mirror of
synced 2024-12-23 22:01:31 +11:00
Using x11-rs
and osmesa-rs
This commit is contained in:
@ -47,3 +47,11 @@ winapi = "0.1"
gdi32-sys = "0.1"
user32-sys = "0.1"
kernel32-sys = "0.1"
osmesa-sys = "*"
x11 = "*"
osmesa-sys = "*"
x11 = "*"
@ -46,6 +46,10 @@ extern crate cocoa;
extern crate core_foundation;
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
extern crate glutin_core_graphics as core_graphics;
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
extern crate osmesa_sys;
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
extern crate x11;
pub use events::*;
#[cfg(feature = "headless")]
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ impl HeadlessContext {
buffer: ::std::iter::repeat(unsafe { mem::uninitialized() })
.take((dimensions.0 * dimensions.1) as usize).collect(),
context: unsafe {
let ctxt = ffi::OSMesaCreateContext(0x1908, ptr::null());
let ctxt = ffi::OSMesaCreateContext(0x1908, ptr::null_mut());
if ctxt.is_null() {
return Err(OsError("OSMesaCreateContext failed".to_string()));
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ impl HeadlessContext {
unsafe {
use std::ffi::CString;
let c_str = CString::new(addr.as_bytes().to_vec()).unwrap();
ffi::OSMesaGetProcAddress(mem::transmute(c_str.as_ptr())) as *const ()
@ -25,10 +25,8 @@ lazy_static! { // TODO: use a static mutex when that's possible, and put me
static ref GLOBAL_XOPENIM_LOCK: Mutex<()> = Mutex::new(());
fn x_error_callback(_: *mut ffi::Display, event: *mut ffi::XErrorEvent) -> libc::c_int {
unsafe {
println!("[glutin] x error code={} major={} minor={}!", (*event).error_code, (*event).request_code, (*event).minor_code);
unsafe extern "C" fn x_error_callback(_: *mut ffi::Display, event: *mut ffi::XErrorEvent) -> libc::c_int {
println!("[glutin] x error code={} major={} minor={}!", (*event).error_code, (*event).request_code, (*event).minor_code);
@ -36,7 +34,7 @@ fn ensure_thread_init() {
THREAD_INIT.call_once(|| {
unsafe {
@ -69,7 +67,7 @@ impl Drop for XWindow {
unsafe {
// we don't call MakeCurrent(0, 0) because we are not sure that the context
// is still the current one
ffi::glx::DestroyContext(self.display, self.context);
ffi::glx::DestroyContext(self.display as *mut _, self.context);
if self.is_fullscreen {
ffi::XF86VidModeSwitchToMode(self.display, self.screen_id, self.xf86_desk_mode);
@ -92,14 +90,14 @@ pub struct WindowProxy {
impl WindowProxy {
pub fn wakeup_event_loop(&self) {
let mut xev = ffi::XClientMessageEvent {
type_: ffi::ClientMessage,
_type: ffi::ClientMessage,
window: self.x.window,
format: 32,
message_type: 0,
serial: 0,
send_event: 0,
display: self.x.display,
l: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
data: unsafe { mem::zeroed() },
unsafe {
@ -124,34 +122,34 @@ impl<'a> Iterator for PollEventsIterator<'a> {
loop {
let mut xev = unsafe { mem::uninitialized() };
let res = unsafe { ffi::XCheckMaskEvent(self.window.x.display, -1, &mut xev) };
if res == 0 {
let res = unsafe { ffi::XCheckTypedEvent(self.window.x.display, ffi::ClientMessage, &mut xev) };
if res == 0 {
return None;
match xev.type_ {
match xev.get_type() {
ffi::KeymapNotify => {
unsafe { ffi::XRefreshKeyboardMapping(&xev) }
unsafe { ffi::XRefreshKeyboardMapping(mem::transmute(&xev)); }
ffi::ClientMessage => {
use events::Event::{Closed, Awakened};
use std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed;
