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synced 2025-01-10 20:51:29 +11:00
When the initial allocation is exceeded, do an atomic bump allocation. This is done for both tilegroup instances and per tile command lists.
103 lines
3.8 KiB
103 lines
3.8 KiB
// This is "kernel 1" in a 4-kernel pipeline. It traverses the scene graph
// and outputs "instances" (references to item + translation) for each item
// that intersects the tilegroup.
// This implementation is simplistic and leaves a lot of performance on the
// table. A fancier implementation would use threadgroup shared memory or
// subgroups (or possibly both) to parallelize the reading of the input and
// the computation of tilegroup intersection.
// In addition, there are some features currently missing. One is the use of
// a bump allocator to extend the current fixed allocation. Another is support
// for clipping.
#version 450
#extension GL_GOOGLE_include_directive : enable
// It's possible we should lay this out with x and do our own math.
layout(local_size_x = 1, local_size_y = 32) in;
layout(set = 0, binding = 0) readonly buffer SceneBuf {
uint[] scene;
layout(set = 0, binding = 1) buffer TilegroupBuf {
uint[] tilegroup;
layout(set = 0, binding = 2) buffer AllocBuf {
uint alloc;
#include "scene.h"
#include "tilegroup.h"
#include "setup.h"
#define MAX_STACK 8
struct StackElement {
PietItemRef group;
uint index;
vec2 offset;
void main() {
StackElement stack[MAX_STACK];
uint stack_ix = 0;
uint tilegroup_ix = gl_GlobalInvocationID.y * WIDTH_IN_TILEGROUPS + gl_GlobalInvocationID.x;
TileGroupRef tg_ref = TileGroupRef(tilegroup_ix * TILEGROUP_INITIAL_ALLOC);
uint tg_limit = tg_ref.offset + TILEGROUP_INITIAL_ALLOC - 2 * TileGroup_size;
vec2 xy0 = vec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy) * vec2(TILEGROUP_WIDTH_PX, TILEGROUP_HEIGHT_PX);
PietItemRef root = PietItemRef(0);
SimpleGroup group = PietItem_Group_read(root);
StackElement tos = StackElement(root, 0, group.offset.xy);
while (true) {
if (tos.index < group.n_items) {
Bbox bbox = Bbox_read(Bbox_index(group.bboxes, tos.index));
vec4 bb = vec4(bbox.bbox) + tos.offset.xyxy;
bool hit = max(bb.x, xy0.x) < min(bb.z, xy0.x + float(TILEGROUP_WIDTH_PX))
&& max(bb.y, xy0.y) < min(bb.w, xy0.y + float(TILEGROUP_HEIGHT_PX));
bool is_group = false;
if (hit) {
PietItemRef item_ref = PietItem_index(group.items, tos.index);
is_group = PietItem_tag(item_ref) == PietItem_Group;
if (hit && !is_group) {
PietItemRef item_ref = PietItem_index(group.items, tos.index);
Instance ins = Instance(item_ref.offset, tos.offset);
if (tg_ref.offset > tg_limit) {
// Allocation exceeded; do atomic bump alloc.
uint new_tg = atomicAdd(alloc, TILEGROUP_INITIAL_ALLOC);
Jump jump = Jump(new_tg);
TileGroup_Jump_write(tg_ref, jump);
tg_ref = TileGroupRef(new_tg);
tg_limit = tg_ref.offset + TILEGROUP_INITIAL_ALLOC - 2 * TileGroup_size;
TileGroup_Instance_write(tg_ref, ins);
tg_ref.offset += TileGroup_size;
if (is_group) {
PietItemRef item_ref = PietItem_index(group.items, tos.index);
if (tos.index < group.n_items) {
stack[stack_ix++] = tos;
group = PietItem_Group_read(item_ref);
tos = StackElement(item_ref, 0, tos.offset + group.offset.xy);
} else {
} else {
// processed all items in this group; pop the stack
if (stack_ix == 0) {
tos = stack[--stack_ix];
group = PietItem_Group_read(tos.group);