// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT OR Unlicense

// Finish prefix sum of drawtags, decode draw objects.

#import config
#import clip
#import drawtag
#import bbox
#import transform

@group(0) @binding(0)
var<uniform> config: Config;

@group(0) @binding(1)
var<storage> scene: array<u32>;

@group(0) @binding(2)
var<storage> reduced: array<DrawMonoid>;

@group(0) @binding(3)
var<storage> path_bbox: array<PathBbox>;

@group(0) @binding(4)
var<storage, read_write> draw_monoid: array<DrawMonoid>;

@group(0) @binding(5)
var<storage, read_write> info: array<u32>;

@group(0) @binding(6)
var<storage, read_write> clip_inp: array<ClipInp>;

#import util

let WG_SIZE = 256u;

fn read_transform(transform_base: u32, ix: u32) -> Transform {
    let base = transform_base + ix * 6u;
    let c0 = bitcast<f32>(scene[base]);
    let c1 = bitcast<f32>(scene[base + 1u]);
    let c2 = bitcast<f32>(scene[base + 2u]);
    let c3 = bitcast<f32>(scene[base + 3u]);
    let c4 = bitcast<f32>(scene[base + 4u]);
    let c5 = bitcast<f32>(scene[base + 5u]);
    let matrx = vec4(c0, c1, c2, c3);
    let translate = vec2(c4, c5);
    return Transform(matrx, translate);

var<workgroup> sh_scratch: array<DrawMonoid, WG_SIZE>;