let client_msg: &ffi::XClientMessageEvent = unsafe { mem::transmute(&xev) };
if client_msg.l[0] == self.window.wm_delete_window as libc::c_long {
if client_msg.data.get_long(0) == self.window.wm_delete_window as libc::c_long {
self.window.is_closed.store(true, Relaxed);
return Some(Closed);
} else {
return Some(Awakened);
ffi::ConfigureNotify => {
use events::Event::Resized;
let cfg_event: &ffi::XConfigureEvent = unsafe { mem::transmute(&xev) };
@ -161,62 +159,62 @@ impl<'a> Iterator for PollEventsIterator<'a> {
return Some(Resized(cfg_event.width as u32, cfg_event.height as u32));
ffi::MotionNotify => {
use events::Event::MouseMoved;
let event: &ffi::XMotionEvent = unsafe { mem::transmute(&xev) };
return Some(MouseMoved((event.x as i32, event.y as i32)));
ffi::KeyPress | ffi::KeyRelease => {
use events::Event::{KeyboardInput, ReceivedCharacter};
use events::ElementState::{Pressed, Released};
let event: &mut ffi::XKeyEvent = unsafe { mem::transmute(&xev) };
if event.type_ == ffi::KeyPress {
if event._type == ffi::KeyPress {
let raw_ev: *mut ffi::XKeyEvent = event;
unsafe { ffi::XFilterEvent(mem::transmute(raw_ev), self.window.x.window) };
let state = if xev.type_ == ffi::KeyPress { Pressed } else { Released };
let state = if xev.get_type() == ffi::KeyPress { Pressed } else { Released };
let written = unsafe {
use std::str;
let mut buffer: [u8; 16] = [mem::uninitialized(); 16];
let raw_ev: *mut ffi::XKeyEvent = event;
let count = ffi::Xutf8LookupString(self.window.x.ic, mem::transmute(raw_ev),
buffer.len() as libc::c_int, ptr::null_mut(), ptr::null_mut());
str::from_utf8(&buffer[..count as usize]).unwrap_or("").to_string()
let mut pending = self.window.pending_events.lock().unwrap();
for chr in written.chars() {
let keysym = unsafe {
ffi::XKeycodeToKeysym(self.window.x.display, event.keycode as ffi::KeyCode, 0)
let vkey = events::keycode_to_element(keysym as libc::c_uint);
return Some(KeyboardInput(state, event.keycode as u8, vkey));
ffi::ButtonPress | ffi::ButtonRelease => {
use events::Event::{MouseInput, MouseWheel};
use events::ElementState::{Pressed, Released};
use events::MouseButton::{Left, Right, Middle};
let event: &ffi::XButtonEvent = unsafe { mem::transmute(&xev) };
let state = if xev.type_ == ffi::ButtonPress { Pressed } else { Released };
let state = if xev.get_type() == ffi::ButtonPress { Pressed } else { Released };
let button = match event.button {
ffi::Button1 => Some(Left),
ffi::Button2 => Some(Middle),
@ -231,14 +229,14 @@ impl<'a> Iterator for PollEventsIterator<'a> {
_ => None
match button {
Some(button) =>
return Some(MouseInput(state, button)),
None => ()
_ => ()
@ -307,17 +305,17 @@ impl Window {
// getting the FBConfig
let fb_config = unsafe {
let mut visual_attributes = vec![
ffi::GLX_RED_SIZE, 8,
ffi::GLX_BLUE_SIZE, 8,
ffi::GLX_DEPTH_SIZE, 24,
ffi::glx::X_RENDERABLE as libc::c_int, 1,
ffi::glx::DRAWABLE_TYPE as libc::c_int, ffi::glx::WINDOW_BIT as libc::c_int,
ffi::glx::RENDER_TYPE as libc::c_int, ffi::glx::RGBA_BIT as libc::c_int,
ffi::glx::X_VISUAL_TYPE as libc::c_int, ffi::glx::TRUE_COLOR as libc::c_int,
ffi::glx::RED_SIZE as libc::c_int, 8,
ffi::glx::GREEN_SIZE as libc::c_int, 8,
ffi::glx::BLUE_SIZE as libc::c_int, 8,
ffi::glx::ALPHA_SIZE as libc::c_int, 8,
ffi::glx::DEPTH_SIZE as libc::c_int, 24,
ffi::glx::STENCIL_SIZE as libc::c_int, 8,
ffi::glx::DOUBLEBUFFER as libc::c_int, 1,
