//! A somewhat higher level GPU abstraction. //! //! This layer is on top of the lower-level layer that multiplexes different //! back-ends. It handles details such as managing staging buffers for creating //! buffers with initial content, deferring dropping of resources until command //! submission is complete, and a bit more. These conveniences might expand //! even more in time. use std::convert::TryInto; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, Weak}; use smallvec::SmallVec; use crate::mux; use crate::{BufferUsage, Error, GpuInfo, ImageLayout, SamplerParams}; pub use crate::mux::{DescriptorSet, Fence, Pipeline, QueryPool, Sampler, Semaphore, ShaderCode}; /// A session of GPU operations. /// /// This abstraction is generally called a "device" in other APIs, but that /// term is very overloaded. It is the point to access resource creation, /// work submission, and related concerns. /// /// Most of the methods are `&self`, indicating that they can be called from /// multiple threads. #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Session(Arc); struct SessionInner { device: mux::Device, cmd_buf_pool: Mutex>, /// Command buffers that are still pending (so resources can't be freed). pending: Mutex>, /// A command buffer that is used for copying from staging buffers. staging_cmd_buf: Mutex>, gpu_info: GpuInfo, } /// A command buffer. /// /// Actual work done by the GPU is encoded into a command buffer and then /// submitted to the session in a batch. pub struct CmdBuf { cmd_buf: mux::CmdBuf, fence: Fence, resources: Vec, session: Weak, } /// A command buffer in submitted state. /// /// Submission of a command buffer is asynchronous, meaning that the submit /// method returns immediately. The work done in the command buffer cannot /// be accessed (for example, readback from buffers written) until the the /// submission is complete. The main purpose of this structure is to wait on /// that completion. pub struct SubmittedCmdBuf(Option, Weak); struct SubmittedCmdBufInner { // It's inconsistent, cmd_buf is unpacked, staging_cmd_buf isn't. Probably // better to chose one or the other. cmd_buf: mux::CmdBuf, fence: Fence, resources: Vec, staging_cmd_buf: Option, } /// An image or texture. /// /// At the moment, images are limited to 2D. #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Image(Arc); struct ImageInner { image: mux::Image, session: Weak, } /// A buffer. /// /// A buffer is a segment of memory that can be accessed by the GPU, and /// in some cases also by the host (if the appropriate [`BufferUsage`] flags /// are set). #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Buffer(Arc); struct BufferInner { buffer: mux::Buffer, session: Weak, } /// A builder for creating pipelines. /// /// Configure the signature (buffers and images accessed) for a pipeline, /// which is essentially compiled shader code, ready to be dispatched. pub struct PipelineBuilder(mux::PipelineBuilder); /// A builder for creating descriptor sets. /// /// Add bindings to the descriptor set before dispatching a shader. pub struct DescriptorSetBuilder(mux::DescriptorSetBuilder); /// Data types that can be stored in a GPU buffer. pub unsafe trait PlainData {} unsafe impl PlainData for u8 {} unsafe impl PlainData for u16 {} unsafe impl PlainData for u32 {} unsafe impl PlainData for u64 {} unsafe impl PlainData for i8 {} unsafe impl PlainData for i16 {} unsafe impl PlainData for i32 {} unsafe impl PlainData for i64 {} unsafe impl PlainData for f32 {} unsafe impl PlainData for f64 {} /// A resource to retain during the lifetime of a command submission. pub enum RetainResource { Buffer(Buffer), Image(Image), } impl Session { /// Create a new session, choosing the best backend. pub fn new(device: mux::Device) -> Session { let gpu_info = device.query_gpu_info(); Session(Arc::new(SessionInner { device, gpu_info, cmd_buf_pool: Default::default(), pending: Default::default(), staging_cmd_buf: Default::default(), })) } /// Create a new command buffer. /// /// The caller is responsible for inserting pipeline barriers and other /// transitions. If one dispatch writes a buffer (or image), and another /// reads it, a barrier must intervene. No such barrier is needed for /// uploads by the host before command submission, but a host barrier is /// needed if the host will do readback of any buffers written by the /// command list. pub fn cmd_buf(&self) -> Result { self.poll_cleanup(); let (cmd_buf, fence) = if let Some(cf) = self.0.cmd_buf_pool.lock().unwrap().pop() { cf } else { let cmd_buf = self.0.device.create_cmd_buf()?; let fence = unsafe { self.0.device.create_fence(false)? }; (cmd_buf, fence) }; Ok(CmdBuf { cmd_buf, fence, resources: Vec::new(), session: Arc::downgrade(&self.0), }) } fn poll_cleanup(&self) { let mut pending = self.0.pending.lock().unwrap(); unsafe { let mut i = 0; while i < pending.len() { if let Ok(true) = self.0.device.get_fence_status(&mut pending[i].fence) { let mut item = pending.swap_remove(i); // TODO: wait is superfluous, can just reset let _ = self.0.device.wait_and_reset(vec![&mut item.fence]); let mut pool = self.0.cmd_buf_pool.lock().unwrap(); pool.push((item.cmd_buf, item.fence)); std::mem::drop(item.resources); if let Some(staging_cmd_buf) = item.staging_cmd_buf { pool.push((staging_cmd_buf.cmd_buf, staging_cmd_buf.fence)); std::mem::drop(staging_cmd_buf.resources); } } else { i += 1; } } } } /// Run a command buffer. /// /// The semaphores are for swapchain presentation and can be empty for /// compute-only work. When provided, work is synchronized to start only /// when the wait semaphores are signaled, and when work is complete, the /// signal semaphores are signaled. pub unsafe fn run_cmd_buf( &self, mut cmd_buf: CmdBuf, wait_semaphores: &[&Semaphore], signal_semaphores: &[&Semaphore], ) -> Result { // Again, SmallVec here? let mut cmd_bufs = Vec::with_capacity(2); let mut staging_cmd_buf = self.0.staging_cmd_buf.lock().unwrap().take(); if let Some(staging) = &mut staging_cmd_buf { // With finer grained resource tracking, we might be able to avoid this in // some cases. staging.memory_barrier(); staging.finish(); cmd_bufs.push(&staging.cmd_buf); } cmd_bufs.push(&cmd_buf.cmd_buf); self.0.device.run_cmd_bufs( &cmd_bufs, wait_semaphores, signal_semaphores, Some(&mut cmd_buf.fence), )?; Ok(SubmittedCmdBuf( Some(SubmittedCmdBufInner { cmd_buf: cmd_buf.cmd_buf, fence: cmd_buf.fence, resources: cmd_buf.resources, staging_cmd_buf, }), cmd_buf.session, )) } /// Create a buffer. /// /// The `usage` flags must be specified to indicate what the buffer will /// be used for. In general, when no `MAP_` flags are specified, the buffer /// will be created in device memory, which means they are not host /// accessible, but GPU access is much higher performance (at least on /// discrete GPUs). pub fn create_buffer(&self, size: u64, usage: BufferUsage) -> Result { let buffer = self.0.device.create_buffer(size, usage)?; Ok(Buffer(Arc::new(BufferInner { buffer, session: Arc::downgrade(&self.0), }))) } /// Create a buffer with initialized data. /// /// This method takes care of creating a staging buffer if needed, so /// it is not necessary to specify `MAP_WRITE` usage, unless of course /// the buffer will subsequently be written by the host. pub fn create_buffer_init( &self, contents: &[impl PlainData], usage: BufferUsage, ) -> Result { unsafe { self.create_buffer_init_raw( contents.as_ptr() as *const u8, std::mem::size_of_val(contents).try_into()?, usage, ) } } /// Create a buffer with initialized data, from a raw pointer memory region. pub unsafe fn create_buffer_init_raw( &self, contents: *const u8, size: u64, usage: BufferUsage, ) -> Result { let use_staging_buffer = !usage.intersects(BufferUsage::MAP_READ | BufferUsage::MAP_WRITE) && self.gpu_info().use_staging_buffers; let create_usage = if use_staging_buffer { BufferUsage::MAP_WRITE | BufferUsage::COPY_SRC } else { usage | BufferUsage::MAP_WRITE }; let create_buf = self.create_buffer(size, create_usage)?; self.0 .device .write_buffer(&create_buf.mux_buffer(), contents, 0, size)?; if use_staging_buffer { let buf = self.create_buffer(size, usage | BufferUsage::COPY_DST)?; let mut staging_cmd_buf = self.0.staging_cmd_buf.lock().unwrap(); if staging_cmd_buf.is_none() { let mut cmd_buf = self.cmd_buf()?; cmd_buf.begin(); *staging_cmd_buf = Some(cmd_buf); } let staging_cmd_buf = staging_cmd_buf.as_mut().unwrap(); // This will ensure the staging buffer is deallocated. staging_cmd_buf.copy_buffer(&create_buf, &buf); staging_cmd_buf.add_resource(create_buf); Ok(buf) } else { Ok(create_buf) } } /// Create an image. /// /// Currently this creates only a 2D image in RGBA8 format, with usage /// so that it can be accessed by shaders and used for transfer. pub unsafe fn create_image2d(&self, width: u32, height: u32) -> Result { let image = self.0.device.create_image2d(width, height)?; Ok(Image(Arc::new(ImageInner { image, session: Arc::downgrade(&self.0), }))) } /// Create a semaphore. /// /// These "semaphores" are only for swapchain integration and may be /// stubs on back-ends that don't require semaphore synchronization. pub unsafe fn create_semaphore(&self) -> Result { self.0.device.create_semaphore() } /// This creates a pipeline that operates on some buffers and images. /// /// The descriptor set layout is just some number of storage buffers /// and storage images (this might change). pub unsafe fn create_simple_compute_pipeline<'a>( &self, code: ShaderCode<'a>, n_buffers: u32, ) -> Result { self.pipeline_builder() .add_buffers(n_buffers) .create_compute_pipeline(self, code) } /// Start building a pipeline. /// /// A pipeline is essentially a compiled shader, with more specific /// details about what resources may be bound to it. pub unsafe fn pipeline_builder(&self) -> PipelineBuilder { PipelineBuilder(self.0.device.pipeline_builder()) } /// Create a descriptor set for a simple pipeline that just references buffers. pub unsafe fn create_simple_descriptor_set<'a>( &self, pipeline: &Pipeline, buffers: impl IntoRefs<'a, Buffer>, ) -> Result { self.descriptor_set_builder() .add_buffers(buffers) .build(self, pipeline) } /// Start building a descriptor set. /// /// A descriptor set is a binding of actual resources (buffers and /// images) to slots as specified in the pipeline. pub unsafe fn descriptor_set_builder(&self) -> DescriptorSetBuilder { DescriptorSetBuilder(self.0.device.descriptor_set_builder()) } /// Create a query pool for timestamp queries. pub fn create_query_pool(&self, n_queries: u32) -> Result { self.0.device.create_query_pool(n_queries) } /// Fetch the contents of the query pool. /// /// This should be called after waiting on the command buffer that wrote the /// timer queries. pub unsafe fn fetch_query_pool(&self, pool: &QueryPool) -> Result, Error> { self.0.device.fetch_query_pool(pool) } #[doc(hidden)] /// Create a sampler. /// /// Noy yet implemented. pub unsafe fn create_sampler(&self, params: SamplerParams) -> Result { todo!() //self.0.device.create_sampler(params) } /// Query the GPU info. pub fn gpu_info(&self) -> &GpuInfo { &self.0.gpu_info } /// Choose shader code from the available choices. pub fn choose_shader<'a>(&self, spv: &'a [u8], hlsl: &'a str, msl: &'a str) -> ShaderCode<'a> { self.0.device.choose_shader(spv, hlsl, msl) } } impl CmdBuf { /// Begin recording into a command buffer. /// /// Always call this before encoding any actual work. /// /// Discussion question: can this be subsumed? pub unsafe fn begin(&mut self) { self.cmd_buf.begin(); } /// Finish recording into a command buffer. /// /// Always call this as the last method before submitting the command /// buffer. pub unsafe fn finish(&mut self) { self.cmd_buf.finish(); } /// Dispatch a compute shader. /// /// Request a compute shader to be run, using the pipeline to specify the /// code, and the descriptor set to address the resources read and written. /// /// Both the workgroup count (number of workgroups) and the workgroup size /// (number of threads in a workgroup) must be specified here, though not /// all back-ends require the latter info. pub unsafe fn dispatch( &mut self, pipeline: &Pipeline, descriptor_set: &DescriptorSet, workgroup_count: (u32, u32, u32), workgroup_size: (u32, u32, u32), ) { self.cmd_buf .dispatch(pipeline, descriptor_set, workgroup_count, workgroup_size); } /// Insert an execution and memory barrier. /// /// Compute kernels (and other actions) after this barrier may read from buffers /// that were written before this barrier. pub unsafe fn memory_barrier(&mut self) { self.cmd_buf.memory_barrier(); } /// Insert a barrier for host access to buffers. /// /// The host may read buffers written before this barrier, after the fence for /// the command buffer is signaled. /// /// See http://themaister.net/blog/2019/08/14/yet-another-blog-explaining-vulkan-synchronization/ /// ("Host memory reads") for an explanation of this barrier. pub unsafe fn host_barrier(&mut self) { self.cmd_buf.memory_barrier(); } /// Insert an image barrier, transitioning image layout. /// /// When an image is written by one command and then read by another, an image /// barrier must separate the uses. Also, the image layout must match the use /// of the image. /// /// Additionally, when writing to an image for the