#![cfg(target_os = "windows")] use std::{io, mem, ptr}; use std::cell::Cell; use std::ffi::OsStr; use std::os::windows::ffi::OsStrExt; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex}; use std::sync::mpsc::channel; use winapi::ctypes::c_int; use winapi::shared::minwindef::{BOOL, DWORD, FALSE, LPARAM, TRUE, UINT, WORD, WPARAM}; use winapi::shared::windef::{HWND, LPPOINT, POINT, RECT}; use winapi::um::{combaseapi, dwmapi, libloaderapi, winuser}; use winapi::um::objbase::COINIT_MULTITHREADED; use winapi::um::shobjidl_core::{CLSID_TaskbarList, ITaskbarList2}; use winapi::um::winnt::{LONG, LPCWSTR}; use { CreationError, Icon, LogicalPosition, LogicalSize, MonitorId as RootMonitorId, MouseCursor, PhysicalSize, WindowAttributes, }; use platform::platform::{Cursor, PlatformSpecificWindowBuilderAttributes, WindowId}; use platform::platform::dpi::{dpi_to_scale_factor, get_hwnd_dpi}; use platform::platform::events_loop::{self, EventsLoop, DESTROY_MSG_ID, INITIAL_DPI_MSG_ID}; use platform::platform::events_loop::WindowState; use platform::platform::icon::{self, IconType, WinIcon}; use platform::platform::monitor::get_available_monitors; use platform::platform::raw_input::register_all_mice_and_keyboards_for_raw_input; use platform::platform::util; const WS_RESIZABLE: DWORD = winuser::WS_SIZEBOX | winuser::WS_MAXIMIZEBOX; /// The Win32 implementation of the main `Window` object. pub struct Window { /// Main handle for the window. window: WindowWrapper, /// The current window state. window_state: Arc>, // The events loop proxy. events_loop_proxy: events_loop::EventsLoopProxy, } // https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20131017-00/?p=2903 // The idea here is that we use the Adjust­Window­Rect­Ex function to calculate how much additional // non-client area gets added due to the styles we passed. To make the math simple, // we ask for a zero client rectangle, so that the resulting window is all non-client. // And then we pass in the empty rectangle represented by the dot in the middle, // and the Adjust­Window­Rect­Ex expands the rectangle in all dimensions. // We see that it added ten pixels to the left, right, and bottom, // and it added fifty pixels to the top. // From this we can perform the reverse calculation: Instead of expanding the rectangle, we shrink it. unsafe fn unjust_window_rect(prc: &mut RECT, style: DWORD, ex_style: DWORD) -> BOOL { let mut rc: RECT = mem::uninitialized(); winuser::SetRectEmpty(&mut rc); let status = winuser::AdjustWindowRectEx(&mut rc, style, 0, ex_style); if status != 0 { prc.left -= rc.left; prc.top -= rc.top; prc.right -= rc.right; prc.bottom -= rc.bottom; } status } impl Window { pub fn new( events_loop: &EventsLoop, w_attr: WindowAttributes, pl_attr: PlatformSpecificWindowBuilderAttributes, ) -> Result { let (tx, rx) = channel(); let proxy = events_loop.create_proxy(); events_loop.execute_in_thread(move |inserter| { // We dispatch an `init` function because of code style. // First person to remove the need for cloning here gets a cookie! let win = unsafe { init(w_attr.clone(), pl_attr.clone(), inserter, proxy.clone()) }; let _ = tx.send(win); }); rx.recv().unwrap() } pub fn set_title(&self, text: &str) { let text = OsStr::new(text) .encode_wide() .chain(Some(0).into_iter()) .collect::>(); unsafe { winuser::SetWindowTextW(self.window.0, text.as_ptr() as LPCWSTR); } } #[inline] pub fn show(&self) { unsafe { winuser::ShowWindow(self.window.0, winuser::SW_SHOW); } } #[inline] pub fn hide(&self) { unsafe { winuser::ShowWindow(self.window.0, winuser::SW_HIDE); } } pub(crate) fn get_position_physical(&self) -> Option<(i32, i32)> { util::get_window_rect(self.window.0) .map(|rect| (rect.left as i32, rect.top as i32)) } #[inline] pub fn get_position(&self) -> Option { self.get_position_physical() .map(|physical_position| { let dpi_factor = self.get_hidpi_factor(); LogicalPosition::from_physical(physical_position, dpi_factor) }) } pub(crate) fn get_inner_position_physical(&self) -> Option<(i32, i32)> { let mut position: POINT = unsafe { mem::zeroed() }; if unsafe { winuser::ClientToScreen(self.window.0, &mut position) } == 0 { return None; } Some((position.x, position.y)) } #[inline] pub fn get_inner_position(&self) -> Option { self.get_inner_position_physical() .map(|physical_position| { let