// A simple kernel to create an image. // Right now, this kernel stores the image in a buffer, but a better // plan is to use a texture. This is because of limited support. #version 450 #extension GL_GOOGLE_include_directive : enable layout(local_size_x = 16, local_size_y = 16) in; layout(set = 0, binding = 0) readonly buffer SceneBuf { uint[] scene; }; layout(set = 0, binding = 1) buffer ImageBuf { uint[] image; }; #include "scene.h" // TODO: make the image size dynamic. #define IMAGE_WIDTH 2048 #define IMAGE_HEIGHT 1535 void main() { uvec2 xy_uint = gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy; vec2 xy = vec2(xy_uint); vec2 uv = xy * vec2(1.0 / IMAGE_WIDTH, 1.0 / IMAGE_HEIGHT); vec3 rgb = uv.xyy; // Render the scene. Right now, every pixel traverses the scene graph, // which is horribly wasteful, but the goal is to get *some* output and // then optimize. SimpleGroup group = PietItem_Group_read(PietItemRef(0)); for (uint i = 0; i < group.n_items; i++) { PietItemRef item_ref = PietItem_index(group.items, i); uint tag = PietItem_tag(item_ref); tag = PietItem_Circle; if (tag == PietItem_Circle) { PietCircle circle = PietItem_Circle_read(item_ref); float r = length(xy + vec2(0.5, 0.5) - circle.center.xy); float alpha = clamp(0.5 + circle.radius - r, 0.0, 1.0); vec4 fg_rgba = unpackUnorm4x8(circle.rgba_color); // TODO: sRGB rgb = mix(rgb, fg_rgba.rgb, alpha * fg_rgba.a); } } // TODO: sRGB uvec4 s = uvec4(round(vec4(rgb, 1.0) * 255.0)); uint rgba_packed = s.r | (s.g << 8) | (s.b << 16) | (s.a << 24); image[xy_uint.y * IMAGE_WIDTH + xy_uint.x] = rgba_packed; }