Raph Levien 0f91149b49 Radial gradients
This patch adds radial gradients, including both the piet API and some
new methods specifically to support COLRv1, including the ability to
transform the gradient separately from the path.
2022-03-30 20:32:13 -07:00

182 lines
7.3 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT OR Unlicense
// The leaf scan pass for draw tag scan implemented as a tree reduction.
// This stage can be fused with its consumer but is separate now.
#version 450
#extension GL_GOOGLE_include_directive : enable
#include "mem.h"
#include "setup.h"
#define N_ROWS 8
#define LG_WG_SIZE (7 + LG_WG_FACTOR)
#define WG_SIZE (1 << LG_WG_SIZE)
layout(local_size_x = WG_SIZE, local_size_y = 1) in;
layout(binding = 1) readonly buffer ConfigBuf {
Config conf;
layout(binding = 2) readonly buffer SceneBuf {
uint[] scene;
#include "scene.h"
#include "tile.h"
#include "drawtag.h"
#include "blend.h"
#define Monoid DrawMonoid
layout(set = 0, binding = 3) readonly buffer ParentBuf {
Monoid[] parent;
shared Monoid sh_scratch[WG_SIZE];
void main() {
Monoid local[N_ROWS];
uint ix = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x * N_ROWS;
uint drawtag_base = conf.drawtag_offset >> 2;
uint tag_word = scene[drawtag_base + ix];
Monoid agg = map_tag(tag_word);
local[0] = agg;
for (uint i = 1; i < N_ROWS; i++) {
tag_word = scene[drawtag_base + ix + i];
agg = combine_draw_monoid(agg, map_tag(tag_word));
local[i] = agg;
sh_scratch[gl_LocalInvocationID.x] = agg;
for (uint i = 0; i < LG_WG_SIZE; i++) {
if (gl_LocalInvocationID.x >= (1u << i)) {
Monoid other = sh_scratch[gl_LocalInvocationID.x - (1u << i)];
agg = combine_draw_monoid(other, agg);
sh_scratch[gl_LocalInvocationID.x] = agg;
Monoid row = draw_monoid_identity();
if (gl_WorkGroupID.x > 0) {
row = parent[gl_WorkGroupID.x - 1];
if (gl_LocalInvocationID.x > 0) {
row = combine_draw_monoid(row, sh_scratch[gl_LocalInvocationID.x - 1]);
uint drawdata_base = conf.drawdata_offset >> 2;
uint drawinfo_base = conf.drawinfo_alloc.offset >> 2;
uint out_ix = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x * N_ROWS;
uint out_base = (conf.drawmonoid_alloc.offset >> 2) + out_ix * 4;
uint clip_out_base = conf.clip_alloc.offset >> 2;
for (uint i = 0; i < N_ROWS; i++) {
Monoid m = row;
if (i > 0) {
m = combine_draw_monoid(m, local[i - 1]);
// m now holds exclusive scan of draw monoid
memory[out_base + i * 4] = m.path_ix;
memory[out_base + i * 4 + 1] = m.clip_ix;
memory[out_base + i * 4 + 2] = m.scene_offset;
memory[out_base + i * 4 + 3] = m.info_offset;
// u32 offset of drawobj data
uint dd = drawdata_base + (m.scene_offset >> 2);
uint di = drawinfo_base + (m.info_offset >> 2);
// For compatibility, we'll generate an Annotated object, same as old
// pipeline. However, going forward we'll get rid of that, and have
// later stages read scene + bbox etc.
