Elias Naur 8fab45544e shader: implement clip paths
Expand the the final kernel4 stage to maintain a per-pixel mask.

Introduce two new path elements, FillMask and FillMaskInv, to fill
the mask. FillMask acts like Fill, while FillMaskInv fills the area
outside the path.

SVG clipPaths is then representable by a FillMaskInv(0.0) for every nested
path, preceded by a FillMask(1.0) to clear the mask.

The bounding box for FillMaskInv elements is the entire screen; tightening of
the bounding box is left for future work. Note that a fullscreen bounding
box is not hopelessly inefficient because completely filling a tile with
a mask is just a single CmdSolidMask per tile.

Fixes #30

Signed-off-by: Elias Naur <>
2020-10-09 13:20:26 +02:00

165 lines
6.3 KiB

// This is "kernel 4" in a 4-kernel pipeline. It renders the commands
// in the per-tile command list to an image.
// Right now, this kernel stores the image in a buffer, but a better
// plan is to use a texture. This is because of limited support.
#version 450
#extension GL_GOOGLE_include_directive : enable
#include "setup.h"
#define CHUNK 8
layout(local_size_x = TILE_WIDTH_PX, local_size_y = CHUNK_DY) in;
// Same concern that this should be readonly as in kernel 3.
layout(set = 0, binding = 0) buffer PtclBuf {
uint[] ptcl;
layout(set = 0, binding = 1) buffer TileBuf {
uint[] tile;
layout(rgba8, set = 0, binding = 2) uniform writeonly image2D image;
#include "ptcl.h"
#include "tile.h"
// Calculate coverage based on backdrop + coverage of each line segment
float[CHUNK] computeArea(vec2 xy, int backdrop, uint tile_ref) {
// Probably better to store as float, but conversion is no doubt cheap.
float area[CHUNK];
for (uint k = 0; k < CHUNK; k++) area[k] = float(backdrop);
TileSegRef tile_seg_ref = TileSegRef(tile_ref);
do {
TileSeg seg = TileSeg_read(tile_seg_ref);
for (uint k = 0; k < CHUNK; k++) {
vec2 my_xy = vec2(xy.x, xy.y + float(k * CHUNK_DY));
vec2 start = seg.start - my_xy;
vec2 end = seg.end - my_xy;
vec2 window = clamp(vec2(start.y, end.y), 0.0, 1.0);
if (window.x != window.y) {
vec2 t = (window - start.y) / (end.y - start.y);
vec2 xs = vec2(mix(start.x, end.x, t.x), mix(start.x, end.x, t.y));
float xmin = min(min(xs.x, xs.y), 1.0) - 1e-6;
float xmax = max(xs.x, xs.y);
float b = min(xmax, 1.0);
float c = max(b, 0.0);
float d = max(xmin, 0.0);
float a = (b + 0.5 * (d * d - c * c) - xmin) / (xmax - xmin);
area[k] += a * (window.x - window.y);
area[k] += sign(end.x - start.x) * clamp(my_xy.y - seg.y_edge + 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
tile_seg_ref =;
} while (tile_seg_ref.offset != 0);
for (uint k = 0; k < CHUNK; k++) {
area[k] = min(abs(area[k]), 1.0);
return area;
void main() {
uint tile_ix = gl_WorkGroupID.y * WIDTH_IN_TILES + gl_WorkGroupID.x;
CmdRef cmd_ref = CmdRef(tile_ix * PTCL_INITIAL_ALLOC);
