Elias Naur d9d518b248 avoid non-uniform barrier control flow when exhausting memory
The compute shaders have a check for the succesful completion of their
preceding stage. However, consider a shader execution path like the

	void main()
		if (mem_error != NO_ERROR) {

and  shader execution that fails to allocate memory, thereby setting
mem_error to ERR_MALLOC_FAILED in malloc before reaching the barrier. If
another shader execution then begins execution, its mem_eror check will
make it return early and not reach the barrier.

All GPU APIs require (dynamically) uniform control flow for barriers,
and the above case may lead to GPU hangs in practice.

Fix this issue by replacing the early exits with careful checks that
don't interrupt barrier control flow.

Unfortunately, it's harder to prove the soundness of the new checks, so
this change also clears dynamic memory ranges in MEM_DEBUG mode when
memory is exhausted. The result is that accessing memory after
exhaustion triggers an error.

Signed-off-by: Elias Naur <>
2021-04-20 10:15:29 +02:00

248 lines
9.7 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT OR Unlicense
// This is "kernel 4" in a 4-kernel pipeline. It renders the commands
// in the per-tile command list to an image.
// Right now, this kernel stores the image in a buffer, but a better
// plan is to use a texture. This is because of limited support.
#version 450
#extension GL_GOOGLE_include_directive : enable
#extension GL_EXT_nonuniform_qualifier : enable
#include "mem.h"
#include "setup.h"
#define CHUNK_X 2
#define CHUNK_Y 4
layout(local_size_x = CHUNK_DX, local_size_y = CHUNK_DY) in;
layout(set = 0, binding = 1) readonly buffer ConfigBuf {
Config conf;
layout(rgba8, set = 0, binding = 2) uniform writeonly image2D image;
layout(rgba8, set = 0, binding = 3) uniform readonly image2D images[];
layout(rgba8, set = 0, binding = 3) uniform readonly image2D images[1];
#include "ptcl.h"
#include "tile.h"
vec3 tosRGB(vec3 rgb) {
bvec3 cutoff = greaterThanEqual(rgb, vec3(0.0031308));
vec3 below = vec3(12.92)*rgb;
vec3 above = vec3(1.055)*pow(rgb, vec3(0.41666)) - vec3(0.055);
return mix(below, above, cutoff);
vec3 fromsRGB(vec3 srgb) {
// Formula from EXT_sRGB.
bvec3 cutoff = greaterThanEqual(srgb, vec3(0.04045));
vec3 below = srgb/vec3(12.92);
vec3 above = pow((srgb + vec3(0.055))/vec3(1.055), vec3(2.4));
return mix(below, above, cutoff);
// unpacksRGB unpacks a color in the sRGB color space to a vec4 in the linear color
// space.
vec4 unpacksRGB(uint srgba) {
vec4 color = unpackUnorm4x8(srgba).wzyx;
return vec4(fromsRGB(color.rgb), color.a);
// packsRGB packs a color in the linear color space into its 8-bit sRGB equivalent.
uint packsRGB(vec4 rgba) {
rgba = vec4(tosRGB(rgba.rgb), rgba.a);
return packUnorm4x8(rgba.wzyx);
uvec2 chunk_offset(uint i) {
return uvec2(i % CHUNK_X * CHUNK_DX, i / CHUNK_X * CHUNK_DY);
