Raph Levien 343e4c3075 Binning stage
Adds a binning stage. This is a first draft, and a number of loose ends
2020-05-12 17:34:15 -07:00

170 lines
5.9 KiB

// The binning stage of the pipeline.
#version 450
#extension GL_GOOGLE_include_directive : enable
#define N_ROWS 4
#define WG_SIZE 32
#define LG_WG_SIZE 5
// TODO: move these to setup file
#define N_TILE_X 16
#define N_TILE_Y 16
#define N_TILE (N_TILE_X * N_TILE_Y)
#define N_SLICE (N_TILE / 32)
#define N_WG 16 // Number of workgroups, should be 1 per SM
#define BIN_ALLOC 256
layout(local_size_x = N_TILE, local_size_y = 1) in;
layout(set = 0, binding = 0) buffer AnnotatedBuf {
uint[] annotated;
layout(set = 0, binding = 1) buffer AllocBuf {
uint n_elements;
// Will be incremented atomically to claim tiles
uint tile_ix;
uint alloc;
layout(set = 0, binding = 2) buffer BinsBuf {
uint[] bins;
#include "annotated.h"
#include "bins.h"
#include "setup.h"
// scale factors useful for converting coordinates to bins
#define SX (1.0 / float(N_TILE_X * TILE_WIDTH_PX))
#define SY (1.0 / float(N_TILE_Y * TILE_HEIGHT_PX))
// Note: cudaraster has N_TILE + 1 to cut down on bank conflicts.
shared uint bitmaps[N_SLICE][N_TILE];
shared uint sh_my_tile;
void main() {
BinChunkRef chunk_ref = BinChunkRef((gl_LocalInvocationID.x * N_WG + gl_WorkGroupID.x) * BIN_INITIAL_ALLOC);
uint chunk_limit = chunk_ref.offset + BIN_INITIAL_ALLOC - BinInstance_size;
uint chunk_n = 0;
BinInstanceRef instance_ref = BinInstanceRef(chunk_ref.offset + BinChunk_size);
while (true) {
if (gl_LocalInvocationID.x == 0) {
sh_my_tile = atomicAdd(tile_ix, 1);
uint my_tile = sh_my_tile;
if (my_tile * N_TILE >= n_elements) {
for (uint i = 0; i < N_SLICE; i++) {
bitmaps[i][gl_LocalInvocationID.x] = 0;
// Read inputs and determine coverage of bins
uint element_ix = my_tile * N_TILE + gl_LocalInvocationID.x;
AnnotatedRef ref = AnnotatedRef(element_ix * Annotated_size);
uint tag = Annotated_tag(ref);
int x0 = 0, y0 = 0, x1 = 0, y1 = 0;
switch (tag) {
case Annotated_Line:
AnnoLineSeg line = Annotated_Line_read(ref);
x0 = int(floor((min(line.p0.x, line.p1.x) - line.stroke.x) * SX));
y0 = int(floor((min(line.p0.y, line.p1.y) - line.stroke.y) * SY));
x1 = int(ceil((max(line.p0.x, line.p1.x) + line.stroke.x) * SX));
y1 = int(ceil((max(line.p0.y, line.p1.y) + line.stroke.y) * SY));
case Annotated_Fill:
case Annotated_Stroke:
// Note: we take advantage of the fact that fills and strokes
// have compatible layout.
AnnoFill fill = Annotated_Fill_read(ref);
x0 = int(floor(fill.bbox.x * SX));
y0 = int(floor(fill.bbox.y * SY));
x1 = int(ceil(fill.bbox.z * SX));
y1 = int(ceil(fill.bbox.w * SY));
// At this point, we run an iterator over the coverage area,
// trying to keep divergence low.
// Right now, it's just a bbox, but we'll get finer with
// segments.
x0 = clamp(x0, 0, N_TILE_X);
x1 = clamp(x1, x0, N_TILE_X);
y0 = clamp(y0, 0, N_TILE_Y);
y1 = clamp(y1, y0, N_TILE_Y);
if (x0 == x1) y1 = y0;
int x = x0, y = y0;
uint my_slice = gl_LocalInvocationID.x / 32;
uint my_mask = 1 << (gl_LocalInvocationID.x & 31);
while (y < y1) {
atomicOr(bitmaps[my_slice][y * N_TILE_X + x], my_mask);
if (x == x1) {
x = x0;
// Allocate output segments.
uint element_count = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i < N_SLICE; i++) {
element_count += bitCount(bitmaps[i][gl_LocalInvocationID.x]);
// element_count is number of elements covering bin for this invocation.
if (element_count > 0 && chunk_n > 0) {
uint new_chunk = instance_ref.offset;
if (new_chunk + min(32, element_count * 4) > chunk_limit) {
new_chunk = atomicAdd(alloc, BIN_ALLOC);
chunk_limit = new_chunk + BIN_ALLOC - BinInstance_size;
BinChunk_write(chunk_ref, BinChunk(chunk_n, BinChunkRef(new_chunk)));
chunk_ref = BinChunkRef(new_chunk);
instance_ref = BinInstanceRef(new_chunk + BinChunk_size);
chunk_n = 0;
// TODO: allocate output here
// Iterate over bits set.
uint slice_ix = 0;
uint bitmap = bitmaps[0][gl_LocalInvocationID.x];
while (true) {
if (bitmap == 0) {
if (slice_ix == N_SLICE) {
bitmap = bitmaps[slice_ix][gl_LocalInvocationID.x];
if (bitmap == 0) {
element_ix = my_tile * N_TILE + slice_ix * 32 + findLSB(bitmap);
// At this point, element_ix refers to an element that covers this bin.
// TODO: batch allocated based on element_count; this is divergent
if (instance_ref.offset > chunk_limit) {
uint new_chunk = atomicAdd(alloc, BIN_ALLOC);
BinChunk_write(chunk_ref, BinChunk(chunk_n, BinChunkRef(new_chunk)));
chunk_ref = BinChunkRef(new_chunk);
instance_ref = BinInstanceRef(new_chunk + BinChunk_size);
chunk_n = 0;
chunk_limit = new_chunk + BIN_ALLOC - BinInstance_size;
BinInstance_write(instance_ref, BinInstance(element_ix));
instance_ref.offset += BinInstance_size;
// clear LSB
bitmap &= bitmap - 1;
BinChunk_write(chunk_ref, BinChunk(chunk_n, BinChunkRef(0)));