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mirror of https://github.com/italicsjenga/vello.git synced 2025-02-24 00:27:43 +11:00
Arman Uguray 1dea6c0ef0 Fix invalid buffer access errors caught by shader validation
Fixed several other shader validation errors caught when running
vello_shaders natively on Metal.

These were primarily caused by reading an invalid drawtag while
accessing the scene buffer. Scene buffer access in the offending
pipelines now initialize the draw tag to DRAWTAG_NOP if an
invocation ID would land beyond the valid index range of encoded draw
2023-06-28 12:59:21 -07:00

265 lines
10 KiB
WebGPU Shading Language

// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT OR Unlicense
// Finish prefix sum of drawtags, decode draw objects.
#import config
#import clip
#import drawtag
#import bbox
#import transform
@group(0) @binding(0)
var<uniform> config: Config;
@group(0) @binding(1)
var<storage> scene: array<u32>;
@group(0) @binding(2)
var<storage> reduced: array<DrawMonoid>;
@group(0) @binding(3)
var<storage> path_bbox: array<PathBbox>;
@group(0) @binding(4)
var<storage, read_write> draw_monoid: array<DrawMonoid>;
@group(0) @binding(5)
var<storage, read_write> info: array<u32>;
@group(0) @binding(6)
var<storage, read_write> clip_inp: array<ClipInp>;
#import util
let WG_SIZE = 256u;
fn read_transform(transform_base: u32, ix: u32) -> Transform {
let base = transform_base + ix * 6u;
let c0 = bitcast<f32>(scene[base]);
let c1 = bitcast<f32>(scene[base + 1u]);
let c2 = bitcast<f32>(scene[base + 2u]);
let c3 = bitcast<f32>(scene[base + 3u]);
let c4 = bitcast<f32>(scene[base + 4u]);
let c5 = bitcast<f32>(scene[base + 5u]);
let matrx = vec4(c0, c1, c2, c3);
let translate = vec2(c4, c5);
return Transform(matrx, translate);
var<workgroup> sh_scratch: array<DrawMonoid, WG_SIZE>;
@compute @workgroup_size(256)
fn main(
@builtin(global_invocation_id) global_id: vec3<u32>,
@builtin(local_invocation_id) local_id: vec3<u32>,
@builtin(workgroup_id) wg_id: vec3<u32>,
) {
let ix = global_id.x;
// Reduce prefix of workgroups up to this one
var agg = draw_monoid_identity();
if local_id.x < wg_id.x {
agg = reduced[local_id.x];
sh_scratch[local_id.x] = agg;
for (var i = 0u; i < firstTrailingBit(WG_SIZE); i += 1u) {
if local_id.x + (1u << i) < WG_SIZE {
let other = sh_scratch[local_id.x + (1u << i)];
agg = combine_draw_monoid(agg, other);
sh_scratch[local_id.x] = agg;
// Two barriers can be eliminated if we use separate shared arrays
// for prefix and intra-workgroup prefix sum.
var m = sh_scratch[0];
let tag_word = read_draw_tag_from_scene(ix);
agg = map_draw_tag(tag_word);
sh_scratch[local_id.x] = agg;
for (var i = 0u; i < firstTrailingBit(WG_SIZE); i += 1u) {
if local_id.x >= 1u << i {
let other = sh_scratch[local_id.x - (1u << i)];
agg = combine_draw_monoid(agg, other);
sh_scratch[local_id.x] = agg;
if local_id.x > 0u {
m = combine_draw_monoid(m, sh_scratch[local_id.x - 1u]);
// m now contains exclusive prefix sum of draw monoid
if ix < config.n_drawobj {
draw_monoid[ix] = m;
let dd = config.drawdata_base + m.scene_offset;
let di = m.info_offset;
if tag_word == DRAWTAG_FILL_COLOR || tag_word == DRAWTAG_FILL_LIN_GRADIENT ||
let bbox = path_bbox[m.path_ix];
// TODO: bbox is mostly yagni here, sort that out. Maybe clips?
// let x0 = f32(bbox.x0);
// let y0 = f32(bbox.y0);
// let x1 = f32(bbox.x1);
// let y1 = f32(bbox.y1);
// let bbox_f = vec4(x0, y0, x1, y1);
let fill_mode = u32(bbox.linewidth >= 0.0);
var transform = Transform();
var linewidth = bbox.linewidth;
if linewidth >= 0.0 || tag_word == DRAWTAG_FILL_LIN_GRADIENT || tag_word == DRAWTAG_FILL_RAD_GRADIENT ||
transform = read_transform(config.transform_base, bbox.trans_ix);
if linewidth >= 0.0 {
// Note: doesn't deal with anisotropic case
let matrx = transform.matrx;
