inspector` have been moved to a new `tools` directory. Renamed `valence_stresser` to `stresser`. Closes #241. - Moved all benches to `valence/benches/` to make them easier to run and organize. Ignoring transitive dependencies and `valence_core`, here's what the dependency graph looks like now: ```mermaid graph TD network --> client client --> instance biome --> registry dimension --> registry instance --> biome instance --> dimension instance --> entity player_list --> client inventory --> client anvil --> instance entity --> block ``` ### Issues - Inventory tests inspect many private implementation details of the inventory module, forcing us to mark things as `pub` and `#[doc(hidden)]`. It would be ideal if the tests only looked at observable behavior. - Consider moving packets in `valence_core` elsewhere. `Particle` wants to use `BlockState`, but that's defined in `valence_block`, so we can't use it without causing cycles. - Unsure what exactly should go in `valence::prelude`. - This could use some more tests of course, but I'm holding off on that until I'm confident this is the direction we want to take things. ## TODOs - [x] Update examples. - [x] Update benches. - [x] Update main README. - [x] Add short READMEs to crates. - [x] Test new schedule to ensure behavior is the same. - [x] Update tools. - [x] Copy lints to all crates. - [x] Fix docs, clippy, etc.
327 lines
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327 lines
11 KiB
use std::borrow::Cow;
use num_integer::{div_ceil, Integer};
use thiserror::Error;
use valence_biome::BiomeId;
use valence_block::{BlockEntityKind, BlockKind, PropName, PropValue};
use valence_core::ident::Ident;
use valence_instance::{BlockEntity, Chunk};
use valence_nbt::{Compound, List, Value};
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)]
pub enum ToValenceError {
#[error("missing chunk sections")]
#[error("missing chunk section Y")]
#[error("missing block states")]
#[error("missing block palette")]
#[error("invalid block palette length")]
#[error("missing block name in palette")]
#[error("unknown block name of \"{0}\"")]
#[error("unknown property name of \"{0}\"")]
#[error("property value of block is not a string")]
#[error("unknown property value of \"{0}\"")]
#[error("missing packed block state data in section")]
#[error("unexpected number of longs in block state data")]
#[error("invalid block palette index")]
#[error("missing biomes")]
#[error("missing biome palette")]
#[error("invalid biome palette length")]
#[error("biome name is not a valid resource identifier")]
#[error("missing biome name")]
#[error("missing packed biome data in section")]
#[error("unexpected number of longs in biome data")]
#[error("invalid biome palette index")]
#[error("missing block entities")]
#[error("missing block entity ident")]
#[error("invalid block entity ident of \"{0}\"")]
#[error("invalid block entity position")]
/// Takes an Anvil chunk in NBT form and writes its data to a Valence [`Chunk`].
/// An error is returned if the NBT data does not match the expected structure
/// for an Anvil chunk.
/// # Arguments
/// - `nbt`: The Anvil chunk to read from. This is usually the value returned by
/// [`AnvilWorld::read_chunk`].
/// - `chunk`: The Valence chunk to write to.
/// - `sect_offset`: A constant to add to all sector Y positions in `nbt`. After
/// applying the offset, only the sectors in the range
/// `0..chunk.sector_count()` are written.
/// - `map_biome`: A function to map biome resource identifiers in the NBT data
/// to Valence [`BiomeId`]s.
/// [`AnvilWorld::read_chunk`]: crate::AnvilWorld::read_chunk
pub fn to_valence<F, const LOADED: bool>(
nbt: &Compound,
chunk: &mut Chunk<LOADED>,
sect_offset: i32,
mut map_biome: F,
) -> Result<(), ToValenceError>
F: FnMut(Ident<&str>) -> BiomeId,
let Some(Value::List(List::Compound(sections))) = nbt.get("sections") else {
return Err(ToValenceError::MissingSections)
let mut converted_block_palette = vec![];
let mut converted_biome_palette = vec![];
for section in sections {
let Some(Value::Byte(sect_y)) = section.get("Y") else {
return Err(ToValenceError::MissingSectionY)
let adjusted_sect_y = *sect_y as i32 + sect_offset;
if adjusted_sect_y < 0 || adjusted_sect_y as usize >= chunk.section_count() {
// Section is out of bounds. Skip it.