dpi_factor = self.get_hidpi_factor(); LogicalPosition::from_physical(physical_position, dpi_factor) }) } pub(crate) fn set_position_physical(&self, x: i32, y: i32) { unsafe { winuser::SetWindowPos( self.window.0, ptr::null_mut(), x as c_int, y as c_int, 0, 0, winuser::SWP_ASYNCWINDOWPOS | winuser::SWP_NOZORDER | winuser::SWP_NOSIZE, ); winuser::UpdateWindow(self.window.0); } } #[inline] pub fn set_position(&self, logical_position: LogicalPosition) { let dpi_factor = self.get_hidpi_factor(); let (x, y) = logical_position.to_physical(dpi_factor).into(); self.set_position_physical(x, y); } pub(crate) fn get_inner_size_physical(&self) -> Option<(u32, u32)> { let mut rect: RECT = unsafe { mem::uninitialized() }; if unsafe { winuser::GetClientRect(self.window.0, &mut rect) } == 0 { return None; } Some(( (rect.right - rect.left) as u32, (rect.bottom - rect.top) as u32, )) } #[inline] pub fn get_inner_size(&self) -> Option { self.get_inner_size_physical() .map(|physical_size| { let dpi_factor = self.get_hidpi_factor(); LogicalSize::from_physical(physical_size, dpi_factor) }) } pub(crate) fn get_outer_size_physical(&self) -> Option<(u32, u32)> { util::get_window_rect(self.window.0) .map(|rect| ( (rect.right - rect.left) as u32, (rect.bottom - rect.top) as u32, )) } #[inline] pub fn get_outer_size(&self) -> Option { self.get_outer_size_physical() .map(|physical_size| { let dpi_factor = self.get_hidpi_factor(); LogicalSize::from_physical(physical_size, dpi_factor) }) } pub(crate) fn set_inner_size_physical(&self, x: u32, y: u32) { unsafe { let mut rect = RECT { top: 0, left: 0, bottom: y as LONG, right: x as LONG, }; let dw_style = winuser::GetWindowLongA(self.window.0, winuser::GWL_STYLE) as DWORD; let b_menu = !winuser::GetMenu(self.window.0).is_null() as BOOL; let dw_style_ex = winuser::GetWindowLongA(self.window.0, winuser::GWL_EXSTYLE) as DWORD; winuser::AdjustWindowRectEx(&mut rect, dw_style, b_menu, dw_style_ex); let outer_x = (rect.right - rect.left).abs() as c_int; let outer_y = (rect.top - rect.bottom).abs() as c_int; winuser::SetWindowPos( self.window.0, ptr::null_mut(), 0, 0, outer_x, outer_y, winuser::SWP_ASYNCWINDOWPOS | winuser::SWP_NOZORDER | winuser::SWP_NOREPOSITION | winuser::SWP_NOMOVE, ); winuser::UpdateWindow(self.window.0); } } #[inline] pub fn set_inner_size(&self, logical_size: LogicalSize) { let dpi_factor = self.get_hidpi_factor(); let (width, height) = logical_size.to_physical(dpi_factor).into(); self.set_inner_size_physical(width, height); } pub(crate) fn set_min_dimensions_physical(&self, dimensions: Option<(u32, u32)>) { self.window_state.lock().unwrap().min_size = dimensions.map(Into::into); // Make windows re-check the window size bounds. self.get_inner_size_physical() .map(|(width, height)| self.set_inner_size_physical(width, height)); } #[inline] pub fn set_min_dimensions(&self, logical_size: Option) { let physical_size = logical_size.map(|logical_size| { let dpi_factor = self.get_hidpi_factor(); logical_size.to_physical(dpi_factor).into() }); self.set_min_dimensions_physical(physical_size); } pub fn set_max_dimensions_physical(&self, dimensions: Option<(u32, u32)>) { self.window_state.lock().unwrap().max_size = dimensions.map(Into::into); // Make windows re-check the window size bounds. self.get_inner_size_physical() .map(|(width, height)| self.set_inner_size_physical(width, height)); } #[inline] pub fn set_max_dimensions(&self, logical_size: Option) { let physical_size = logical_size.map(|logical_size| { let dpi_factor = self.get_hidpi_factor(); logical_size.to_physical(dpi_factor).into() }); self.set_max_dimensions_physical(physical_size); } #[inline] pub fn set_resizable(&self, resizable: bool) { let mut window_state = self.window_state.lock().unwrap(); if mem::replace(&mut window_state.resizable, resizable) != resizable { // If we're in fullscreen, update stored configuration but don't apply anything. if window_state.fullscreen.is_none() { let mut style = unsafe { winuser::GetWindowLongW(self.window.0, winuser::GWL_STYLE) }; if resizable { style |= WS_RESIZABLE as LONG; } else { style &= !WS_RESIZABLE as LONG; } unsafe { winuser::SetWindowLongW(self.window.0, winuser::GWL_STYLE, style as _); }; } } } /// Returns the `hwnd` of this window. #[inline] pub