Raph Levien ef3ed3c9d7 Checkpoint of clip and gradient work
This is a checkpoint of partly completed work. Much of the GPU side is done, very little of the CPU side.

For clips, the clip_els bindings (binding 6 of draw_leaf) are not added. Clip logic is missing from coarse. The overflow buffer is missing from fine, as is its size calculation in coarse (but it should work as long as the max depth fits within BLEND_STACK_SPLIT).

For gradients, the texture binding is missing (binding 6) is missing from fine, as is the infrastructure in engine to deal with texture resources, and of course porting over the logic to fill it.

The code is not tested, bugs may lurk.
2022-11-10 19:48:36 -08:00

309 lines
11 KiB

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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Also licensed under MIT license, at your choice.
// Fine rasterizer. This can run in simple (just path rendering) and full
// modes, controllable by #define.
// This is a cut'n'paste w/ backdrop.
struct Tile {
backdrop: i32,
segments: u32,
#import segment
#import config
@group(0) @binding(0)
var<storage> config: Config;
@group(0) @binding(1)
var<storage> tiles: array<Tile>;
@group(0) @binding(2)
var<storage> segments: array<Segment>;
// This will become a texture, but keeping things simple for now
@group(0) @binding(3)
var<storage, read_write> output: array<u32>;
#ifdef full
#import ptcl
@group(0) @binding(4)
var<storage> ptcl: array<u32>;
@group(0) @binding(5)
var gradients: texture_2d<f32>;
fn read_fill(cmd_ix: u32) -> CmdFill {
let tile = ptcl[cmd_ix + 1u];
let backdrop = i32(ptcl[cmd_ix + 2u]);
return CmdFill(tile, backdrop);
fn read_stroke(cmd_ix: u32) -> CmdStroke {
let tile = ptcl[cmd_ix + 1u];
let half_width = bitcast<f32>(ptcl[cmd_ix + 2u]);
return CmdStroke(tile, half_width);
fn read_color(cmd_ix: u32) -> CmdColor {
let rgba_color = ptcl[cmd_ix + 1u];
return CmdColor(rgba_color);
fn read_lin_grad(cmd_ix: u32) -> CmdLinGrad {
let index = ptcl[cmd_ix + 1u];
let line_x = bitcast<f32>(ptcl[cmd_ix + 2u]);
let line_y = bitcast<f32>(ptcl[cmd_ix + 3u]);
let line_c = bitcast<f32>(ptcl[cmd_ix + 4u]);
return CmdLinGrad(index, line_x, line_y, line_c);
fn read_rad_grad(cmd_ix: u32) -> CmdRadGrad {
let index = ptcl[cmd_ix + 1u];
let m0 = bitcast<f32>(ptcl[cmd_ix + 2u]);
let m1 = bitcast<f32>(ptcl[cmd_ix + 3u]);
let m2 = bitcast<f32>(ptcl[cmd_ix + 4u]);
let m3 = bitcast<f32>(ptcl[cmd_ix + 5u]);
let matrx = vec4<f32>(m0, m1, m2, m3);
let xlat = vec2<f32>(bitcast<f32>(ptcl[cmd_ix + 6u]), bitcast<f32>(ptcl[cmd_ix + 7u]));
let c1 = vec2<f32>(bitcast<f32>(ptcl[cmd_ix + 8u]), bitcast<f32>(ptcl[cmd_ix + 9u]));
let ra = bitcast<f32>(ptcl[cmd_ix + 10u]);
let roff = bitcast<f32>(ptcl[cmd_ix + 11u]);
return CmdRadGrad(index, matrx, xlat, c1, ra, roff);
