2020-11-17 08:04:25 -08:00
//! A convenience layer on top of raw hal.
//! This layer takes care of some lifetime and synchronization bookkeeping.
//! It is likely that it will also take care of compile time and runtime
//! negotiation of backends (Vulkan, DX12), but right now it's Vulkan-only.
use std::any::Any;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, Weak};
use crate::vulkan;
use crate::{Device, Error};
pub type MemFlags = <vulkan::VkDevice as Device>::MemFlags;
pub type Semaphore = <vulkan::VkDevice as Device>::Semaphore;
pub type Pipeline = <vulkan::VkDevice as Device>::Pipeline;
pub type DescriptorSet = <vulkan::VkDevice as Device>::DescriptorSet;
pub type QueryPool = <vulkan::VkDevice as Device>::QueryPool;
type Fence = <vulkan::VkDevice as Device>::Fence;
type VkImage = <vulkan::VkDevice as Device>::Image;
type VkBuffer = <vulkan::VkDevice as Device>::Buffer;
pub struct Session(Arc<SessionInner>);
struct SessionInner {
device: vulkan::VkDevice,
cmd_buf_pool: Mutex<Vec<(vulkan::CmdBuf, Fence)>>,
/// Command buffers that are still pending (so resources can't be freed).
pending: Mutex<Vec<SubmittedCmdBufInner>>,
pub struct CmdBuf {
cmd_buf: vulkan::CmdBuf,
fence: Fence,
resources: Vec<Box<dyn Any>>,
session: Weak<SessionInner>,
// Maybe "pending" is a better name?
pub struct SubmittedCmdBuf(Option<SubmittedCmdBufInner>, Weak<SessionInner>);
struct SubmittedCmdBufInner {
cmd_buf: vulkan::CmdBuf,
fence: Fence,
resources: Vec<Box<dyn Any>>,
pub struct Image(Arc<ImageInner>);
struct ImageInner {
image: VkImage,
session: Weak<SessionInner>,
pub struct Buffer(Arc<BufferInner>);
struct BufferInner {
buffer: VkBuffer,
session: Weak<SessionInner>,
impl Session {
pub fn new(device: vulkan::VkDevice) -> Session {
Session(Arc::new(SessionInner {
cmd_buf_pool: Default::default(),
pending: Default::default(),
pub fn cmd_buf(&self) -> Result<CmdBuf, Error> {
let (cmd_buf, fence) = if let Some(cf) = self.0.cmd_buf_pool.lock().unwrap().pop() {
} else {
let cmd_buf = self.0.device.create_cmd_buf()?;
let fence = unsafe { self.0.device.create_fence(false)? };
(cmd_buf, fence)
Ok(CmdBuf {
resources: Vec::new(),
session: Arc::downgrade(&self.0),
fn poll_cleanup(&self) {
let mut pending = self.0.pending.lock().unwrap();
unsafe {
let mut i = 0;
while i < pending.len() {
if let Ok(true) = self.0.device.get_fence_status(pending[i].fence) {
let item = pending.swap_remove(i);
// TODO: wait is superfluous, can just reset
let _ = self.0.device.wait_and_reset(&[item.fence]);
.push((item.cmd_buf, item.fence));
} else {
i += 1;
pub unsafe fn run_cmd_buf(
cmd_buf: CmdBuf,
wait_semaphores: &[Semaphore],
signal_semaphores: &[Semaphore],
) -> Result<SubmittedCmdBuf, Error> {
Some(SubmittedCmdBufInner {
cmd_buf: cmd_buf.cmd_buf,
fence: cmd_buf.fence,
resources: cmd_buf.resources,
pub fn create_buffer(&self, size: u64, mem_flags: MemFlags) -> Result<Buffer, Error> {
let buffer = self.0.device.create_buffer(size, mem_flags)?;
Ok(Buffer(Arc::new(BufferInner {
session: Arc::downgrade(&self.0),
pub unsafe fn create_image2d(
width: u32,
height: u32,
mem_flags: MemFlags,
) -> Result<Image, Error> {
let image = self.0.device.create_image2d(width, height, mem_flags)?;
Ok(Image(Arc::new(ImageInner {
session: Arc::downgrade(&self.0),
pub unsafe fn create_semaphore(&self) -> Result<Semaphore, Error> {
/// This creates a pipeline that runs over the buffer.
/// The descriptor set layout is just some number of storage buffers and storage images (this might change).
pub unsafe fn create_simple_compute_pipeline(
code: &[u8],
n_buffers: u32,
n_images: u32,
) -> Result<Pipeline, Error> {
.create_simple_compute_pipeline(code, n_buffers, n_images)
/// Create a descriptor set for a simple pipeline that just references buffers and images.
/// Note: when we do portability, the signature will change to not reference the Vulkan types
/// directly.
pub unsafe fn create_descriptor_set(
pipeline: &Pipeline,
bufs: &[&vulkan::Buffer],
images: &[&vulkan::Image],
) -> Result<DescriptorSet, Error> {
self.0.device.create_descriptor_set(pipeline, bufs, images)
/// Create a query pool for timestamp queries.
pub fn create_query_pool(&self, n_queries: u32) -> Result<QueryPool, Error> {
pub unsafe fn fetch_query_pool(&self, pool: &QueryPool) -> Result<Vec<f64>, Error> {
impl CmdBuf {
2020-11-18 15:16:12 -08:00
/// Make sure the resource lives until the command buffer completes.
/// The submitted command buffer will hold this reference until the corresponding
/// fence is signaled.
/// There are two choices for upholding the lifetime invariant: this function, or
/// the caller can manually hold the reference. The latter is appropriate when it's
/// part of retained state.
2020-11-17 08:04:25 -08:00
pub fn add_resource<T: Clone + 'static>(&mut self, resource: &T) {
impl SubmittedCmdBuf {
pub fn wait(mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
let item = self.0.take().unwrap();
if let Some(session) = Weak::upgrade(&self.1) {
unsafe {
.push((item.cmd_buf, item.fence));
// else session dropped error?
impl Drop for SubmittedCmdBuf {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if let Some(inner) = self.0.take() {
if let Some(session) = Weak::upgrade(&self.1) {
impl Drop for BufferInner {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if let Some(session) = Weak::upgrade(&self.session) {
unsafe {
let _ = session.device.destroy_buffer(&self.buffer);
impl Drop for ImageInner {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if let Some(session) = Weak::upgrade(&self.session) {
unsafe {
let _ = session.device.destroy_image(&self.image);
/// For now, we deref, but for runtime backend switching we'll need to wrap
/// all methods.
impl std::ops::Deref for CmdBuf {
type Target = vulkan::CmdBuf;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl std::ops::DerefMut for CmdBuf {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
&mut self.cmd_buf
impl Image {
pub fn vk_image(&self) -> &vulkan::Image {
impl Buffer {
pub fn vk_buffer(&self) -> &vulkan::Buffer {
pub unsafe fn write<T: Sized>(&mut self, contents: &[T]) -> Result<(), Error> {
if let Some(session) = Weak::upgrade(&self.0.session) {
session.device.write_buffer(&self.0.buffer, contents)?;
// else session lost error?
pub unsafe fn read<T: Sized>(&self, result: &mut Vec<T>) -> Result<(), Error> {
if let Some(session) = Weak::upgrade(&self.0.session) {
session.device.read_buffer(&self.0.buffer, result)?;
// else session lost error?