uvec2 xy_uint = uvec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x, gl_LocalInvocationID.y + TILE_HEIGHT_PX * gl_WorkGroupID.y);
vec2 xy = vec2(xy_uint);
vec3 rgb[CHUNK];
float mask[CHUNK];
for (uint i = 0; i < CHUNK; i++) {
rgb[i] = vec3(0.5);
mask[i] = 1.0;
while (true) {
uint tag = Cmd_tag(cmd_ref);
if (tag == Cmd_End) {
switch (tag) {
case Cmd_Circle:
CmdCircle circle = Cmd_Circle_read(cmd_ref);
vec4 fg_rgba = unpackUnorm4x8(circle.rgba_color).wzyx;
for (uint i = 0; i < CHUNK; i++) {
float dy = float(i * CHUNK_DY);
float r = length(vec2(xy.x, xy.y + dy) + vec2(0.5, 0.5) -;
float alpha = clamp(0.5 + circle.radius - r, 0.0, 1.0);
rgb[i] = mix(rgb[i], fg_rgba.rgb, mask[i] * alpha * fg_rgba.a);
case Cmd_Stroke:
// Calculate distance field from all the line segments in this tile.
CmdStroke stroke = Cmd_Stroke_read(cmd_ref);
float df[CHUNK];
for (uint k = 0; k < CHUNK; k++) df[k] = 1e9;
TileSegRef tile_seg_ref = TileSegRef(stroke.tile_ref);
do {
TileSeg seg = TileSeg_read(tile_seg_ref);
vec2 line_vec = seg.end - seg.start;
for (uint k = 0; k < CHUNK; k++) {
vec2 dpos = xy + vec2(0.5, 0.5) - seg.start;
dpos.y += float(k * CHUNK_DY);
float t = clamp(dot(line_vec, dpos) / dot(line_vec, line_vec), 0.0, 1.0);
df[k] = min(df[k], length(line_vec * t - dpos));
tile_seg_ref =;
} while (tile_seg_ref.offset != 0);
fg_rgba = unpackUnorm4x8(stroke.rgba_color).wzyx;
for (uint k = 0; k < CHUNK; k++) {
float alpha = clamp(stroke.half_width + 0.5 - df[k], 0.0, 1.0);
rgb[k] = mix(rgb[k], fg_rgba.rgb, mask[k] * alpha * fg_rgba.a);
case Cmd_Fill:
CmdFill fill = Cmd_Fill_read(cmd_ref);
float area[CHUNK];
area = computeArea(xy, fill.backdrop, fill.tile_ref);
fg_rgba = unpackUnorm4x8(fill.rgba_color).wzyx;
for (uint k = 0; k < CHUNK; k++) {
rgb[k] = mix(rgb[k], fg_rgba.rgb, mask[k] * area[k] * fg_rgba.a);
case Cmd_FillMask:
CmdFillMask fill_mask = Cmd_FillMask_read(cmd_ref);
area = computeArea(xy, fill_mask.backdrop, fill_mask.tile_ref);
for (uint k = 0; k < CHUNK; k++) {
mask[k] = mix(mask[k], fill_mask.mask, area[k]);
case Cmd_FillMaskInv:
fill_mask = Cmd_FillMask_read(cmd_ref);
area = computeArea(xy, fill_mask.backdrop, fill_mask.tile_ref);
for (uint k = 0; k < CHUNK; k++) {
mask[k] = mix(mask[k], fill_mask.mask, 1.0 - area[k]);
case Cmd_Solid:
CmdSolid solid = Cmd_Solid_read(cmd_ref);
fg_rgba = unpackUnorm4x8(solid.rgba_color).wzyx;
for (uint k = 0; k < CHUNK; k++) {
rgb[k] = mix(rgb[k], fg_rgba.rgb, mask[k] * fg_rgba.a);
case Cmd_SolidMask:
CmdSolidMask solid_mask = Cmd_SolidMask_read(cmd_ref);
for (uint k = 0; k < CHUNK; k++) {
mask[k] = solid_mask.mask;
case Cmd_Jump:
cmd_ref = CmdRef(Cmd_Jump_read(cmd_ref).new_ref);
cmd_ref.offset += Cmd_size;
for (uint i = 0; i < CHUNK; i++) {
imageStore(image, ivec2(xy_uint.x, xy_uint.y + CHUNK_DY * i), vec4(rgb[i], 1.0));