// Copyright 2021 The piet-gpu authors. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // Also licensed under MIT license, at your choice. //! Macros, mostly to automate backend selection tedium. #[macro_export] macro_rules! mux_cfg { ( #[cfg(vk)] $($tokens:tt)* ) => { #[cfg(not(target_os="macos"))] $( $tokens )* }; ( #[cfg(dx12)] $($tokens:tt)* ) => { #[cfg(target_os="windows")] $( $tokens )* }; ( #[cfg(mtl)] $($tokens:tt)* ) => { #[cfg(target_os="macos")] $( $tokens )* }; } #[macro_export] macro_rules! mux_enum { ( $(#[$outer:meta])* $v:vis enum $name:ident { Vk($vk:ty), Dx12($dx12:ty), Mtl($mtl:ty), } ) => { $(#[$outer])* $v enum $name { #[cfg(not(target_os="macos"))] Vk($vk), #[cfg(target_os="windows")] Dx12($dx12), #[cfg(target_os="macos")] Mtl($mtl), } impl $name { $crate::mux_cfg! { #[cfg(vk)] #[allow(unused)] fn vk(&self) -> &$vk { match self { $name::Vk(x) => x, _ => panic!("downcast error") } } } $crate::mux_cfg! { #[cfg(vk)] #[allow(unused)] fn vk_mut(&mut self) -> &mut $vk { match self { $name::Vk(x) => x, _ => panic!("downcast error") } } } $crate::mux_cfg! { #[cfg(dx12)] #[allow(unused)] fn dx12(&self) -> &$dx12 { match self { $name::Dx12(x) => x, _ => panic!("downcast error") } } } $crate::mux_cfg! { #[cfg(dx12)] #[allow(unused)] fn dx12_mut(&mut self) -> &mut $dx12 { match self { $name::Dx12(x) => x, _ => panic!("downcast error") } } } $crate::mux_cfg! { #[cfg(mtl)] #[allow(unused)] fn mtl(&self) -> &$mtl { match self { $name::Mtl(x) => x, } } } $crate::mux_cfg! { #[cfg(mtl)] #[allow(unused)] fn mtl_mut(&mut self) -> &mut $mtl { match self { $name::Mtl(x) => x, } } } } }; } macro_rules! mux_device_enum { ( $(#[$outer:meta])* $assoc_type: ident) => { $crate::mux_enum! { $(#[$outer])* pub enum $assoc_type { Vk(<$crate::vulkan::VkDevice as $crate::Device>::$assoc_type), Dx12(<$crate::dx12::Dx12Device as $crate::Device>::$assoc_type), Mtl(<$crate::metal::MtlDevice as $crate::Device>::$assoc_type), } } } } #[macro_export] macro_rules! mux_match { ( $e:expr ; $vkname:ident::Vk($vkvar:ident) => $vkblock: block $dx12name:ident::Dx12($dx12var:ident) => $dx12block: block $mtlname:ident::Mtl($mtlvar:ident) => $mtlblock: block ) => { match $e { #[cfg(not(target_os="macos"))] $vkname::Vk($vkvar) => $vkblock #[cfg(target_os="windows")] $dx12name::Dx12($dx12var) => $dx12block #[cfg(target_os="macos")] $mtlname::Mtl($mtlvar) => $mtlblock } }; ( $e:expr ; $vkname:ident::Vk($vkvar:ident) => $vkblock: expr, $dx12name:ident::Dx12($dx12var:ident) => $dx12block: expr, $mtlname:ident::Mtl($mtlvar:ident) => $mtlblock: expr, ) => { $crate::mux_match! { $e; $vkname::Vk($vkvar) => { $vkblock } $dx12name::Dx12($dx12var) => { $dx12block } $mtlname::Mtl($mtlvar) => { $mtlblock } } }; }