if let Some(val) = builder.multisampling {
@ -331,13 +329,13 @@ impl Window {
let mut num_fb: libc::c_int = mem::uninitialized();
let fb = ffi::glx::ChooseFBConfig(display, ffi::XDefaultScreen(display),
let fb = ffi::glx::ChooseFBConfig(display as *mut _, ffi::XDefaultScreen(display),
visual_attributes.as_ptr(), &mut num_fb);
if fb.is_null() {
return Err(OsError(format!("glx::ChooseFBConfig failed")));
let preferred_fb = *fb; // TODO: choose more wisely
ffi::XFree(fb as *const libc::c_void);
ffi::XFree(fb as *mut ());
@ -368,12 +366,12 @@ impl Window {
// getting the visual infos
let mut visual_infos: ffi::glx::types::XVisualInfo = unsafe {
let vi = ffi::glx::GetVisualFromFBConfig(display, fb_config);
let vi = ffi::glx::GetVisualFromFBConfig(display as *mut _, fb_config);
if vi.is_null() {
return Err(OsError(format!("glx::ChooseVisual failed")));
let vi_copy = ptr::read(vi as *const _);
ffi::XFree(vi as *const libc::c_void);
ffi::XFree(vi as *mut _);
@ -383,7 +381,7 @@ impl Window {
// creating the color map
let cmap = unsafe {
let cmap = ffi::XCreateColormap(display, root,
visual_infos.visual, ffi::AllocNone);
visual_infos.visual as *mut _, ffi::AllocNone);
// TODO: error checking?
@ -414,8 +412,8 @@ impl Window {
// finally creating the window
let window = unsafe {
let win = ffi::XCreateWindow(display, root, 0, 0, dimensions.0 as libc::c_uint,
dimensions.1 as libc::c_uint, 0, visual_infos.depth, ffi::InputOutput,
visual_infos.visual, window_attributes,
dimensions.1 as libc::c_uint, 0, visual_infos.depth, ffi::InputOutput as libc::c_uint,
visual_infos.visual as *mut _, window_attributes,
&mut set_win_attr);
@ -430,7 +428,7 @@ impl Window {
// creating window, step 2
let wm_delete_window = unsafe {
let mut wm_delete_window = with_c_str("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", |delete_window|
let mut wm_delete_window = with_c_str("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", |delete_window|
ffi::XInternAtom(display, delete_window, 0)
ffi::XSetWMProtocols(display, window, &mut wm_delete_window, 1);
@ -446,7 +444,7 @@ impl Window {
let im = unsafe {
let _lock = GLOBAL_XOPENIM_LOCK.lock().unwrap();
let im = ffi::XOpenIM(display, ptr::null(), ptr::null_mut(), ptr::null_mut());
let im = ffi::XOpenIM(display, ptr::null_mut(), ptr::null_mut(), ptr::null_mut());
if im.is_null() {
return Err(OsError(format!("XOpenIM failed")));
@ -460,7 +458,7 @@ impl Window {
im, input_style,
ffi::XIMPreeditNothing | ffi::XIMStatusNothing, client_window,
window, ptr::null()
window, ptr::null::<()>()
@ -473,9 +471,9 @@ impl Window {
// Attempt to make keyboard input repeat detectable
unsafe {
let mut supported_ptr = false;
ffi::XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat(display, true, &mut supported_ptr);
if !supported_ptr {
let mut supported_ptr = ffi::False;
ffi::XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat(display, ffi::True, &mut supported_ptr);
if supported_ptr == ffi::False {
return Err(OsError(format!("XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat failed")));
@ -488,16 +486,16 @@ impl Window {
match builder.gl_version {
GlRequest::Latest => {},
GlRequest::Specific(Api::OpenGl, (major, minor)) => {
attributes.push(ffi::glx_extra::CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION_ARB as libc::c_int);
attributes.push(major as libc::c_int);