linewidth *= sqrt(abs(matrx.x * matrx.w - matrx.y * matrx.z));
switch tag_word {
case 0x44u: {
info[di] = bitcast<u32>(linewidth);
case 0x114u: {
info[di] = bitcast<u32>(linewidth);
var p0 = bitcast<vec2<f32>>(vec2(scene[dd + 1u], scene[dd + 2u]));
var p1 = bitcast<vec2<f32>>(vec2(scene[dd + 3u], scene[dd + 4u]));
p0 = transform_apply(transform, p0);
p1 = transform_apply(transform, p1);
let dxy = p1 - p0;
let scale = 1.0 / dot(dxy, dxy);
let line_xy = dxy * scale;
let line_c = -dot(p0, line_xy);
info[di + 1u] = bitcast<u32>(line_xy.x);
info[di + 2u] = bitcast<u32>(line_xy.y);
info[di + 3u] = bitcast<u32>(line_c);
case 0x29cu: {
// Two-point conical gradient implementation based
// on the algorithm at <https://skia.org/docs/dev/design/conical/>
// This epsilon matches what Skia uses
let GRADIENT_EPSILON = 1.0 / f32(1 << 12u);
info[di] = bitcast<u32>(linewidth);
var p0 = bitcast<vec2<f32>>(vec2(scene[dd + 1u], scene[dd + 2u]));
var p1 = bitcast<vec2<f32>>(vec2(scene[dd + 3u], scene[dd + 4u]));
var r0 = bitcast<f32>(scene[dd + 5u]);
var r1 = bitcast<f32>(scene[dd + 6u]);
let user_to_gradient = transform_inverse(transform);
// Output variables
var xform = Transform();
var focal_x = 0.0;
var radius = 0.0;
var kind = 0u;
var flags = 0u;
if abs(r0 - r1) <= GRADIENT_EPSILON {
// When the radii are the same, emit a strip gradient
let scaled = r0 / distance(p0, p1);
xform = transform_mul(
two_point_to_unit_line(p0, p1),
radius = scaled * scaled;
} else {
// Assume a two point conical gradient unless the centers
// are equal.
if all(p0 == p1) {
// Nudge p0 a bit to avoid denormals.
if r1 == 0.0 {
// If r1 == 0.0, swap the points and radii
let tmp_p = p0;
p0 = p1;
p1 = tmp_p;
let tmp_r = r0;
r0 = r1;
r1 = tmp_r;
focal_x = r0 / (r0 - r1);
let cf = (1.0 - focal_x) * p0 + focal_x * p1;
radius = r1 / (distance(cf, p1));
let user_to_unit_line = transform_mul(
two_point_to_unit_line(cf, p1),
var user_to_scaled = user_to_unit_line;
// When r == 1.0, focal point is on circle
if abs(radius - 1.0) <= GRADIENT_EPSILON {
let scale = 0.5 * abs(1.0 - focal_x);
user_to_scaled = transform_mul(
Transform(vec4(scale, 0.0, 0.0, scale), vec2(0.0)),
} else {
let a = radius * radius - 1.0;
let scale_ratio = abs(1.0 - focal_x) / a;
let scale_x = radius * scale_ratio;
let scale_y = sqrt(abs(a)) * scale_ratio;
user_to_scaled = transform_mul(
Transform(vec4(scale_x, 0.0, 0.0, scale_y), vec2(0.0)),
xform = user_to_scaled;
info[di + 1u] = bitcast<u32>(xform.matrx.x);
info[di + 2u] = bitcast<u32>(xform.matrx.y);
info[di + 3u] = bitcast<u32>(xform.matrx.z);
info[di + 4u] = bitcast<u32>(xform.matrx.w);
info[di + 5u] = bitcast<u32>(xform.translate.x);
info[di + 6u] = bitcast<u32>(xform.translate.y);
info[di + 7u] = bitcast<u32>(focal_x);
info[di + 8u] = bitcast<u32>(radius);
info[di + 9u] = bitcast<u32>((flags << 3u) | kind);
case 0x248u: {
info[di] = bitcast<u32>(linewidth);
let inv = transform_inverse(transform);
info[di + 1u] = bitcast<u32>(inv.matrx.x);
info[di + 2u] = bitcast<u32>(inv.matrx.y);
info[di + 3u] = bitcast<u32>(inv.matrx.z);
info[di + 4u] = bitcast<u32>(inv.matrx.w);
info[di + 5u] = bitcast<u32>(inv.translate.x);
info[di + 6u] = bitcast<u32>(inv.translate.y);
info[di + 7u] = scene[dd];
info[di + 8u] = scene[dd + 1u];
default: {}
if tag_word == DRAWTAG_BEGIN_CLIP || tag_word == DRAWTAG_END_CLIP {
var path_ix = ~ix;
if tag_word == DRAWTAG_BEGIN_CLIP {
path_ix = m.path_ix;
clip_inp[m.clip_ix] = ClipInp(ix, i32(path_ix));
fn two_point_to_unit_line(p0: vec2<f32>, p1: vec2<f32>) -> Transform {
let tmp1 = from_poly2(p0, p1);
let inv = transform_inverse(tmp1);
let tmp2 = from_poly2(vec2(0.0), vec2(1.0, 0.0));
return transform_mul(tmp2, inv);
fn from_poly2(p0: vec2<f32>, p1: vec2<f32>) -> Transform {
return Transform(
vec4(p1.y - p0.y, p0.x - p1.x, p1.x - p0.x, p1.y - p0.y),
vec2(p0.x, p0.y)