Raph Levien 9a8854ffab Experimenting with sort-middle
Starting a prototype that explores the sort-middle approach. This
commit has a prefix sum pass computing state per element.
2020-05-12 08:54:09 -07:00

477 lines
10 KiB

// Code auto-generated by piet-gpu-derive
struct BboxRef {
uint offset;
struct PointRef {
uint offset;
struct SimpleGroupRef {
uint offset;
struct PietCircleRef {
uint offset;
struct PietStrokeLineRef {
uint offset;
struct PietFillRef {
uint offset;
struct PietStrokePolyLineRef {
uint offset;
struct PietItemRef {
uint offset;
struct LineSegRef {
uint offset;
struct QuadSegRef {
uint offset;
struct CubicSegRef {
uint offset;
struct FillRef {
uint offset;
struct StrokeRef {
uint offset;
struct SetLineWidthRef {
uint offset;
struct TransformRef {
uint offset;
struct ElementRef {
uint offset;
struct Bbox {
ivec4 bbox;
#define Bbox_size 8
BboxRef Bbox_index(BboxRef ref, uint index) {
return BboxRef(ref.offset + index * Bbox_size);
struct Point {
vec2 xy;
#define Point_size 8
PointRef Point_index(PointRef ref, uint index) {
return PointRef(ref.offset + index * Point_size);
struct SimpleGroup {
uint n_items;
PietItemRef items;
BboxRef bboxes;
Point offset;
#define SimpleGroup_size 20
SimpleGroupRef SimpleGroup_index(SimpleGroupRef ref, uint index) {
return SimpleGroupRef(ref.offset + index * SimpleGroup_size);
struct PietCircle {
uint rgba_color;
Point center;
float radius;
#define PietCircle_size 16
PietCircleRef PietCircle_index(PietCircleRef ref, uint index) {
return PietCircleRef(ref.offset + index * PietCircle_size);
struct PietStrokeLine {
uint flags;
uint rgba_color;
float width;
Point start;
Point end;
#define PietStrokeLine_size 28
PietStrokeLineRef PietStrokeLine_index(PietStrokeLineRef ref, uint index) {
return PietStrokeLineRef(ref.offset + index * PietStrokeLine_size);
struct PietFill {
uint flags;
uint rgba_color;
uint n_points;
PointRef points;
#define PietFill_size 16
PietFillRef PietFill_index(PietFillRef ref, uint index) {
return PietFillRef(ref.offset + index * PietFill_size);
struct PietStrokePolyLine {
uint rgba_color;
float width;
uint n_points;
PointRef points;
#define PietStrokePolyLine_size 16
PietStrokePolyLineRef PietStrokePolyLine_index(PietStrokePolyLineRef ref, uint index) {
return PietStrokePolyLineRef(ref.offset + index * PietStrokePolyLine_size);
#define PietItem_Group 0
#define PietItem_Circle 1
#define PietItem_Line 2
#define PietItem_Fill 3
#define PietItem_Poly 4
#define PietItem_size 32
PietItemRef PietItem_index(PietItemRef ref, uint index) {
return PietItemRef(ref.offset + index * PietItem_size);
struct LineSeg {
vec2 p0;
vec2 p1;
#define LineSeg_size 16
LineSegRef LineSeg_index(LineSegRef ref, uint index) {
return LineSegRef(ref.offset + index * LineSeg_size);
struct QuadSeg {
vec2 p0;
vec2 p1;
vec2 p2;
#define QuadSeg_size 24
QuadSegRef QuadSeg_index(QuadSegRef ref, uint index) {
return QuadSegRef(ref.offset + index * QuadSeg_size);
struct CubicSeg {
vec2 p0;
vec2 p1;
vec2 p2;
vec2 p3;
#define CubicSeg_size 32
CubicSegRef CubicSeg_index(CubicSegRef ref, uint index) {
return CubicSegRef(ref.offset + index * CubicSeg_size);
struct Fill {
uint rgba_color;
#define Fill_size 4