attributes.push(ffi::glx_extra::CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION_ARB as libc::c_int);
attributes.push(minor as libc::c_int);
GlRequest::Specific(_, _) => panic!("Only OpenGL is supported"),
GlRequest::GlThenGles { opengl_version: (major, minor), .. } => {
attributes.push(ffi::glx_extra::CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION_ARB as libc::c_int);
attributes.push(major as libc::c_int);
attributes.push(ffi::glx_extra::CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION_ARB as libc::c_int);
attributes.push(minor as libc::c_int);
@ -531,7 +529,7 @@ impl Window {
if context.is_null() {
context = ffi::glx::CreateContext(display, &mut visual_infos, share, 1)
context = ffi::glx::CreateContext(display as *mut _, &mut visual_infos, share, 1)
if context.is_null() {
@ -543,7 +541,7 @@ impl Window {
// vsync
if builder.vsync {
unsafe { ffi::glx::MakeCurrent(display, window, context) };
unsafe { ffi::glx::MakeCurrent(display as *mut _, window, context) };
if extra_functions.SwapIntervalEXT.is_loaded() {
// this should be the most common extension
@ -555,7 +553,7 @@ impl Window {
if builder.strict {
let mut swap = unsafe { mem::uninitialized() };
unsafe {
ffi::glx::QueryDrawable(display, window,
ffi::glx::QueryDrawable(display as *mut _, window,
ffi::glx_extra::SWAP_INTERVAL_EXT as i32,
&mut swap);
@ -581,7 +579,7 @@ impl Window {
return Err(OsError(format!("Couldn't find any available vsync extension")));
unsafe { ffi::glx::MakeCurrent(display, 0, ptr::null()) };
unsafe { ffi::glx::MakeCurrent(display as *mut _, 0, ptr::null()) };
// creating the window object
@ -661,7 +659,7 @@ impl Window {
pub fn set_position(&self, x: i32, y: i32) {
unsafe { ffi::XMoveWindow(self.x.display, self.x.window, x as libc::c_int, y as libc::c_int) }
unsafe { ffi::XMoveWindow(self.x.display, self.x.window, x as libc::c_int, y as libc::c_int); }
pub fn get_inner_size(&self) -> Option<(u32, u32)> {
@ -695,7 +693,7 @@ impl Window {
pub unsafe fn make_current(&self) {
let res = ffi::glx::MakeCurrent(self.x.display, self.x.window, self.x.context);
let res = ffi::glx::MakeCurrent(self.x.display as *mut _, self.x.window, self.x.context);
if res == 0 {
panic!("glx::MakeCurrent failed");
@ -716,7 +714,7 @@ impl Window {
pub fn swap_buffers(&self) {
unsafe { ffi::glx::SwapBuffers(self.x.display, self.x.window) }
unsafe { ffi::glx::SwapBuffers(self.x.display as *mut _, self.x.window) }
pub fn platform_display(&self) -> *mut libc::c_void {
@ -769,7 +767,7 @@ impl Window {
MouseCursor::Text | MouseCursor::VerticalText => "xterm",
MouseCursor::Wait => "watch",
/// TODO: Find matching X11 cursors
MouseCursor::ContextMenu | MouseCursor::NoneCursor |
MouseCursor::AllScroll | MouseCursor::ZoomIn |
@ -799,12 +797,12 @@ impl Window {
*cursor_state = CursorState::Grab;
match ffi::XGrabPointer(
self.x.display, self.x.window, false,
ffi::ButtonPressMask | ffi::ButtonReleaseMask | ffi::EnterWindowMask |
self.x.display, self.x.window, ffi::False,
(ffi::ButtonPressMask | ffi::ButtonReleaseMask | ffi::EnterWindowMask |
ffi::LeaveWindowMask | ffi::PointerMotionMask | ffi::PointerMotionHintMask |
ffi::Button1MotionMask | ffi::Button2MotionMask | ffi::Button3MotionMask |
ffi::Button4MotionMask | ffi::Button5MotionMask | ffi::ButtonMotionMask |
ffi::KeymapStateMask) as libc::c_uint,
ffi::GrabModeAsync, ffi::GrabModeAsync,
self.x.window, 0, ffi::CurrentTime
) {
Reference in a new issue