let Some(Value::Compound(block_states)) = section.get("block_states") else {
return Err(ToValenceError::MissingBlockStates)
let Some(Value::List(List::Compound(palette))) = block_states.get("palette") else {
return Err(ToValenceError::MissingBlockPalette)
if !(1..BLOCKS_PER_SECTION).contains(&palette.len()) {
return Err(ToValenceError::BadBlockPaletteLen);
for block in palette {
let Some(Value::String(name)) = block.get("Name") else {
return Err(ToValenceError::MissingBlockName)
let Some(block_kind) = BlockKind::from_str(ident_path(name)) else {
return Err(ToValenceError::UnknownBlockName(name.into()))
let mut state = block_kind.to_state();
if let Some(Value::Compound(properties)) = block.get("Properties") {
for (key, value) in properties {
let Value::String(value) = value else {
return Err(ToValenceError::BadPropValueType)
let Some(prop_name) = PropName::from_str(key) else {
return Err(ToValenceError::UnknownPropName(key.into()))
let Some(prop_value) = PropValue::from_str(value) else {
return Err(ToValenceError::UnknownPropValue(value.into()))
state = state.set(prop_name, prop_value);
if converted_block_palette.len() == 1 {
chunk.fill_block_states(adjusted_sect_y as usize, converted_block_palette[0]);
} else {
debug_assert!(converted_block_palette.len() > 1);
let Some(Value::LongArray(data)) = block_states.get("data") else {
return Err(ToValenceError::MissingBlockStateData)
let bits_per_idx = bit_width(converted_block_palette.len() - 1).max(4);
let idxs_per_long = 64 / bits_per_idx;
let long_count = div_ceil(BLOCKS_PER_SECTION, idxs_per_long);
let mask = 2_u64.pow(bits_per_idx as u32) - 1;
if long_count != data.len() {
return Err(ToValenceError::BadBlockLongCount);
let mut i = 0;
for &long in data.iter() {
let u64 = long as u64;
for j in 0..idxs_per_long {
let idx = (u64 >> (bits_per_idx * j)) & mask;
let Some(block) = converted_block_palette.get(idx as usize).cloned() else {
return Err(ToValenceError::BadBlockPaletteIndex)
let x = i % 16;
let z = i / 16 % 16;
let y = i / (16 * 16);
chunk.set_block_state(x, adjusted_sect_y as usize * 16 + y, z, block);
i += 1;
let Some(Value::Compound(biomes)) = section.get("biomes") else {
return Err(ToValenceError::MissingBiomes)
let Some(Value::List(List::String(palette))) = biomes.get("palette") else {
return Err(ToValenceError::MissingBiomePalette)
if !(1..BIOMES_PER_SECTION).contains(&palette.len()) {
return Err(ToValenceError::BadBiomePaletteLen);
for biome_name in palette {
let Ok(ident) = Ident::<Cow<str>>::new(biome_name) else {
return Err(ToValenceError::BadBiomeName)
if converted_biome_palette.len() == 1 {
chunk.fill_biomes(adjusted_sect_y as usize, converted_biome_palette[0]);
} else {
debug_assert!(converted_biome_palette.len() > 1);
let Some(Value::LongArray(data)) = biomes.get("data") else {
return Err(ToValenceError::MissingBiomeData)
let bits_per_idx = bit_width(converted_biome_palette.len() - 1);
let idxs_per_long = 64 / bits_per_idx;
let long_count = div_ceil(BIOMES_PER_SECTION, idxs_per_long);
let mask = 2_u64.pow(bits_per_idx as u32) - 1;
if long_count != data.len() {
return Err(ToValenceError::BadBiomeLongCount);
let mut i = 0;
for &long in data.iter() {
let u64 = long as u64;
for j in 0..idxs_per_long {
let idx = (u64 >> (bits_per_idx * j)) & mask;
let Some(biome) = converted_biome_palette.get(idx as usize).cloned() else {
return Err(ToValenceError::BadBiomePaletteIndex)
let x = i % 4;
let z = i / 4 % 4;
let y = i / (4 * 4);
chunk.set_biome(x, adjusted_sect_y as usize * 4 + y, z, biome);
i += 1;
let Some(Value::List(block_entities)) = nbt.get("block_entities") else {
return Err(ToValenceError::MissingBlockEntity);
if let List::Compound(block_entities) = block_entities {
for comp in block_entities {
let Some(Value::String(ident)) = comp.get("id") else {
return Err(ToValenceError::MissingBlockEntityIdent);
let Ok(ident) = Ident::new(&ident[..]) else {
return Err(ToValenceError::UnknownBlockEntityIdent(ident.clone()));
let Some(kind) = BlockEntityKind::from_ident(ident.as_str_ident()) else {
return Err(ToValenceError::UnknownBlockEntityIdent(ident.as_str().to_string()));
let block_entity = BlockEntity {
nbt: comp.clone(),
let Some(Value::Int(x)) = comp.get("x") else {
return Err(ToValenceError::InvalidBlockEntityPosition);
let Ok(x) = usize::try_from(x.mod_floor(&16)) else {
return Err(ToValenceError::InvalidBlockEntityPosition);
let Some(Value::Int(y)) = comp.get("y") else {
return Err(ToValenceError::InvalidBlockEntityPosition);
let Ok(y) = usize::try_from(y + sect_offset * 16) else {
return Err(ToValenceError::InvalidBlockEntityPosition);
let Some(Value::Int(z)) = comp.get("z") else {
return Err(ToValenceError::InvalidBlockEntityPosition);
let Ok(z) = usize::try_from(z.mod_floor(&16)) else {
return Err(ToValenceError::InvalidBlockEntityPosition);
chunk.set_block_entity(x, y, z, block_entity);
const BLOCKS_PER_SECTION: usize = 16 * 16 * 16;
const BIOMES_PER_SECTION: usize = 4 * 4 * 4;
/// Gets the path part of a resource identifier.
fn ident_path(ident: &str) -> &str {
match ident.rsplit_once(':') {
Some((_, after)) => after,
None => ident,
/// Returns the minimum number of bits needed to represent the integer `n`.
const fn bit_width(n: usize) -> usize {
(usize::BITS - n.leading_zeros()) as _