2022-05-20 14:02:24 -07:00

470 lines
19 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT OR Unlicense
// The coarse rasterizer stage of the pipeline.
// As input we have the ordered partitions of paths from the binning phase and
// the annotated tile list of segments and backdrop per path.
// Each workgroup operating on one bin by stream compacting
// the elements corresponding to the bin.
// As output we have an ordered command stream per tile. Every tile from a path (backdrop + segment list) will be
// encoded.
#version 450
#extension GL_GOOGLE_include_directive : enable
#include "mem.h"
#include "setup.h"
layout(local_size_x = N_TILE, local_size_y = 1) in;
layout(binding = 1) readonly buffer ConfigBuf {
Config conf;
layout(binding = 2) readonly buffer SceneBuf {
uint[] scene;
#include "drawtag.h"
#include "bins.h"
#include "tile.h"
#include "ptcl.h"
#include "blend.h"
#define N_PART_READ (1 << LG_N_PART_READ)
shared uint sh_elements[N_TILE];
// Number of elements in the partition; prefix sum.
shared uint sh_part_count[N_PART_READ];
shared Alloc sh_part_elements[N_PART_READ];
shared uint sh_bitmaps[N_SLICE][N_TILE];
shared uint sh_tile_count[N_TILE];
// The width of the tile rect for the element, intersected with this bin
shared uint sh_tile_width[N_TILE];
shared uint sh_tile_x0[N_TILE];
shared uint sh_tile_y0[N_TILE];
// These are set up so base + tile_y * stride + tile_x points to a Tile.
shared uint sh_tile_base[N_TILE];
shared uint sh_tile_stride[N_TILE];
#ifdef MEM_DEBUG
// Store allocs only when MEM_DEBUG to save shared memory traffic.
shared Alloc sh_tile_alloc[N_TILE];
void write_tile_alloc(uint el_ix, Alloc a) {
sh_tile_alloc[el_ix] = a;
Alloc read_tile_alloc(uint el_ix, bool mem_ok) {
return sh_tile_alloc[el_ix];
void write_tile_alloc(uint el_ix, Alloc a) {
// No-op
Alloc read_tile_alloc(uint el_ix, bool mem_ok) {
// All memory.
return new_alloc(0, memory.length() * 4, mem_ok);
// The maximum number of commands per annotated element.
// Perhaps cmd_alloc should be a global? This is a style question.
bool alloc_cmd(inout Alloc cmd_alloc, inout CmdRef cmd_ref, inout uint cmd_limit) {
if (cmd_ref.offset < cmd_limit) {
return true;
MallocResult new_cmd = malloc(PTCL_INITIAL_ALLOC);
if (new_cmd.failed) {
return false;
CmdJump jump = CmdJump(new_cmd.alloc.offset);
Cmd_Jump_write(cmd_alloc, cmd_ref, jump);
cmd_alloc = new_cmd.alloc;
cmd_ref = CmdRef(cmd_alloc.offset);
// Reserve space for the maximum number of commands and a potential jump.
cmd_limit = cmd_alloc.offset + PTCL_INITIAL_ALLOC - (ANNO_COMMANDS + 1) * Cmd_size;
return true;
void write_fill(Alloc alloc, inout CmdRef cmd_ref, Tile tile, float linewidth) {
if (linewidth < 0.0) {
if (tile.tile.offset != 0) {
CmdFill cmd_fill = CmdFill(tile.tile.offset, tile.backdrop);
Cmd_Fill_write(alloc, cmd_ref, cmd_fill);
cmd_ref.offset += 4 + CmdFill_size;
} else {
Cmd_Solid_write(alloc, cmd_ref);
cmd_ref.offset += 4;
} else {
CmdStroke cmd_stroke = CmdStroke(tile.tile.offset, 0.5 * linewidth);
Cmd_Stroke_write(alloc, cmd_ref, cmd_stroke);
cmd_ref.offset += 4 + CmdStroke_size;
void main() {
// Could use either linear or 2d layouts for both dispatch and
// invocations within the workgroup. We'll use variables to abstract.
uint width_in_bins = (conf.width_in_tiles + N_TILE_X - 1) / N_TILE_X;
uint bin_ix = width_in_bins * gl_WorkGroupID.y + gl_WorkGroupID.x;
uint partition_ix = 0;
uint n_partitions = (conf.n_elements + N_TILE - 1) / N_TILE;
uint th_ix = gl_LocalInvocationID.x;
// Coordinates of top left of bin, in tiles.
