//! An example to exercise the dx12 backend, while it's being developed. //! This will probably go away when it's fully implemented and we can //! just use the hub. use piet_gpu_hal::{dx12, BufferUsage, CmdBuf, Device, Error}; const SHADER_CODE: &str = r#"RWByteAddressBuffer _53 : register(u0, space0); RWTexture2D textureOut : register(u1); static uint3 gl_GlobalInvocationID; struct SPIRV_Cross_Input { uint3 gl_GlobalInvocationID : SV_DispatchThreadID; }; uint collatz_iterations(inout uint n) { uint i = 0u; while (n != 1u) { if ((n & 1u) == 0u) { n /= 2u; } else { n = (3u * n) + 1u; } i++; } return i; } void comp_main() { uint index = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x; uint param = _53.Load(index * 4 + 0); uint _61 = collatz_iterations(param); _53.Store(index * 4 + 0, _61); textureOut[uint2(index, 0)] = float4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); } [numthreads(256, 1, 1)] void main(SPIRV_Cross_Input stage_input) { gl_GlobalInvocationID = stage_input.gl_GlobalInvocationID; comp_main(); } "#; fn toy() -> Result<(), Error> { let (instance, _surface) = dx12::Dx12Instance::new(None)?; let device = instance.device(None)?; let buf = device.create_buffer( 1024, BufferUsage::MAP_READ | BufferUsage::MAP_WRITE | BufferUsage::COPY_SRC | BufferUsage::COPY_DST, )?; let dev_buf = device.create_buffer( 1024, BufferUsage::STORAGE | BufferUsage::COPY_SRC | BufferUsage::COPY_DST, )?; let img_readback_buf = device.create_buffer(1024, BufferUsage::MAP_READ | BufferUsage::COPY_DST)?; let data: Vec = (1..257).collect(); let query_pool = device.create_query_pool(2)?; unsafe { let img = device.create_image2d(256, 1)?; device.write_buffer(&buf, data.as_ptr() as *const u8, 0, 1024)?; let pipeline = device.create_simple_compute_pipeline(SHADER_CODE, 1, 1)?; let ds = device.create_descriptor_set(&pipeline, &[&dev_buf], &[&img])?; let mut cmd_buf = device.create_cmd_buf()?; let fence = device.create_fence(false)?; cmd_buf.begin(); cmd_buf.copy_buffer(&buf, &dev_buf); cmd_buf.memory_barrier(); cmd_buf.write_timestamp(&query_pool, 0); cmd_buf.dispatch(&pipeline, &ds, (1, 1, 1)); cmd_buf.write_timestamp(&query_pool, 1); cmd_buf.memory_barrier(); cmd_buf.copy_buffer(&dev_buf, &buf); cmd_buf.copy_image_to_buffer(&img, &img_readback_buf); cmd_buf.finish_timestamps(&query_pool); cmd_buf.host_barrier(); cmd_buf.finish(); device.run_cmd_bufs(&[&cmd_buf], &[], &[], Some(&fence))?; device.wait_and_reset(&[&fence])?; let mut readback: Vec = vec![0u32; 256]; device.read_buffer(&buf, readback.as_mut_ptr() as *mut u8, 0, 1024)?; println!("{:?}", readback); println!("{:?}", device.fetch_query_pool(&query_pool)); } Ok(()) } fn main() { toy().unwrap(); }