fn mix_blend_compose(backdrop: vec4<f32>, src: vec4<f32>, mode: u32) -> vec4<f32> {
// TODO: ALL the blend modes. This is just vanilla src-over.
return backdrop * (1.0 - src.a) + src;
fn fill_path(tile: Tile, xy: vec2<f32>) -> array<f32, PIXELS_PER_THREAD> {
var area: array<f32, PIXELS_PER_THREAD>;
let backdrop_f = f32(tile.backdrop);
for (var i = 0u; i < PIXELS_PER_THREAD; i += 1u) {
area[i] = backdrop_f;
var segment_ix = tile.segments;
while segment_ix != 0u {
let segment = segments[segment_ix];
let y = segment.origin.y - xy.y;
let y0 = clamp(y, 0.0, 1.0);
let y1 = clamp(y +, 0.0, 1.0);
let dy = y0 - y1;
if dy != 0.0 {
let vec_y_recip = 1.0 /;
let t0 = (y0 - y) * vec_y_recip;
let t1 = (y1 - y) * vec_y_recip;
let startx = segment.origin.x - xy.x;
let x0 = startx + t0 *;
let x1 = startx + t1 *;
let xmin0 = min(x0, x1);
let xmax0 = max(x0, x1);
for (var i = 0u; i < PIXELS_PER_THREAD; i += 1u) {
let i_f = f32(i);
let xmin = min(xmin0 - i_f, 1.0) - 1.0e-6;
let xmax = xmax0 - i_f;
let b = min(xmax, 1.0);
let c = max(b, 0.0);
let d = max(xmin, 0.0);
let a = (b + 0.5 * (d * d - c * c) - xmin) / (xmax - xmin);
area[i] += a * dy;
let y_edge = sign( * clamp(xy.y - segment.y_edge + 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
for (var i = 0u; i < PIXELS_PER_THREAD; i += 1u) {
area[i] += y_edge;
segment_ix =;
// nonzero winding rule
for (var i = 0u; i < PIXELS_PER_THREAD; i += 1u) {
area[i] = abs(area[i]);
return area;
fn stroke_path(seg: u32, half_width: f32, xy: vec2<f32>) -> array<f32, PIXELS_PER_THREAD> {
var df: array<f32, PIXELS_PER_THREAD>;
for (var i = 0u; i < PIXELS_PER_THREAD; i += 1u) {
df[i] = 1e9;
var segment_ix = seg;
while segment_ix != 0u {
let segment = segments[segment_ix];
let delta =;
let dpos0 = xy + vec2<f32>(0.5, 0.5) - segment.origin;
let scale = 1.0 / dot(delta, delta);
for (var i = 0u; i < PIXELS_PER_THREAD; i += 1u) {
let dpos = vec2<f32>(dpos0.x + f32(i), dpos0.y);
let t = clamp(dot(dpos, delta) * scale, 0.0, 1.0);
// performance idea: hoist sqrt out of loop
df[i] = min(df[i], length(delta * t - dpos));
segment_ix =;
for (var i = 0u; i < PIXELS_PER_THREAD; i += 1u) {
// reuse array; return alpha rather than distance
df[i] = clamp(half_width + 0.5 - df[i], 0.0, 1.0);
return df;
@compute @workgroup_size(4, 16)
fn main(
@builtin(global_invocation_id) global_id: vec3<u32>,
@builtin(local_invocation_id) local_id: vec3<u32>,
@builtin(workgroup_id) wg_id: vec3<u32>,
) {
let tile_ix = wg_id.y * config.width_in_tiles + wg_id.x;
let xy = vec2<f32>(f32(global_id.x * PIXELS_PER_THREAD), f32(global_id.y));
#ifdef full
var rgba: array<vec4<f32>, PIXELS_PER_THREAD>;
var blend_stack: array<array<u32, BLEND_STACK_SPLIT>, PIXELS_PER_THREAD>;
var clip_depth = 0u;
var area: array<f32, PIXELS_PER_THREAD>;
var cmd_ix = tile_ix * PTCL_INITIAL_ALLOC;
// main interpretation loop
while true {
let tag = ptcl[cmd_ix];