uint bin_tile_x = N_TILE_X * gl_WorkGroupID.x;
uint bin_tile_y = N_TILE_Y * gl_WorkGroupID.y;
// Per-tile state
uint tile_x = gl_LocalInvocationID.x % N_TILE_X;
uint tile_y = gl_LocalInvocationID.x / N_TILE_X;
uint this_tile_ix = (bin_tile_y + tile_y) * conf.width_in_tiles + bin_tile_x + tile_x;
Alloc cmd_alloc = slice_mem(conf.ptcl_alloc, this_tile_ix * PTCL_INITIAL_ALLOC, PTCL_INITIAL_ALLOC);
CmdRef cmd_ref = CmdRef(cmd_alloc.offset);
// Reserve space for the maximum number of commands and a potential jump.
uint cmd_limit = cmd_ref.offset + PTCL_INITIAL_ALLOC - (ANNO_COMMANDS + 1) * Cmd_size;
// The nesting depth of the clip stack
uint clip_depth = 0;
// State for the "clip zero" optimization. If it's nonzero, then we are
// currently in a clip for which the entire tile has an alpha of zero, and
// the value is the depth after the "begin clip" of that element.
uint clip_zero_depth = 0;
// I'm sure we can figure out how to do this with at least one fewer register...
// Items up to rd_ix have been read from sh_elements
uint rd_ix = 0;
// Items up to wr_ix have been written into sh_elements
uint wr_ix = 0;
// Items between part_start_ix and ready_ix are ready to be transferred from sh_part_elements
uint part_start_ix = 0;
uint ready_ix = 0;
Alloc scratch_alloc = slice_mem(cmd_alloc, 0, Alloc_size);
cmd_ref.offset += 4;
// Accounting for allocation of blend memory
uint render_blend_depth = 0;
uint max_blend_depth = 0;
uint drawmonoid_start = conf.drawmonoid_alloc.offset >> 2;
uint drawtag_start = conf.drawtag_offset >> 2;
uint drawdata_start = conf.drawdata_offset >> 2;
uint drawinfo_start = conf.drawinfo_alloc.offset >> 2;
bool mem_ok = mem_error == NO_ERROR;
while (true) {
for (uint i = 0; i < N_SLICE; i++) {
sh_bitmaps[i][th_ix] = 0;
// parallel read of input partitions
do {
if (ready_ix == wr_ix && partition_ix < n_partitions) {
part_start_ix = ready_ix;
uint count = 0;
if (th_ix < N_PART_READ && partition_ix + th_ix < n_partitions) {
uint in_ix = (conf.bin_alloc.offset >> 2) + ((partition_ix + th_ix) * N_TILE + bin_ix) * 2;
count = read_mem(conf.bin_alloc, in_ix);
uint offset = read_mem(conf.bin_alloc, in_ix + 1);
sh_part_elements[th_ix] = new_alloc(offset, count * BinInstance_size, mem_ok);
// prefix sum of counts
for (uint i = 0; i < LG_N_PART_READ; i++) {
if (th_ix < N_PART_READ) {
sh_part_count[th_ix] = count;
if (th_ix < N_PART_READ) {
if (th_ix >= (1u << i)) {
count += sh_part_count[th_ix - (1u << i)];
if (th_ix < N_PART_READ) {
sh_part_count[th_ix] = part_start_ix + count;
ready_ix = sh_part_count[N_PART_READ - 1];
partition_ix += N_PART_READ;
// use binary search to find element to read
uint ix = rd_ix + th_ix;
if (ix >= wr_ix && ix < ready_ix && mem_ok) {
uint part_ix = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i < LG_N_PART_READ; i++) {
uint probe = part_ix + (uint(N_PART_READ / 2) >> i);
if (ix >= sh_part_count[probe - 1]) {
part_ix = probe;
ix -= part_ix > 0 ? sh_part_count[part_ix - 1] : part_start_ix;
Alloc bin_alloc = sh_part_elements[part_ix];
BinInstanceRef inst_ref = BinInstanceRef(bin_alloc.offset);
BinInstance inst = BinInstance_read(bin_alloc, BinInstance_index(inst_ref, ix));
sh_elements[th_ix] = inst.element_ix;
wr_ix = min(rd_ix + N_TILE, ready_ix);
} while (wr_ix - rd_ix < N_TILE && (wr_ix < ready_ix || partition_ix < n_partitions));
// We've done the merge and filled the buffer.
