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// This is "kernel 2" (strokes) in a 4-kernel pipeline. It processes the stroke
// (polyline) items in the scene and generates a list of segments for each, for
// each tile.
#version 450
#extension GL_GOOGLE_include_directive : enable
layout(local_size_x = 32) in;
layout(set = 0, binding = 0) readonly buffer SceneBuf {
uint[] scene;
layout(set = 0, binding = 1) buffer TilegroupBuf {
uint[] tilegroup;
layout(set = 0, binding = 2) buffer SegmentBuf {
uint[] segment;
layout(set = 0, binding = 3) buffer AllocBuf {
uint alloc;
#include "scene.h"
#include "tilegroup.h"
#include "segment.h"
#include "setup.h"
void main() {
uint tile_ix = gl_GlobalInvocationID.y * WIDTH_IN_TILES + gl_GlobalInvocationID.x;
uint tilegroup_ix = gl_GlobalInvocationID.y * WIDTH_IN_TILEGROUPS
+ (gl_GlobalInvocationID.x / TILEGROUP_WIDTH_TILES);
vec2 xy0 = vec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy) * vec2(TILE_WIDTH_PX, TILE_HEIGHT_PX);
TileGroupRef stroke_start = TileGroupRef(tilegroup_ix * TILEGROUP_STRIDE + TILEGROUP_STROKE_START);
uint stroke_n = tilegroup[stroke_start.offset >> 2];
TileHeaderRef tile_header_ref = TileHeaderRef(tile_ix * TileHeader_size);
if (stroke_n > 0) {
ChunkRef chunk_ref = ChunkRef(stroke_start.offset + 4);
Chunk chunk = Chunk_read(chunk_ref);
InstanceRef stroke_ref = InstanceRef(chunk_ref.offset + Chunk_size);
ItemHeaderRef item_header = ItemHeaderRef(atomicAdd(alloc, stroke_n * ItemHeader_size));
TileHeader_write(tile_header_ref, TileHeader(stroke_n, item_header));
SegmentRef seg_ref = SegmentRef(0);
uint seg_limit = 0;
// Iterate through items; stroke_n holds count remaining.
while (true) {
if (chunk.chunk_n == 0) {
chunk_ref = chunk.next;
chunk = Chunk_read(chunk_ref);
stroke_ref = InstanceRef(chunk_ref.offset + Chunk_size);
Instance ins = Instance_read(stroke_ref);
PietStrokePolyLine poly = PietItem_Poly_read(PietItemRef(ins.item_ref));
// Process the stroke polyline item.
uint max_n_segs = poly.n_points - 1;
uint reserve = max_n_segs * Segment_size;
if (seg_ref.offset + reserve > seg_limit) {
// This is a heuristic to balance atomic bandwidth and utilization.
// The output always gets a contiguous allocation. We might use
// all, some, or none of the capacity.
uint capacity_bytes = stroke_n > 1 ? reserve * 2 + 128 : reserve;
seg_ref.offset = atomicAdd(alloc, capacity_bytes);
seg_limit = seg_ref.offset + capacity_bytes;
uint n_segs = 0;
vec2 start = Point_read(poly.points).xy;
for (uint j = 0; j < max_n_segs; j++) {
poly.points.offset += Point_size;
vec2 end = Point_read(poly.points).xy;
// Process one segment.
// This logic just tests for collision. What we probably want to do
// is a clipping algorithm like Liang-Barsky, and then store coords
// relative to the tile in f16. See also:
// https://tavianator.com/fast-branchless-raybounding-box-intersections/
// Also note that when we go to the fancy version, we want to compute
// the (horizontal projection of) the bounding box of the intersection
// once per tilegroup, so we can assign work to individual tiles.
float a = end.y - start.y;
float b = start.x - end.x;
float c = -(a * start.x + b * start.y);
float half_width = 0.5 * poly.width;
// Tile boundaries padded by half-width.
float xmin = xy0.x - half_width;
float ymin = xy0.y - half_width;
float xmax = xy0.x + float(TILE_WIDTH_PX) + half_width;
float ymax = xy0.y + float(TILE_HEIGHT_PX) + half_width;
float s00 = sign(b * ymin + a * xmin + c);
float s01 = sign(b * ymin + a * xmax + c);
float s10 = sign(b * ymax + a * xmin + c);
float s11 = sign(b * ymax + a * xmax + c);
// If bounding boxes intersect and not all four corners are on the same side, hit.
// Also note: this is designed to be false on NAN input.
if (max(min(start.x, end.x), xmin) < min(max(start.x, end.x), xmax)
&& max(min(start.y, end.y), ymin) < min(max(start.y, end.y), ymax)
&& s00 * s01 + s00 * s10 + s00 * s11 < 3.0)
Segment seg = Segment(start, end);
Segment_write(Segment_index(seg_ref, n_segs), seg);
start = end;
ItemHeader_write(item_header, ItemHeader(n_segs, seg_ref));
if (--stroke_n == 0) {
seg_ref.offset += n_segs * Segment_size;
stroke_ref.offset += Instance_size;
item_header.offset += ItemHeader_size;
} else {
// As an optimization, we could just write 0 for the size.
TileHeader_write(tile_header_ref, TileHeader(stroke_n, ItemHeaderRef(0)));