first time, it must be /// transitioned from an unknown layout to specify the layout. pub unsafe fn image_barrier( &mut self, image: &Image, src_layout: ImageLayout, dst_layout: ImageLayout, ) { self.cmd_buf .image_barrier(image.mux_image(), src_layout, dst_layout); } /// Clear the buffer. /// /// When the size is not specified, it clears the whole buffer. pub unsafe fn clear_buffer(&mut self, buffer: &Buffer, size: Option) { self.cmd_buf.clear_buffer(buffer.mux_buffer(), size); } /// Copy one buffer to another. /// /// When the buffers differ in size, the minimum of the sizes is used. pub unsafe fn copy_buffer(&mut self, src: &Buffer, dst: &Buffer) { self.cmd_buf.copy_buffer(src.mux_buffer(), dst.mux_buffer()); } /// Copy an image to a buffer. /// /// The size of the image and buffer must match. pub unsafe fn copy_image_to_buffer(&mut self, src: &Image, dst: &Buffer) { self.cmd_buf .copy_image_to_buffer(src.mux_image(), dst.mux_buffer()); // TODO: change the backend signature to allow failure, as in "not // implemented" or "unaligned", and fall back to compute shader // submission. } /// Copy a buffer to an image. /// /// The size of the image and buffer must match. pub unsafe fn copy_buffer_to_image(&mut self, src: &Buffer, dst: &Image) { self.cmd_buf .copy_buffer_to_image(src.mux_buffer(), dst.mux_image()); // See above. } /// Copy an image to another. /// /// This is especially useful for writing to the swapchain image, as in /// general that can't be bound to a compute shader. /// /// Discussion question: we might have a specialized version of this /// function for copying to the swapchain image, and a separate type. pub unsafe fn blit_image(&mut self, src: &Image, dst: &Image) { self.cmd_buf.blit_image(src.mux_image(), dst.mux_image()); } /// Reset the query pool. /// /// The query pool must be reset before each use, to avoid validation errors. /// This is annoying, and we could tweak the API to make it implicit, doing /// the reset before the first timestamp write. pub unsafe fn reset_query_pool(&mut self, pool: &QueryPool) { self.cmd_buf.reset_query_pool(pool); } /// Write a timestamp. /// /// The query index must be less than the size of the query pool on creation. pub unsafe fn write_timestamp(&mut self, pool: &QueryPool, query: u32) { self.cmd_buf.write_timestamp(pool, query); } /// Prepare the timestamps for reading. This isn't required on Vulkan but /// is required on (at least) DX12. /// /// It's possible we'll make this go away, by implicitly including it /// on command buffer submission when a query pool has been written. pub unsafe fn finish_timestamps(&mut self, pool: &QueryPool) { self.cmd_buf.finish_timestamps(pool); } /// Make sure the resource lives until the command buffer completes. /// /// The submitted command buffer will hold this reference until the corresponding /// fence is signaled. /// /// There are two choices for upholding the lifetime invariant: this function, or /// the caller can manually hold the reference. The latter is appropriate when it's /// part of retained state. pub fn add_resource(&mut self, resource: impl Into) { self.resources.push(resource.into()); } } impl SubmittedCmdBuf { /// Wait for the work to complete. /// /// After calling this function, buffers written by the command buffer /// can be read (assuming they were created with `MAP_READ` usage and also /// that a host barrier was placed in the command list). /// /// Further, resources referenced by the command list may be destroyed or /// reused; it is a safety violation to do so beforehand. /// /// Resources for which destruction was deferred through /// [`add_resource`][`CmdBuf::add_resource`] will actually be dropped here. pub fn wait(mut self) -> Result<(), Error> { let mut item = self.0.take().unwrap(); if let Some(session) = Weak::upgrade(&self.1) { unsafe { session.device.wait_and_reset(vec![&mut item.fence])?; } session .cmd_buf_pool .lock() .unwrap() .push((item.cmd_buf, item.fence)); std::mem::drop(item.resources); } // else session dropped error? Ok(()) } } impl Drop for SubmittedCmdBuf { fn drop(&mut self) { if let Some(inner) = self.0.take() { if let Some(session) = Weak::upgrade(&self.1) { session.pending.lock().unwrap().push(inner); } } } } impl Drop for BufferInner { fn drop(&mut self) { if let Some(session) = Weak::upgrade(&self.session) { unsafe { let _ = session.device.destroy_buffer(&self.buffer); } } } } impl Drop for ImageInner { fn drop(&mut self) { if let Some(session) = Weak::upgrade(&self.session) { unsafe { let _ = session.device.destroy_image(&self.image); } } } } impl Image { /// Get a lower level image handle. pub(crate) fn mux_image(&self) -> &mux::Image { &self.0.image } /// Wrap a swapchain image so it can be exported to the hub level. /// Swapchain images don't need resource tracking (or at least we /// don't do it), so no session ref is needed. pub(crate) fn wrap_swapchain_image(image: mux::Image) -> Image { Image(Arc::new(ImageInner { image, session: Weak::new(), })) } } impl Buffer { /// Get a lower level buffer handle. pub(crate) fn mux_buffer(&self) -> &mux::Buffer { &self.0.buffer } /// Write the buffer contents. /// /// The buffer must have been created with `MAP_WRITE` usage, and with /// a size large enough to accommodate the given slice. pub unsafe fn write(&mut self, contents: &[T]) -> Result<(), Error> { if let Some(session) = Weak::upgrade(&self.0.session) { session.device.write_buffer( &self.0.buffer, contents.as_ptr() as *const u8, 0, std::mem::size_of_val(contents).try_into()?, )?; } // else session lost error? Ok(()) } /// Read the buffer contents. /// /// The buffer must have been created with `MAP_READ` usage. The caller /// is also responsible for ensuring that this does not read uninitialized /// memory. pub unsafe fn read(&self, result: &mut Vec) -> Result<(), Error> { let size = self.mux_buffer().size(); let len = size as usize / std::mem::size_of::(); if len > result.len() { result.reserve(len - result.len()); } if let Some(session) = Weak::upgrade(&self.0.session) { session .device .read_buffer(&self.0.buffer, result.as_mut_ptr() as *mut u8, 0, size)?; result.set_len(len); } // else session lost error? Ok(()) } } impl PipelineBuilder { /// Add buffers to the pipeline. Each has its own binding. pub fn add_buffers(mut self, n_buffers: u32) -> Self { self.0.add_buffers(n_buffers); self } /// Add storage images to the pipeline. Each has its own binding. pub fn add_images(mut self, n_images: u32) -> Self { self.0.add_images(n_images); self } /// Add a binding with a variable-size array of textures. pub fn add_textures(mut self, max_textures: u32) -> Self { self.0.add_textures(max_textures); self } /// Create the compute pipeline. /// /// The shader code must be given in an appropriate format for /// the back-end. See [`Session::choose_shader`] for a helper. pub unsafe fn create_compute_pipeline<'a>( self, session: &Session, code: ShaderCode<'a>, ) -> Result { self.0.create_compute_pipeline(&session.0.device, code) } } impl DescriptorSetBuilder { pub fn add_buffers<'a>(mut self, buffers: impl IntoRefs<'a, Buffer>) -> Self { let mux_buffers = buffers .into_refs() .map(|b| b.mux_buffer()) .collect::>(); self.0.add_buffers(&mux_buffers); self } pub fn add_images<'a>(mut self, images: impl IntoRefs<'a, Image>) -> Self { let mux_images = images .into_refs() .map(|i| i.mux_image()) .collect::>(); self.0.add_images(&mux_images); self } pub fn add_textures<'a>(mut self, images: impl IntoRefs<'a, Image>) -> Self { let mux_images = images .into_refs() .map(|i| i.mux_image()) .collect::>(); self.0.add_textures(&mux_images); self } pub unsafe fn build( self, session: &Session, pipeline: &Pipeline, ) -> Result { self.0.build(&session.0.device, pipeline) } } // This lets us use either a slice or a vector. The type is clunky but it // seems fine enough to use. pub trait IntoRefs<'a, T: 'a> { type Iterator: Iterator; fn into_refs(self) -> Self::Iterator; } impl<'a, T> IntoRefs<'a, T> for &'a [T] { type Iterator = std::slice::Iter<'a, T>; fn into_refs(self) -> Self::Iterator { self.into_iter() } } impl<'a, T> IntoRefs<'a, T> for &'a [&'a T] { type Iterator = std::iter::Copied>; fn into_refs(self) -> Self::Iterator { self.into_iter().copied() } } impl<'a, T, const N: usize> IntoRefs<'a, T> for &'a [&'a T; N] { type Iterator = std::iter::Copied>; fn into_refs(self) -> Self::Iterator { self.into_iter().copied() } } impl<'a, T> IntoRefs<'a, T> for Vec<&'a T> { type Iterator = std::vec::IntoIter<&'a T>; fn into_refs(self) -> Self::Iterator { self.into_iter() } } impl From for RetainResource { fn from(buf: Buffer) -> Self { RetainResource::Buffer(buf) } } impl From for RetainResource { fn from(img: Image) -> Self { RetainResource::Image(img) } } impl<'a, T: Clone + Into> From<&'a T> for RetainResource { fn from(resource: &'a T) -> Self { resource.clone().into() } }