@compute @workgroup_size(256)
fn main(
    @builtin(global_invocation_id) global_id: vec3<u32>,
    @builtin(local_invocation_id) local_id: vec3<u32>,
    @builtin(workgroup_id) wg_id: vec3<u32>,
) {
    let ix = global_id.x;
    // Reduce prefix of workgroups up to this one
    var agg = draw_monoid_identity();
    if local_id.x < wg_id.x {
        agg = reduced[local_id.x];
    sh_scratch[local_id.x] = agg;
    for (var i = 0u; i < firstTrailingBit(WG_SIZE); i += 1u) {
        if local_id.x + (1u << i) < WG_SIZE {
            let other = sh_scratch[local_id.x + (1u << i)];
            agg = combine_draw_monoid(agg, other);
        sh_scratch[local_id.x] = agg;
    // Two barriers can be eliminated if we use separate shared arrays
    // for prefix and intra-workgroup prefix sum.
    var m = sh_scratch[0];
    let tag_word = read_draw_tag_from_scene(ix);
    agg = map_draw_tag(tag_word);
    sh_scratch[local_id.x] = agg;
    for (var i = 0u; i < firstTrailingBit(WG_SIZE); i += 1u) {
        if local_id.x >= 1u << i {
            let other = sh_scratch[local_id.x - (1u << i)];
            agg = combine_draw_monoid(agg, other);
        sh_scratch[local_id.x] = agg;
    if local_id.x > 0u {
        m = combine_draw_monoid(m, sh_scratch[local_id.x - 1u]);
    // m now contains exclusive prefix sum of draw monoid
    if ix < config.n_drawobj {
        draw_monoid[ix] = m;
    let dd = config.drawdata_base + m.scene_offset;
    let di = m.info_offset;
    if tag_word == DRAWTAG_FILL_COLOR || tag_word == DRAWTAG_FILL_LIN_GRADIENT ||
        tag_word == DRAWTAG_FILL_RAD_GRADIENT || tag_word == DRAWTAG_FILL_IMAGE ||
        tag_word == DRAWTAG_BEGIN_CLIP
        let bbox = path_bbox[m.path_ix];
        // TODO: bbox is mostly yagni here, sort that out. Maybe clips?
        // let x0 = f32(bbox.x0);
        // let y0 = f32(bbox.y0);
        // let x1 = f32(bbox.x1);
        // let y1 = f32(bbox.y1);
        // let bbox_f = vec4(x0, y0, x1, y1);
        let fill_mode = u32(bbox.linewidth >= 0.0);
        var transform = Transform();
        var linewidth = bbox.linewidth;
        if linewidth >= 0.0 || tag_word == DRAWTAG_FILL_LIN_GRADIENT || tag_word == DRAWTAG_FILL_RAD_GRADIENT ||
            tag_word == DRAWTAG_FILL_IMAGE 
            transform = read_transform(config.transform_base, bbox.trans_ix);
        if linewidth >= 0.0 {
            // Note: doesn't deal with anisotropic case
            let matrx = transform.matrx;
            linewidth *= sqrt(abs(matrx.x * matrx.w - matrx.y * matrx.z));
        switch tag_word {
            // DRAWTAG_FILL_COLOR
            case 0x44u: {
                info[di] = bitcast<u32>(linewidth);
            case 0x114u: {
                info[di] = bitcast<u32>(linewidth);
                var p0 = bitcast<vec2<f32>>(vec2(scene[dd + 1u], scene[dd + 2u]));
                var p1 = bitcast<vec2<f32>>(vec2(scene[dd + 3u], scene[dd + 4u]));
                p0 = transform_apply(transform, p0);
                p1 = transform_apply(transform, p1);
                let dxy = p1 - p0;
                let scale = 1.0 / dot(dxy, dxy);
                let line_xy = dxy * scale;
                let line_c = -dot(p0, line_xy);
                info[di + 1u] = bitcast<u32>(line_xy.x);
                info[di + 2u] = bitcast<u32>(line_xy.y);
                info[di + 3u] = bitcast<u32>(line_c);
            case 0x29cu: {
                // Two-point conical gradient implementation based
                // on the algorithm at <https://skia.org/docs/dev/design/conical/>
                // This epsilon matches what Skia uses
                let GRADIENT_EPSILON = 1.0 / f32(1 << 12u);
                info[di] = bitcast<u32>(linewidth);
                var p0 = bitcast<vec2<f32>>(vec2(scene[dd + 1u], scene[dd + 2u]));
                var p1 = bitcast<vec2<f32>>(vec2(scene[dd + 3u], scene[dd + 4u]));
                var r0 = bitcast<f32>(scene[dd + 5u]);
                var r1 = bitcast<f32>(scene[dd + 6u]);
                let user_to_gradient = transform_inverse(transform);
                // Output variables
                var xform = Transform();
                var focal_x = 0.0;
                var radius = 0.0;
                var kind = 0u;
                var flags = 0u;
                if abs(r0 - r1) <= GRADIENT_EPSILON {
                    // When the radii are the same, emit a strip gradient
                    kind = RAD_GRAD_KIND_STRIP;
                    let scaled = r0 / distance(p0, p1);
                    xform = transform_mul(
                        two_point_to_unit_line(p0, p1),
                    radius = scaled * scaled;
                } else {
                    // Assume a two point conical gradient unless the centers
                    // are equal.
                    kind = RAD_GRAD_KIND_CONE;
                    if all(p0 == p1) {
                        kind = RAD_GRAD_KIND_CIRCULAR;
                        // Nudge p0 a bit to avoid denormals.
                        p0 += GRADIENT_EPSILON;
                    if r1 == 0.0 {
                        // If r1 == 0.0, swap the points and radii
                        flags |= RAD_GRAD_SWAPPED;
                        let tmp_p = p0;
                        p0 = p1;
                        p1 = tmp_p;
                        let tmp_r = r0;
                        r0 = r1;
                        r1 = tmp_r;
                    focal_x = r0 / (r0 - r1);
                    let cf = (1.0 - focal_x) * p0 + focal_x * p1;
                    radius = r1 / (distance(cf, p1));
                    let user_to_unit_line = transform_mul(
                        two_point_to_unit_line(cf, p1),
                    var user_to_scaled = user_to_unit_line;
                    // When r == 1.0, focal point is on circle
                    if abs(radius - 1.0) <= GRADIENT_EPSILON { 
                        kind = RAD_GRAD_KIND_FOCAL_ON_CIRCLE;
                        let scale = 0.5 * abs(1.0 - focal_x);
                        user_to_scaled = transform_mul(
                            Transform(vec4(scale, 0.0, 0.0, scale), vec2(0.0)),
                    } else {
                        let a = radius * radius - 1.0;
                        let scale_ratio = abs(1.0 - focal_x) / a;
                        let scale_x = radius * scale_ratio;
                        let scale_y = sqrt(abs(a)) * scale_ratio;
                        user_to_scaled = transform_mul(
                            Transform(vec4(scale_x, 0.0, 0.0, scale_y), vec2(0.0)),
                    xform = user_to_scaled;
                info[di + 1u] = bitcast<u32>(xform.matrx.x);
                info[di + 2u] = bitcast<u32>(xform.matrx.y);
                info[di + 3u] = bitcast<u32>(xform.matrx.z);
                info[di + 4u] = bitcast<u32>(xform.matrx.w);
                info[di + 5u] = bitcast<u32>(xform.translate.x);
                info[di + 6u] = bitcast<u32>(xform.translate.y);
                info[di + 7u] = bitcast<u32>(focal_x);
                info[di + 8u] = bitcast<u32>(radius);
                info[di + 9u] = bitcast<u32>((flags << 3u) | kind);
            // DRAWTAG_FILL_IMAGE
            case 0x248u: {
                info[di] = bitcast<u32>(linewidth);
                let inv = transform_inverse(transform);
                info[di + 1u] = bitcast<u32>(inv.matrx.x);
                info[di + 2u] = bitcast<u32>(inv.matrx.y);
                info[di + 3u] = bitcast<u32>(inv.matrx.z);
                info[di + 4u] = bitcast<u32>(inv.matrx.w);
                info[di + 5u] = bitcast<u32>(inv.translate.x);
                info[di + 6u] = bitcast<u32>(inv.translate.y);
                info[di + 7u] = scene[dd];
                info[di + 8u] = scene[dd + 1u];
            default: {}
    if tag_word == DRAWTAG_BEGIN_CLIP || tag_word == DRAWTAG_END_CLIP {
        var path_ix = ~ix;
        if tag_word == DRAWTAG_BEGIN_CLIP {
            path_ix = m.path_ix;
        clip_inp[m.clip_ix] = ClipInp(ix, i32(path_ix));

fn two_point_to_unit_line(p0: vec2<f32>, p1: vec2<f32>) -> Transform {
    let tmp1 = from_poly2(p0, p1);
    let inv = transform_inverse(tmp1);
    let tmp2 = from_poly2(vec2(0.0), vec2(1.0, 0.0));
    return transform_mul(tmp2, inv);

fn from_poly2(p0: vec2<f32>, p1: vec2<f32>) -> Transform {
    return Transform(
        vec4(p1.y - p0.y, p0.x - p1.x, p1.x - p0.x, p1.y - p0.y),
        vec2(p0.x, p0.y)