// Read one element, compute coverage.
uint tag = Drawtag_Nop;
uint element_ix;
if (th_ix + rd_ix < wr_ix) {
element_ix = sh_elements[th_ix];
tag = scene[drawtag_start + element_ix];
// Bounding box of element in pixel coordinates.
uint tile_count;
switch (tag) {
case Drawtag_FillColor:
case Drawtag_FillImage:
case Drawtag_FillLinGradient:
case Drawtag_FillRadGradient:
case Drawtag_BeginClip:
case Drawtag_EndClip:
uint drawmonoid_base = drawmonoid_start + 4 * element_ix;
uint path_ix = memory[drawmonoid_base];
Path path = Path_read(conf.tile_alloc, PathRef(conf.tile_alloc.offset + path_ix * Path_size));
uint stride = path.bbox.z - path.bbox.x;
sh_tile_stride[th_ix] = stride;
int dx = int(path.bbox.x) - int(bin_tile_x);
int dy = int(path.bbox.y) - int(bin_tile_y);
int x0 = clamp(dx, 0, N_TILE_X);
int y0 = clamp(dy, 0, N_TILE_Y);
int x1 = clamp(int(path.bbox.z) - int(bin_tile_x), 0, N_TILE_X);
int y1 = clamp(int(path.bbox.w) - int(bin_tile_y), 0, N_TILE_Y);
sh_tile_width[th_ix] = uint(x1 - x0);
sh_tile_x0[th_ix] = x0;
sh_tile_y0[th_ix] = y0;
tile_count = uint(x1 - x0) * uint(y1 - y0);
// base relative to bin
uint base = path.tiles.offset - uint(dy * stride + dx) * Tile_size;
sh_tile_base[th_ix] = base;
Alloc path_alloc = new_alloc(path.tiles.offset,
(path.bbox.z - path.bbox.x) * (path.bbox.w - path.bbox.y) * Tile_size, mem_ok);
write_tile_alloc(th_ix, path_alloc);
tile_count = 0;
// Prefix sum of sh_tile_count
sh_tile_count[th_ix] = tile_count;
for (uint i = 0; i < LG_N_TILE; i++) {
if (th_ix >= (1u << i)) {
tile_count += sh_tile_count[th_ix - (1u << i)];
sh_tile_count[th_ix] = tile_count;
uint total_tile_count = sh_tile_count[N_TILE - 1];
for (uint ix = th_ix; ix < total_tile_count; ix += N_TILE) {
// Binary search to find element
uint el_ix = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i < LG_N_TILE; i++) {
uint probe = el_ix + (uint(N_TILE / 2) >> i);
if (ix >= sh_tile_count[probe - 1]) {
el_ix = probe;
uint element_ix = sh_elements[el_ix];
uint tag = scene[drawtag_start + element_ix];
uint seq_ix = ix - (el_ix > 0 ? sh_tile_count[el_ix - 1] : 0);
uint width = sh_tile_width[el_ix];
uint x = sh_tile_x0[el_ix] + seq_ix % width;
uint y = sh_tile_y0[el_ix] + seq_ix / width;
bool include_tile = false;
if (mem_ok) {
Tile tile = Tile_read(read_tile_alloc(el_ix, mem_ok),
TileRef(sh_tile_base[el_ix] + (sh_tile_stride[el_ix] * y + x) * Tile_size));
bool is_clip = (tag & 1) != 0;
// Always include the tile if it contains a path segment.
// For draws, include the tile if it is solid.
// For clips, include the tile if it is empty - this way, logic
// below will suppress the drawing of inner elements.
// For blends, include the tile if
// (blend_mode, composition_mode) != (Normal, SrcOver)
bool is_blend = false;
if (is_clip) {
uint drawmonoid_base = drawmonoid_start + 4 * element_ix;
uint scene_offset = memory[drawmonoid_base + 2];
uint dd = drawdata_start + (scene_offset >> 2);
uint blend = scene[dd];
is_blend = (blend != BlendComp_clip);
include_tile = tile.tile.offset != 0 || (tile.backdrop == 0) == is_clip
|| is_blend;
if (include_tile) {
uint el_slice = el_ix / 32;
uint el_mask = 1u << (el_ix & 31);
atomicOr(sh_bitmaps[el_slice][y * N_TILE_X + x], el_mask);
// Output draw objects for this tile. The thread does a sequential walk
// through the draw objects.