FillRef Fill_index(FillRef ref, uint index) {
return FillRef(ref.offset + index * Fill_size);
struct Stroke {
uint rgba_color;
#define Stroke_size 4
StrokeRef Stroke_index(StrokeRef ref, uint index) {
return StrokeRef(ref.offset + index * Stroke_size);
struct SetLineWidth {
float width;
#define SetLineWidth_size 4
SetLineWidthRef SetLineWidth_index(SetLineWidthRef ref, uint index) {
return SetLineWidthRef(ref.offset + index * SetLineWidth_size);
struct Transform {
vec4 mat;
vec2 translate;
#define Transform_size 24
TransformRef Transform_index(TransformRef ref, uint index) {
return TransformRef(ref.offset + index * Transform_size);
#define Element_Nop 0
#define Element_Line 1
#define Element_Quad 2
#define Element_Cubic 3
#define Element_Stroke 4
#define Element_Fill 5
#define Element_SetLineWidth 6
#define Element_Transform 7
#define Element_size 36
ElementRef Element_index(ElementRef ref, uint index) {
return ElementRef(ref.offset + index * Element_size);
Bbox Bbox_read(BboxRef ref) {
uint ix = ref.offset >> 2;
uint raw0 = scene[ix + 0];
uint raw1 = scene[ix + 1];
Bbox s;
s.bbox = ivec4(int(raw0 << 16) >> 16, int(raw0) >> 16, int(raw1 << 16) >> 16, int(raw1) >> 16);
return s;
Point Point_read(PointRef ref) {
uint ix = ref.offset >> 2;
uint raw0 = scene[ix + 0];
uint raw1 = scene[ix + 1];
Point s;
s.xy = vec2(uintBitsToFloat(raw0), uintBitsToFloat(raw1));
return s;
SimpleGroup SimpleGroup_read(SimpleGroupRef ref) {
uint ix = ref.offset >> 2;
uint raw0 = scene[ix + 0];
uint raw1 = scene[ix + 1];
uint raw2 = scene[ix + 2];
SimpleGroup s;
s.n_items = raw0;
s.items = PietItemRef(raw1);
s.bboxes = BboxRef(raw2);
s.offset = Point_read(PointRef(ref.offset + 12));
return s;
PietCircle PietCircle_read(PietCircleRef ref) {
uint ix = ref.offset >> 2;
uint raw0 = scene[ix + 0];
uint raw3 = scene[ix + 3];
PietCircle s;
s.rgba_color = raw0; = Point_read(PointRef(ref.offset + 4));
s.radius = uintBitsToFloat(raw3);
return s;
PietStrokeLine PietStrokeLine_read(PietStrokeLineRef ref) {
uint ix = ref.offset >> 2;
uint raw0 = scene[ix + 0];
uint raw1 = scene[ix + 1];
uint raw2 = scene[ix + 2];
PietStrokeLine s;
s.flags = raw0;
s.rgba_color = raw1;
s.width = uintBitsToFloat(raw2);
s.start = Point_read(PointRef(ref.offset + 12));
s.end = Point_read(PointRef(ref.offset + 20));
return s;
PietFill PietFill_read(PietFillRef ref) {
uint ix = ref.offset >> 2;
uint raw0 = scene[ix + 0];
uint raw1 = scene[ix + 1];
uint raw2 = scene[ix + 2];
uint raw3 = scene[ix + 3];
PietFill s;
s.flags = raw0;
s.rgba_color = raw1;
s.n_points = raw2;
s.points = PointRef(raw3);
return s;
PietStrokePolyLine PietStrokePolyLine_read(PietStrokePolyLineRef ref) {
uint ix = ref.offset >> 2;
uint raw0 = scene[ix + 0];
uint raw1 = scene[ix + 1];
uint raw2 = scene[ix + 2];
uint raw3 = scene[ix + 3];
PietStrokePolyLine s;
s.rgba_color = raw0;
s.width = uintBitsToFloat(raw1);
s.n_points = raw2;
s.points = PointRef(raw3);
return s;
uint PietItem_tag(PietItemRef ref) {
return scene[ref.offset >> 2];
SimpleGroup PietItem_Group_read(PietItemRef ref) {
return SimpleGroup_read(SimpleGroupRef(ref.offset + 4));
PietCircle PietItem_Circle_read(PietItemRef ref) {
return PietCircle_read(PietCircleRef(ref.offset + 4));