tag_word = scene[drawtag_base + ix + i];
if (tag_word == Drawtag_FillColor || tag_word == Drawtag_FillLinGradient || tag_word == Drawtag_FillRadGradient ||
tag_word == Drawtag_FillImage || tag_word == Drawtag_BeginClip) {
uint bbox_offset = (conf.path_bbox_alloc.offset >> 2) + 6 * m.path_ix;
float bbox_l = float(memory[bbox_offset]) - 32768.0;
float bbox_t = float(memory[bbox_offset + 1]) - 32768.0;
float bbox_r = float(memory[bbox_offset + 2]) - 32768.0;
float bbox_b = float(memory[bbox_offset + 3]) - 32768.0;
vec4 bbox = vec4(bbox_l, bbox_t, bbox_r, bbox_b);
float linewidth = uintBitsToFloat(memory[bbox_offset + 4]);
uint fill_mode = uint(linewidth >= 0.0);
vec4 mat;
vec2 translate;
if (linewidth >= 0.0 || tag_word == Drawtag_FillLinGradient || tag_word == Drawtag_FillRadGradient) {
uint trans_ix = memory[bbox_offset + 5];
uint t = (conf.trans_alloc.offset >> 2) + 6 * trans_ix;
mat = uintBitsToFloat(uvec4(memory[t], memory[t + 1], memory[t + 2], memory[t + 3]));
if (tag_word == Drawtag_FillLinGradient || tag_word == Drawtag_FillRadGradient) {
translate = uintBitsToFloat(uvec2(memory[t + 4], memory[t + 5]));
if (linewidth >= 0.0) {
// TODO: need to deal with anisotropic case
linewidth *= sqrt(abs(mat.x * mat.w - mat.y * mat.z));
switch (tag_word) {
case Drawtag_FillColor:
case Drawtag_FillImage:
memory[di] = floatBitsToUint(linewidth);
case Drawtag_FillLinGradient:
memory[di] = floatBitsToUint(linewidth);
vec2 p0 = uintBitsToFloat(uvec2(scene[dd + 1], scene[dd + 2]));
vec2 p1 = uintBitsToFloat(uvec2(scene[dd + 3], scene[dd + 4]));
p0 = mat.xy * p0.x + * p0.y + translate;
p1 = mat.xy * p1.x + * p1.y + translate;
vec2 dxy = p1 - p0;
float scale = 1.0 / (dxy.x * dxy.x + dxy.y * dxy.y);
float line_x = dxy.x * scale;
float line_y = dxy.y * scale;
float line_c = -(p0.x * line_x + p0.y * line_y);
memory[di + 1] = floatBitsToUint(line_x);
memory[di + 2] = floatBitsToUint(line_y);
memory[di + 3] = floatBitsToUint(line_c);
case Drawtag_FillRadGradient:
p0 = uintBitsToFloat(uvec2(scene[dd + 1], scene[dd + 2]));
p1 = uintBitsToFloat(uvec2(scene[dd + 3], scene[dd + 4]));
float r0 = uintBitsToFloat(scene[dd + 5]);
float r1 = uintBitsToFloat(scene[dd + 6]);
float inv_det = 1.0 / (mat.x * mat.w - mat.y * mat.z);
vec4 inv_mat = inv_det * vec4(mat.w, -mat.y, -mat.z, mat.x);
vec2 inv_tr = inv_mat.xz * translate.x + inv_mat.yw * translate.y;
inv_tr += p0;
vec2 center1 = p1 - p0;
float rr = r1 / (r1 - r0);
float rainv = rr / (r1 * r1 - dot(center1, center1));
vec2 c1 = center1 * rainv;
float ra = rr * rainv;
float roff = rr - 1.0;
memory[di] = floatBitsToUint(linewidth);
memory[di + 1] = floatBitsToUint(inv_mat.x);
memory[di + 2] = floatBitsToUint(inv_mat.y);
memory[di + 3] = floatBitsToUint(inv_mat.z);
memory[di + 4] = floatBitsToUint(inv_mat.w);
memory[di + 5] = floatBitsToUint(inv_tr.x);
memory[di + 6] = floatBitsToUint(inv_tr.y);
memory[di + 7] = floatBitsToUint(c1.x);
memory[di + 8] = floatBitsToUint(c1.y);
memory[di + 9] = floatBitsToUint(ra);
memory[di + 10] = floatBitsToUint(roff);
case Drawtag_BeginClip:
// Generate clip stream.
if (tag_word == Drawtag_BeginClip || tag_word == Drawtag_EndClip) {
uint path_ix = ~(out_ix + i);
if (tag_word == Drawtag_BeginClip) {
path_ix = m.path_ix;
memory[clip_out_base + m.clip_ix] = path_ix;