use std::{ collections::VecDeque, ops::{Deref, DerefMut}, }; use objc::runtime::{Class, NO, Object, YES}; use dpi::{self, LogicalPosition, LogicalSize}; use error::{ExternalError, NotSupportedError, OsError as RootOsError}; use icon::Icon; use monitor::MonitorHandle as RootMonitorHandle; use platform::ios::{MonitorHandleExtIOS, ValidOrientations}; use window::{ CursorIcon, WindowAttributes, }; use platform_impl::{ platform::{ app_state::AppState, event_loop, ffi::{ id, CGFloat, CGPoint, CGRect, CGSize, UIEdgeInsets, UIInterfaceOrientationMask, }, monitor, view, EventLoopWindowTarget, MonitorHandle }, }; pub struct Inner { pub window: id, pub view_controller: id, pub view: id, supports_safe_area: bool, } impl Drop for Inner { fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { let () = msg_send![self.view, release]; let () = msg_send![self.view_controller, release]; let () = msg_send![self.window, release]; } } } impl Inner { pub fn set_title(&self, _title: &str) { debug!("`Window::set_title` is ignored on iOS") } pub fn set_visible(&self, visible: bool) { match visible { true => unsafe { let () = msg_send![self.window, setHidden:NO]; }, false => unsafe { let () = msg_send![self.window, setHidden:YES]; }, } } pub fn request_redraw(&self) { unsafe { let () = msg_send![self.view, setNeedsDisplay]; } } pub fn inner_position(&self) -> Result { unsafe { let safe_area = self.safe_area_screen_space(); Ok(LogicalPosition { x: safe_area.origin.x, y: safe_area.origin.y, }) } } pub fn outer_position(&self) -> Result { unsafe { let screen_frame = self.screen_frame(); Ok(LogicalPosition { x: screen_frame.origin.x, y: screen_frame.origin.y, }) } } pub fn set_outer_position(&self, position: LogicalPosition) { unsafe { let screen_frame = self.screen_frame(); let new_screen_frame = CGRect { origin: CGPoint { x: position.x as _, y: position.y as _, }, size: screen_frame.size, }; let bounds = self.from_screen_space(new_screen_frame); let () = msg_send![self.window, setBounds:bounds]; } } pub fn inner_size(&self) -> LogicalSize { unsafe { let safe_area = self.safe_area_screen_space(); LogicalSize { width: safe_area.size.width, height: safe_area.size.height, } } } pub fn outer_size(&self) -> LogicalSize { unsafe { let screen_frame = self.screen_frame(); LogicalSize { width: screen_frame.size.width, height: screen_frame.size.height, } } } pub fn set_inner_size(&self, _size: LogicalSize) { unimplemented!("not clear what `Window::set_inner_size` means on iOS"); } pub fn set_min_inner_size(&self, _dimensions: Option) { warn!("`Window::set_min_inner_size` is ignored on iOS") } pub fn set_max_inner_size(&self, _dimensions: Option) { warn!("`Window::set_max_inner_size` is ignored on iOS") } pub fn set_resizable(&self, _resizable: bool) { warn!("`Window::set_resizable` is ignored on iOS") } pub fn hidpi_factor(&self) -> f64 { unsafe { let hidpi: CGFloat = msg_send![self.view, contentScaleFactor]; hidpi as _ } } pub fn set_cursor_icon(&self, _cursor: CursorIcon) { debug!("`Window::set_cursor_icon` ignored on iOS") } pub fn set_cursor_position(&self, _position: LogicalPosition) -> Result<(), ExternalError> { Err(ExternalError::NotSupported(NotSupportedError::new())) } pub fn set_cursor_grab(&self, _grab: bool) -> Result<(), ExternalError> { Err(ExternalError::NotSupported(NotSupportedError::new())) } pub fn set_cursor_visible(&self, _visible: bool) { debug!("`Window::set_cursor_visible` is ignored on iOS") } pub fn set_maximized(&self, _maximized: bool) { warn!("`Window::set_maximized` is ignored on iOS") } pub fn set_fullscreen(&self, monitor: Option) { unsafe { match monitor { Some(monitor) => { let uiscreen = monitor.ui_screen() as id; let current: id = msg_send![self.window, screen]; let bounds: CGRect = msg_send![uiscreen, bounds]; // this is pretty slow on iOS, so avoid doing it if we can if uiscreen != current { let () = msg_send![self.window, setScreen:uiscreen]; } let () = msg_send![self.window, setFrame:bounds]; } None => warn!