fn hwnd(&self) -> HWND { self.window.0 } #[inline] pub fn set_cursor(&self, cursor: MouseCursor) { let cursor_id = match cursor { MouseCursor::Arrow | MouseCursor::Default => winuser::IDC_ARROW, MouseCursor::Hand => winuser::IDC_HAND, MouseCursor::Crosshair => winuser::IDC_CROSS, MouseCursor::Text | MouseCursor::VerticalText => winuser::IDC_IBEAM, MouseCursor::NotAllowed | MouseCursor::NoDrop => winuser::IDC_NO, MouseCursor::Grab | MouseCursor::Grabbing | MouseCursor::Move | MouseCursor::AllScroll => winuser::IDC_SIZEALL, MouseCursor::EResize | MouseCursor::WResize | MouseCursor::EwResize | MouseCursor::ColResize => winuser::IDC_SIZEWE, MouseCursor::NResize | MouseCursor::SResize | MouseCursor::NsResize | MouseCursor::RowResize => winuser::IDC_SIZENS, MouseCursor::NeResize | MouseCursor::SwResize | MouseCursor::NeswResize => winuser::IDC_SIZENESW, MouseCursor::NwResize | MouseCursor::SeResize | MouseCursor::NwseResize => winuser::IDC_SIZENWSE, MouseCursor::Wait => winuser::IDC_WAIT, MouseCursor::Progress => winuser::IDC_APPSTARTING, MouseCursor::Help => winuser::IDC_HELP, _ => winuser::IDC_ARROW, // use arrow for the missing cases. }; let mut cur = self.window_state.lock().unwrap(); cur.cursor = Cursor(cursor_id); } unsafe fn cursor_is_grabbed(&self) -> Result { let mut client_rect: RECT = mem::uninitialized(); let mut clip_rect: RECT = mem::uninitialized(); if winuser::GetClientRect(self.window.0, &mut client_rect) == 0 { return Err("`GetClientRect` failed".to_owned()); } // A `POINT` is two `LONG`s (x, y), and the `RECT` field after `left` is `top`. if winuser::ClientToScreen(self.window.0, &mut client_rect.left as *mut _ as LPPOINT) == 0 { return Err("`ClientToScreen` (left, top) failed".to_owned()); } if winuser::ClientToScreen(self.window.0, &mut client_rect.right as *mut _ as LPPOINT) == 0 { return Err("`ClientToScreen` (right, bottom) failed".to_owned()); } if winuser::GetClipCursor(&mut clip_rect) == 0 { return Err("`GetClipCursor` failed".to_owned()); } Ok(util::rect_eq(&client_rect, &clip_rect)) } pub(crate) unsafe fn grab_cursor_inner(window: &WindowWrapper, grab: bool) -> Result<(), String> { if grab { let mut rect = mem::uninitialized(); if winuser::GetClientRect(window.0, &mut rect) == 0 { return Err("`GetClientRect` failed".to_owned()); } // A `POINT` is two `LONG`s (x, y), and the `RECT` field after `left` is `top`. if winuser::ClientToScreen(window.0, &mut rect.left as *mut _ as LPPOINT) == 0 { return Err("`ClientToScreen` (left, top) failed".to_owned()); } if winuser::ClientToScreen(window.0, &mut rect.right as *mut _ as LPPOINT) == 0 { return Err("`ClientToScreen` (right, bottom) failed".to_owned()); } if winuser::ClipCursor(&rect) == 0 { return Err("`ClipCursor` failed".to_owned()); } } else { if winuser::ClipCursor(ptr::null()) == 0 { return Err("`ClipCursor` failed".to_owned()); } } Ok(()) } #[inline] pub fn grab_cursor(&self, grab: bool) -> Result<(), String> { let currently_grabbed = unsafe { self.cursor_is_grabbed() }?; let window_state_lock = self.window_state.lock().unwrap(); if currently_grabbed == grab && grab == window_state_lock.cursor_grabbed { return Ok(()); } let window = self.window.clone(); let window_state = Arc::clone(&self.window_state); let (tx, rx) = channel(); self.events_loop_proxy.execute_in_thread(move |_| { let result = unsafe { Self::grab_cursor_inner(&window, grab) }; if result.is_ok() { window_state.lock().unwrap().cursor_grabbed = grab; } let _ = tx.send(result); }); drop(window_state_lock); rx.recv().unwrap() } pub(crate) unsafe fn hide_cursor_inner(hide: bool) { if hide { winuser::ShowCursor(FALSE); } else { winuser::ShowCursor(TRUE); } } #[inline] pub fn hide_cursor(&self, hide: bool) { let window_state_lock = self.window_state.lock().unwrap(); // We don't want to increment/decrement the display count more than once! if hide == window_state_lock.cursor_hidden { return; } let (tx, rx) = channel(); let window_state = Arc::clone(&self.window_state); self.events_loop_proxy.execute_in_thread(move |_| { unsafe { Self::hide_cursor_inner(hide) }; window_state.lock().unwrap().cursor_hidden = hide; let _ = tx.send(()); }); drop(window_state_lock); rx.recv().unwrap() } #[inline] pub fn get_hidpi_factor(&self) -> f64 { self.window_state.lock().unwrap().dpi_factor } fn set_cursor_position_physical(&self, x: i32, y: i32) -> Result<(), String> { let mut point = POINT { x, y }; unsafe { if winuser::ClientToScreen(self.window.0, &mut point) == 0 { return Err("`ClientToScreen` failed".to_owned()); } if winuser::SetCursorPos(point.x, point.y) == 0 { return Err("`SetCursorPos` failed".to_owned()); } } Ok(()) } #[inline] pub fn set_cursor_position(&self, logical_position: LogicalPosition) -> Result<(), String> { let dpi_factor = self.get_hidpi_factor(); let (x, y) = logical_position.to_physical(dpi_factor).into(); self.set_cursor_position_physical(x, y) } #[inline] pub fn id(&self) -> WindowId { WindowId(self.window.0) } #[inline] pub fn set_maximized(&self, maximized: bool) { let mut window_state = self.window_state.lock().unwrap(); window_state.maximized = true; // We only maximize if we're not in fullscreen. if window_state.fullscreen.is_none() { return; } let window = self.window.clone(); unsafe { // `ShowWindow` resizes the window, so it must be called from the main thread. self.events_loop_proxy.execute_in_thread(move |_| { winuser::ShowWindow( window.0, if maximized { winuser::SW_MAXIMIZE } else { winuser::SW_RESTORE }, ); }); } } unsafe fn set_fullscreen_style(&self, window_state: &mut WindowState) -> (LONG, LONG) { if window_state.fullscreen.is_none() || window_state.saved_window_info.is_none() { let rect = util::get_window_rect(self.window.0).expect("`GetWindowRect` failed"); let dpi_factor = Some(self.get_hidpi_factor()); window_state.saved_window_info = Some(events_loop::SavedWindowInfo { style: winuser::GetWindowLongW(self.window.0, winuser::GWL_STYLE), ex_style: winuser::GetWindowLongW(self.window.0, winuser::GWL_EXSTYLE), rect, is_fullscreen: true, dpi_factor, }); } // We sync the system maximized state here, it will be used when restoring let mut placement: winuser::WINDOWPLACEMENT = mem::zeroed(); placement.length = mem::size_of::() as u32; winuser::GetWindowPlacement(self.window.0, &mut placement); window_state.maximized = placement.showCmd == (winuser::SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED as u32); let saved_window_info = window_state.saved_window_info.as_ref().unwrap(); (saved_window_info.style, saved_window_info.ex_style) } unsafe fn restore_saved_window(&self, window_state_lock: &mut WindowState) { let (rect, mut style, ex_style) = { // 'saved_window_info' can be None if the window has never been // in fullscreen mode before this method gets called. if window_state_lock.saved_window_info.is_none() { return; } let saved_window_info = window_state_lock.saved_window_info.as_mut().unwrap(); // Reset original window style and size. The multiple window size/moves // here are ugly, but if SetWindowPos() doesn't redraw, the taskbar won't be // repainted. Better-looking methods welcome. saved_window_info.is_fullscreen = false; let rect = saved_window_info.rect.clone(); let (style, ex_style) = (saved_window_info.style, saved_window_info.ex_style); (rect, style, ex_style) }; let window = self.window.clone(); let window_state = Arc::clone(&self.window_state); let resizable = window_state_lock.resizable; let maximized = window_state_lock.maximized; // We're restoring the window to its size and position from before being fullscreened. // `ShowWindow` resizes the window, so it must be called from the main thread. self.events_loop_proxy.execute_in_thread(move |_| { let _ = Self::grab_cursor_inner(&window, false); if resizable { style |= WS_RESIZABLE as LONG; } else { style &= !WS_RESIZABLE as LONG; } winuser::SetWindowLongW(window.0, winuser::GWL_STYLE, style); winuser::SetWindowLongW(window.0, winuser::GWL_EXSTYLE, ex_style); winuser::SetWindowPos( window.0, ptr::null_mut(), rect.left, rect.top, rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top, winuser::SWP_ASYNCWINDOWPOS | winuser::SWP_NOZORDER | winuser::SWP_NOACTIVATE | winuser::SWP_FRAMECHANGED, ); // We apply any requested changes to maximization state that occurred while we were in fullscreen. winuser::ShowWindow( window.0, if maximized { winuser::SW_MAXIMIZE } else { winuser::SW_RESTORE }, ); mark_fullscreen(window.0, false); let window_state_lock = window_state.lock().unwrap(); let _ = Self::grab_cursor_inner(&window, window_state_lock.cursor_grabbed); }); } #[inline] pub fn set_fullscreen(&self, monitor: Option) { let mut window_state_lock = self.window_state.lock().unwrap(); unsafe { match &monitor { &Some(RootMonitorId { ref inner }) => { let (x, y): (i32, i32) = inner.get_position().into(); let (width, height): (u32, u32) = inner.get_dimensions().into(); let window = self.window.clone(); let window_state = Arc::clone(&self.window_state); let (style, ex_style) = self.set_fullscreen_style(&mut window_state_lock); self.events_loop_proxy.execute_in_thread(move |_| { let _ = Self::grab_cursor_inner(&window, false); winuser::SetWindowLongW( window.0, winuser::GWL_STYLE, ((style as DWORD) & !