vec4[CHUNK] fillImage(uvec2 xy, CmdImage cmd_img) {
vec4 rgba[CHUNK];
for (uint i = 0; i < CHUNK; i++) {
ivec2 uv = ivec2(xy + chunk_offset(i)) + cmd_img.offset;
vec4 fg_rgba = imageLoad(images[cmd_img.index], uv);
vec4 fg_rgba = imageLoad(images[0], uv);
fg_rgba.rgb = fromsRGB(fg_rgba.rgb);
rgba[i] = fg_rgba;
return rgba;
void main() {
uint tile_ix = gl_WorkGroupID.y * conf.width_in_tiles + gl_WorkGroupID.x;
Alloc cmd_alloc = slice_mem(conf.ptcl_alloc, tile_ix * PTCL_INITIAL_ALLOC, PTCL_INITIAL_ALLOC);
CmdRef cmd_ref = CmdRef(cmd_alloc.offset);
// Read scrach space allocation, written first in the command list.
Alloc scratch_alloc = alloc_read(cmd_alloc, cmd_ref.offset);
cmd_ref.offset += Alloc_size;
uvec2 xy_uint = uvec2(gl_LocalInvocationID.x + TILE_WIDTH_PX * gl_WorkGroupID.x, gl_LocalInvocationID.y + TILE_HEIGHT_PX * gl_WorkGroupID.y);
vec2 xy = vec2(xy_uint);
vec4 rgba[CHUNK];
for (uint i = 0; i < CHUNK; i++) {
rgba[i] = vec4(0.0);
// TODO: remove this debug image support when the actual image method is plumbed.
if (xy_uint.x < 1024 && xy_uint.y < 1024) {
rgba[i] = imageLoad(images[gl_WorkGroupID.x / 64], ivec2(xy_uint + chunk_offset(i))/4);
if (xy_uint.x < 1024 && xy_uint.y < 1024) {
rgb[i] = imageLoad(images[0], ivec2(xy_uint + chunk_offset(i))/4).rgb;
float area[CHUNK];
uint clip_depth = 0;
bool mem_ok = mem_error == NO_ERROR;
while (mem_ok) {
uint tag = Cmd_tag(cmd_alloc, cmd_ref).tag;
if (tag == Cmd_End) {
switch (tag) {
case Cmd_Stroke:
// Calculate distance field from all the line segments in this tile.
CmdStroke stroke = Cmd_Stroke_read(cmd_alloc, cmd_ref);
float df[CHUNK];
for (uint k = 0; k < CHUNK; k++) df[k] = 1e9;
TileSegRef tile_seg_ref = TileSegRef(stroke.tile_ref);
do {
TileSeg seg = TileSeg_read(new_alloc(tile_seg_ref.offset, TileSeg_size, mem_ok), tile_seg_ref);
vec2 line_vec = seg.vector;
for (uint k = 0; k < CHUNK; k++) {
vec2 dpos = xy + vec2(0.5, 0.5) - seg.origin;
dpos += vec2(chunk_offset(k));
float t = clamp(dot(line_vec, dpos) / dot(line_vec, line_vec), 0.0, 1.0);
df[k] = min(df[k], length(line_vec * t - dpos));
tile_seg_ref =;
} while (tile_seg_ref.offset != 0);
for (uint k = 0; k < CHUNK; k++) {
area[k] = clamp(stroke.half_width + 0.5 - df[k], 0.0, 1.0);
cmd_ref.offset += 4 + CmdStroke_size;
case Cmd_Fill:
CmdFill fill = Cmd_Fill_read(cmd_alloc, cmd_ref);
for (uint k = 0; k < CHUNK; k++) area[k] = float(fill.backdrop);
tile_seg_ref = TileSegRef(fill.tile_ref);
// Calculate coverage based on backdrop + coverage of each line segment
do {
TileSeg seg = TileSeg_read(new_alloc(tile_seg_ref.offset, TileSeg_size, mem_ok), tile_seg_ref);
for (uint k = 0; k < CHUNK; k++) {
vec2 my_xy = xy + vec2(chunk_offset(k));
vec2 start = seg.origin - my_xy;
vec2 end = start + seg.vector;
vec2 window = clamp(vec2(start.y, end.y), 0.0, 1.0);
if (window.x != window.y) {