("`Window::set_fullscreen(None)` ignored on iOS"), } } } pub fn fullscreen(&self) -> Option { unsafe { let monitor = self.current_monitor(); let uiscreen = monitor.inner.ui_screen(); let screen_space_bounds = self.screen_frame(); let screen_bounds: CGRect = msg_send![uiscreen, bounds]; // TODO: track fullscreen instead of relying on brittle float comparisons if screen_space_bounds.origin.x == screen_bounds.origin.x && screen_space_bounds.origin.y == screen_bounds.origin.y && screen_space_bounds.size.width == screen_bounds.size.width && screen_space_bounds.size.height == screen_bounds.size.height { Some(monitor) } else { None } } } pub fn set_decorations(&self, decorations: bool) { unsafe { let status_bar_hidden = if decorations { NO } else { YES }; let () = msg_send![self.view_controller, setPrefersStatusBarHidden:status_bar_hidden]; } } pub fn set_always_on_top(&self, _always_on_top: bool) { warn!("`Window::set_always_on_top` is ignored on iOS") } pub fn set_window_icon(&self, _icon: Option) { warn!("`Window::set_window_icon` is ignored on iOS") } pub fn set_ime_position(&self, _position: LogicalPosition) { warn!("`Window::set_ime_position` is ignored on iOS") } pub fn current_monitor(&self) -> RootMonitorHandle { unsafe { let uiscreen: id = msg_send![self.window, screen]; RootMonitorHandle { inner: MonitorHandle::retained_new(uiscreen) } } } pub fn available_monitors(&self) -> VecDeque { unsafe { monitor::uiscreens() } } pub fn primary_monitor(&self) -> MonitorHandle { unsafe { monitor::main_uiscreen() } } pub fn id(&self) -> WindowId { self.window.into() } } pub struct Window { pub inner: Inner, } impl Drop for Window { fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { assert_main_thread!("`Window::drop` can only be run on the main thread on iOS"); } } } unsafe impl Send for Window {} unsafe impl Sync for Window {} impl Deref for Window { type Target = Inner; fn deref(&self) -> &Inner { unsafe { assert_main_thread!("`Window` methods can only be run on the main thread on iOS"); } &self.inner } } impl DerefMut for Window { fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Inner { unsafe { assert_main_thread!("`Window` methods can only be run on the main thread on iOS"); } &mut self.inner } } impl Window { pub fn new( event_loop: &EventLoopWindowTarget, window_attributes: WindowAttributes, platform_attributes: PlatformSpecificWindowBuilderAttributes, ) -> Result { if let Some(_) = window_attributes.min_inner_size { warn!("`WindowAttributes::min_inner_size` is ignored on iOS"); } if let Some(_) = window_attributes.max_inner_size { warn!("`WindowAttributes::max_inner_size` is ignored on iOS"); } if window_attributes.always_on_top { warn!("`WindowAttributes::always_on_top` is unsupported on iOS"); } // TODO: transparency, visible unsafe { let screen = window_attributes.fullscreen .as_ref() .map(|screen| screen.ui_screen() as _) .unwrap_or_else(|| monitor::main_uiscreen().ui_screen()); let screen_bounds: CGRect = msg_send![screen, bounds]; let frame = match window_attributes.inner_size { Some(dim) => CGRect { origin: screen_bounds.origin, size: CGSize { width: dim.width, height: dim.height }, }, None => screen_bounds, }; let view = view::create_view(&window_attributes, &platform_attributes, frame.clone()); let view_controller = view::create_view_controller(&window_attributes, &platform_attributes, view); let window = view::create_window(&window_attributes, &platform_attributes, frame, view_controller); let supports_safe_area = event_loop.capabilities().supports_safe_area; let result = Window { inner: Inner { window, view_controller, view, supports_safe_area, }, }; AppState::set_key_window(window); Ok(result) } } } // WindowExtIOS impl Inner { pub fn ui_window(&self) -> id { self.window } pub fn ui_view_controller(&self) -> id { self.view_controller } pub fn ui_view(&self) -> id { self.view } pub fn set_hidpi_factor(&self, hidpi_factor: f64) { unsafe { assert!