(winuser::WS_CAPTION | winuser::WS_THICKFRAME)) as LONG, ); winuser::SetWindowLongW( window.0, winuser::GWL_EXSTYLE, ((ex_style as DWORD) & !(winuser::WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME | winuser::WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE | winuser::WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE | winuser::WS_EX_STATICEDGE)) as LONG, ); winuser::SetWindowPos( window.0, ptr::null_mut(), x as c_int, y as c_int, width as c_int, height as c_int, winuser::SWP_ASYNCWINDOWPOS | winuser::SWP_NOZORDER | winuser::SWP_NOACTIVATE | winuser::SWP_FRAMECHANGED, ); mark_fullscreen(window.0, true); let window_state_lock = window_state.lock().unwrap(); let _ = Self::grab_cursor_inner(&window, window_state_lock.cursor_grabbed); }); } &None => { self.restore_saved_window(&mut window_state_lock); } } } window_state_lock.fullscreen = monitor; } #[inline] pub fn set_decorations(&self, decorations: bool) { let mut window_state = self.window_state.lock().unwrap(); if mem::replace(&mut window_state.decorations, decorations) != decorations { let style_flags = (winuser::WS_CAPTION | winuser::WS_THICKFRAME) as LONG; let ex_style_flags = (winuser::WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE) as LONG; // if we are in fullscreen mode, we only change the saved window info if window_state.fullscreen.is_some() { let saved = window_state.saved_window_info.as_mut().unwrap(); unsafe { unjust_window_rect(&mut saved.rect, saved.style as _, saved.ex_style as _); } if decorations { saved.style = saved.style | style_flags; saved.ex_style = saved.ex_style | ex_style_flags; } else { saved.style = saved.style & !style_flags; saved.ex_style = saved.ex_style & !ex_style_flags; } unsafe { winuser::AdjustWindowRectEx( &mut saved.rect, saved.style as _, 0, saved.ex_style as _, ); } } else { unsafe { let mut rect: RECT = mem::zeroed(); winuser::GetWindowRect(self.window.0, &mut rect); let mut style = winuser::GetWindowLongW(self.window.0, winuser::GWL_STYLE); let mut ex_style = winuser::GetWindowLongW(self.window.0, winuser::GWL_EXSTYLE); unjust_window_rect(&mut rect, style as _, ex_style as _); if decorations { style = style | style_flags; ex_style = ex_style | ex_style_flags; } else { style = style & !style_flags; ex_style = ex_style & !ex_style_flags; } let window = self.window.clone(); self.events_loop_proxy.execute_in_thread(move |_| { winuser::SetWindowLongW(window.0, winuser::GWL_STYLE, style); winuser::SetWindowLongW(window.0, winuser::GWL_EXSTYLE, ex_style); winuser::AdjustWindowRectEx(&mut rect, style as _, 0, ex_style as _); winuser::SetWindowPos( window.0, ptr::null_mut(), rect.left, rect.top, rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top, winuser::SWP_ASYNCWINDOWPOS | winuser::SWP_NOZORDER | winuser::SWP_NOACTIVATE | winuser::SWP_FRAMECHANGED, ); }); } } } } #[inline] pub fn set_always_on_top(&self, always_on_top: bool) { let mut window_state = self.window_state.lock().unwrap(); if mem::replace(&mut window_state.always_on_top, always_on_top) != always_on_top { let window = self.window.clone(); self.events_loop_proxy.execute_in_thread(move |_| { let insert_after = if always_on_top { winuser::HWND_TOPMOST } else { winuser::HWND_NOTOPMOST }; unsafe { winuser::SetWindowPos( window.0, insert_after, 0, 0, 0, 0, winuser::SWP_ASYNCWINDOWPOS | winuser::SWP_NOMOVE | winuser::SWP_NOSIZE, ); winuser::UpdateWindow(window.0); } }); } } #[inline] pub fn get_current_monitor(&self) -> RootMonitorId { RootMonitorId { inner: EventsLoop::get_current_monitor(self.window.0), } } #[inline] pub fn set_window_icon(&self, mut window_icon: Option) { let window_icon = window_icon .take() .map(|icon| WinIcon::from_icon(icon).expect("Failed to create `ICON_SMALL`")); if let Some(ref window_icon) = window_icon { window_icon.set_for_window(self.window.0, IconType::Small); } else { icon::unset_for_window(self.window.0, IconType::Small); } self.window_state.lock().unwrap().window_icon = window_icon; } #[inline] pub fn set_taskbar_icon(&self, mut taskbar_icon: Option) { let taskbar_icon = taskbar_icon .take() .map(|icon| WinIcon::from_icon(icon).expect("Failed to create `ICON_BIG`")); if let Some(ref taskbar_icon) = taskbar_icon { taskbar_icon.set_for_window(self.window.0, IconType::Big); } else { icon::unset_for_window(self.window.0, IconType::Big); } self.window_state.lock().unwrap().taskbar_icon = taskbar_icon; } #[inline] pub fn set_ime_spot(&self, _logical_spot: LogicalPosition) { unimplemented!(); } } impl Drop for Window { #[inline] fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { // The window must be destroyed from the same thread that created it, so we send a // custom message to be handled by our callback to do the actual work. winuser::PostMessageW(self.window.0, *DESTROY_MSG_ID, 0, 0); } } } /// A simple non-owning wrapper around a window. #[doc(hidden)] #[derive(Clone)] pub struct WindowWrapper(HWND); // Send and Sync are not implemented for HWND and HDC, we have to wrap it and implement them manually. // For more info see: // https://github.com/retep998/winapi-rs/issues/360 // https://github.com/retep998/winapi-rs/issues/396 unsafe impl Sync for WindowWrapper {} unsafe impl Send for WindowWrapper {} pub unsafe fn adjust_size( physical_size: PhysicalSize, style: DWORD, ex_style: DWORD, ) -> (LONG, LONG) { let (width, height): (u32, u32) = physical_size.into(); let mut rect = RECT { left: 0, right: width as LONG, top: 0, bottom: height as LONG, }; winuser::AdjustWindowRectEx(&mut rect, style, 0, ex_style); (rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top) } unsafe fn init( mut attributes: WindowAttributes, mut pl_attribs: PlatformSpecificWindowBuilderAttributes, inserter: events_loop::Inserter, events_loop_proxy: events_loop::EventsLoopProxy, ) -> Result { let title = OsStr::new(&attributes.title) .encode_wide() .chain(Some(0).into_iter()) .collect::>(); let window_icon = { let icon = attributes.window_icon .take() .map(WinIcon::from_icon); if icon.is_some() { Some(icon.unwrap().map_err(|err| { CreationError::OsError(format!("Failed to create `ICON_SMALL`: {:?}", err)) })?) } else { None } }; let taskbar_icon = { let icon = pl_attribs.taskbar_icon .take() .map(WinIcon::from_icon); if icon.is_some() { Some(icon.unwrap().map_err(|err| { CreationError::OsError(format!("Failed to create `ICON_BIG`: {:?}", err)) })?) } else { None } }; // registering the window class let class_name = register_window_class(&window_icon, &taskbar_icon); let guessed_dpi_factor = { let monitors = get_available_monitors(); let dpi_factor = if !monitors.is_empty() { let mut dpi_factor = Some(monitors[0].get_hidpi_factor()); for monitor in &monitors { if Some(monitor.get_hidpi_factor()) != dpi_factor { dpi_factor = None; } } dpi_factor } else { return Err(CreationError::OsError(format!("No monitors were detected."))); }; dpi_factor.unwrap_or_else(|| { util::get_cursor_pos() .and_then(|cursor_pos| { let mut dpi_factor = None; for monitor in &monitors { if monitor.contains_point(&cursor_pos) { dpi_factor = Some(monitor.get_hidpi_factor()); break; } } dpi_factor }) .unwrap_or(1.0) }) }; info!("Guessed window DPI factor: {}", guessed_dpi_factor); let dimensions = attributes.dimensions.unwrap_or_else(|| (1024, 768).into()); let (width, height): (u32, u32) = dimensions.to_physical(guessed_dpi_factor).into(); // building a RECT object with coordinates let mut rect = RECT { left: 0, right: width as LONG, top: 0, bottom: height as LONG, }; // computing the style and extended style of the window let (mut ex_style, style) = if !attributes.decorations { (winuser::WS_EX_APPWINDOW, //winapi::WS_POPUP is incompatible with winapi::WS_CHILD if pl_attribs.parent.is_some() { winuser::WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | winuser::WS_CLIPCHILDREN } else { winuser::WS_POPUP | winuser::WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | winuser::WS_CLIPCHILDREN } ) } else { (winuser::WS_EX_APPWINDOW | winuser::WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE, winuser::WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | winuser::WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | winuser::WS_CLIPCHILDREN) }; if attributes.always_on_top { ex_style |= winuser::WS_EX_TOPMOST; } if pl_attribs.no_redirection_bitmap { ex_style |= winuser::WS_EX_NOREDIRECTIONBITMAP; } // adjusting the window coordinates using the style winuser::AdjustWindowRectEx(&mut rect, style, 0, ex_style); // creating the real window this time, by using the functions in `extra_functions` let real_window = { let (adjusted_width, adjusted_height) = if attributes.dimensions.is_some() { let min_dimensions = attributes.min_dimensions .map(|logical_size| PhysicalSize::from_logical(logical_size, guessed_dpi_factor)) .map(|physical_size| adjust_size(physical_size, style, ex_style)) .unwrap_or((0, 0)); let max_dimensions = attributes.max_dimensions .map(|logical_size| PhysicalSize::from_logical(logical_size, guessed_dpi_factor)) .map(|physical_size| adjust_size(physical_size, style, ex_style)) .unwrap_or((c_int::max_value(), c_int::max_value())); ( Some((rect.right - rect.left).min(max_dimensions.0).max(min_dimensions.0)), Some((rect.bottom - rect.top).min(max_dimensions.1).max(min_dimensions.1)) ) } else { (None, None) }; let mut style = if !attributes.visible { style } else { style | winuser::WS_VISIBLE }; if !attributes.resizable { style &= !WS_RESIZABLE; } if pl_attribs.parent.is_some() { style |= winuser::WS_CHILD; } let handle = winuser::CreateWindowExW(ex_style | winuser::WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES, class_name.as_ptr(), title.as_ptr() as LPCWSTR, style | winuser::WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | winuser::WS_CLIPCHILDREN, winuser::CW_USEDEFAULT, winuser::CW_USEDEFAULT, adjusted_width.unwrap_or(winuser::CW_USEDEFAULT), adjusted_height.unwrap_or(winuser::CW_USEDEFAULT), pl_attribs.parent.unwrap_or(ptr::null_mut()), ptr::null_mut(), libloaderapi::GetModuleHandleW(ptr::null()), ptr::null_mut(), ); if handle.is_null() { return Err(CreationError::OsError(format!("CreateWindowEx function failed: {}", format!("{}", io::Error::last_os_error())))); } WindowWrapper(handle) }; // Set up raw input register_all_mice_and_keyboards_for_raw_input(real_window.0); // Register for touch events if applicable { let digitizer = winuser::GetSystemMetrics( winuser::SM_DIGITIZER ) as u32; if digitizer & winuser::NID_READY != 0 { winuser::RegisterTouchWindow( real_window.0, winuser::TWF_WANTPALM ); } } let dpi = get_hwnd_dpi(real_window.0); let dpi_factor = dpi_to_scale_factor(dpi); if dpi_factor != guessed_dpi_factor { let (width, height): (u32, u32) = dimensions.into(); let mut packed_dimensions = 0; // MAKELPARAM isn't provided by winapi yet. let ptr = &mut packed_dimensions as *mut LPARAM as *mut WORD; *ptr.offset(0) = width as WORD; *ptr.offset(1) = height as WORD; winuser::PostMessageW( real_window.0, *INITIAL_DPI_MSG_ID, dpi as WPARAM, packed_dimensions, ); } let window_state = { let max_size = attributes.max_dimensions .map(|logical_size| PhysicalSize::from_logical(logical_size, dpi_factor)); let min_size = attributes.min_dimensions .map(|logical_size| PhysicalSize::from_logical(logical_size, dpi_factor)); let mut window_state = events_loop::WindowState { cursor: Cursor(winuser::IDC_ARROW), // use arrow by default cursor_grabbed: false, cursor_hidden: false, max_size, min_size, mouse_in_window: false, saved_window_info: None, dpi_factor, fullscreen: attributes.fullscreen.clone(), window_icon, taskbar_icon, decorations: attributes.decorations, maximized: attributes.maximized, resizable: attributes.resizable, always_on_top: attributes.always_on_top, }; // Creating a mutex to track the current window state Arc::new(Mutex::new(window_state)) }; // making the window transparent if attributes.transparent && !pl_attribs.no_redirection_bitmap { let bb = dwmapi::DWM_BLURBEHIND { dwFlags: 0x1, // FIXME: DWM_BB_ENABLE; fEnable: 1, hRgnBlur: ptr::null_mut(), fTransitionOnMaximized: 0, }; dwmapi::DwmEnableBlurBehindWindow(real_window.0, &bb); } let win = Window { window: real_window, window_state, events_loop_proxy, }; win.set_maximized(attributes.maximized); if let Some(_) = attributes.fullscreen { win.set_fullscreen(attributes.fullscreen); force_window_active(win.window.0); } inserter.insert(win.window.0, win.window_state.clone()); Ok(win) } unsafe fn register_window_class( window_icon: &Option, taskbar_icon: &Option, ) -> Vec { let class_name: Vec<_> = OsStr::new("Window Class") .encode_wide() .chain(Some(0).into_iter()) .collect(); let h_icon = taskbar_icon .as_ref() .map(|icon| icon.handle) .unwrap_or(ptr::null_mut()); let h_icon_small = window_icon .as_ref() .map(|icon| icon.handle) .unwrap_or(ptr::null_mut()); let class = winuser::WNDCLASSEXW { cbSize: mem::size_of::() as UINT, style: winuser::CS_HREDRAW | winuser::CS_VREDRAW | winuser::CS_OWNDC, lpfnWndProc: Some(events_loop::callback), cbClsExtra: 0, cbWndExtra: 0, hInstance: libloaderapi::GetModuleHandleW(ptr::null()), hIcon: h_icon, hCursor: ptr::null_mut(), // must be null in order for cursor state to work properly hbrBackground: ptr::null_mut(), lpszMenuName: ptr::null(), lpszClassName: class_name.as_ptr(), hIconSm: h_icon_small, }; // We ignore errors because registering the same window class twice would trigger // an error, and because errors here are detected during CreateWindowEx anyway. // Also since there is no weird element in the struct, there is no reason for this // call to fail. winuser::RegisterClassExW(&class); class_name } struct ComInitialized(*mut ()); impl Drop for ComInitialized { fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { combaseapi::CoUninitialize() }; } } thread_local!{ static COM_INITIALIZED: ComInitialized = { unsafe { combaseapi::CoInitializeEx(ptr::null_mut(), COINIT_MULTITHREADED); ComInitialized(ptr::null_mut()) } }; static TASKBAR_LIST: Cell<*mut ITaskbarList2> = Cell::new(ptr::null_mut()); } pub fn com_initialized() { COM_INITIALIZED.with(|_| {}); } // Reference Implementation: // https://github.com/chromium/chromium/blob/f18e79d901f56154f80eea1e2218544285e62623/ui/views/win/fullscreen_handler.cc // // As per MSDN marking the window as fullscreen should ensure that the // taskbar is moved to the bottom of the Z-order when the fullscreen window // is activated. If the window is not fullscreen, the Shell falls back to // heuristics to determine how the window should be treated, which means // that it could still consider the window as fullscreen. :( unsafe fn mark_fullscreen(handle: HWND, fullscreen: bool) { com_initialized(); TASKBAR_LIST.with(|task_bar_list_ptr| { let mut task_bar_list = task_bar_list_ptr.get(); if task_bar_list == ptr::null_mut() { use winapi::shared::winerror::S_OK; use winapi::Interface; let hr = combaseapi::CoCreateInstance( &CLSID_TaskbarList, ptr::null_mut(), combaseapi::CLSCTX_ALL, &ITaskbarList2::uuidof(), &mut task_bar_list as *mut _ as *mut _, ); if hr != S_OK || (*task_bar_list).HrInit() != S_OK { // In some old windows, the taskbar object could not be created, we just ignore it return; } task_bar_list_ptr.set(task_bar_list) } task_bar_list = task_bar_list_ptr.get(); (*task_bar_list).MarkFullscreenWindow(handle, if fullscreen { 1 } else { 0 }); }) } unsafe fn force_window_active(handle: HWND) { // In some situation, calling SetForegroundWindow could not bring up the window, // This is a little hack which can "steal" the foreground window permission // We only call this function in the window creation, so it should be fine. // See : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10740346/setforegroundwindow-only-working-while-visual-studio-is-open let alt_sc = winuser::MapVirtualKeyW(winuser::VK_MENU as _, winuser::MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC); let mut inputs: [winuser::INPUT; 2] = mem::zeroed(); inputs[0].type_ = winuser::INPUT_KEYBOARD; inputs[0].u.ki_mut().wVk = winuser::VK_LMENU as _; inputs[0].u.ki_mut().wScan = alt_sc as _; inputs[0].u.ki_mut().dwFlags = winuser::KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY; inputs[1].type_ = winuser::INPUT_KEYBOARD; inputs[1].u.ki_mut().wVk = winuser::VK_LMENU as _; inputs[1].u.ki_mut().wScan = alt_sc as _; inputs[1].u.ki_mut().dwFlags = winuser::KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY | winuser::KEYEVENTF_KEYUP; // Simulate a key press and release winuser::SendInput( inputs.len() as _, inputs.as_mut_ptr(), mem::size_of::() as _, ); winuser::SetForegroundWindow(handle); }