2022-06-10 13:43:33 +03:00
2022-05-07 05:29:25 +03:00
use log::LevelFilter;
use simple_logger::SimpleLogger;
use winit::{
2023-06-22 19:12:14 +00:00
dpi::{PhysicalPosition, PhysicalSize},
2023-05-28 20:02:59 +02:00
event::{ElementState, Event, Ime, WindowEvent},
2022-05-07 05:29:25 +03:00
event_loop::{ControlFlow, EventLoop},
2023-05-28 20:02:59 +02:00
keyboard::{Key, KeyCode},
2023-01-29 16:46:46 +01:00
window::{ImePurpose, WindowBuilder},
2022-05-07 05:29:25 +03:00
2023-06-19 11:46:38 -07:00
#[path = "util/fill.rs"]
mod fill;
2022-05-07 05:29:25 +03:00
fn main() {
println!("IME position will system default");
println!("Click to set IME position to cursor's");
println!("Press F2 to toggle IME. See the documentation of `set_ime_allowed` for more info");
2023-01-29 16:46:46 +01:00
println!("Press F3 to cycle through IME purposes.");
2022-05-07 05:29:25 +03:00
let event_loop = EventLoop::new();
let window = WindowBuilder::new()
.with_inner_size(winit::dpi::LogicalSize::new(256f64, 128f64))
2023-01-29 16:46:46 +01:00
let mut ime_purpose = ImePurpose::Normal;
2022-05-07 05:29:25 +03:00
let mut ime_allowed = true;
let mut may_show_ime = false;
let mut cursor_position = PhysicalPosition::new(0.0, 0.0);
let mut ime_pos = PhysicalPosition::new(0.0, 0.0);
event_loop.run(move |event, _, control_flow| {
*control_flow = ControlFlow::Wait;
match event {
Event::WindowEvent {
event: WindowEvent::CloseRequested,
} => *control_flow = ControlFlow::Exit,
Event::WindowEvent {
event: WindowEvent::CursorMoved { position, .. },
} => {
cursor_position = position;
Event::WindowEvent {
WindowEvent::MouseInput {
state: ElementState::Released,
} => {
"Setting ime position to {}, {}",
cursor_position.x, cursor_position.y
ime_pos = cursor_position;
if may_show_ime {
2023-06-22 19:12:14 +00:00
window.set_ime_cursor_area(ime_pos, PhysicalSize::new(10, 10));
2022-05-07 05:29:25 +03:00
Event::WindowEvent {
event: WindowEvent::Ime(event),
} => {
2023-01-27 07:18:58 +03:00
2022-05-07 05:29:25 +03:00
may_show_ime = event != Ime::Disabled;
if may_show_ime {
2023-06-22 19:12:14 +00:00
window.set_ime_cursor_area(ime_pos, PhysicalSize::new(10, 10));
2022-05-07 05:29:25 +03:00
Event::WindowEvent {
2023-05-28 20:02:59 +02:00
event: WindowEvent::KeyboardInput { event, .. },
2022-05-07 05:29:25 +03:00
} => {
2023-05-28 20:02:59 +02:00
println!("key: {event:?}");
2022-05-07 05:29:25 +03:00
2023-05-28 20:02:59 +02:00
if event.state == ElementState::Pressed && event.physical_key == KeyCode::F2 {
2022-05-07 05:29:25 +03:00
ime_allowed = !ime_allowed;
2023-01-29 16:46:46 +01:00
println!("\nIME allowed: {ime_allowed}\n");
2023-05-28 20:02:59 +02:00
if event.state == ElementState::Pressed && event.logical_key == Key::F3 {
2023-01-29 16:46:46 +01:00
ime_purpose = match ime_purpose {
ImePurpose::Normal => ImePurpose::Password,
ImePurpose::Password => ImePurpose::Terminal,
_ => ImePurpose::Normal,
println!("\nIME purpose: {ime_purpose:?}\n");
2022-05-07 05:29:25 +03:00
2023-06-19 11:46:38 -07:00
Event::RedrawRequested(_) => {
2022-05-07 05:29:25 +03:00
_ => (),