uint slice_ix = 0;
uint bitmap = sh_bitmaps[0][th_ix];
while (mem_ok) {
if (bitmap == 0) {
if (slice_ix == N_SLICE) {
bitmap = sh_bitmaps[slice_ix][th_ix];
if (bitmap == 0) {
uint element_ref_ix = slice_ix * 32 + findLSB(bitmap);
uint element_ix = sh_elements[element_ref_ix];
// Clear LSB
bitmap &= bitmap - 1;
uint drawtag = scene[drawtag_start + element_ix];
if (clip_zero_depth == 0) {
Tile tile = Tile_read(read_tile_alloc(element_ref_ix, mem_ok),
TileRef(sh_tile_base[element_ref_ix] +
(sh_tile_stride[element_ref_ix] * tile_y + tile_x) * Tile_size));
uint drawmonoid_base = drawmonoid_start + 4 * element_ix;
uint scene_offset = memory[drawmonoid_base + 2];
uint info_offset = memory[drawmonoid_base + 3];
uint dd = drawdata_start + (scene_offset >> 2);
uint di = drawinfo_start + (info_offset >> 2);
switch (drawtag) {
case Drawtag_FillColor:
float linewidth = uintBitsToFloat(memory[di]);
if (!alloc_cmd(cmd_alloc, cmd_ref, cmd_limit)) {
write_fill(cmd_alloc, cmd_ref, tile, linewidth);
uint rgba = scene[dd];
Cmd_Color_write(cmd_alloc, cmd_ref, CmdColor(rgba));
cmd_ref.offset += 4 + CmdColor_size;
case Drawtag_FillLinGradient:
if (!alloc_cmd(cmd_alloc, cmd_ref, cmd_limit)) {
linewidth = uintBitsToFloat(memory[di]);
write_fill(cmd_alloc, cmd_ref, tile, linewidth);
CmdLinGrad cmd_lin;
cmd_lin.index = scene[dd];
cmd_lin.line_x = uintBitsToFloat(memory[di + 1]);
cmd_lin.line_y = uintBitsToFloat(memory[di + 2]);
cmd_lin.line_c = uintBitsToFloat(memory[di + 3]);
Cmd_LinGrad_write(cmd_alloc, cmd_ref, cmd_lin);
cmd_ref.offset += 4 + CmdLinGrad_size;
case Drawtag_FillRadGradient:
if (!alloc_cmd(cmd_alloc, cmd_ref, cmd_limit)) {
linewidth = uintBitsToFloat(memory[di]);
write_fill(cmd_alloc, cmd_ref, tile, linewidth);
CmdRadGrad cmd_rad;
cmd_rad.index = scene[dd];
// Given that this is basically a memcpy, we might consider
// letting the fine raster read the info itself.
cmd_rad.mat = uintBitsToFloat(uvec4(memory[di + 1], memory[di + 2],
memory[di + 3], memory[di + 4]));
cmd_rad.xlat = uintBitsToFloat(uvec2(memory[di + 5], memory[di + 6]));
cmd_rad.c1 = uintBitsToFloat(uvec2(memory[di + 7], memory[di + 8]));
cmd_rad.ra = uintBitsToFloat(memory[di + 9]);
cmd_rad.roff = uintBitsToFloat(memory[di + 10]);
Cmd_RadGrad_write(cmd_alloc, cmd_ref, cmd_rad);
cmd_ref.offset += 4 + CmdRadGrad_size;
case Drawtag_FillImage:
linewidth = uintBitsToFloat(memory[di]);
if (!alloc_cmd(cmd_alloc, cmd_ref, cmd_limit)) {
write_fill(cmd_alloc, cmd_ref, tile, linewidth);
uint index = scene[dd];
uint raw1 = scene[dd + 1];
ivec2 offset = ivec2(int(raw1 << 16) >> 16, int(raw1) >> 16);
Cmd_Image_write(cmd_alloc, cmd_ref, CmdImage(index, offset));
cmd_ref.offset += 4 + CmdImage_size;
case Drawtag_BeginClip:
if (tile.tile.offset == 0 && tile.backdrop == 0) {
clip_zero_depth = clip_depth + 1;
} else {
if (!alloc_cmd(cmd_alloc, cmd_ref, cmd_limit)) {
Cmd_BeginClip_write(cmd_alloc, cmd_ref);
cmd_ref.offset += 4;
max_blend_depth = max(max_blend_depth, render_blend_depth);
case Drawtag_EndClip:
if (!alloc_cmd(cmd_alloc, cmd_ref, cmd_limit)) {
write_fill(cmd_alloc, cmd_ref, tile, -1.0);
uint blend = scene[dd];
Cmd_EndClip_write(cmd_alloc, cmd_ref, CmdEndClip(blend));
cmd_ref.offset += 4 + CmdEndClip_size;
} else {
// In "clip zero" state, suppress all drawing
switch (drawtag) {
case Drawtag_BeginClip:
case Drawtag_EndClip:
if (clip_depth == clip_zero_depth) {
clip_zero_depth = 0;
rd_ix += N_TILE;
if (rd_ix >= ready_ix && partition_ix >= n_partitions)
if (bin_tile_x + tile_x < conf.width_in_tiles && bin_tile_y + tile_y < conf.height_in_tiles) {
Cmd_End_write(cmd_alloc, cmd_ref);
if (max_blend_depth > BLEND_STACK_SPLIT) {
uint scratch_size = max_blend_depth * TILE_WIDTH_PX * TILE_HEIGHT_PX * CLIP_STATE_SIZE * 4;
MallocResult scratch = malloc(scratch_size);
alloc_write(scratch_alloc, scratch_alloc.offset, scratch.alloc);