use std::{ fs::read_dir, path::{Path, PathBuf}, time::Instant, }; use anyhow::{Ok, Result}; use vello::{kurbo::Vec2, SceneBuilder, SceneFragment}; use vello_svg::usvg; use crate::{ExampleScene, SceneSet}; pub fn scene_from_files(files: &[PathBuf]) -> Result { scene_from_files_inner(files, || ()) } pub fn default_scene(command: impl FnOnce() -> clap::Command) -> Result { let assets_dir = Path::new(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")) .join("../assets/") .canonicalize()?; let mut has_empty_directory = false; let result = scene_from_files_inner( &[ assets_dir.join("Ghostscript_Tiger.svg"), assets_dir.join("downloads"), ], || has_empty_directory = true, )?; if has_empty_directory { let mut command = command();; println!( "No test files have been downloaded. Consider downloading some using the subcommand:" ); let subcmd = command.find_subcommand_mut("download").unwrap(); subcmd.print_help()?; } Ok(result) } fn scene_from_files_inner( files: &[PathBuf], mut empty_dir: impl FnMut(), ) -> std::result::Result { let mut scenes = Vec::new(); for path in files { if path.is_dir() { let mut count = 0; let start_index = scenes.len(); for file in read_dir(path)? { let entry = file?; if let Some(extension) = Path::new(&entry.file_name()).extension() { if extension == "svg" { count += 1; scenes.push(example_scene_of(entry.path())) } } } // Ensure a consistent order within directories scenes[start_index..].sort_by_key(|scene|; if count == 0 { empty_dir(); } } else { scenes.push(example_scene_of(path.to_owned())) } } Ok(SceneSet { scenes }) } fn example_scene_of(file: PathBuf) -> ExampleScene { let name = file .file_stem() .map(|it| it.to_string_lossy().to_string()) .unwrap_or_else(|| "unknown".to_string()); let name_stored = name.clone(); let mut cached_scene = None; ExampleScene { function: Box::new(move |builder, params| { let (scene_frag, resolution) = cached_scene.get_or_insert_with(|| { let start = Instant::now(); let contents = std::fs::read_to_string(&file).expect("failed to read svg file"); let svg = usvg::Tree::from_str(&contents, &usvg::Options::default()) .expect("failed to parse svg file"); eprintln!( "Parsing SVG {name_stored} took {:?} (file `{file:?}`", start.elapsed() ); let mut new_scene = SceneFragment::new(); let mut builder = SceneBuilder::for_fragment(&mut new_scene); vello_svg::render_tree(&mut builder, &svg); let resolution = Vec2::new(svg.size.width(), svg.size.height()); // TODO: Handle svg.view_box (new_scene, resolution) }); builder.append(&scene_frag, None); params.resolution = Some(*resolution); }), config: crate::SceneConfig { animated: false, name, }, } }