(dpi::validate_hidpi_factor(hidpi_factor), "`WindowExtIOS::set_hidpi_factor` received an invalid hidpi factor"); let hidpi_factor = hidpi_factor as CGFloat; let () = msg_send![self.view, setContentScaleFactor:hidpi_factor]; } } pub fn set_valid_orientations(&self, valid_orientations: ValidOrientations) { unsafe { let idiom = event_loop::get_idiom(); let supported_orientations = UIInterfaceOrientationMask::from_valid_orientations_idiom(valid_orientations, idiom); msg_send![self.view_controller, setSupportedInterfaceOrientations:supported_orientations]; } } } impl Inner { // requires main thread unsafe fn screen_frame(&self) -> CGRect { self.to_screen_space(msg_send![self.window, bounds]) } // requires main thread unsafe fn to_screen_space(&self, rect: CGRect) -> CGRect { let screen: id = msg_send![self.window, screen]; if !screen.is_null() { let screen_space: id = msg_send![screen, coordinateSpace]; msg_send![self.window, convertRect:rect toCoordinateSpace:screen_space] } else { rect } } // requires main thread unsafe fn from_screen_space(&self, rect: CGRect) -> CGRect { let screen: id = msg_send![self.window, screen]; if !screen.is_null() { let screen_space: id = msg_send![screen, coordinateSpace]; msg_send![self.window, convertRect:rect fromCoordinateSpace:screen_space] } else { rect } } // requires main thread unsafe fn safe_area_screen_space(&self) -> CGRect { let bounds: CGRect = msg_send![self.window, bounds]; if self.supports_safe_area { let safe_area: UIEdgeInsets = msg_send![self.window, safeAreaInsets]; let safe_bounds = CGRect { origin: CGPoint { x: bounds.origin.x + safe_area.left, y: bounds.origin.y +, }, size: CGSize { width: bounds.size.width - safe_area.left - safe_area.right, height: bounds.size.height - - safe_area.bottom, }, }; self.to_screen_space(safe_bounds) } else { let screen_frame = self.to_screen_space(bounds); let status_bar_frame: CGRect = { let app: id = msg_send![class!(UIApplication), sharedApplication]; assert!(!app.is_null(), "`Window::get_inner_position` cannot be called before `EventLoop::run` on iOS"); msg_send![app, statusBarFrame] }; let (y, height) = if screen_frame.origin.y > status_bar_frame.size.height { (screen_frame.origin.y, screen_frame.size.height) } else { let y = status_bar_frame.size.height; let height = screen_frame.size.height - (status_bar_frame.size.height - screen_frame.origin.y); (y, height) }; CGRect { origin: CGPoint { x: screen_frame.origin.x, y, }, size: CGSize { width: screen_frame.size.width, height, } } } } } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)] pub struct WindowId { window: id, } impl WindowId { pub unsafe fn dummy() -> Self { WindowId { window: std::ptr::null_mut(), } } } unsafe impl Send for WindowId {} unsafe impl Sync for WindowId {} impl From<&Object> for WindowId { fn from(window: &Object) -> WindowId { WindowId { window: window as *const _ as _ } } } impl From<&mut Object> for WindowId { fn from(window: &mut Object) -> WindowId { WindowId { window: window as _ } } } impl From for WindowId { fn from(window: id) -> WindowId { WindowId { window } } } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct PlatformSpecificWindowBuilderAttributes { pub root_view_class: &'static Class, pub hidpi_factor: Option, pub valid_orientations: ValidOrientations, } impl Default for PlatformSpecificWindowBuilderAttributes { fn default() -> PlatformSpecificWindowBuilderAttributes { PlatformSpecificWindowBuilderAttributes { root_view_class: class!(UIView), hidpi_factor: None, valid_orientations: Default::default(), } } }