PietStrokeLine PietItem_Line_read(PietItemRef ref) {
return PietStrokeLine_read(PietStrokeLineRef(ref.offset + 4));
PietFill PietItem_Fill_read(PietItemRef ref) {
return PietFill_read(PietFillRef(ref.offset + 4));
PietStrokePolyLine PietItem_Poly_read(PietItemRef ref) {
return PietStrokePolyLine_read(PietStrokePolyLineRef(ref.offset + 4));
LineSeg LineSeg_read(LineSegRef ref) {
uint ix = ref.offset >> 2;
uint raw0 = scene[ix + 0];
uint raw1 = scene[ix + 1];
uint raw2 = scene[ix + 2];
uint raw3 = scene[ix + 3];
LineSeg s;
s.p0 = vec2(uintBitsToFloat(raw0), uintBitsToFloat(raw1));
s.p1 = vec2(uintBitsToFloat(raw2), uintBitsToFloat(raw3));
return s;
QuadSeg QuadSeg_read(QuadSegRef ref) {
uint ix = ref.offset >> 2;
uint raw0 = scene[ix + 0];
uint raw1 = scene[ix + 1];
uint raw2 = scene[ix + 2];
uint raw3 = scene[ix + 3];
uint raw4 = scene[ix + 4];
uint raw5 = scene[ix + 5];
QuadSeg s;
s.p0 = vec2(uintBitsToFloat(raw0), uintBitsToFloat(raw1));
s.p1 = vec2(uintBitsToFloat(raw2), uintBitsToFloat(raw3));
s.p2 = vec2(uintBitsToFloat(raw4), uintBitsToFloat(raw5));
return s;
CubicSeg CubicSeg_read(CubicSegRef ref) {
uint ix = ref.offset >> 2;
uint raw0 = scene[ix + 0];
uint raw1 = scene[ix + 1];
uint raw2 = scene[ix + 2];
uint raw3 = scene[ix + 3];
uint raw4 = scene[ix + 4];
uint raw5 = scene[ix + 5];
uint raw6 = scene[ix + 6];
uint raw7 = scene[ix + 7];
CubicSeg s;
s.p0 = vec2(uintBitsToFloat(raw0), uintBitsToFloat(raw1));
s.p1 = vec2(uintBitsToFloat(raw2), uintBitsToFloat(raw3));
s.p2 = vec2(uintBitsToFloat(raw4), uintBitsToFloat(raw5));
s.p3 = vec2(uintBitsToFloat(raw6), uintBitsToFloat(raw7));
return s;
Fill Fill_read(FillRef ref) {
uint ix = ref.offset >> 2;
uint raw0 = scene[ix + 0];
Fill s;
s.rgba_color = raw0;
return s;
Stroke Stroke_read(StrokeRef ref) {
uint ix = ref.offset >> 2;
uint raw0 = scene[ix + 0];
Stroke s;
s.rgba_color = raw0;
return s;
SetLineWidth SetLineWidth_read(SetLineWidthRef ref) {
uint ix = ref.offset >> 2;
uint raw0 = scene[ix + 0];
SetLineWidth s;
s.width = uintBitsToFloat(raw0);
return s;
Transform Transform_read(TransformRef ref) {
uint ix = ref.offset >> 2;
uint raw0 = scene[ix + 0];
uint raw1 = scene[ix + 1];
uint raw2 = scene[ix + 2];
uint raw3 = scene[ix + 3];
uint raw4 = scene[ix + 4];
uint raw5 = scene[ix + 5];
Transform s;
s.mat = vec4(uintBitsToFloat(raw0), uintBitsToFloat(raw1), uintBitsToFloat(raw2), uintBitsToFloat(raw3));
s.translate = vec2(uintBitsToFloat(raw4), uintBitsToFloat(raw5));
return s;
uint Element_tag(ElementRef ref) {
return scene[ref.offset >> 2];
LineSeg Element_Line_read(ElementRef ref) {
return LineSeg_read(LineSegRef(ref.offset + 4));
QuadSeg Element_Quad_read(ElementRef ref) {
return QuadSeg_read(QuadSegRef(ref.offset + 4));
CubicSeg Element_Cubic_read(ElementRef ref) {
return CubicSeg_read(CubicSegRef(ref.offset + 4));
Stroke Element_Stroke_read(ElementRef ref) {
return Stroke_read(StrokeRef(ref.offset + 4));
Fill Element_Fill_read(ElementRef ref) {
return Fill_read(FillRef(ref.offset + 4));
SetLineWidth Element_SetLineWidth_read(ElementRef ref) {
return SetLineWidth_read(SetLineWidthRef(ref.offset + 4));
Transform Element_Transform_read(ElementRef ref) {
return Transform_read(TransformRef(ref.offset + 4));