if tag == CMD_END {
switch tag {
case 1u: {
let fill = read_fill(cmd_ix);
let tile = Tile(fill.backdrop, fill.tile);
area = fill_path(tile, xy);
cmd_ix += 3u;
case 2u: {
let stroke = read_stroke(cmd_ix);
area = stroke_path(stroke.tile, stroke.half_width, xy);
cmd_ix += 3u;
case 3u: {
for (var i = 0u; i < PIXELS_PER_THREAD; i += 1u) {
area[i] = 1.0;
cmd_ix += 1u;
case 5u: {
let color = read_color(cmd_ix);
let fg = unpack4x8unorm(color.rgba_color).wzyx;
for (var i = 0u; i < PIXELS_PER_THREAD; i += 1u) {
let fg_i = fg * area[i];
rgba[i] = rgba[i] * (1.0 - fg_i.a) + fg_i;
cmd_ix += 2u;
case 6u: {
let lin = read_lin_grad(cmd_ix);
let d = lin.line_x * xy.x + lin.line_y * xy.y + lin.line_c;
for (var i = 0u; i < PIXELS_PER_THREAD; i += 1u) {
let my_d = d + lin.line_x * f32(i);
let x = i32(round(clamp(my_d, 0.0, 1.0) * f32(GRADIENT_WIDTH - 1)));
let fg_rgba = textureLoad(gradients, vec2<i32>(x, i32(lin.index)), 0);
let fg_i = fg_rgba * area[i];
rgba[i] = rgba[i] * (1.0 - fg_i.a) + fg_i;
cmd_ix += 12u;
case 7u: {
let rad = read_rad_grad(cmd_ix);
for (var i = 0u; i < PIXELS_PER_THREAD; i += 1u) {
let my_xy = vec2<f32>(xy.x + f32(i), xy.y);
// TODO: can hoist y, but for now stick to piet-gpu
let xy_xformed = rad.matrx.xz * my_xy.x + rad.matrx.yw * my_xy.y - rad.xlat;
let ba = dot(xy_xformed, rad.c1);
let ca = rad.ra * dot(xy_xformed, xy_xformed);
let t = sqrt(ba * ba + ca) - ba - rad.roff;
let x = i32(round(clamp(t, 0.0, 1.0) * f32(GRADIENT_WIDTH - 1)));
let fg_rgba = textureLoad(gradients, vec2<i32>(x, i32(rad.index)), 0);
let fg_i = fg_rgba * area[i];
rgba[i] = rgba[i] * (1.0 - fg_i.a) + fg_i;
cmd_ix += 12u;
case 9u: {
if clip_depth < BLEND_STACK_SPLIT {
for (var i = 0u; i < PIXELS_PER_THREAD; i += 1u) {
blend_stack[clip_depth][i] = pack4x8unorm(rgba[i]);
rgba[i] = vec4<f32>(0.0);
} else {
// TODO: spill to memory
clip_depth += 1u;
cmd_ix += 1u;
case 10u: {
let blend = ptcl[cmd_ix + 1u];
clip_depth -= 1u;
for (var i = 0u; i < PIXELS_PER_THREAD; i += 1u) {
var bg_rgba: u32;
if clip_depth < BLEND_STACK_SPLIT {
bg_rgba = blend_stack[clip_depth][i];
} else {
// load from memory
let bg = unpack4x8unorm(bg_rgba);
let fg = rgba[i] * area[i];
rgba[i] = mix_blend_compose(bg, fg, blend);
cmd_ix += 2u;
case 11u: {
cmd_ix = ptcl[cmd_ix + 1u];
default: {}
let out_ix = global_id.y * (config.width_in_tiles * TILE_WIDTH) + global_id.x * PIXELS_PER_THREAD;
for (var i = 0u; i < PIXELS_PER_THREAD; i += 1u) {
let fg = rgba[i];
let a_inv = 1.0 / (fg.a + 1e-6);
let rgba_sep = vec4<f32>(fg.r * a_inv, fg.g * a_inv, fg.b * a_inv, fg.a);
let bytes = pack4x8unorm(rgba_sep);
output[out_ix + i] = bytes;
let tile = tiles[tile_ix];
let area = fill_path(tile, xy);
let bytes = pack4x8unorm(vec4<f32>(area[0], area[1], area[2], area[3]));
let out_ix = global_id.y * (config.width_in_tiles * 4u) + global_id.x;
output[out_ix] = bytes;