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synced 2025-01-26 19:26:33 +11:00
If there is a command buffer in flight on exit from the winit app, wait on it so that the resources get destroyed cleanly. There may be a more aggressive strategy to quick-exit, but this is probably the most reliable approach and I see it in other code bases.
165 lines
6.5 KiB
165 lines
6.5 KiB
use piet_gpu_hal::{Error, ImageLayout, Instance, Session, SubmittedCmdBuf};
use piet_gpu::{test_scenes, PietGpuRenderContext, Renderer};
use clap::{App, Arg};
use winit::{
event::{Event, WindowEvent},
event_loop::{ControlFlow, EventLoop},
const NUM_FRAMES: usize = 2;
const WIDTH: usize = 2048;
const HEIGHT: usize = 1536;
fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
let matches = App::new("piet-gpu test")
let event_loop = EventLoop::new();
let window = WindowBuilder::new()
.with_inner_size(winit::dpi::LogicalSize {
width: (WIDTH / 2) as f64,
height: (HEIGHT / 2) as f64,
.with_resizable(false) // currently not supported
let (instance, surface) = Instance::new(Some(&window))?;
unsafe {
let device = instance.device(surface.as_ref())?;
let mut swapchain =
instance.swapchain(WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 2, &device, surface.as_ref().unwrap())?;
let session = Session::new(device);
let mut current_frame = 0;
let present_semaphores = (0..NUM_FRAMES)
.map(|_| session.create_semaphore())
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, Error>>()?;
let query_pools = (0..NUM_FRAMES)
.map(|_| session.create_query_pool(8))
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, Error>>()?;
let mut ctx = PietGpuRenderContext::new();
if let Some(input) = matches.value_of("INPUT") {
let mut scale = matches
.map(|scale| scale.parse().unwrap())
if matches.is_present("flip") {
scale = -scale;
test_scenes::render_svg(&mut ctx, input, scale);
} else {
test_scenes::render_scene(&mut ctx);
//test_scenes::render_anim_frame(&mut ctx, 0);
let mut renderer = Renderer::new(&session, WIDTH, HEIGHT)?;
renderer.upload_render_ctx(&mut ctx)?;
let mut submitted: Option<SubmittedCmdBuf> = None;
let mut last_frame_idx = 0;
event_loop.run(move |event, _, control_flow| {
*control_flow = ControlFlow::Poll; // `ControlFlow::Wait` if only re-render on event
match event {
Event::WindowEvent { event, window_id } if window_id == window.id() => {
match event {
WindowEvent::CloseRequested => {
*control_flow = ControlFlow::Exit;
_ => (),
Event::MainEventsCleared => {
Event::RedrawRequested(window_id) if window_id == window.id() => {
let frame_idx = current_frame % NUM_FRAMES;
// Note: this logic is a little strange. We have two sets of renderer
// resources, so we could have two frames in flight (submit two, wait on
// the first), but we actually just wait on the last submitted.
// Getting this right will take some thought.
if let Some(submitted) = submitted.take() {
if matches.value_of("INPUT").is_none() {
let mut ctx = PietGpuRenderContext::new();
test_scenes::render_anim_frame(&mut ctx, current_frame);
if let Err(e) = renderer.upload_render_ctx(&mut ctx) {
println!("error in uploading: {}", e);
let ts = session.fetch_query_pool(&query_pools[last_frame_idx]).unwrap();
"{:.3}ms :: e:{:.3}ms|alloc:{:.3}ms|cp:{:.3}ms|bd:{:.3}ms|bin:{:.3}ms|cr:{:.3}ms|r:{:.3}ms",
ts[6] * 1e3,
ts[0] * 1e3,
(ts[1] - ts[0]) * 1e3,
(ts[2] - ts[1]) * 1e3,
(ts[3] - ts[2]) * 1e3,
(ts[4] - ts[3]) * 1e3,
(ts[5] - ts[4]) * 1e3,
(ts[6] - ts[5]) * 1e3,
let (image_idx, acquisition_semaphore) = swapchain.next().unwrap();
let swap_image = swapchain.image(image_idx);
let query_pool = &query_pools[frame_idx];
let mut cmd_buf = session.cmd_buf().unwrap();
renderer.record(&mut cmd_buf, &query_pool);
// Image -> Swapchain
cmd_buf.blit_image(&renderer.image_dev, &swap_image);
cmd_buf.image_barrier(&swap_image, ImageLayout::BlitDst, ImageLayout::Present);
submitted = Some(session
last_frame_idx = frame_idx;
.present(image_idx, &[&present_semaphores[frame_idx]])
current_frame += 1;
Event::LoopDestroyed => {
if let Some(submitted) = submitted.take() {
// Wait for command list submission, otherwise dropping of renderer may
// cause validation errors (and possibly crashes).
_ => (),