use winapi::shared::minwindef::{BOOL, DWORD, LPARAM, TRUE, WORD}; use winapi::shared::windef::{HDC, HMONITOR, HWND, LPRECT, POINT}; use winapi::um::winnt::LONG; use winapi::um::{wingdi, winuser}; use std::collections::{HashSet, VecDeque}; use std::{io, mem, ptr}; use super::{util, EventLoop}; use dpi::{PhysicalPosition, PhysicalSize}; use monitor::VideoMode; use platform_impl::platform::dpi::{dpi_to_scale_factor, get_monitor_dpi}; use platform_impl::platform::window::Window; /// Win32 implementation of the main `MonitorHandle` object. #[derive(Derivative)] #[derivative(Debug, Clone)] pub struct MonitorHandle { /// Monitor handle. hmonitor: HMonitor, #[derivative(Debug = "ignore")] monitor_info: winuser::MONITORINFOEXW, /// The system name of the monitor. monitor_name: String, /// True if this is the primary monitor. primary: bool, /// The position of the monitor in pixels on the desktop. /// /// A window that is positioned at these coordinates will overlap the monitor. position: (i32, i32), /// The current resolution in pixels on the monitor. dimensions: (u32, u32), /// DPI scale factor. hidpi_factor: f64, } // Send is not implemented for HMONITOR, we have to wrap it and implement it manually. // For more info see: // // #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct HMonitor(HMONITOR); unsafe impl Send for HMonitor {} unsafe extern "system" fn monitor_enum_proc( hmonitor: HMONITOR, _hdc: HDC, _place: LPRECT, data: LPARAM, ) -> BOOL { let monitors = data as *mut VecDeque; (*monitors).push_back(MonitorHandle::from_hmonitor(hmonitor)); TRUE // continue enumeration } pub fn available_monitors() -> VecDeque { let mut monitors: VecDeque = VecDeque::new(); unsafe { winuser::EnumDisplayMonitors( ptr::null_mut(), ptr::null_mut(), Some(monitor_enum_proc), &mut monitors as *mut _ as LPARAM, ); } monitors } pub fn primary_monitor() -> MonitorHandle { const ORIGIN: POINT = POINT { x: 0, y: 0 }; let hmonitor = unsafe { winuser::MonitorFromPoint(ORIGIN, winuser::MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY) }; MonitorHandle::from_hmonitor(hmonitor) } pub fn current_monitor(hwnd: HWND) -> MonitorHandle { let hmonitor = unsafe { winuser::MonitorFromWindow(hwnd, winuser::MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST) }; MonitorHandle::from_hmonitor(hmonitor) } impl EventLoop { // TODO: Investigate opportunities for caching pub fn available_monitors(&self) -> VecDeque { available_monitors() } pub fn primary_monitor(&self) -> MonitorHandle { primary_monitor() } } impl Window { pub fn available_monitors(&self) -> VecDeque { available_monitors() } pub fn primary_monitor(&self) -> MonitorHandle { primary_monitor() } } pub(crate) fn get_monitor_info(hmonitor: HMONITOR) -> Result { let mut monitor_info: winuser::MONITORINFOEXW = unsafe { mem::uninitialized() }; monitor_info.cbSize = mem::size_of::() as DWORD; let status = unsafe { winuser::GetMonitorInfoW( hmonitor, &mut monitor_info as *mut winuser::MONITORINFOEXW as *mut winuser::MONITORINFO, ) }; if status == 0 { Err(io::Error::last_os_error()) } else { Ok(monitor_info) } } impl MonitorHandle { pub(crate) fn from_hmonitor(hmonitor: HMONITOR) -> Self { let monitor_info = get_monitor_info(hmonitor).expect("`GetMonitorInfoW` failed"); let place = monitor_info.rcMonitor; let dimensions = ( (place.right - place.left) as u32, (place.bottom - as u32, ); MonitorHandle { hmonitor: HMonitor(hmonitor), monitor_name: util::wchar_ptr_to_string(monitor_info.szDevice.as_ptr()), primary: util::has_flag(monitor_info.dwFlags, winuser::MONITORINFOF_PRIMARY), position: (place.left as i32, as i32), dimensions, hidpi_factor: dpi_to_scale_factor(get_monitor_dpi(hmonitor).unwrap_or(96)), monitor_info, } } pub(crate) fn contains_point(&self, point: &POINT) -> bool { let left = self.position.0 as LONG; let right = left + self.dimensions.0 as LONG; let top = self.position.1 as LONG; let bottom = top + self.dimensions.1 as LONG; point.x >= left && point.x <= right && point.y >= top && point.y <= bottom } #[inline] pub fn name(&self) -> Option { Some(self.monitor_name.clone()) } #[inline] pub fn native_identifier(&self) -> String { self.monitor_name.clone() } #[inline] pub fn hmonitor(&self) -> HMONITOR { self.hmonitor.0 } #[inline] pub fn size(&self) -> PhysicalSize { self.dimensions.into() } #[inline] pub fn position(&self) -> PhysicalPosition { self.position.into() } #[inline] pub fn hidpi_factor(&self) -> f64 { self.hidpi_factor } #[inline] pub fn video_modes(&self) -> impl Iterator { // EnumDisplaySettingsExW can return duplicate values (or some of the // fields are probably changing, but we aren't looking at those fields // anyway), so we're using a HashSet deduplicate let mut modes = HashSet::new(); let mut i = 0; loop { unsafe { let device_name = self.monitor_info.szDevice.as_ptr(); let mut mode: wingdi::DEVMODEW = mem::zeroed(); mode.dmSize = mem::size_of_val(&mode) as WORD; if winuser::EnumDisplaySettingsExW(device_name, i, &mut mode, 0) == 0 { break; } i += 1; const REQUIRED_FIELDS: DWORD = wingdi::DM_BITSPERPEL | wingdi::DM_PELSWIDTH | wingdi::DM_PELSHEIGHT | wingdi::DM_DISPLAYFREQUENCY; assert!(mode.dmFields & REQUIRED_FIELDS == REQUIRED_FIELDS); modes.insert(VideoMode { size: (mode.dmPelsWidth, mode.dmPelsHeight), bit_depth: mode.dmBitsPerPel as u16, refresh_rate: mode.dmDisplayFrequency as u16, }); } } modes.into_iter() } }