vec2 t = (window - start.y) / seg.vector.y;
vec2 xs = vec2(mix(start.x, end.x, t.x), mix(start.x, end.x, t.y));
float xmin = min(min(xs.x, xs.y), 1.0) - 1e-6;
float xmax = max(xs.x, xs.y);
float b = min(xmax, 1.0);
float c = max(b, 0.0);
float d = max(xmin, 0.0);
float a = (b + 0.5 * (d * d - c * c) - xmin) / (xmax - xmin);
area[k] += a * (window.x - window.y);
area[k] += sign(seg.vector.x) * clamp(my_xy.y - seg.y_edge + 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
tile_seg_ref =;
} while (tile_seg_ref.offset != 0);
for (uint k = 0; k < CHUNK; k++) {
area[k] = min(abs(area[k]), 1.0);
cmd_ref.offset += 4 + CmdFill_size;
case Cmd_Solid:
for (uint k = 0; k < CHUNK; k++) {
area[k] = 1.0;
cmd_ref.offset += 4;
case Cmd_Alpha:
CmdAlpha alpha = Cmd_Alpha_read(cmd_alloc, cmd_ref);
for (uint k = 0; k < CHUNK; k++) {
area[k] = alpha.alpha;
cmd_ref.offset += 4 + CmdAlpha_size;
case Cmd_Color:
CmdColor color = Cmd_Color_read(cmd_alloc, cmd_ref);
vec4 fg = unpacksRGB(color.rgba_color);
for (uint k = 0; k < CHUNK; k++) {
vec4 fg_k = fg * area[k];
rgba[k] = rgba[k] * (1.0 - fg_k.a) + fg_k;
cmd_ref.offset += 4 + CmdColor_size;
case Cmd_Image:
CmdImage fill_img = Cmd_Image_read(cmd_alloc, cmd_ref);
vec4 img[CHUNK] = fillImage(xy_uint, fill_img);
for (uint k = 0; k < CHUNK; k++) {
vec4 fg_k = img[k] * area[k];
rgba[k] = rgba[k] * (1.0 - fg_k.a) + fg_k;
cmd_ref.offset += 4 + CmdImage_size;
case Cmd_BeginClip:
uint base_ix = (scratch_alloc.offset >> 2) + CLIP_STATE_SIZE * (clip_depth * TILE_WIDTH_PX * TILE_HEIGHT_PX +
gl_LocalInvocationID.x + TILE_WIDTH_PX * gl_LocalInvocationID.y);
for (uint k = 0; k < CHUNK; k++) {
uvec2 offset = chunk_offset(k);
uint srgb = packsRGB(vec4(rgba[k]));
float alpha = clamp(abs(area[k]), 0.0, 1.0);
write_mem(scratch_alloc, base_ix + 0 + CLIP_STATE_SIZE * (offset.x + offset.y * TILE_WIDTH_PX), srgb);
write_mem(scratch_alloc, base_ix + 1 + CLIP_STATE_SIZE * (offset.x + offset.y * TILE_WIDTH_PX), floatBitsToUint(alpha));
rgba[k] = vec4(0.0);
cmd_ref.offset += 4;
case Cmd_EndClip:
base_ix = (scratch_alloc.offset >> 2) + CLIP_STATE_SIZE * (clip_depth * TILE_WIDTH_PX * TILE_HEIGHT_PX +
gl_LocalInvocationID.x + TILE_WIDTH_PX * gl_LocalInvocationID.y);
for (uint k = 0; k < CHUNK; k++) {
uvec2 offset = chunk_offset(k);
uint srgb = read_mem(scratch_alloc, base_ix + 0 + CLIP_STATE_SIZE * (offset.x + offset.y * TILE_WIDTH_PX));
uint alpha = read_mem(scratch_alloc, base_ix + 1 + CLIP_STATE_SIZE * (offset.x + offset.y * TILE_WIDTH_PX));
vec4 bg = unpacksRGB(srgb);
vec4 fg = rgba[k] * area[k] * uintBitsToFloat(alpha);
rgba[k] = bg * (1.0 - fg.a) + fg;
cmd_ref.offset += 4;
case Cmd_Jump:
cmd_ref = CmdRef(Cmd_Jump_read(cmd_alloc, cmd_ref).new_ref);
cmd_alloc.offset = cmd_ref.offset;
for (uint i = 0; i < CHUNK; i++) {
imageStore(image, ivec2(xy_uint + chunk_offset(i)), vec4(tosRGB(rgba[i].rgb), rgba[i].a));